My Best Friend - Orators Day Script

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My best friend

Ladies and Gentlemen, Teachers and Tai’s, Friends, and schoolmates,

Some of you must be knowing me, my name is Radhika, and I am
from Grade 9

I hope you are all doing great,

Today, I stand before you with a heart full of gratitude and
excitement to talk about someone who has had an immeasurable
impact on my life. My confidant, my idol, my best friend…
This person I look up to, as a matter of fact, was from our school.
Now, we've all had moments in life when we stumble upon someone
who just changes everything, the person you get along with, like a cat
with a ball of yarn… well, that is not our story…

How many of you have best friends?

And, how many of you fight with your best friends at times?

Well, let me tell you how our story started.

From the moment we met, there was an instant connection – But a
different kind, ever heard of the phrase, being like 2 peas in a pod?
Well, that was not us… In fact, our friendship, could be described as,

But as time passed, slowly, we were like two puzzle pieces that
finally found their match. Our friendship blossomed, and little did I
know that this person would become one of my biggest inspirations.
They are not just my best friend; they are my guiding star, my

Let me tell you a bit more about this amazing person,

She has this magnetic aura that draws you in, and stimulates you to
be the best version of yourself!
Her journey, like all of us, has not been all rainbows and sunshine…
she has faced setbacks and failures, like not getting the opportunity to
stand for house captain…
But what sets her apart, is her ability to bounce back, learn from her
mistakes and grow stronger. This fantastic person has taught me to
stop avoiding failures, instead to embrace them, and use them as
stepping stones for the future.

What makes my best friend so special is not just her charisma and
kindness, but also a bold and brave attitude that has left a lasting
impression on me.
She has this incredible ability to see the potential in people, even
when we cannot see it ourselves.
Her encouragement and support have pushed me to dream bigger, try
harder, and never settle for mediocrity.

Whenever I faced challenges or doubted my abilities, my best friend

was there with unwavering support and a reminder that I am capable
of greatness. She never hesitated to lend a listening ear or offer a
shoulder to lean on during tough times. Her belief in me gave me the
strength to tackle life's obstacles head-on.

But it is not just the big moments that define our friendship. It is the
small things too – the late-night conversations, the inside jokes, and
the shared laughter that have created a bond that cannot be broken.
Through thick and thin, my best friend has been a constant source of
love and inspiration.
Their drive and determination have taught me the value of hard work
and perseverance. When I saw her passionately pursuing her dreams,
making a change, like making the decision to move to a new place, a
country she has never been to…
It motivated me to do the same, well, not move to a new place, but
her willingness to take risks and step out of her comfort zone,
encouraged me to break free from my limitations and explore new
But it is not just about being successful; it is also about being kind
and compassionate. My best friend exemplifies empathy and
generosity. She treats everyone with respect and kindness, leaving a
trail of positive impact wherever they go.

As I reflect on our journey together, I cannot help but feel immense

gratitude for the profound influence she has had on me. Showing me
that approaching new people should not be scary, asking your teacher
a silly doubt is worth it, and lastly learning to be myself, should be
my priority… because that is what got me such a great friend in the
first place!

In conclusion, my best friend is not only my idol but a living example

of what it means to be the best version of oneself. She has taught me
to embrace my strengths, acknowledge my weaknesses, and embrace
the imperfections that make me who I am.

To all of you here, I hope you also have someone like my best friend
in your life - someone who inspires you, believes in you, and brings
out the best in you. And if you have not found that person yet, I
encourage you to be that person for others, for you never know whose
life you might profoundly impact.
I would like to say that my best friend is not so perfect either, because
that does not exist… the two of us have had our fair share of
arguments, misunderstandings, or in better words for our generation,

In fact, Last academic year, this girl somehow convinced me to cry

with her, just for fun, to get out of giving an FA, which the two of us
eventually aced!
- She and I would bother some of our friends, just for perks
- She was my partner in crime, we would
- Host assemblies together, plan counselling sessions together,
Teach each other the weirdest dances at midnight…
And out of every memory of ours, I have learnt that this person is
confident, Creative, optimistic… which are all traits that I want to
acquire from her!!

So even though her journey at our school has ceased, my learning

from her has not…
Through all our arguments and entertaining memories, I have learnt

Tough times never last, tough people do, so I want to wish you the
best of luck Shaurya, for your new venture, and thank you for
everything you have done for me<3

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