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1.1. Identificar los símbolos Fonéticos y sus sonidos.

Las vocales en inglés estadounidense

Esta variedad del inglés tiene 21 fonemas vocales distintos. Son los
siguientes y se asignan a los conjuntos léxicos de la tabla a continuación:

/ɪ/ /ɛ/ /æ/ /ʌ/ /ʊ/ /iː/ /ɑː/ /uː/ /aɪ/ /eɪ/ /ɔɪ/ /aʊ/ /oʊ/ /ɪr/ /ɛr/ /ɔr/ /ɑr/
/ʊr/ /ɝ/ /ɚ/ /ə/

Vocales simples
Conjuntos léxicos Transcripción Pronunciación – Significado
TREE /iː/ ‘trii – (árbol)
CLOCK /ɑː/ ‘klaak – (reloj)
SHOE /uː/ ‘shuu – (zapato)
FISH /ɪ/ ‘fish – (pez)
TALK /oː/ ‘took – (hablar)
Vocales inexistentes en español

Conjuntos léxicos Transcripción Pronunciación – Significado

CAT /æ/ ‘cæt – (gato)
PHONE /ʊ/ ‘foun – (teléfono)
SEVEN /ə/ ‘seven – (siete)


Conjuntos léxicos Transcripción Pronunciación – Significado

BIKE /aɪ/ ‘baik – (bicicleta)
CROWN /aʊ/ ‘kraun – (corona)
FACE /eɪ/ ‘feis – (cara)
BOY /ɔɪ/ ‘boi – (niño)
GOAT /oʊ/ ‘gout – (cabra)

Con consonante /r/

Conjuntos léxicos Transcripción Pronunciación – Significado

ART /ɑr/ ‘art – (arte)
CHAIR /ɛr/ ‘cher – (silla)
EAR /ɪr/ ‘iir – (oreja)
HORSE /ɔr/ ‘joors – (caballo)
EURO /ʊr/ ‘iurou – (euro)
1.1.1. Match both columns A-B with its phonetic symbol. Write the letter on the line.

