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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 374

International Conference on Man-Power-Law-Governance: Interdisciplinary Approaches (MPLG-IA 2019)

Intercultural communication and ethno-cultural

experience in universities of Kazakhstan:
"History of pedagogy and education of
Kazakhstan" in modern conditions

Azhar Kazhgaliyeva Kadisha Shalgynbaeva Kamariyash Kalkeeva

Doctoral Candidate Doctor of Education, Professor Doctor of Education, Professor
Eurasian National University named Eurasian National University named Eurasian National University named
after L.N. Gumilyov after L.N. Gumilyov after L.N. Gumilyov
Astana, Kazakhstan Astana, Kazakhstan Astana, Kazakhstan

Rosa Aytmagambetova Eldos Nurlanov Zauregul Nessipbayeva

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Director Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
Associate Professor GKKP "Humanitarian College" of Senior Teacher
Eurasian National University named the Office of Education of Astana Kazakh National University named
after L.N.Gumilyov Astana, Kazakhstan after Al-Farabi
Astana, Kazakhstan Almaty, Kazakhstan

Sergey Golubtsov
Ph.D. in Philology, Associate
Professor of the Department of
Foreign Languages No. 2
Kuban State Technological
Krasnodar, Russia

Abstract–At the present stage of development of experience of interactions of social associations with
Kazakhstan, a rethinking of the initial theoretical and various conditions of existence.
methodological guidelines in the study of the national The language in the process of communication
history of pedagogy and education takes place, new performs not only the function of coding the transmitted
concepts of interpretation of various periods of their information, but also plays a special role in the process of
development appear. There is a reassessment of the obtaining new knowledge about the world, processing this
constituent elements and the transformation of the knowledge, its storage and transmission, which makes the
structure of the system of historical and pedagogical language an important tool not only for knowing another
knowledge, indicating changes in the paradigm character. culture, but also for its interpretation and adaptation.
Socialization of knowledge, experience and values of a
person become a factor in the formation of cultural needs, Keywords–ethnology, pedagogy, history of Kazakhstan,
which requires a new approach to the formation of Kazakh traditions, linguistics, social mechanisms,
cultural needs. In the problem field of modern sociology rethinking the history of traditions
are the tasks of researching the adaptive capabilities of
social systems in changing conditions, problems of I.INTRODUCTION
improving management efficiency, and identifying trends
in further social development. Modern sociology has In a communicative situation, the role of language
achieved great success in the study of various social depends on the work of universal cognitive
phenomena and processes. However, the existing mechanisms, culture-specific knowledge, ways of
sociological paradigms do not allow a sufficiently organizing information and manifests itself in three
complete study of social phenomena arising in the modern possible options:
dynamically changing world, since the mechanisms of
1) For one of the interlocutors, the language of
interaction between changes in environmental conditions
and response adaptive mechanisms of social systems are
communication can be native, and for another (others) -
not sufficiently studied. foreign.
To study these problems, it is necessary to develop 2) Interlocutors choose an intermediary language,
new theoretical and methodological approaches aimed at but for all participants of communication it is foreign
identifying the fundamental mechanisms of systemic (for example, English).
social interactions, as well as studying the historical

