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Plant Molecular Biology 25: 217-227, 1994.

© 1994 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in Belgium. 217

Differential accumulation of S-adenosylmethionine synthetase

transcripts in response to salt stress

Joaquin Espartero, Jos6 A. Pintor-Toro and Jos6 M. Pardo*

Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiologia, C.S.I.C. Apdo. 1052, Sevilla-41080, Spain (* author for

Received 3 December 1993; accepted in revised form 9 February 1994

Key words: AdoMet, Lycopersicon esculentum, salt stress, S A M genes, sequence


NaCI stress causes the accumulation of several mRNAs in tomato seedlings. An upregulated c D N A
clone, SAM 1, was found to encode a S-adenosyl-L-methionine synthetase enzyme (AdoMet synthetase).
Expression of the c D N A SAM 1 in a yeast mutant lacking functional S A M genes resulted in high AdoMet
synthetase activity and AdoMet accumulation. We show that tomato plants contain at least four S A M
isogenes. Clones corresponding to isogenes SAM2 and SAM3 have also been isolated and sequenced.
they encode predicted polypeptides 95 ~o and 92 ~o identical, respectively, to the SAMl-encoded AdoMet
Synthetase. RNA hybridization analysis showed a differential response of S A M genes to salt and other
stress treatments. SAM1 and SAM3 mRNAs accumulated in the root in response to NaC1, mannitol
or ABA treatments. SAM1 m R N A accumulated also in leaf tissue. These increases of m R N A level were
apparent as soon as 8 h after the initiation of the salt treatment and were maintained for at least 3 days.
A possible role for AdoMet synthetases in the adaptation to salt stress is discussed.

Introduction donor in the biosynthesis of the polyamines sper-

midine and spermine [46]. In addition to these
S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet) is an impor- functions, AdoMet participates in metabolic
tant metabolite participating in many cellular pro- pathways specific to plant cells: it is a precursor
cesses. AdoMet is the major methyl group donor in ethylene biosynthesis [50] and it is required for
in transmethylation of proteins, nucleic acids, the biosynthesis of the phenylpropanoid constitu-
polysaccharides and fatty acids [42]. It is also an ents of the cell wall [16]. AdoMet is synthesized
important effector in the regulation of the biosyn- from methionine and ATP by the enzyme AdoMet
thesis of threonine and methionine [ 12]. Decar- synthetase (ATP:L-methionine S-adenosyltrans-
boxylated AdoMet is the propylamino group ferase, EC AdoMet synthetase is an

The nucleotide sequence data reported will appear in the GenBank; EMBL and DDBJ Nucleotide Sequence Databases under
the accession numbers Z24741 (SAM1), Z24742 (SAM2) and Z24743 (SAM3).

