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(A Central University, Govt.of lndia)

May/June 2015 End Semester Examinations



Date:16.06.2015 Max.Marks:100
Time:-3 Hrs Pass Marks:50

PART-A (3 x10 = 30 Marks)

\-, (ComPulsorY Questions)

\./ l. a) What is the significance of grouping of cells?

b) A coil of 1500 tums carries a current of l0 A, establishing a flux of 0.5 mWb.

Find the Inductance of the coil.

c) An a.c. circuit consists ofa pure resistance of20Q is connected across 220V (rms)'
50 Hz a.c. supply. Calculate:
(I) The cunent (II) The power consumed (III) The equation for the voltage'

d) Why is damping torque necessary in a sersitive analog indicating instrument? What

would happen in the absence of damping torque?

e) What is a transducer? Give three examples

\z fl As regard electrical cables, what is an insulator? Why plastic is not used as an


on board?


and label it'

is I 97mA'
For an emitter curent of 2mA' collector Cunent
Determine the cunent gain and base current'

is current gain?
j) With respect to a junction transistor' what
PART-B (5 xl4 = ?0 Marks)
(Answcr anY fivc of thc following)
step wise
2 a) How will you Thevenize a given circuit? Write

b) Using Kirchholf s laws find

(ii) Voltage drop across 8 O resistance
(i) The cunent in 6() resistance


a simple magnetic
core in an electrical device? Draw
3. a) What is the purpose of metallic
What is Hopkinson's leakage
l.utug" nu*, *"t,1 flux and fringing.
circuit and show (1+3+2+1)
the leakage flux?
coeffrcient? How can you minimize

has a cross-sectional
turns' its length is 30 cm and it
b) An air cored solenoid has 400 (7)
area of 5 cm2. Calculate its self-inductance
balanced system the algebraic sum
4. a) Prove that in a 3@ Star connected
three phase e.m.f is zero i e', er ez+
er 4
of60 mH is connected in series with a
b) A coil ofresistance 20Q and an inductance
130pF capacitor across a 230 V, 50 llz

Calculate: (i) The Impedance

(ii) The power factor ofthe circuit
(iii) The cunent flowing in it (iv) Voltage across the inductance ofthe coil
(v) The vottage across the capacitor'

a neat sketch explain the construction

working of a moving iron type
5. a) with
for this type of instrument?
ammeter. Can we use eddy current damping
Justi$ Your answer.

b) How will you use a P.M.M C instrument which gives full scale deflection
at 50 mV and 10 mA curent, as Q\
(i)Ammeter 0- l0A range (ii) As voltmeter 0-250 V range'
across the load side of
6. a) A dynamometer R?e wattmeter with its voltage coil connected
voltage be 200 v, what power is being
the instrument, reads 250 watts. Ifthe Load
of 2'0000'
taken by load? The voltage coil branch has a resistance
Also show the connection'

as follows: AB is a non-inductive
b) The arms of an A.C. Maxwell bridge are aranged
of capacitance 0 3 pF' BC is a non-
resistance of 1000 O in parallel with a Capacitor
impedance (unknown) and arm DA is a
inductive resistance of500 O, CD is inductive
is obtained under these conditions' find
non-inductive resistance of800 O If balance
the value ofthe resistance and the inductance
ofthe branch CD 0)

1. (i) What is Photo electric e{Tect?

(ii) Write short note on Thermionic emission and their
(iii) 'When a P-N junction is formed, diffusion cunent causes barrier
Justifu the staiement with the help of labeled

working ofa Zener diode? Draw a circuit diagam

8. a) Enumerate the conditions for proper
' fo, io proper functioning give three applications
ofa Zener diode
for full
b) What is a rectifier? How many
minimum numbers of diode you will require
circuit? Draw onesuchcircuit' label
it and explain
wave rectification ln singte pt'ase
a filter' What is the role of the
filter in the circuit?
its working tn you"i"uit in"tude (6+8)

which thelransistors are operated?

9. What is a transistor? What are the three modes in
How a
*itt' u Circuit how a NPN transistor works
Draw the circuits f*ptuin (l+3{+4)
transistor amplifies current?'imple

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