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Ability Competence Gain Indicator Contents Activities Resources

Declarative 1. Responds to basic oral instructions in his/her school and social environments.

Procedimental Body language. Association of gestures. Saying school Practicing greetings Repeating the alphabet Using articles Writing and saying: questions, answers negative and affirmative forms of the verb be and personal pronoun, Phrases and sentences with adjectives and noun, Quantities and numbers, Demonstrative pronouns and regular or plural nouns and the time.

Attitude Maintaining order and respect while listening and communicating. Acting and response to given instructions. Expressing willingness to interact. Developing empathy.

Learning *The students use linguistic expressions.


1.1 Responds with

own oral expressions to texts supported by graphs colors or other educational sources.

1.2 Uses eye contact, knowledge, gesture appropriately in dialogues in class expositions.

School vocabulary. School organization. Greeting and farewells. Personals introductions. Alphabet Articles An/A/The Uses of articles. Verb to be Affirmative form. Personal pronoun. Contractions. Questions and answer. Shapes and colors The cardinal numbers 11000. Plural form Demonstrative pronoun. The time The day of the week,

Assistance Responsibility Dictations

HUMANS o Teacher s o Student s

*They practice the farewells and pass in front of the class.

Observation Short quiz Laboratories

MATERIALS o Blackbo ar o Markers o Noteboo k o Text book

*They use time expressions and adverbs.

Oral test Spelling

Appreciating ones surrounding.

*They count and use the cardinal numbers.

o Pens .

Greeting alone with other people.

Ability Competence Gain Indicator Contents Activities Resources

Declarative 2. Write sentences related to family life and house using adequate grammatical structure based of texts and graphics.

Organization of work environment. Association of gestures with linguistic expressions. Saying family and house vocabulary. Writing and pasting pictures of family tree. Writing phrases and sentences using adjectives and nouns. Saying and writing possessive pronouns and nouns. Write sentences with vocabulary and prepositions. Write sentences questions and answer with hove, do, does and using contractions. Using dictionary to increase vocabulary.

Attitude Maintaining order and respect while listening and communicating. Acting and response to given instructions. Expressing willingness to interact. Developing empathy.

Learning *The students use family vocabulary.


2.1 Responds
appropriately to instructions.

The family and the house vocabulary Family and house organization. Adjectives, nouns, Syntax: word order analysis. Possessive pronouns and nouns in singular and plural. Prepositions of place, on in between, under, at, beside, behind, in front of, down, up. Auxiliaries: do, does, does not, don not. Questions Affirmative Negative Interrogative

Assistance Responsibility

. HUMANS o Teachers o Students

2.2 Uses eye

contact knowledge, gestures, appropriately in dialogues in class expositions.

*They use adjectives, nouns, possessive pronouns and nouns.

Dictations Observation Short quiz

MATERIALS o Blackboar o Markers o Notebook o Text book

2.3 Recognize vocabulary words in expressions related to family and house.

*They use prepositions of place and use auxiliaries do, does, do not, does not.

Laboratories Oral test Spelling

Reading Comprehension

o Pens .

Appreciating ones surrounding.

*They use questions affirmative, negative and interrogative.

Greeting alone with other people.

Ability Competence
3. Write sentences and phrases related to places and farm animals using adequate grammatical structure based on texts and graphics.

Gain Indicator




3.1 Respond to instructions and others appropriately.

Declarative *Places and farm animals vocabulary. *New verbs and their meaning.

Procedimental *Writing with word simple sentences and phrases. *Applying new words to express points of view. *Using and write animals and places vocabulary. *Writing sentences in affirmative and negative form, questions and answers in simple presents tense. *Relating new verbs to pictures. *Using new verbs in constructing sentences, in simple present tense.

Attitude Maintaining order and respect while listening and communicating. Acting and response to given instructions.

Learning They memorize the animals name.


Assistance Responsibility Dictations

. HUMANS o Teacher s o Student s

3.2 Speaks with fluency, intonations and loudness appropriate to interact with situations of listening and speaking another language. 3.3 Uses eye contact, knowledge and gestures in dialogues in class expositions.

*simple present tense. -Affirmative form -Third person singular -Chart of verbs in simple present tense. -Negative form -Yes no questions. *Reading comprehension *use of new adjectives with farm animals vocabulary.

Use new verbs. Expressing willingness to interact. Developing empathy. They conjugate verbs in present tense.

Observation Short quiz Laboratories

Appreciating ones surrounding. Write sentences affirmative and negative form. Greeting alone with other people.

Oral test Spelling

MATERIALS o Blackbo ar o Markers o Notebo ok o Text book

o Pens

Ability Competence
4. Write sentences related to occupations using adequate grammatical

Gain Indicator




4.1 Responds to orders with graphical text and other

Declarative * The occupation vocabulary.

Procedimental *Association of gestures in

Attitud Maintaining order and respect while

Learning The students compare simple




BIMESTRES: 1. 2. 3. 4. GRADO: Primero Bsico. SECCIN: A, B, C, I. PARTE INFORMATIVA ESTABLECIMIENTO: Vespertina DIRECCIN: MUNICIPIO: DEPARTAMENTO: CICLO ESCOLAR: CATEDRTICO: ASIGNATURA: II. JUSTIFICACIN La asignatura del Idioma Extranjero Ingls reviste especial importancia en el pensum de estudios de cualquier grado o carrera debido a que el Idioma Ingls es considerado como lenguaje universal en el campo Comercial Financiera, Intelectual y Social; en tal sentido en este Centro Educativo la asignatura del Idioma Extranjero Ingls fija sus objetivos en despertar el inters del alumno para que tenga algunas nociones bsicas de este Idioma, que posteriormente sern las bases para un estudio ms avanzado. III. OBJETIVOS GENERALES A. Fijar en el estudiante el inters de adquirir los elementos bsicos del Idioma Extranjero Ingls tanto en su hablar como en su escritura a sabiendas que es un Idioma Universal. B. Que el alumno desarrolle habilidades para leer y escribir el Idioma Extranjero Ingls correctamente. C. Que el estudiante experimente que el aprendizaje del Idioma Extranjero Ingls constituye ya una necesidad en la vida. IV. BIBLIOGRAFA: Km. 55, Carretera a El Salvador, C.A. Barberena Santa Rosa 2011 PEM. Erick Aroldo Cerna Ramirez Ingls I Instituto Nacional de Educacin Bsica Jornada

Shinning Licda. Dani Ovalle, INDEGUA S.A. Ingles prctico para estudiantes de secundaria Feldman, Mary (Separata)

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