ubiquitous enzyme, well conserved between bac- Materials and methods

teria, yeast, plants and mammals [45]. Genes en-
coding plant AdoMet synthetases have been iso- Plant material and stress treatments
lated from Arabidopsis thaliana and carnation [25,
33, 34]. A. thaliana contains two S A M genes that Tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum cv.
have similar expression patterns. A chimeric Rutgers) were germinated and grown as previ-
/%glucuronidase gene fused to the A. thaliana ously described [ 13]. Stress treatments were given
SAM1 gene promoter showed, both in A. thaliana to 7-8-day old seedlings by moistening the filter
and tobacco transgenic plants, a preferential ex- paper with NaC1 (5 g/l) and ABA (10 #M) solu-
pression in all vascular tissues, stem scleren- tion. Hydroponically grown, 5-6 true-leaved
chyma and root cortex [33, 34]. This expression plants were stressed by adding NaC1 (10g/l),
pattern led to the proposal that high levels of mannitol (0.3 M) or ABA (50 ~M) directly to the
AdoMet synthetase are required in lignifying tis- hydroponic solution; ABA treatments were com-
sues. Accordingly, S A M m R N A and caffeic acid pleted by spraying 100/~M ABA onto the aerial
3-O-methyltransferase (COMT) transcripts, a key parts of the plants because a gradient in the re-
enzyme in lignin biosynthesis, exhibited similar sponse to ABA was observed from roots to leaves
expression patterns at various stages of develop- when the hormone was added to the hydroponic
ment in alfalfa [14]. solution [13]. Plants were wounded by clipping
The process of adaptation to salt stress is ac- several leaves with dialysis tubing clamps for 24 h.
companied by many physiological adjustments RNA was extracted from 2-3 pooled plants [ 15 ].
that can be monitored as changes in the levels of When required, poly(A) + was purified using two
numerous proteins and mRNAs [ 18, 40]. An in- rounds of chromatography in oligo(dT)-ceUulose
creasing number of genes whose expression is columns. Total D N A was obtained from leaves
up-regulated by salt stress have been isolated. according to Taylor and Powell [43].
Some of these genes correspond to proteins that
are apparently required because of their presump-
tive protective functions. Examples are the LEA- Differential screening, nucleic acid hybridizations
or RAB-type proteins [ 13, 29] and the thaumatin- and sequencing
like protein osmotin [24]. Other genes code for
enzymes that participate in metabolic processes About 10 000 phage o f a c D N A library made from
specifically invoked by salt stress, such as the tomato seedlings treated with 5 g/1 NaC1 and
biosynthesis of the osmoprotective compounds 10/~M ABA [13] were screened by differential
pinitol and proline [21, 47]. On the other hand, hybridization. [32p]-labelled first-strand cDNAs
genes encoding proteins which have central roles synthesized from 0.5/~g poly(A) + RNA, obtained
in cellular metabolism under non-stressful envi- from seedlings treated with 5 g/1 NaCI and 10 ktM
ronmental conditions, change their expression ABA and from control, untreated seedlings, were
upon salt stress. This is the case for phospho- used as probes [38]. Clones up-regulated by NaC1
enolpyruvate carboxylase [9], the 70 kDa subunit and ABA treatment were selected and purified by
of tonoplast (H+)ATPase [30] and a putative two more rounds of plating and screening.
(CaZ+)ATPase [35, 48]. We report here the mo- Denatured total RNA was separated in agar-
lecular characterization of a gene family encoding ose-formaldehyde gels. Nucleic acids were trans-
AdoMet synthetase, an essential enzyme in cel- ferred to Hybond-N membranes (Amersham)
lular metabolism. The transcripts corresponding and cross-linked with UV light. [32p]-labelled
to this gene family accumulate differentially in D N A probes were synthesized with a random
response to salt and other stress treatments. primer labelling kit (Boehringer Mannheim
GmbH). Low-stringency hybridizations were
done at 35 °C in 40~o formamide, 5 x SSC, 2 x