Column A Column B Column A Column B

1.- /peə/ ___ a) grapefruit 11.- taɪɡə ___ k) beetle

2.- /tʃeri/ ___ b) apple 12.- ræbɪt ___ l) goose

3.- /ɒrɪndʒ/ ___ c) strawberry 13.- hæmstə ___ m) sheep

4.- /ɡreɪp/ ___ d) pea 14.- biːtl̩ ___ n) mouse

5.- /piːtʃ/ ___ e) orange 15.- guːs ___ o) spider

6.- /krænbəri/ ___ f) plum 16.- kaʊ ___ p) tiger

7.- /greɪpfruːt/ ___ g) cherry 17.- mʌŋki ___ q) hamster

8.- æpl ___ h) peach 18.- maʊs ___ r) rabit

9.- plʌm ___ i) grape 19.- ʃiːp ___ s) cow

10.- strɔːbəri ___ j) cranberry 20.- spaɪdə ___ t) monkey

1.1.2. Choose the correct word with the meaning of each phonetic transcription.

1.- /kæt/ a) cat b) cut c) cot

2.- /ʃɪp/ a) cheap b) ship c) sheep
3.- /hæt/ a) hut b) hat c) hot
4.- /liːv/ a) live b) life c) leave
5.- /θɪn/ a) thing b) think c) thin
6.- /deɪ/ a) day b) they c) grey
7.- /piːs/ a) peace b) piss c) pace
8.- /nɛkst/ a) nest b) neck c) next
9.- /æʃ/ a) as b) ass c) ash
10.- /ʃɪp/ a) ship b) cheap c) chip
Taken from
1.2. Identificar las Partes del Discurso. Cognados y Falsos Cognados.
Part of Function or “job” Example Example sentences
speech words
Verb Action or state To be, to have, EnglishClub is a website. I
to do, to like, like EnglishClub.
to work, can,
Noun Thing or person Pen, dog, This is my dog.
work, music, He lives in my house.
town, London, We live in London.
teacher, John.
Adjective Describes a Good, big, red, My dogs are big. I like big
noun well, dogs.
Determiner Limits or A / an, the, I have two dogs and some
“determines” a two, some, rabbits.
noun. many.
Adverb Describes a Quickly, My dog eats quickly. When
verb, adjective silently, well, he is very hungry, he eats
or adverb. badly, very, really quickly.
Pronoun Replaces a I, you, he, she, Tara is Indian. She is
noun. some. beautiful.
Preposition Links a noun to To, at, after, We went to school on
another word. on, but. Monday.
Conjunction Joins clauses or And, but, I like dogs and I like cats. I
sentences or when. like cats and dogs. I like dogs
words. but I don’t like cats.
Interjection Short Oh!, Ouch!, Ouch! That hurts!
exclamation, Hi!, Well. Hi! How are you?
sometimes Well, I don’t know.
inserted into a
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Here some common examples of Parts of Speech.

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1.2.1. Identify the bold word and choose the correct answer.

1.- I bought a beautiful dress at the mall.

a) preposition b) adjective c) noun

2.- What did she ask you to do?

a) conjunction b) preposition c) pronoun

3.- I left my shoes under the kitchen table.

a) adjective b) preposition c) pronoun

4.- If we finish our work quickly, we can go to the movies.

a) adverb b) conjunction c) verb

5.- On Saturdays I work from nine to five.

a) verb b) preposition c) adverb

6.- I want to go to a university in the United States.

a) adjective b) preposition c) noun

7.- I'm sure I've met your girlfriend before.

a) verb b) preposition c) interjection

8.- Well, I don't think I'll be home before 6.

a) interjection b) preposition c) pronoun

9.- Andy knocked on the door but nobody answered.

a) adverb b) adjective c) conjunction

10. After lunch let's go out for a coffee.

a) pronoun b) preposition c) verb
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1.2.2. Listen and write the words you hear in the correct spaces:
1.2.3. Use the words above to fill in the blanks below:

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COGNATES: In linguistics, cognates are words that have a common etymological


Activity Important Control
Error Normal Reduce
Metal Modern Justify
Part General Reproduce
Hospital Manual Describe
Company Simple Requires

Here a list of 25 false friends (False Cognates) in Spanish.

Spanish English Spanish English
Diversión Fun Desviación Diversion
Actualmente Currently De hecho Actually
Largo Long Grande Large
Colegio School Bachillerato College
Constipado (a) That has a cold Estreñido (a) Constipated
Mermelada Jam Jamón Ham
Embarazada Pregnant Embarazoso Embarrassing
Aviso Warning Consejo Advice
Fábrica Factory Tejido Fabric
Carpeta Folder Alfombra Carpet
Ropa Clothes Cuerda Rope
Librería Bookshop Biblioteca Library
Casualidad Coincidence Víctima Casualty
Argumento Plot Discusión Argument
Carta Letter that you send Letra Letter of the alphabet
Suceder To happen Tener éxito To succeed
Sano Healthy Cuerdo Sane
Jarón Flower vase Vaso Glass
Sensate Sensible Sensible Sensitive
Teclear To type Tipo Type / kind
Mesa Table Table Wooden board
Salida Exit Éxito Success
Lectura Reading Conferencia Lecture
Presenter To introduce Introducir To introduce
someone something
Descracia Tragedy Verguenza Embarrassement
Taken from

1.2.4. Choose the correct cognate word to each sentence:

1.- Guess what? Christy is ________________ (embarrassed / pregnant).

2.- The ________________ (signature / subject) I hate the most is maths.

3.- Begonia is a very ________________ (kind / sympathetic) person.

4.- Keep ________________ (removing / stirring) the soup the whole time.

5.- I totally agree. That's a very ________________ (sensible / sensitive) idea.

6.- The film The Quiet American is a ______________(exit / success).

7.- How many ________________ (idioms / languages) can you speak?

