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EXERCISE (short Q/A)

Q.1. What is the nature of charge on cathode says?
Ans. Deflection of cathode says towards positive plate showed that they are negatively changed.
Q.2. Give five characteristics of cathode says?
Ans. Text book page :29.
Q.3. Atomic symbol of a phasphoras ion is 3115p:
Q,3(a). How many protons electrons and neutrons are present in the ion.
Ans. No of protons =Z=15
No of neutrons =A-Z=31-15=16
No of electrons =15+3=18
3(b). Draw a electronic configuration of the ion.
Ans. P3-=152, 2S2,2p6 , 3S2,3P6
P3-= 2 , 8 , 8


3(c). Name the noble gas which has the same electronic configuration as the phasphoras
ion has:
Ans. Argon 4018 Ar.
Q.4. Differentiate between shell and subshell with example of each.
Ans. Difference.
Shell Subshell
1. A shell is a main enrgy level that 1. A subshell is asubgroup of orbitals
electron can occupy. within a shell.
2.Shell are further divided into subshells. 2. Subshell are further divided into orbitals.
3. These are denoted by capital letter like 3. They are exhibited by small letters like s,
K, L, M, N…. p, d, f.
4.Shell no is called principal quantum no 3. Shell no decide the no. of subshells a
and is 1 for K, 2 for L, 3 for M, and 9 for shell can have.
5. For example, 5. For example :
Shell no 2 is representing by “L”. Shell no 2 have 2 subshells i.e. S & P
Q.5. An element has an atomic number of 17. how many electrons are present in K, L, M,
shell of atom.
Ans. K L M
2 8 7
Q.6. Write down the electronic configuration of Al 3+. How many electrons arev present in
its outermost shell?
Ans. No. of electrons in Al3+=Z-3=13-3=10
Electronic configuration of Al3+:
Al3+=1S2, 2S2, 2P6
No. of electrons in valence shell =8
Q.7. Megnesium has electronic configuration 2, 8, 2
7(a). how many electrons are in the outermost shell?
Ans. 2
(b). in which subshell of the outermost shell electrons are present?
Ans. S
(c). Why magnesium tendo to lose electron?
Ans. Elements having three or less then three electrons in valence shell, tend to lose there valence
electrons, since inner shell is complete and loss of valence shell electrons can help them to
complete their octect and achieve nobel gas electronic configuration.
Q.8. What will be the nature of change on an atom when it gains an lectrons.
Ans. When an atom loses its electrons , it acquries positive change and when it gains electrons, it
gets elective change.
Q.9. For what purpose U-235 is used ?
Ans. Fission change reaction of U-235 is used in nuclear reactors to produce a lot of energy which
is further used for both peaceful and destructive purposes.
U+1n 139
92 0 56 36 0

Q.10. A patient has goiter. How will it be detected?

Ans. Isotopes of iodine -131 are used to detected the goiter in thyroid gland.
Q.11. What are the three properties of positive rays?
Ans. Text book page no. 29-30.
Q.12. What are detects of Rutherford `s atomic model?
Ans. Text book page no. 32.
Q.13. As long as remain in an orbit, it does not emit or absorb energy. When does it emit or
absorb energy?
Ans. The energy is emitted or absorbed only. When an electron jump from one orbit to another .
when an electron jump from lower to high orbit it absorb energy and when it jumps from higher
orbit to lower orbit, it radiates energy.

Q.1.How are cathode says produced? What are their five major characteristics?
Ans. Text book page no. 28-29.
Q.2. How are its proved that electrons are fundamental particles of an atom?
Ans. Text book page no.29.
Q.3. Draw a labeled diagram to show the presence of protons in the discharge tube and
explain how where canal rays produced?
Ans.Text book page no.29.
Q.4. How did ruthurford discover that atom has a nucleus located at the centre of the atom?
Ans. Text book page no. 31-32.
Q.5. One of the postulates of Bohr`s atomic model is that angular momentum of a meaning
electron In quantized explain us meaning and calculate the angular momentum of 3rd orbit
(I. e. .n=3).
Ans. It means that electron can resolve only in orbits of a fixed angular momentum mvr, given as;
mvr= nh where n = shell number

When n=3,
mvr=3h =3*6.63*10-34
2π 2*3.14
Q.6. How did Bohr prove that an atom must exist ?
Ans. According to classical theory of radiation, electron resolved around nuclear in a spiral
pathway with continuous emission of energy. Thin will ultimately lead to few of electron in the
nuclear, i. e. atom should collapse. but according to Bohr, electron resolve around nucleus in
quantized energy levels, from which energy is not radiated continues which means that atom must
Q.7. What do you mean by electronic configuration?but are basic requirement while
electronic configuration of an element (atom)?
Ans. Text book page no. 35-36.
Q.8. Describe the electronic configuration of Na+, mg2+, and Al3+ions. Do they have the same
number of electrons in the outermost shell?
Ans. Na+=1S2, 2S2, 2P6
Mg2+=1S2, 2S2, 2P6
Al3+=1S2, 2S2, 2P6
Configuration of neareset noble gas I.e. 10Ne. so, all of them carry 8 electrons in their valence
Q.9. Give the applications of isotopes in the field of radiotherapy and medicine?
Ans. Text book page no 40.
Q.10. What is an isotopes? Describe the isotopes of hydrogen with diagrams.
Ans. Text book page no. 38.

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