Denhart's solution, 0.1~o SDS, 50 mM Tris/HC1 a saml sam2 double mutant, was transformed
pH 7.4. Final washes were at 45 ° C in 0.2 x S SC, with pYTSAM1 by the procedure of Ito etal.
0.1 ~o SDS. For high stringency, filters were hy- [22]. For biochemical determinations, exponen-
bridized at 42 °C in 50~o formamide and washed tially growing yeast cells were harvested and
at 65 °C in 0.1 x SSC, 0.1~o SDS. Hybridiza- broken with glass beads in 75 m M Tris/HC1
tion signals from northern blots were quantified pH 8.0, 1 0 m M MgCI2, 100mM KC1, 5 mM
by densitometric scanning of autoradiograms. 2-mercaptoethanol, 0 . 1 m M PMSF. AdoMet
Relative signal intensities were normalized by re- synthetase activity was measured in extraction
probing the blots with the G Eco RI fragment buffer without PMSF, in the presence of 2 mM
from the radish 18S r R N A gene [ 10]. To use the L-methionine (supplemented with [35S]-L-me-
D N A and RNA blots in successive hybridiza- thionine) and 20 mM Mg-ATP [6]. Protein con-
tions, probes were stripped out as recommended centration was measured by the method of Brad-
by manufacturer. ford [3]. For determination of AdoMet cellular
For the isolation of cognate S A M genes and pools, cells of CC435 (pYTSAM 1) and a control
cDNAs, the tomato seedlings c D N A library (see strain ($288C) were grown in YPD medium to
above) and a tomato genomic library constructed absorbance 1.0 at 600 nm, washed with distilled
in 2EMBL3 (kindly provided by Olga del Pozo) water by repeated centrifugations, and boiled for
were screened at low stringency with the [32p]_ 15 min. The AdoMet content of the soluble frac-
labelled SAM 1 c D N A insert. Positive clones were tions were measured by HPLC as described [27].
isolated and characterized by cross-hybridization Yeast manipulations and growth media followed
at high stringency and by restriction mapping. standard procedures [37].
D N A sequencing was performed after subclon-
ing internal restriction fragments into pBluescript
plasmids (Stratagene), and by generation of uni-
directional deletions with exonuclease III (Nested Isolation of a AdoMet synthetase cDNA
Deletion Kit from Pharmacia). Sequences were
obtained from both strands using single- or A c D N A library made from NaCl- and ABA-
double-stranded templates with a T7 D N A poly- treated tomato seedlings m R N A was screened by
merase sequencing kit from Promega. Sequence differential hybridization, c D N A probes were de-
analysis and comparisons were performed with a rived from poly(A) + RNA obtained from seed-
VAX computer using the U W G C G software lings treated with 5 g/1NaC1 and 10 #M ABA and
package [ 11 ]. from non-treated seedlings. One clone giving a
strong hybridization signal that was further in-
creased by salt and ABA treatment was selected
AdoMet synthetase expression in yeast, biochemical for detailed analysis. The complete nucleotide se-
activity and AdoMet pool determinations quence of the c D N A insert was obtained from
both strands and compared to the GenBank/
A 1440 bp Eco RI-Eco RV fragment containing EMBL data bank. The putative protein encoded
the entire coding region of c D N A SAM1 was by the c D N A showed extensive sequence simi-
cloned into the unique Xho I site of the yeast ex- larity to AdoMet synthetases from bacteria [26],
pression vector IB61 by blunt-end ligation. The yeast [44], mammals [19, 20] and plants [25, 34].
resulting plasmid was named pYTSAM1. Plas- Therefore, the c D N A isolated was named SAM 1.
mid IB61 contains the promoter and transcrip-
tional termination signal for the PMA1 (plasma Expression of SAM1 cDNA in yeast
membrane ATPase) gene of Saccharomyces cer-
evisiae [39] cloned into the vector YEp351 [ 17]. To confirm that the c D N A SAM1 actually en-
The AdoMet auxotroph yeast strain CC435 [44], coded a functional AdoMet synthetase homo-

logue, a 1440 bp Eco RI-Eco RV fragment com- protein, respectively). Furthermore, the cellular
prising the entire coding region was subcloned pool of AdoMet was 12-fold higher in
into plasmid IB61. This construct (pYTSAM1) CC435(pYTSAM1) than in S'288C (2.4 versus
resulted in the expression of SAM 1 from the con- 0.2 nmol per ml of culture). Together, these re-
stitutive yeast plasma membrane (H +)ATPase sults confirmed that the tomato AdoMet syn-
PMA1 gene promoter. The yeast strain CC435, a thetase encoded by the c D N A SAM 1 was func-
saml sam2 double mutant which requires tionally active in yeast cells.
AdoMet for growth, was transformed with plas-
mid pYTSAM1. CC435(pYTSAM1) transfor- Southern analysis of the SAM gene family
mants were unable to form normal colonies in
selective synthetic medium plates (YNB), but they To estimate the number of genes encoding SAM
developed healthy colonies when spread on rich proteins, total D N A of tomato plants was di-
medium or synthetic medium supplemented with gested with various restriction endonucleases and
methionine 20/~g/ml. These results indicated that subjected to Southern blot analysis. Blotted re-
a complementation of the AdoMet auxotrophy of striction fragments were hybridized to [32p]_
CC435 cells had occurred but the expression of labelled SAM 1 c D N A under low-stringency con-
c D N A SAM1 induced a new auxotrophy for me- ditions. Besides the restriction fragments that
thionine. Measurements of AdoMet synthetase gave strong signals in the autoradiogram, a set of
activities in cell-flee protein extracts demon- bands hybridizing weakly indicated that there
strated a 19-fold higher specific activity in were D N A sequences homologous, but distinct,
CC435(pYTSAM1) than in the wild-type to SAM1. Hence, we used the SAM1 probe and
yeast strain $288C (specific activities were the same relaxed hybridization conditions to iso-
4.7 and 0.25 nmol AdoMet per minute per mg late more cognate SAM cDNAs from the seed-

