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Age nda

• Recap Week 1!

• How is Cloud Computing provided to users

• Cloud Infrastructure Technologies

• Storage Technologies

• Networking Technologies

• Cloud Databases

• Cloud Orchestration

• Wrap-up
How a re cloud s e rvice s provide d to cus tom e rs ?

• Virtualization

• Serverless Computing

Virtua liza tion
• The most common method to leverage cloud computing is via the use of virtualized server

• Virtualization is a key component of cloud infrastructure technologies, allowing multiple virtual

machines or containers to run on a single physical server.

• This helps optimize resource utilization and enables efficient scaling and management of

• Cloud customers request server instances from cloud providers, who then automatically
generate the server and provide the customer with access.

• The server created for the customer doesn't physically exist as a separate device, but it's
run as a tiny fragment of a much larger piece of hardware through “virtualization”.

Virtua liza tion
• A virtual machine (VM) is an imitation of a computer system that allows multiple operating
systems to run on a single physical machine.

• In other words, a VM provides a self-contained operating system environment that runs on

top of a host operating system.

Se rve rle s s Com puting
• Serverless computing provides customers with the ability to execute functions via a variety of
programming languages and at large scale on an infrastructure that's transparent to the customer.

• The cloud provider manages the underlying hardware and operating systems, and the customer doesn’t
need to worry about these.

Be ne fits of Se rve rle s s Com p uting ove r VMs
1. Cost: with serverless computing you only pay for the resources you use when your code is actually running. With VMs,
you pay for the full capacity of the virtual machine, regardless of how much of it you actually use.

2. Scalability: Serverless computing automatically scales to meet demand as it increases. With VMs, you need to
manually configure and manage the infrastructure to ensure it can handle increased loads.

3. Maintenance: Serverless computing eliminates the need for infrastructure maintenance and management, as the
cloud provider takes care of the underlying hardware and software.

4. Faster deployment: Serverless computing allows for faster deployment of applications, as you don't need to provision
and configure virtual machines. This can result in faster time-to-market and quicker updates to applications.

5. Event-driven: Serverless computing is designed to be event-driven, meaning it can respond to events and trigger
actions in real-time. This makes it well-suited for a range of applications, including those involving IoT, real-time data
processing, and web and mobile backends.

Cloud Infra s tructure Te chnologie s
• Cloud Infrastructure Technologies refer to the tools, services, and platforms that are used
to build and manage the infrastructure of cloud computing environments.

• Cloud infrastructure is the backbone of cloud computing and provides the necessary
resources and services for running applications and storing data in the cloud.

• Overall, cloud infrastructure technologies provide the necessary tools and services to
create and manage scalable, flexible, and secure cloud computing environments.

• They enable organizations to leverage the benefits of the cloud, such as cost savings, agility,
and scalability, to meet their IT requirements.

Wha t doe s Cloud Infra s tructure cons is t of?
• Virtualized Servers

• Cloud Storage

• Cloud Networking

• Cloud Databases

• Cloud Orchestration

Bre a k (15 Minute s )

Stora ge Te chnologie s
• Storage technologies in cloud infrastructure offer
highly scalable and flexible storage solutions, allowing
organizations to store and retrieve data from the
cloud. This includes various options such as object
storage, block storage, and file storage.

• In addition to having compute capacity, we need to be

able to store and archive data.

• There are two major categories of cloud storage:

• Block storage

• Object storage

Stora ge Te chnologie s

Block Storage Object Storage

Allocates a large chunk Store files as individual

of storage for access a objects managed by the
disk volume managed by cloud service provider
the operating system

Most computing environments have a requirement for both types of storage

Block Stora ge
• We allocate a large chunk of storage, such as a hard disk drive, and then we partition it into

• These volumes can then be accessed through an operating system which manages how
files are stored on that volume.

o For example, when we create a C or D drive in Windows those drives are block storage.

• Block storage is commonly used to create virtual disk drives for cloud servers.