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 374

3) The interlocutors communicate through an of the whole variety of functions of historical and
interpreter, whose task is to ensure effective pedagogical knowledge. The content of the discipline
communication. unfolds in a rather narrow event-chronological
sequence, often not ensuring synchronism in the
Common to all variants of the situation is the action presentation of the pedagogical past of our state and
of linguistic mechanisms, since each of the other countries. Historical and pedagogical knowledge,
participants, including the translator, relies primarily as a rule, is set out fragmentarily, by personalities;
on his culture-specific linguistic picture of the world therefore, it is practically limited to studying the
[1]. heritage of three prominent enlighteners of the Kazakh
Today, the spiritual origins of traditional people - Shokan Ualihanov, Ybrai Altynsarin and Abay
pedagogical culture come to the fore according to a Kunanbayev. Their views and educational activities are
new research paradigm in the study of historical presented unilaterally, mainly in the context of
processes and phenomena [2], as we observe the adherence to the idea of bringing the Kazakh people
overcoming of Eurocentrism and the party class closer to Russia.
approach in the Central Asian part of the post-Soviet II.MATERIALS AND METHODS
When organizing the learning by future teachers of
Experts in the field of history of pedagogy and educational material, the main emphasis is placed on
education abandon the trend of “pulling up” the history the need to memorize historical and pedagogical facts,
of pedagogy and education of Kazakhstan to the events, ie due attention is not paid to understanding the
history of Russia and Western European countries, essence of the studied phenomena and processes. This
which in practice led to the leveling of their own
makes it difficult to use the potential of historical and
distinctive history of educational development, which pedagogical knowledge for future teachers to
is rich enough and unique to not have to resort to understand the state of pedagogical reality.
humiliating "additions" to the history of education in
other countries. The history of pedagogy as the history of scientific
research on the problems of education covers the
In our opinion, we are dealing with the development of educational and pedagogical ideas,
consequences of ethnic trauma, which is based on the pedagogical views, and the historical and pedagogical
attitude of the Russian tsarist government, then of the heritage of prominent educational figures. But along
Soviet government in relation to the local population with this, there has always been a real history of
[3]. specific educational systems, organizations,
The state educational policy of sovereign educational institutions. However, an isolated
Kazakhstan actualizes the need to use a time-tested consideration of the concepts “history of education”
arsenal of pedagogical tools and methods to ensure the and “history of pedagogy” continues to this day, as
priority development of the education system of evidenced by the disciplinary design of mainly
modern Kazakhstan [4]. historical and pedagogical knowledge [5].
In Kazakhstan, real prerequisites have arisen for the The interest in studying the history of pedagogy and
creation of an integral scientific discipline “The history education is dictated by the need to form a holistic
of pedagogy and education in Kazakhstan” and its view of teachers about the formation and development
transformation into a corresponding academic of a social institution of education in Kazakhstan, the
discipline. To date, a significant pool of scientific specifics of the formulation and solution of actual
knowledge on the history of pedagogy and education in problems of education and training in the context of the
Kazakhstan has been accumulated. interaction of educational theory and practice.
Knowledge of the history of national pedagogy and Theoretical and methodological basis of the study:
education is considered as a significant component of the ideas of the polyparadigal, systemic, synergistic,
the teacher’s professional competence, which allows axiological, culturological, civilizational approaches to
educating students on examples from the history of the analysis of pedagogical phenomena and processes,
national pedagogy and education. According to the involving a holistic consideration of the object,
current standard of higher pedagogical education, identifying its internal and external relationships;
historical and pedagogical knowledge is mainly activity-personal approach, revealing the principle of
concentrated in the academic discipline of the formation of the content of education; theory of
bachelor’s program “History of Pedagogy”. knowledge; general provisions of pedagogy and history
of pedagogy; theory of the whole pedagogical process;
However, the assimilation of historical and ideas of integration, which allowed to systematize and
pedagogical knowledge by future teachers-teachers is construct scientific historical and pedagogical
characterized by a number of shortcomings. The knowledge and transform it into educational
traditional way of organizing the learning of historical knowledge.
and pedagogical knowledge involves the study of the
history of pedagogy and education as a propaedeutic, The following research methods were used in the
introductory material before the content of the main work: theoretical research methods: the study and
pedagogical disciplines. This circumstance analysis of philosophical, historical, pedagogical,
significantly complicates the practical implementation pedagogical literature devoted to the problem under

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 374

study; generalization, analysis of regulatory, process of a complex and lengthy historical passage of
educational software documentation and the ethnogenesis and cultural genesis of the Kazakh
methodological manuals; modeling; diagnostic people [7, 8].
methods, included monitoring the activities of students,
teachers of the university; surveys, conversations with There are two levels in the local area of knowledge:
students, teachers; testing; statistical analysis of the level of empirical knowledge and the level of
activity results. theoretical knowledge.