Fig. l. D N A blot analysis of the S A M gene family. Ten/~g of total D N A from tomato, digested with Eco RI (E), Eco RV (V), Nco I
(N) or Stu I (S), and 18 pg of S A M 1 c D N A (C) were electrophoresed, blotted and hybridized successively to probes derived from
S A M 1 (panels A and B), S A M 2 (panel C) and S A M 3 (panel D), under low (panel A) or high stringency (panels B, C and D) (see
Materials and methods). Arrowheads in panel A indicate hybridizing restriction fragments that were not assigned to S A M 1 , S A M 2
or S A M 3 genes.

ling library. Fifty-five positive c D N A clones were under low stringency was hybridized successively
obtained out of 100 000 p.f.u, screened. They were to SAM1, SAM2 and SAM3 c D N A probes,
grouped in three classes according to cross- using high stringency that ensured gene-specific
hybridization under high-stringency conditions: hybridizations. The results (Fig. 1) clearly showed
50 c D N A clones belonged to the same class as that all except one of the restriction fragments
c D N A SAM1, whereas the five remaining iso- previously seen at low stringency (panel A) could
lates were named SAM2 (one clone) and SAM3 be assigned to either SAM1, SAM2 or SAM3
(four clones). This nomenclature is arbitrary and genes for every endonuclease used, suggesting that
not based on relatedness to previously described the AdoMet synthetase gene family is composed
SAM genes in other organisms. The nucleotide by at least four members. Attempts to isolate the
sequences of c D N A s SAM2 and SAM3 con- putative SAM4 gene from a tomato genomic
firmed that they encoded new AdoMet synthetase library were unsuccessful, as we could only iso-
proteins (see below). late clones corresponding to SAM1 and SAM2
The Southern blot probed with c D N A SAM 1 genes (data not shown).

1 50
SAM2 ...................... V ......... A .................
SAM3 .. .................... V...I ...................... M

51 i00
SAM2 ........... NI ........... E ..... P ......... R...N .....
SAM3 ........... T ............ G ..... A ............. N .....

i01 150
S~3 iiiiiiiii[iiiiiiiiiiii[[iiiiiiiiiiiiiiilT~iiiiii[i
151 200
SAM1 R L T E V R K N=G T=C A W L R P D G K T Q V T V E Y S N D N G A M V P I =
SAM2 ........... S .............. H ........ L ..............
SAM3 K ....... K..P .............. K .......................

201 250
SAM3 .... Q..Q ............ A .............................

251 300
SAM2 ............................................. N ....
SAM3 .......................................... V .......

301 350
SAM2 .............................. K . . . N . . . . . . . . . . . . I..

SAM3 ............ A .......... K..T...KD..VLI .............

351 393
SAM1 N L- D -L K R G G N R R F L K T A A Y G H F G=R D D P D F T W E W K P L K =W E K P Q D= =

SAM2 .... L .... G ............................ D..EA

SAM3 .... L .... Y.YQ .................. T..V..---.KA

Fig. 2. Amino acid sequence comparison of predicted polypeptides for SAM1, SAM2 and SAM3 genes. Sequences were aligned
using the PILEUP program of the U W G C G software package. Amino acid differences predicted for SAM2 and SAM3 polypep-
tides are shown beneath the SAM1 sequence. Underlined residues in SAM1 indicate fully conserved amino acids in all the known
sequences of AdoMet synthetases. Dashes in SAM3 represent a gap.

Tomato AdoMet synthetase isoforms

We sequenced full-length c D N A clones of SAM1

and SAM3 genes (1479 bp and 1455 bp, respec-
tively) and a 1651 bp Eco RI-Eco RV fragment
containing the SAM2 gene isolated from the to-
mato genomic library. No introns were found in
the SAM2 genomic sequence. The nucleotide se-
quence of the coding region of c D N A SAM 1 was
83 ~o and 80 ~o identical to those of the gene SAM2
and the c D N A SAM3, respectively. SAM2- and
SAM3-coding regions were 77~o identical. No
significant homology existed between flanking
sequences. The comparison of deduced amino
acid sequences of the tomato AdoMet synthetase
isoforms showed that they are highly similar pro-
teins (Fig. 2). SAM1 and SAM2 are the most
closely related protein isoforms: both have 393 Fig. 3. RNA gel blot analysis of S A M transcripts in control
amino acid residues which are 95 ~o identical (only and NaCl-stressed tomato plants. Total RNA (20 #g) purified
20 amino acid substitutions, 9 of them being con- from root, stem and leaves of control plants (C) or maintained
in 10 g/1 NaCI for 24 h (S) was separated by denaturing form-
servative changes). The protein isoform deduced
aldehyde electrophoresis, transferred to nylon membrane and
for the SAM3 gene is 390 residues long and is hybridized with SAM1, SAM2, SAM3 and 18S rRNA gene
92~o and 91.3~o identical to SAM1 and SAM2 probes under conditions of high stringency. SAMI, SAM2 and
proteins, respectively. The three deduced poly- SAM3 mRNA levels are not directly comparable, because
peptides contain all the amino acid sequences different exposure times were necessary to obtain similar hy-
bridization signals.
fully conserved in other AdoMet synthetases from
bacteria to humans (Fig. 2).