Ob je ct Stora ge
• Object storage abstracts the details of how files are stored away from the user and
places the burden of managing storage on the cloud provider.

• The user simply upload files or objects, and the cloud provider does the work about where
to place them, how to back them up, and how to manage them over time.

• Object storage is used to maintain files for a website, build large data stores, and let
somebody else (the Cloud provider) worry about the management.

Cos t Com p a ris on of the 2 type s of Stora ge
• Object Storage is cheaper than block storage.

• Object Storage costs are incurred only when it is used;

while block storage is allocated and paid for in drive-
sized blocks.

Cla s s e s of Stora ge

Block Storage Object Storage

- Magnetic - High Availability

- Solid Stage (SDD) - Archival

Networking Technologies

Networking technologies ensure

connectivity between various components
and services within the cloud
This includes network virtualization, load
balancing, and software-defined
networking (SDN) to enable efficient data
transfer and communication between
different cloud resources.

Networking Technologies

In a traditional data center, virtual LANs

(VLANs) segregate systems that are of
differing security levels.
For instance, we can have a VLAN set
up containing systems that are externally-
facing and accessible by general public.
There can be a VLAN for database
servers, and a VLAN for other internal-
facing systems.
We can then configure firewall rules that
permit public access only to the public
VLAN, and restrict access to the other
VLANs appropriately.

Networking Technologies

In a cloud environment, the segregation role

is played by Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs).
For instance, in AWS users create VPCs for
each class of server.
Systems within a VPC can easily
communicate with each other.
You can also configure rules that define the
traffic that's allowed between different
VPCs, and between a VPC and the internet.

Cloud Da ta ba s e s
• Databases play an important role in any organization, serving as repositories of information and the backbone
of transactional systems. As organizations build databases in the cloud, they have several options available.

• Build their own database servers on top of the cloud provider's virtual server infrastructure.
o This involves spinning up a new server with an appropriate operating system, installing and
configuring the database on that server, and making it available for use.

• Use a managed database service.

o Most cloud providers offer this option where the customer simply asks for a database using a
specific platform, like Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, or MySQL.

• Use a cloud native database platform.

o This database environment is designed specifically for the cloud. These services are highly
optimized for their cloud environments, and they place the greatest management burden on the
cloud provider instead of the customer.

Each of these cloud options offers different benefits and costs. As enterprises build databases in the
cloud they need to select the balance of database services that best meets their operational requirements.

Cloud Orche s tra tion
• Cloud orchestration creates automated workflows for
managing cloud environments.

• Allows cloud administrators to quickly and easily

create workloads, shift operations between
environments, and perform a variety of other
administrative tasks.

• Cloud orchestration builds upon the concept of

Infrastructure as Code.

o Administrators should never build or manage

resources using the command line or graphical
interfaces. Instead, they should write code that
performs those actions for them.

o The key benefit here is that the code is then

Wra p up
• Q&A

• What’s 1 thing you learned?

• What’s 1 challenge?

Re fe re nce s
• Images [Slide 1,2, 6]: used under license from Microsoft PowerPoint stock images.

• Slide 3: (n.d.). Cloud. Cloud.

• Slide 5: (n.d.). Cloud. Cloud.

• Image [Slide 9] 2020 "Woman Sitting on Bench Looking at Mountains" by Yan Krukau used under free license from Pexels.

• Slide 10: (n.d.). Cloud. Cloud.

• Slide 9, 10: (n.d.). Cloud. Cloud. =tbn:ANd9GcRwyRMtj L_7Sbrda UCM8r w y68WPEfi_pQg7mclsgXSaGXvGrQNmmoLtSRGbCBnLKY5b

• Slide 11: (n.d.). Cloud. Cloud.

• Slide 14: (n.d.). Cloud. Cloud.

• Slide 16: (n.d.). Cloud. Cloud. ram&position n=


• Slide 17-18: (n.d.). Cloud. Cloud. Cloud networking (

• Slide 20: (n.d.). Cloud. Cloud.


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