At the present stage, today a vast pool of scientific The theoretical level of knowledge is divided into
knowledge on the history of national pedagogy and two essential parts: the fundamental theory and theories
education has been accumulated, which is not that describe a specific area of objective reality.
sufficiently used in the content of professional training Knowledge is an invariant of some variety.
of future teachers. Currently, there is a need to develop Objectification of knowledge as an ideal product is
the fullest possible version of the discipline "History of possible only through the ordering of the subject
Pedagogy and Education of Kazakhstan." varieties that are the carriers of this knowledge. To
The above factors determine the need for a transfer knowledge, it is necessary to present it as a
theoretical and methodological understanding and way of streamlining a certain subject diversity and to
systematization of the history of pedagogy and organize active cognitive activity of trainees in
education in Kazakhstan, conducting a fundamental operating with this diversity. On the basis of the
historical and pedagogical research, in the context of practice of training, academic disciplines were created,
which private knowledge of the history of education and on the basis of various forms of systematization
and structuring of knowledge, projects for the
and pedagogical science will find its place in the
overall system. organization of educational and cognitive activity were
developed and implemented. It is from this position
III.RESULTS that the presentation forms of knowledge should be
considered as specially adapted to the conditions of the
Studying the degree of elaboration of the scientific practice.
foundations of the history of pedagogy and education
in Kazakhstan allowed to establish contradictions: TABLE I. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CONCEPT OF
between the insufficient generalization of knowledge "KNOWLEDGE"
constituting the theoretical core of the school history
The expression of a certain epistimical
and pedagogical thought of Kazakhstan, as well as the setting of the subject: the ratio of the
history of education in general, and the need to Measure of truth
objective world to the world of the
systematize and integrate knowledge of the history of subjective
pedagogy and education of Kazakhstan; between the Reflexivity
Knowledge of knowledge (knowledge that
availability of a scientific foundation of historical and you know it)
pedagogical research and a weak representation of the Subjective-objective translation of
issues of the history of pedagogy and education in Antisymmetry Knowledge is one-sided
Kazakhstan in the content of professional training of Demonstrating the connection of knowledge
future teachers; between the value potential of Validity
with other knowledge
historical and pedagogical knowledge in the Communicative
development of the pedagogical culture of future perspective of Persuasiveness and security of knowledge
teachers and the insufficient educational and knowledge
methodological support of the history of national Verifiability and Availability of knowledge for
pedagogy and education in a pedagogical university falsifiability intersubjective verification
Scientific knowledge has its own specific
Pedagogical, historical and pedagogical research characteristics distinguishing from the concept of
and scientific literature on the history of Kazakhstan "knowledge":
allowed us to justify the following point of view. The
formation and development of pedagogical culture and • scientific knowledge is a system of knowledge
pedagogical ideas and, accordingly, knowledge about the laws, properties, relations of objects, socio-
proceeded through the integration of the advanced cultural activities;
ideas of different peoples. The history of education and
• scientific knowledge - scientific ordering,
pedagogy did not develop in isolation, but was a
systematization, justification and ways of obtaining
worthy successor to all progressive pedagogical ideas.
knowledge, the expression of the stage of development
Historically, economically and politically, of science, which, constantly functioning, produces
Kazakhstan’s early ties with the countries of Central new knowledge;
Asia, Russia and other countries have created certain
• scientific knowledge has a special language - the
prerequisites for development in terms of teaching.
language of science. It is distinguished by high
The backbone of the Kazakh family was moral, accuracy, certainty, uniqueness;
labor and aesthetic education. Moral education
included moral and ethical norms, ideals, feelings and
beliefs, behavioral skills that were formed in the