8.- ________________ (Actually / Nowadays) I'm living with my parents again.

9.- The poor live in the ________________ (slums / suburbs).

10.- The police came to my ________________ (assistance / attendance).

1.3. Dominar el manejo de números, cifras y fechas. Identificar países y

nacionalidades, oficios y profesiones.

1.3.1. Write the number next to each word.

1.- fifty-seven ______ 9.- thirty-nine ______ 17.- seventy-four ______

2.- ninety-nine ______ 10.- sixty-five ______ 18.- eighty-one ______
3.- thirty-two ______ 11.- three ______ 19.- fifty ______
4.- seventy-one ______ 12.- one hundred ______ 20.- sixty-two ______
5.- forty-nine ______ 13.- twelve ______ 21.- twenty-eight ______
6.- eighty-five ______ 14.- ninety-five ______ 22.- ninety-nine ______
7.- sixty-six ______ 15.- fourteen ______ 23.- three thousand _______
8.- forty-three ______ 16.- twenty-six ______ 24.- one million ___________

1.3.2. Listen and write each number.

1.- __________________________ 2.- __________________________

3.- __________________________ 4.- __________________________
5.- __________________________ 6.- __________________________
7.- __________________________ 8.- __________________________

1.3.3. Write the days of the week in the correct order.

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1.3.4. Unscramble the months of the year and write them.
1.- UYAJARN ____________ 5.- LJYU ________ 9.- REBMETPSE ________
2.- ARCHM ______________ 6.- PRIAL _______ 10.- RBECOOT __________
3.- UAGTSU _____________ 7.- UJEN _______ 11.- ONREBVME _________
4.- BREDCEME _____________ 8.- YMA ________ 12.- URYRFEBA _________

1.3.5. Underline the correct spelling of each ordinal number.

1.- 15th a) fiftieth b) fifteenth c) fiftieth

2.- 30th a) thirtieth b) thirteenth c) thirtieth
3.- 48th a) forty-eighth b) forty-eight c) fourty-eighth
4.- 9th a) ninth b) nainth c) nineth
5.- 12th a) twelfth b) twentieth c) twelveth
6.- 36th a) thirty-six b) thirtieth-six c) thirty-sixth
Taken from

1.3.6. Fill in the blanks with an ordinal number.

1.- Saturday is the ____________________ day of the week.

2.- August is the _____________________ month of the year.

3.- Monday is the ____________________ day of the week.

4.- “D” is the _______________ letter of the alphabet.

5.- Mercury is the _______________ planet of the solar system.

6.- “J” is the ___________________ letter of the alphabet.

7.- Earth is the ________________ planet of the solar system.

8.- December is the ___________________ month of the year.

1.3.7. Write the time under each clock.

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

1.3.8. Listen and show the time on each clock, then write the time on the line.

1.3.9. Write with words the following fractions.

1.- 1/3 __________________ 6.- 7/12 ___________________

2.- 2/3 ____________________ 7.- 4/4 __________________

3.- 1/2 __________________ 8.- 8 1/5 _____________________

4.- 3/4 ____________________ 9.- 5 3/8 _____________________

5.- 2 2/3 ______________________ 10.- 1 4/9 ____________________

1.3.10. Write the names of the 15 countries (on the left) in the correct spaces.

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1.3.11.- Complete the information with a nationality, a language, or a country.

1.- A person from ___________ is an Italian.

2.- She’s from Argentina. Her nationality is ________________.

3.- We’re from Poland. We’re __________________.

4.- Anuk is French. She speaks _________________.

5.- I’m from Spain. My nationality is _________________.

6.- Kenji is from Japan. He is a _________________ person.

7.- People from The United Kingdom are _______________.

8.- Monica is from Canada. She is __________________.

9.- Andrey is a doctor. He’s from Ukraine. He’s an ______________ doctor.

10.- My best friends are from ______________. They’re Australian.

1.3.12. Read the clues and fill in the missing letters about professions.

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2.1. Pronombres Demostrativos y oraciones usando el verbo To be.

