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Q.1. What is the maximum number of electrons that can be accommodate in a p-shell?
Ans. P-shell can accommodate maximum of 6 electrons.
Q.2. How many subshells are there in secondshell?
Ans. There are two subshells in second shell as n for 2nd shell is 2.
Q.3. Why does an electronfirst fill 2p subshell and then 3s sushell?
Ans. 2p subshell has lower energy as compassed to 3s subshell , so 2p subshell is filled 1st and
then 3s subshell is flilled.
Q.4. If both k and l shells of an atom are completely filled , what is te total nuber of
electron in them?
Ans. K shell can accommodate 2 electrons ,while L shell can accommodate 8 electrons .if both
“K” and “L” shell are completely filled .Total number of electron in them will be 2+8=10
Q.5. How many electrons can accommodated in M shell? Shell n for M is 3i according to
Ans. M shell can accommodated 2(3)2 =2*9=18 electrons.
Q.6. What is the electronic configuration of a hydrogen atom?
Q.7. What is atomic number of phasphoras ?write down its electronic configuration .
Ans. Atomic number of phasphoras is 15.its electronic configuration is given below.
P15=1S2, 2S2, 2P6, 3S2, 3P3
Q.8. If an element has atomic number 13 and atomic mass 27; how many electrons are
there in each atoms of the element?
Ans. As atomic number is defined as the number of protons in an atom. In the neutral atom,
number of protons is equal to num of electrons. So 13 electrons are present in an atom having
atomic num 13.
Q.9. How many electrons will be in M shell of an atom having atomic number 15?
Ans. “M” shell is filled after complete filling of “K” , “L” shell . K can accommodate 2 electrons
while “L” needs 6 electrons to be filled completely so, 10 electrons are present in “K” and “L”
shell collectively .Remaining 5 electrons will go to M shell.
Q.10. What is the maximum capacity of a shell?
Ans . “K” shell can upto 2 electrons , L shell can hold up to 8 electrons, “M” shell can hold up to
18 electrons and “N” shell can hold up to 32 electrons, Maximum capacity of a shell can be
found by 2n2 where n is shell number .

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