of SAM1 m R N A s was higher in stem (Fig. 3),

Differential accumulation of SAM transcripts in whereas SAM3 is preferentially expressed in aerial
response to stress parts and SAM2 m R N A is more abundant in the
Northern blot analysis was used to investigate the We examined the effect of NaC1 stress in the
steady-state levels of S A M m R N A s in roots, expression of the S A M gene family. Treatment
stems and leaves from control and stressed to- with 10 g/1 NaC1 for 24 h resulted in a differential
mato plants. SAM1, SAM2 and SAM3 c D N A response of S A M genes (Fig. 3). Salt stress pro-
probes were used to detect their corresponding moted a significant accumulation of SAM1 and
m R N A s under gene-specific hybridizations (see SAM3 transcripts in roots (10- and 7-fold, respec-
Fig. 1). All three probes detected m R N A species tively). SAM1 m R N A level also increased 2-fold
1.6 kb in size, in agreement with their c D N A s in leaves of stressed plants, whereas SAM3
sizes (Fig. 3). The different exposure times nec- m R N A level dropped 7-fold when compared to
essary to obtain similar autoradiogram signals in- control leaves. SAM2 did not clearly respond to
dicated that the m R N A abundance varied greatly salt stress.
between the members of the gene family. SAM1 Genes may be induced by salt stress as an early
m R N A was the most abundant transcript, and response aimed to overcome the initial salt and
SAM2 m R N A the least abundant of the three osmotic shocks or as the result of a long-term
mRNAs. In control plants, the steady-state levels adaptation to new growth conditions. Hence, we

investigated the changes in SAM m R N A content ery of turgor. N o significant changes of SAM
in tomato plants over different periods of salt m R N A levels were noticed in stem of NaC1-
stress. Plants were transferred to 10 g/l NaC1 and stressed plants.
total R N A was extracted from root, stem, and The effect of salt stress on the expression of
leaves, after 8 h of treatment, when plants still SAM genes could be due to a combination of ion
showed symptoms of salt shock-induced wilting; toxicity and osmotic stress. In addition, osmotic
after 24h, when wilting diminished; and after stress has been shown to induce the synthesis of
72 h, well after plants had recovered turgor. ABA that in turn activates a large number of
Gene-specific m R N A levels were determined by osmotically regulated genes [41]. Hence, we in-
high-stringency hybridizations to SAM 1, SAM2 vestigated whether changes in SAM m R N A s
and SAM3 probes and densitometric scanning of levels were also induced by water stress and ABA
the autoradiograms. Figure 4 shows a graphic treatment. Both, mannitol (0.3 M) and ABA
representation of the results obtained. Samples (50/~M) induced an up-regulation of SAM1 and
corresponding to 24 h gave results comparable to SAM3 transcripts similar to that of NaC1 (Fig. 5).
those shown in Fig. 3, although the extent of However, quantitative differences in m R N A ac-
m R N A content changes were distinct. The in- cumulation were noticed. In the root, NaC1 was
creased accumulation of SAMI m R N A in root more effective than mannitol and ABA in elicit-
and leaves and that of SAM3 transcripts in roots ing the accumulation of SAM1 and SAM3
were observable at 8 h, and augmented with time. mRNAs. As observed for NaC1, mannitol and
On the contrary, the decreases of SAM2 and ABA treatments also resulted in a down-
SAM3 m R N A contents in leaves were transient regulation of SAM2 and SAM3 m R N A levels in
responses. Their relative levels returned to con- leaves. These decreases were still significant after
trol values after 24 h, correlating with the recov- 24 h, in contrast to the shorter response elicited
by NaC1. Furthermore, mannitol and ABA treat-
ments resulted in a down regulation of SAM2