2.1.1. Choose one of the demonstrative pronouns (this / that / these / those) to fill
in the gap.

1.- Look at ________ newspaper here.

2.- ________ are my grandparents, and __________ people over there are my
friend's grandparents.

3.- ________ building over there is the Chrysler Building.

4.- ________ is my mobile phone and __________ is your mobile phone on the
shelf over there.

5.- ________ photos here are much better than __________ photos on the book.

6.- ________ was a great evening. I remember it very well.

7.- Are _________ your pencils?

8.- ________ bottle over there is empty.

9.- ________ bricks over there are for your chimney.

10.- John, take ________ folder and put it on the desk

over there.

Contractions are commonly

used in spoken English, but
less commonly used in
written English. They are
often be found in ‘friendly’
texts, (such as e-mails to
friends) but not in ‘formal’
texts (such as business
letters, cover letters and job

To be in questions:
Am I late? Are you late? Is he late? Is she late? Is it late? Are we late?
2.1.2. Listen and complete these sixteen statements with the subjects you hear as
well as the correct “be” verb form.

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2.1.3. Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences.

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2.1.4. Complete the questions and the answers.

1.- ____ you from Italy? Yes, I _______.
2.- ____ he old? No, _________.
3.- ____ my sister at home? Yes, __________.
4.- ____ they good students? No, ___________.
5.- ____ the cat white? Yes, __________.

2.1.5. Match questions and answers. Follow the example.

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2.2. Identificar sustantivos contables y no contables.

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2.2.1. Write C (countable) or U (uncountable) on the line.

1.- banana ____ 7.- soup ____ 13.- sandwich ____ 19.- coffee ____
2.- lemonade ____ 8.- cheese ____ 14.- cream ____ 20.- egg ____
3.- bread ____ 9.- tea ____ 15.- flour ____ 21.- yogurt ____
4.- apple ____ 10.- cake ____ 16.- potato ____ 22.- salt ____
5.- meat ____ 11.- chocolate____ 17.- Ice cream ____ 23.- sugar ____
6.- water ____ 12.- broccoli ____ 18.- lettuce ____ 24.- cookie____
2.2.2. Tick the correct form.
1.- ___ There are some child. 2.- ___ There’s some cream.
___ There are some children. ___ There are some cream.

3.- ___ There’re some sandwiches. 4.- ___ There’s a sheep.

___ There’s a sandwiches. ___ There are some sheeps.

5.- ___ There is some potatoes. 6.- ___ There is a knife.

___ There are some potatoes. ___ There is some knives.

7.- ___ There’s an house. 8.- ___ There are some babies.
___ There’s a house. ___ There are some babys.

2.2.3. Use “How much”, “How many”, “a few”, “a little”, “ a lot” to complete each
1.- There is __________ suggar in your coffee.
2.- There are _________ apples on the shelf.
3.- ____________ bananas are there in the kitchen?
5.- There are __________ of trees in the forest.
6.- ____________ milk is there in the fridge?
7.- There are _________ bicycles left in the store after Christmas.
8.- There is __________ flour to make tortillas.
9.- ____________ money is there in the bank?
10.- There is _____________ time left to finish the game.

2.3 Estructurar oraciones afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas en

presente simple. Adverbios de frecuencia.

2.3.1. Match the words in the box with the definitions below.
get dressed go to bed have breakfast do homework take a shower
get up go home brush your teeth wake up go to school

1.- You do this after a long day and just before you fall asleep. ________________
2.- You do this when your alarm clock goes off in the morning. ________________
3.- You do this in the morning because it is the most important meal.____________
4.- You do this to make your body and hair clean. __________________________
5.- You do this after you wake up.___________________________
6.- You do this so you can meet your friends and learn new things._____________
7.- You do this to learn after school. _____________________
8.- Dentists say you do this twice a day. _________________
9.- You do this in the afternoon when your classes at school. _________________
10.- You do this after you take a shower. __________________