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 374

• The laws of scientific knowledge are verified, significance for modern pedagogical science. They laid
verified and evaluated on the basis of empirical the original pedagogical thoughts of training, education
research. and education of the Kazakh people.
By definition, A.D. Kaydarova history of pedagogy Arabic-speaking, Turkic-speaking cultures had a
as a branch of pedagogical science that studies the state fruitful impact on the development of pedagogical
of education at different stages of the development of thoughts in Kazakhstan. The statement that pre-
human society draws historical and pedagogical revolutionary Kazakhstan was a solid edge or,
knowledge from official materials related to the field of according to the latest data, eight percent literacy, does
education: textbooks, programs, and teaching aids used not correspond to reality. Mekteba and madrasahs were
in schools; the works of teachers, pedagogical and non- not only hotbeds of public education, but also
pedagogical press; archival materials, memoirs and successfully introduced the younger generation to the
fiction. A historical analysis is made of the educational national history and culture, the moral and ethical
situation or the history of education. The history of values of the Islamic religion [12].
education is at the crossroads of historical, cultural,
historical, scientific, historical and pedagogical issues The spread of Russian-Kazakh schools in the
[9]. Turgai region is associated with the name of the great
educator I. Altynsarin. On the territory of Kazakhstan,
The term “history of pedagogy” has many new-fashioned (“E Usul Jadid”) Muslim schools began
meanings. Officially, the history of pedagogy was to emerge. Along with religious subjects, native and
defined by scientists as the “holistic theory of human Russian languages, arithmetic, history, geography and
education.” (TSB, 1968) At the present stage of some others were introduced into the curriculum.
development of pedagogical science, this point of view These disciplines were studied on the basis of the
is refuted and the following definition is given: "The sound method, which came to replace the syllabic
history of pedagogy is a branch of pedagogical science method used in mektebah and madrasa [13].
that studies the state and development of the theory and
practice of education and training of the younger The content of education in the new method
generation at different levels of human society." [10]. mektebah and madrasah was much wider in connection
with the introduction of secular disciplines. The
The development of the content of the academic Russian language was taught by the School District as
discipline of the history of pedagogy of education in a compulsory subject, because without teaching it on
Kazakhstan in accordance with the principle of the provision “On measures with the education of
polyparadigmity will allow studying pedagogical ideas foreigners inhabiting Russia”, it was impossible to get
in different scales, in different directions from the permission to open a Muslim school [14].
standpoint of private paradigms. Thus, polypardigmism
is distinguished by internal diversity and represents a The spread of new method Mekteb and madrasah is
certain combination of more particular paradigms. associated with the name of the prominent Kazakh
linguist A. Baitursynov, who developed the “tote
IV.DISCUSSION zhazu” Kazakh alphabet based on Arabic script. The
appearance of the alphabet was followed by the
The study of the history of culture of the Kazakh development and publication of the first primers,
people testifies to its high aesthetic education. textbooks: “Kazak іlіp-pesi” (3. Ergaliuly) - Kazan,
Aesthetic feelings of the Kazakh people were 1910; ; “Kazakh balalaryna zhurdem” (K. Sergalin) -
manifested in appearance, clothing, art, architecture, Kazan, 1913, etc.
language and literature, music, songs, dances, etc.
The textbooks of the author of the first textbooks
Thus, it can be stated with confidence that the for Kazakh schools I. Altynsarin played a certain role
educational traditions established by the people had a in the formation and development of the school system
decisive influence on the development of pedagogy and in particular and the education system in Kazakhstan as
education in Kazakhstan. Public education is always a whole. His textbooks “The Kirghiz Chrestomathy”,
national, includes a set of empirical knowledge “The Primary Guide to Teaching the Kyrgyz Language
accumulated and proven by life, information, methods, to the Russian Language”, were published in 1879 in
means, skills, skills of educational activities of Orenburg. Their content is permeated with democratic
previous generations. In the work Khrapchenkova and humanistic ideas. They determine the cultural and
G.M. says: “The experience and practice of national cultural nature and the nationality of training and
education are determined by: the geobiosphere
education. They are the first textbooks written in the
(habitat), a type of civilization (nomadic cattle new Kazakh alphabet based on Russian graphics [15,
breeding, agricultural and craft, etc.), socio-economic 16]. They occupy a special place in the history of
conditions of life, features of production and labor culture, as monuments of written literature, as well as
activities and ways of managing, historical and cultural the first textbooks built on the scientific principle.
heritage and traditions, religious, moral, civil
conditions and norms of society ” [11]. E.N. Knyazeva et al researchers describing the
learning process, Urklina often uses the following
Sources of pedagogical thoughts of pre- expressions: “transfer knowledge”, “arm with
revolutionary Kazakhstan allow historians of pedagogy knowledge”, “communicate knowledge”, “accept
and education to trace the concept and tendency of knowledge”, etc. [17].
development of pedagogical thoughts, to reveal their

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 374

Both Russian-Kazakh and Kazakh-Russian and enable the application of acquired knowledge in
dictionaries were published as textbooks, compiled by practical educational activities.
the teachers of the Russian-Kazakh schools
Baktygreeyev, Balgimbayev, Biusanov, Jumaliev, In the history of science, continuity leads science to
Sarybaratov. Dictionaries were printed in Kazan and a single line of its progressive development and
Orenburg, the words were given in alphabetical order, irreversibility. It ensures the functioning of historical
along with synonyms and translations. They served as a and pedagogical knowledge as a special type of “social
good help not only for students, but also for the general memory” of humanity. Theoretically crystallizes the
public in studying Kazakh and Russian languages. experience of knowing past reality and mastering its
laws. The history of pedagogy and education shows the
The increase in the pace of development of evolution of historical pedagogical knowledge, its
pedagogy in the 18th century contributed to the transformation from "ignorance" to "knowledge", from
emergence of the need for careful reflection and its imperfect forms to more perfect ones. And on this
designation of precise concepts of the “pedagogical basis, historical and pedagogical knowledge serves as
product” produced, which was the reason for the the foundation for building new paradigms, modern
formation of the history of pedagogy as an independent principles, rules, theories. It is included as a necessary
science. In the period from the XVIII to the XX component in subsequent discoveries. Therefore, it
century, many new directions, theories, ideas began to reduces the history of pedagogy and education as a
appear. Emerging innovations stimulated the general acquaintance with the names of eminent
emergence of special historical and pedagogical scientists and their theories; outside the general
concepts that had specific scientific content. For cumulative process, it does not seem valuable. But
example: “preschool education” (Fröbel), “elementary unfortunately, we have to observe this in the practice of
education” (Pestalozzi), “culture-sharing”, “universal studying the history of pedagogy of education in
education” (Disterweg), “public education” Kazakhstan as part of the general history of pedagogy.
(Ushinsky), “Waldorf school” (Steiner), “theory of free
education "(L.Tolstoy)," pedagogy of cooperation REFERENCES
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