3 6

2 [] 8h, 5
[] 24h.
• 72h.
-2 • NaCl
-3 [] Mannitoi
-4 [] ABA
[] Wounding
-5 c • I

Fig. 4. Time-course of changes in S A M transcripts levels in -3

NaCl-stressed plants. Tomato plants were transferred to hy-
droponic solution containing 10 g/l NaC1 and collected after
indicated times. R N A was purified from root (R), stem (S) and Fig. 5. S A M m R N A level changes in plants subjected to vari-
leaves (L), and 12#g were electrophoresed in agarose- ous stresses. Tomato plants were transferred to hydroponic
formaldehyde gels, blotted onto nylon membrane and hybrid- solution supplemented with 10 g/1 NaC1, 0.3 M mannitol or
ized with SAM1, SAM2 and SAM3 probes under high strin- 50/~M ABA, or wounded by clipping their leaves. After 24 h,
gency. R N A loading was normalized by hybridization with a R N A was purified from root (R), stem (S) and leaves (L) and
radish 18S rRNA gene probe. Hybridizations signals were processed as described in Fig. 4. The ordinate indicates the
quantified by densitometry. The ordinate indicates the number number of times that R N A level increases (positive values) or
of times that the R N A level increases (positive values) or decreases (negative values) relative to control samples ob-
decreases (negative values) relative to control samples ob- tained from untreated plants (baseline C, value 1), in response
tained from non-treated plants (baseline C, value i). to indicated treatments.

m R N A in the root, an effect not observed with AdoMet synthetases in tomato. SAM1, S A M 2
NaC1. and S A M 3 genes are expressed in seedlings (their
Recent reports have shown that S A M tran- c D N A s were isolated from a seedling library),
script levels are influenced by fungal-elicitor treat- and in 5-6 true-leaved plants (Fig. 3). Although
ments in alfalfa and parsley cell cultures [ 14, 23], the relative abundance of different S A M tran-
suggesting a role for AdoMet synthetase in plant scripts was not measured, it appeared from
defense against pathogen attack. Because wound- northern blot signals that SAM1 is the most abun-
ing increases expression of most plant defense- dant transcript in tomato plants, thus probably
related genes, we also investigated the response of accounting for the majority of the AdoMet syn-
the S A M gene family to wounding. Only small thetase activity. Because of the lack of a specific
changes in steady-state levels of S A M m R N A s probe, we do not know if the putative S A M 4 gene
contents were observed, except for the significant is expressed. A. thaliana plants have two S A M
S A M 3 m R N A increase found in root (Fig. 5). genes that share similar expression patterns, both
showing a preferential expression in stems and
roots [34]. In contrast, the tomato S A M tran-
Discussion scripts show different relative abundances in dis-
tinct organs (Fig. 3).
Differential screening for tomato c D N A s up- The AdoMet synthetase activity has been long
regulated by salt stress resulted in the isolation of regarded as a 'housekeeping' function, providing
the c D N A SAM1. We have demonstrated that a methyl group donor (AdoMet) for the numer-
this c D N A encodes a functional AdoMet syn- ous transmethylation reactions that take place
thetase enzyme by complementation of a yeast into the cell. However, the abundance of S A M
mutant deficient in AdoMet synthetase activity. transcripts change significantly in response to
Expression o f c D N A SAM1 resulted in a 19-fold fungal elicitor treatment in alfalfa and parsley [ 14,
higher specific enzymatic activity to that found in 23], and during the ethylene-dependant senes-
wild-type S. cerevisiae cells. This over-expression cence of carnation petals [49]. In addition, we
relieved the CC435 mutant of AdoMet auxotro- show that NaC1, osmotic stress and ABA treat-
phy but induced a methionine auxotrophy. The ment induce changes in S A M m R N A levels in
biosynthesis of methionine and AdoMet in S. cer- both a gene- and organ-specific manner. S A M 2
evisiae are under negative regulation by AdoMet, and S A M 3 m R N A levels decreased in leaves upon
both by inhibition of the activity of biosynthetic salt stress, but the time course of this reduction
enzymes, and by transcriptional repression of indicated that they were transient responses that
their genes [ 5, 28, 44]. Our results suggest that the might correlate with salt-induced wilting. Their
expression of the plant AdoMet synthetase en- relative abundance were minimal at 8 h and re-
zyme represses the biosynthesis of methionine in turned to control values at 24 and 72 h, coinci-
transformed yeast cells, probably as a result of the dent with the recovery of turgor in plants trans-
large increase in AdoMet (12-fold over the wild- ferred to NaC1. Mannitol and ABA treatments
type cells). Although it has been reported that the elicited similar changes in m R N A levels that per-
plant AdoMet synthetase is feedback inhibited by sisted after 24 h, suggesting that ABA might be
its product [12], the enzyme encoded by the to- involved in these responses. In contrast, the in-
mato c D N A SAM 1 does not appear to be inhib- crease in S A M m R N A abundance upon salt
ited by AdoMet. Alternatively, other unknown stress was a sustained response, with maximal
factors modulating the regulation o f A d o M e t syn- accumulation at 72 h after the onset of stress.
thetases by its product may not recognize the This persistence, and the fact that mannitol and
plant enzyme when expressed in yeast cells. ABA also elicited a similar pattern of transcript
Southern blot analysis of total D N A revealed accumulation, suggest that AdoMet synthetases
the presence of at least four genes encoding were required for plant adaptation to salt and