Rules for the 3rd person singular (he, she, it)

In general add -s to the Verbs ending in Verbs ending in o, s, sh,
verb. consonant + y = -ies ch, x, + es
work – works study – studies go - goes
eat – eats cry – cries kiss - kisses
play – plays try – tries wash - washes
swim – swims spy – spies watch - watches
write - writes fly - flies mix – mixes
Plan - plans hurry - hurries buzz – buzzes

2.3.2. First write the 3rd person singular form verb. Then choose the correct form
verb to complete the sentences.

1.- I walk he walks__ 9.- I wash he _____________

2.- I go he ____________ 10.- I find she_____________
3.- I dance she ___________ 11.- I marry he _____________
4.- I speak he ____________ 12.- keep she _____________
5.- I study she ___________ 13.- I love it ______________
6.- I enjoy he ____________ 14.- I bother he _____________
7.- I fix he ____________ 15.- I sing she ____________
8.- I jump it _____________ 16.- I lie he _____________

a). Samanta like/likes playing tennis. i). Foxes live/lives in the forest.
b). We make/makes delicious cakes. j). Do/Does him know how to swim?
c).Uncle Tom feed/feeds the dogs every day. k).Does your brother run/runs fast?
d). My brother eat/eats a lot of hamburgers. l). Do/Does they live in London?
e). You always come/comes to class early. m). Your mom don’t/doesn’t cook.
f). The Gigant panda live/lives in China. n).My sister never tidy/tidies her room.
g). Michael doesn’t drive/drives to work. o).They all work/works at the kitchen.
h). The Earth move/moves around the sun. p). We often jog/jogs in the park.
Adapted from

2.3.3. Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in parentheses in its usual

1.- He listens to the radio. (often) _______________________________________

2.- We are in a hurry. (always) _________________________________________
3.- They read a book. (sometimes) _____________________________________
4.- Pete gets angry. (never) ___________________________________________
5.- Tom is very friendly. (usually) _______________________________________
6.- I take sugar in my coffee. (normally) _________________________________
7.- They watch TV in the afternoon. (never) ______________________________
8.- The Oxxo store is closed. (hardly ever) _______________________________
9.- Walter helps his mother in the kitchen. (seldom) _______________________

2.3.4. Answer the following activities about the simple present tense.
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==== Segunda Parte del Semestre ====

3.1. Estructurar oraciones en pasado simple con el verbo To be de manera
afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.
3.1.1. Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences with To be in past tense.

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3.1.2. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.

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3.1.3. Change the following sentences into the simple past as the examples.

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3.1.4. Follow your teacher’s instructions.

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3.2. Identificar verbos regulares e irregulares en pasado simple.

Regular verbs in past follow some rules. Irregular verbs in past don’t have rules.

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3.2.1. Answer the following crossword with irregular verbs in past.

• 3. TO RING 16. TO DRAW • 4. TO WIN 16. TO DRIVE
• 5. TO TEACH 19.- TO DRINK • 6. TO GIVE 20. TO RIDE
• 7. TO SEND 22.- TO FLY • 7. TO SELL 21. TO KEEP
• 10. TO LOSE 23.- TO EAT • 8. TO SLEEP 22. TO FEED
• 13. TO PUT 25.- TO PAY • 11. TO SPEAK
• 14. TO BUY

3.2.2. Circle the word you listened.

1.- develop - developed 2.- design – designed 3.- stop – stopped

4.- carry – carried 5.- call – called 6.- talk – talked
7.- walk – walked 8.- paint – painted 9.- die – died
10.- use – used 11.- move – moved 12.- rule – ruled
12.- create – created 13.- play – played 14.- construct – constructed
15.- open – opened 16.- select – selected 17.- snow – snowed
3.2.3. Use the past simple form of the infinitive verbs in parentheses to complete
each sentence.

1.- My dog ___________ (to sleep) on my bed last night.

