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The Plant Journal (1998) 13(6), 803–814

Early stages of the apoptotic pathway in plant cells are

Iona E. W. O’Brien1,*, Bruce C. Baguley2, Brian G. Murray3, et al., 1992; Dive et al., 1992). The general term apoptosis
Bret A. M. Morris1 and Ian B. Ferguson1 has been used to describe a relatively ordered set of events
1Horticulture and Food Research Institute of New
in cells undergoing PCD, the main morphological features
Zealand, Private Bag 92169, Auckland, New Zealand, of which, in mammalian cells, are chromatin condensation,
2Cancer Research Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine and
cell shrinkage, systematic DNA cleavage with disintegra-
Health Sciences, University of Auckland, Private Bag tion of the nucleus and fragmentation into discrete apop-
92019, Auckland, New Zealand, and totic bodies, and ultimately cell death (Martin et al., 1994).
3School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland,
While input into the apoptotic pathway is likely to be
Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand multichannelled, the features of chromatin condensation
and nDNA fragmentation in particular are central, and
relatively consistent in mammalian cells (Wertz and Hanley,
Summary 1996). These morphological features can be characterized
by various microscopic techniques, and particularly by
Chromatin condensation and nDNA fragmentation, indic-
flow cytometry. Staining of permeabilized cells or nuclei
ators of apoptosis in mammalian cells, occur in plant cells
with propidium iodide (PI) results in a level of fluorescence
during senescence and following induction by chemical
indicative of the extent of chromatin condensation.
agents. In Nicotiana plumbaginifolia cells, camptothecin,
Apoptosis in mammalian cells is characterized by a reduc-
okadaic acid, salicylic acid, hydrogen peroxide, and the
tion in fluorescence as the tighter coiling of DNA results
calcium ionophore A23187 induced chromatin condensa-
in less PI intercalatory binding. DNA strand breakage can
tion and nDNA fragmentation. Exposure of cells to low
be assessed by specific labelling with, for instance, fluor-
concentrations or removal of the chemical agent resulted
escein-dUTP catalyzed by terminal deoxynucleotidyl trans-
in an initial phase of chromatin condensation, followed by
ferase (TdT). These cytometric techniques have proved
its reversal. A further feature of apoptosis in mammalian
crucial in linking concomitant and sequential events in the
cells, annexin V binding, indicative of phosphotidylserine
exposure, was also confirmed in relation to the other process (Darzynkiewicz et al., 1992).
events in the apoptotic pathway. With respect to flow Apart from the morphological and nuclear changes,
cytometric characteristics, apoptosis triggered by a variety apoptosis can be characterized by the involvement of cell
of chemicals occurs in plant cells in a manner closely signalling events such as an increase in free cytosolic
related to that in mammalian cells. However, the extent calcium concentration, an oxidative burst manifest as an
of chromatin condensation is substantially greater, and in increase in free oxygen radical activity and consequent
the early stages is reversible. increase in reduced glutathione, a collapse in mitochondrial
membrane potential, and increased exposure of the acidic
phospholipid phosphatidylserine (PS) on the outer surface
Introduction of the plasma membrane (Hale et al., 1996). Binding of
Programmed cell death (PCD) is a genetically programmed annexin V to exposed PS has proved a reliable and useful
process involving a number of regulatory genes, stimula- indicator of apoptosis in both mammalian and plant cells
tory events and signalling pathways, and a range of mor- (O’Brien et al., 1997).
phological features (Earnshaw, 1995; Hale et al., 1996; There is increasing evidence that programmed cell death
Martin et al., 1994). It is distinct from necrosis, the latter occurs in plants (Pennel and Lamb, 1997). This has been
being cell death as a response to severe trauma, and not demonstrated for the hypersensitive response associated
genetically based. The distinctive characteristics of necrosis with disease resistance, with the description of Arabidopsis
centre around collapse of membrane function and cell mutants for ACD (accelerated cell death) genes (Greenberg
metabolism, manifest as cell swelling, loss of compart- et al., 1994) and of mutants which developed necrotic
mentation and selective permeability of the plasma mem- lesions in the absence of a pathogen, which were associ-
brane, and no obvious early changes in DNA (Darzynkiewicz ated with characteristic markers of systemic acquired resist-
ance response (Dietrich et al., 1994). More recently, further
instances of programmed cell death have been described,
Received 11 June 1997; revised 4 November 1997; accepted 22 December including developmental changes associated with root
*For correspondence: (fax 1 64 98154201; growth and xylem differentiation (Groover et al., 1997;
e-mail; Kossiak et al., 1997; Mittler and Lam, 1995; Wang et al.,

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804 Iona E.W. O’Brien et al.