osmotic stresses, and that ABA might participate reasoned that it is unlikely that AdoMet syn-
in the up-regulation of S A M transcripts. thetase becomes a rate-limiting enzyme in ethyl-
Because of the variety of cellular processes in ene biosynthesis. Further, massive ethylene bio-
which AdoMet is involved, it is difficult to assign synthesis in carnation was not accompanied by
a definite role for AdoMet synthesis in plant an increase in S A M m R N A abundance [49].
stress. Nevertheless, a hypothesis can be drawn AdoMet also participates in the biosynthesis of
from the use of AdoMet in plants. AdoMet syn- the polyamines spermidine and spermine [46].
thetase is preferentially expressed in tissues un- However, polyamine biosynthesis is regulated
dergoing lignification under non-stressful environ- mainly through arginine decarboxylase and S-
mental conditions [33, 34]. Because lignin adenosylmethionine decarboxylase, and decar-
monomers need to be methylated before polymer- boxylated AdoMet constitutes the rate-limiting
ization, AdoMet may be consumed in cells that factor in the synthesis of spermidine and sper-
produce large amounts of lignin [16]. The coor- mine. In addition, Priebe and Jager [36] did not
dinate induction by fungal elicitors of AdoMet find significant changes of polyamines in several
synthetase with S-adenosylmethionine:caffeic salt stressed plants. Therefore, it seems unlikely
acid 3-O-methyltransferase (COMT) and S- that polyamine biosynthesis accounts for the in-
adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase (SHH) duction of S A M transcripts in salt stressed to-
mRNAs, enzymes that are required for cell wall mato.
formation, strongly support the hypothesis of an In conclusion, our results show that S A M genes
increased demand of AdoMet for lignin biosyn- are responsive to salt stress and other related
thesis [14, 23]. Furthermore, AdoMet is also treatments in a gene- and organ-specific manner.
needed for methylation of other derivatives of the Current studies are aimed to correlate m R N A
phenylpropanoid pathway, such as isoflavones abundance with protein content and to the his-
and chalcones [14]. The abundance of those tochemical localization of SAM proteins in salt
compounds and other cell wall proteinaceus con- stressed plants.
stituents and enzymes is modified in plants by
various stresses, including water stress (which is
an effect of high salinity) [2, 4, 7, 32]. Accord- Acknowledgements
ingly, the physical properties of the cell wall
change at low water potentials [31 ]. Also, accel- We thank Dr F. Portillo for providing the plas-
erated lignification occurs in roots of water mid IB61, Dr Y. Surdin-Kerjan for the yeast
stressed sorghum and salt stressed maize plants strain CC435, Dr E. Martinez-Force for the
[1, 8]. We suggest that the expression of S A M analysis of AdoMet pools, and Imelda Mendoza
genes may be induced upon salt stress because a for technical assistance. We also thank Drs
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