2.- The weather ________ (to be) really nice yesterday.
3.- The people ______________ (to whisper) something to each other.
4.- Mike ___________ (to pay) for our meal in the restaurant last Saturday.
5.- Our Englis course ____________ (to begin) two months ago.
6.- The students ___________ (to have) an exam yesterday.
7.- The secretary _____________ (to delete) the file a week ago.
8.- We _____________ (to order) something to drink in the cafeteria.
9.- My family and I _________ (to go) to Canada last year.
10.- Melanie ___________ (to break) her cellphone last night.
11.- I ________ (to do) all my homework yesterday afternoon.
12.- Marilyn ___________ (to wear) her new dress at the party.
13.- I ________ (to read) an interesting book last week.
14.- Our car ___________ (to catch) an ugly mouse.
15.- We ___________ (to make) a cake for our parents’ anniversary.

3.3. Estructurar oraciones afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas en

pasado simple.

3.3.1. Select the correct answer to complete each sentence with coherence.
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3.4. Estructurar oraciones utilizando algunos verbos modales.

3.4.1. Write “can” or “can’t” to complete each sentence.

3.4.2. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

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3.4.3. Answer with should or shouldn’t to complete each sentence.

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3.4.4. Fill in the blanks to complete each sentence. Use the previous information in
the boxes as an example.

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3.4.5. Write sentences with coherence. Use one word or phrase from each box.

I has to work late on Friday.

My parents don’t have to play tennis this weekend.
My teacher can go to school.
My boss
+ can’t
have to
study English.
go shopping this weekend.
Monica and Mark + doesn’t have to cook dinner tonight.
sleep late tomorrow morning.

1.- _______________________________________________________________
2.- _______________________________________________________________
3.- _______________________________________________________________
4.- _______________________________________________________________
5.- _______________________________________________________________
6.- _______________________________________________________________
7.- _______________________________________________________________
8.- _______________________________________________________________
Adapted from Saslow, J. and Ascher, A. (2011) Top Notch Fundamentals Workbook Secon Edition
3.4.6. Choose “must”, “mustn’t”, “should” or “shouldn’t” to complete the following

1.- You ________________ bring your passport to travel to another country.

2.- You ________________ bring a camera on your trip.

3.- You ________________ bring plants, food, or animals to other countries.

4.- You ________________ go through customs when you enter a new country.

5.- You ________________ have a ticket to go on an airplane.

6.- You ________________ bring a bathing suit if you are going to a place with a
7.- To be safe, you _______________ take a lot of cash with you.

8.- You ________________ research the places you plan to visit.

9.- You ________________ check in with the airline before you get on the plane.

10.- You ________________ arrive at least 3 hours early for your flight.
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3.4.7. Listen to the conversations. Check ( ) the correct ailment. Then listen again
and complete the suggestions for a remedy each person gives. Use “should”.

A A A A A sore A A Suggestion
cold fever headache stomachache throat backache toothache
1 She should take
2 He

3 She

4 He

5 She

6 He

Taken from Saslow, J. and Ascher, A. (2011) Top Notch Fundamentals Workbook Secon Edition
4.1. Identificar verbos en presente participio para estructurar oraciones en
presente progresivo.

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4.1.1. Write the present participle of the following verbs:

1.- bake __________ 2.- paint __________ 3.- sit __________

4.- fly __________ 5.- sing __________ 6.- be __________

7.- see ___________ 8.- drop __________ 9.- have __________

10.- get ___________ 11.- throw _________ 12.- understand ___________

4.1.3. Describing a picture. Look at the picture and complete the sentences in the
present continuous. Use the verbs in parentheses.

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4.1.4. Correct the grammar mistakes bellow. The first one is done for you. There
are 12 more.
4.2. Identificar la diferencia entre gerundio, verbo en infinitivo y el
presente participio.

4.2.1. Choose the correct gerund or infinitive form for each gap below.

1.- (Fish)______________ used to be my favorite hobby at your age.

2.- We talked about _____________ (travel) together next summer.

3.- I remember ____________ (be) here when I was a child.

