Interview With Stan Stegall

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lnLervlew wlLh SLan SLegall

november 8 2011
CuesLlons ln 8CLu answers ln l1ALlC
now |ong has Stega||'s Arena been a funct|on|ng rodeo?
5loce my qtooJfotbet owoeJ tbls toocb tbe octool toJeo pott of tbe toocb beqoo lo 19J5
Jhat began the actua| |dea of a rodeo here at th|s arena?
A vety lotetestloq beqlooloq bete ot 5teqolls My qtooJfotbet tolJ me tbls stoty ot leost ooce evety week
ootll tbe Joy be JleJ nlm ooJ bls poket boJJles woolJ speoJ tbelt 5ototJoy olqbts oot lo tbe boto
ployloq ootll sometlmes 5 om ooJ losloq oll of tbelt llpoot mooey fot tbe week Iokloqly ooe of my
qtooJfotbets ftleoJs btooqbt op tbe lJeo of o toJeo be spoke of bow beJ tbtow lo o sbotes mooey to
stott ooJ tbe otbets oqteeJ to belp too Most of tbem tblokloq tbls wos o joke ooJ woolJ oevet
boppeoeJ oevet expecteJ my qtooJfotbet to octoolly stott op o toJeo 5teqolls Ateoo wos cteoteJ oo o
slmple joke ovet o polt of 10s my qtooJfotbet woolJ soy
now come rodeo means so much to th|s commun|ty?
Iost llke footboll ls o cotoetstooe lo otbet commooltles we bove oot owo footboll ployets oot klJs look op
to ooJ tbeyte cowboys oot jost tbe uollos ooes bot oll of em koJeo ls o ttoJltloo bete ot 5teqolls lt
btloqs o seose of ptlJe to tbls commoolty to koow tbot tbls oteoo ls ooe of tbe looqest sotvlvloq ttoe
toJeo oteoos lo cobottos coooty
now |s secur|ty kept w|th|n a sma|| but popu|ar ranch ||ke th|s?
l llve oo tbe toocb lm wokeo op by tbe sllqbtest oolse tbot ls oot of ploce of cootse tbe botses ooJ otbet
oolmols moke oolses lo tbe olqbt bot lm oseJ to tbem wbeo o oolse soooJs tbot l Joot tecoqolze lm
owoke lo o beottbeot ooJ teocbloq fot my sbotqoo lve oevet boJ to ose lt bot lt sote os bell woolJ
scote me owoy lf l wete stotloq Jowo tbe bottel
Descr|be some of the work requ|red to be a ranchowner of a rodeo ||ke th|s
lts bockbteokloq wotk most motoloqs tbe tlsloq soo ls my olotm clock Iost llke bteokfost ls oo
lmpottoot pott of oot Joy lts oo eveo mote lmpottoot pott to tbe oolmols ooJ lts my job olooq wltb o
few of tbe fotmbooJs tbot wotk bete too to moke sote tbeyte tokeo cote of 5tolls olwoys oeeJ to be
cleooeJ oot tblok oboot lt eotloq mokes woste woste mokes o Jltty stoll lts o coostoot bock ooJ fottb
8oloocloq keeploq op tbe toocb ooJ speoJloq tlme oo tbe pbooe wltb tbe l8k to set op oot oext eveot l
botJly bove ooy ftee tlme to Jo otbet tbloqs
now |s the sa|ary of a ranchowner has the economy affected th|s |ndustry?
leople of tbls commoolty love tbelt bolltlJloq weve olwoys boJ o foll oteoo oo 5ooJoy olqbts l Joot
tblok tbe ecooomy ls qoloq to keep people owoy ftom tbese sbows Meol fot tbe oolmols bos qooe op
some ooJ tbot bos offecteJ os bot so bove oot tlckets so tbot wos oo eosy flx
now much free t|me do you have as a ranchowner?
Not vety mocb wbot l llke to Jo ls wbot l Jo tokloq cote of tbe toocb l tblok lf l boJ mote ftee tlme lJ
jost speoJ lt oo tbe toocb ooywoys
now much do you spend on food for the an|ma|s per year?
Not coootloq my Joqs we speoJ close to 525000 o yeot oo fooJ olooe fot tbese oolmols
Cuts|de of the events are the bu||s fe|sty ad combat|ve wh||e |n the|r pens?
Not teolly bolls octoolly ote colm jost llke ooy otbet wllJ oolmol yoo pot loto o coqe lts jost tbe foct tbot
bolls bove socb sttooq moscles ooJ ote copoble of bockloq ooJ beloq tbot sttooq ooJ combotlve flqote
yoo tblok tbey ote ls wbot mokes yoo belleve tbeyte meoo Aoy oolmol wltb oo extto 180 poooJs oo
tbelt bock wblle coqeJ op lo o tloy stottloq peo ls qoloq to be plsseJ off ooJ wootloq to flqbt

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