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Name: Roll No: _ Date

I. Identify whether the sentences below are formal or informal:

1. Would you care for a glass of water? - Formal

2. See ya later! - Informal

3. Thank you so much for thinking of me. - Formal

4. I declined the invitation. - Formal

5. It’s going to be such a fun day. - Informal

6. I’m so not going to fall out of this tree. - Informal

7. I love how you’ve done up the kitchen. - Informal

8. I regret to inform you that your services are no longer required. - Formal

9. Thanks a billion Sheila. - Informal

10. How’d you feel about that nonsense movie yesterday? - Informal

11. I’m extremely apologetic for my mistake. - Formal

12. Susan would’ve loved this Karaoke joint! - Informal

13. Why don’t you like the movie? - Informal

14. I was overjoyed to meet my friend after many years. - Formal

15. Jamie always did like the aroma of freshly baked cake. - Formal
II. Identify if the following extracts are formal or informal. Mark
using a highlighter the words that show the style of writing.

● Example 1 - Formal

Dear Mr. Brendan,

I am writing to request your authorisation to attend a five day seminar on ‘Effective ways of
improving written communication within the Health Insurance Sector’, as instructed by my
team leader, Mrs. Murray. It will take place during the last week of next month, from 26th to
30th of June at the Olympia Convention Centre and the fee is EUR 200.
I do hope to receive a positive reply. I will await your response.

● Example 2 - Informal

It's a really brave step to take a year out of college to come and spend 6 months in the UK!
What are you planning to do with your time? Find a job? Learn some new skills? Write
back and give me more details of your plans so I can do my best to help you have a good

● Example 3 - Informal
Hi Sam,
I’ve been learning English since I was a kid and the best way I learnt was by going to that
English Training in New York. You would love it there and I think it’s the best place for
you to upgrade your English skills.
Let me tell you more about the place and who knows maybe I can put in a good word for
you if you want to go there. The teacher there is amazing! She dances and plays music
for us and entertains while teaching. Oh man what fun you will have! As for the class it
isn’t too long about 30 – 40 minutes every other day so you won’t get bored too.
Name: Roll No: _ Date

I. Change the sentences from informal to formal:

1. Janet, go get the kids.

Miss Janet, I request you to bring the kids


2. Mr. Krishin, I can’t come to the game.

I am apologetic for not being able to attend the game, Mr. Krishin

3. What’s up with you?

How are you doing?


4. The performance was awesome!

The performance was fabulous.


5. That’s too bad.

That is terrible.

6. That food was gross.

That food was detestable


7. Can’t you be less of a mess maker?

I would be grateful if you could make less of a clutter.


8. I love how cute the little puppies are!!!

I am fond of how darling the dainty puppies are.

9. OK OK, I will do my homework.

Alright, I will engage in completing my homework.

10. How’s the trip going?

How has the expedition been?

II. Change the sentences from formal to informal:

1. Mrs. Johnson appears to be upset about something.

That lady, Mrs. Johnson, she looks really sad!


2. The children can be extremely loud.

Oh these kids can be noisy!!


3. I pardon your behaviour.

I don’t mind in such a manner


4. It has been observed that your work performance has been exemplary.

It seems you’ve worked hard


5. I sincerely thank you for all your efforts to help me.

Hey! Thanks for the help.


6. I insist that you permit me to help you.

Come on! Let me help you.


7. It has been a pleasure spending time getting to know you.

Hi, good to know you!


8. The Mavericks have achieved their goal, they are victorious.

Hooray! Donald M.’s family won first position! They’re super cool!

9. I request your presence at my annual movie party.

You’ll have to be there at my movie party!!!


10. If you insist, I will attend your family gathering.

Whether you want me to or not, I’m gonna attend your family dinner!

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