4.- I think I didn’t remember ______________ (lock) the door when we left.

5.- If she doesn’t answer, try _____________ (call) her mobile.

6.- I tried ___________ keep my eyes open, but I eventually fell asleep.

7.- My mom doesn’t let me _______________ (come) with you.

8.- She decided _____________ (move) in another city.

9.- They had trouble ___________ (find) our house.

10.- Alice enjoys ______________ (watch) soap operas on television.

4.2.2. Use the information under the lines to complete the sentences. Read the
verb on the left and decide if the verb on the right must be a gerund or an infinitive.

Feeling blue? Then take care of yourself!

Everybody feels a little sad from time to time. If you don’t feel like talking
(not feel like / talk)

about what is making you unhappy and you advice

(dislike / read)

books, here are some helpful hints. First of all, your

(decide / take care of)

health. coffee and alcohol. Coffee especially can make

(avoid / drink)

you feel nervous, but exercise can reduce nervousness and calm you. If you
,I with a friend you
(choose / exercise) (suggest / go)

time with. right and,

(enjoy / spend) (be sure / eat)

importantly, _ lots of sleep. If you

(be sure / get) (would like / take)

a day off from work and you _ to the movies or ______________

(want / go) (plan / take )

a walk in the park, just do it. Everybody needs to take a break sometimes. And

when life gets too depressing, yourself up. You can be

(learn / cheer)

your own best friend! Oh, and a final note: Everybody finds certain colors

“happy.”Try to wear the colors you find most cheerful.

Adapted from Saslow, J. and Ascher, A. (2011)

4.2.3. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.

4.3. Estructurar oraciones de manera afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa

en pasado continuo.
4.3.1. Write sentences in the past continuous tense.
1.- They ______________________ (walk) home.
2.- I _______________________(not talk) to Alan.
3.- ______ you ___________ (play) golf at 5:00 PM?
4.- Where ______ he __________ (live) ?
5.- My friends ________________ (not dance) at the party.
6.- What ______ your sister __________ (bake)?
7.- The dog _________________ (run) in the park.
8.- It __________________ (not snow) in New York City.
9.- Where _______ they __________ (go)?
10.- Who _______________ (cut) the tree?
Adapted from

4.3.2. Change the verb in parenthesis into the correct form to make coherence

1.- Tim _______________ (cook) while Susan _______________ (read) a book.

2.- While you ________________ (rest), I _________________ (clean) the house.
3.- I ___________________ (sleep) when the phone _________ (ring).
4.- While we _______________ (dance), the music ______________ (stop).
5.- While we _________________ (talk), someone __________ (steal) my purse.
6.- My boss __________ (call) me while I ________________ (eat).
7.- When they ________ (come) in, everybody _______________ (watch) a movie.
8.- We _________________ (study), when we __________ (hear) a loud noise.
9.- Joe _________________ (park) his car, when he _______ (hit) a truck.
10.- The prisoner _____ (run) away while the policemen ________________(joke).
Adapted from

4.3.3. Complete each story with the correct form of each verb in parenthesis
(simple past or past continuous)

Jim _________________ (walk) along High Street when he ________ (see)

someone behind him. A man __________________ (follow) him during the whole
day, so he ____________ (decide) to go faster. While he ______________ (enter)
Into a dark and narrow street, his heart was going to explode but when he _______
(turn) back to see if the man kept following him, the man disappeared.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Tom _________________ (save) money for months to go to France and
yesterday, he realized that he ________ (have) enough but while he ___________
(drive) to the travel agency he ___________________ (remember) that he didn’t
pay the rent. Disappointed he turn round and ___________ (go) back home. He
_______________ (get) very angry when he ___________ (think) that he could
borrow some money and finally he could travel.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Laurel _______ (see) an accident while she _______________ (go) to work.
this morning. She __________________ (walk) down the street and she ________
(look) up just in time to see everything. A sports car _______________ (speed)
down the road and suddenly an SUV __________ (turn) onto the street in front of
it. The driver of the sports car _______ (try) to stop, but it was too late. The sports
car _______ (hit) the SUV. Fortunately, no one _______ (be) hurt.

4.3.4. Underline the simple past sentences and circle the past continuous
sentences. Then write the verbs on its column.

A Pirate Story

An old pirate was sitting in the bar. He was smoking a pipe while he was
drinking a glass of rum. He was wearing an eye patch, and he had a parrot on
his shoulder and a wooden leg. Instead of his right hand he had a metal hook.
A young sailor was chatting with the pirate, and he asked him about his
adventures at sea. ‘So, how did you lose your leg?’, the young man asked the
pirate while he was pointing at his wooden leg. ‘Arrr!’, said the pirate, ¿You
see, some sharks were circling the ship when I fell overboard. Luckily, my men
pulled me back onto the ship before the sharks ate me completely, but while
they were pulling me up, one of the sharks got my leg.’
And how about the hook on you hand? How did you lose your hand?’ ‘I was
boarding a ship when another sailor cut off my hand with a sword.’ ‘That’s
amazing! What a life full of adventures!’ said the young man.
‘And how about your eye? How did you lose that?’ ‘I was eating a grapefruit
when the juice went into my eye.’ ‘But I don’t understand. How did you lose
your eye from the grapefruit juice?’ ‘Arrr!’ said the pirate, ‘it was my first day
with the new hook.’

Simple past Past continuous

Had_______ __________ was sitting_______ ______________
__________ __________ _______________ ______________
__________ __________ _______________ ______________
__________ __________ _______________ ______________
__________ __________ _______________ ______________

Let’s see if you are ready for English II.

Title: The Curious Cats

Once upon a time in a small village, there were three curious cats named Whiskers,
Mittens, and Paws. They lived in a cozy corner of the town, where the houses were
painted in vibrant colors, and the streets were lined with tall oak trees.

One sunny afternoon, the three feline friends decided to embark on an exciting
adventure. They heard a rumor about a magical garden filled with delicious treats
hidden deep in the heart of the forest. Eager to explore, the cats gathered their
courage and set out on their journey.

As they ventured into the dense woods, the cats encountered all sorts of challenges
– from crossing babbling brooks to climbing moss-covered rocks. But their
determination and teamwork kept them going. Whiskers led the way with his keen
sense of smell, while Mittens and Paws used their sharp claws to clear a path
through the underbrush.

After a long and adventurous journey, they finally stumbled upon the magical
garden. To their surprise, it was filled with shimmering berries, sparkling dewdrops,
and the sweet aroma of flowers in full bloom. The cats couldn't believe their luck!
They spent the entire afternoon feasting on the magical treats and playing games
amidst the enchanting surroundings. As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow
over the garden, the cats realized it was time to head back home.

With content hearts and full bellies, Whiskers, Mittens, and Paws made their way
through the woods, sharing stories of their incredible adventure. When they
reached their village, they couldn't help but spread the news about the magical
garden, inspiring other curious cats to embark on their own journeys.

From that day on, the small village became a gathering place for feline adventurers,
all thanks to the curious cats who discovered the enchanting wonders hidden in the
heart of the forest. And so, the legend of the magical garden lived on, passed down
from generation to generation of adventurous cats in the village.
(OpenAI, 2024)
Reading comprehension questions:

1.- Who are the three main characters in the story?_________________________

2.- Where do Whiskers, Mittens, and Paws live?____________________________
3.- What rumor did the cats hear that motivated them to embark on an adventure?
4.- What challenges did the cats face during their journey to the magical garden?
5.- What did the magical garden contain? ________________________________
6.- How did the cats use their individual strengths to overcome obstacles? _______
7.- Describe the atmosphere in the magical garden as the cats arrived. _________
8.- Why did the cats decide it was time to leave the magical garden____________
9.- How did the cats’ discovery affect the village? __________________________
10.- What do you think the legend of the magical garden symbolizes in the story?

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