Figure 1. Micrographs of normal (a) or

apoptotic (b) protoplasts as seen under light
microscopy show the normal protoplasts to
be cytoplasmically dense, in contrast to the
vacuolated apoptotic protoplasts in which
the nucleus has becomes more distinct as
the cytoplasm becomes more vacuolated.
Staining of normal (c) or apoptotic (d)
protoplasts with FDA shows plasma
membrane integrity in contrast to necrotic
(e) protoplasts which have lost membrane
integrity as shown by high background
fluorescence and altered shape. Apoptotic
protoplasts (70% chromatin condensation
as determined by PI fluorescence and flow
cytometry) when stained with ethidium
bromide (g), show nuclear marginalisation
onto the nuclear membrane with chromatin
loss resulting in the enlarged nucleolus
becoming prominent. Control protoplasts
show dense nuclear staining (f). Micro-
graphs (a,b,c,d,f,g) are at 10003 magnifica-
tion, with (e) at 4003 magnification. Cells
were viewed using a Leitz Fluovert

1996), and in carrot cells in response to low level exposure exposed to chemical agents. In the latter case, we have
to abiotic stresses (McCabe et al., 1997). investigated whether the calcium and oxidative signalling
Some morphological features of apoptosis characteristic pathways may be associated with apoptosis in plants, using
of mammalian cells have also been observed in plant cells the calcium ionophore A23187 and calcium indicator Indo-
(Pennell and Lamb, 1997). The evidence to date centres larg- 1, and hydrogen peroxide and salicyclic acid as stimulants,
ely on DNA fragmentation detected by DNA laddering and with reduced glutathione levels in the cell as a measure of
TdT-mediated dUTP in situ labelling in plant cells responding response. Some of these agents have been shown to induce
to fungal infection or phytotoxin exposure (Ryerson and cell death with some of the physical features of programmed
Heath, 1996; Wang et al., 1996), in root cells (Kossiak et al., cell death, such as cell shrinkage (Levine et al., 1996; McCabe
1997; Wang et al., 1996), and cells responding to abiotic et al., 1997). In addition, as part of our approach to align
stress (Katsuhara, 1997; McCabe et al., 1997). However, various indicators of apoptosis, we have used the marker
there is no system yet described which shows all the features annexin V to test for exposure of PS at the outer surface of
common to mammalian cell apoptosis. This is particularly the plasma membrane. The latter is a morphological feature
the case with chromatin condensation. Chromatin con- of apoptosis in mammalian cells. We have previously shown
densation has frequently been assayed by PI-fluoresence in that annexin V binding occurs in plant cells undergoing pro-
a number of plant tissues, and we have recently shown in gammed cell death induced by camptothecin, at a stage prior
to DNA fragmentation (O’Brien et al., 1997). In the course of
tobacco cells that it is a precursor to the onset of nucleosomal
our work, we have found in plant cells that the fluorescence
DNA fragmentation as detected by both microscopy and
shifts obtained with PI labelling are markedly greater than
flow cytometry (O’Brien et al., 1998b). However, there is a
found in mammalian cells, and that chromatin condensation
need to assess whether the various characteristics of mam-
may be reversible during the early stages of apoptosis.
malian apoptosis are present concomitantly in plants and, if
so, whether they may be linked in a pathway which has
similarities to that in mammalian cells.
We have used flow cytometry with suspension-cultured
Chromatin condensation and DNA fragmentation
tobacco cells to investigate whether chromatin condensa-
tion and DNA fragmentation can be associated with Under light microscopy (Figure 1a,b), the cytoplasm of
apoptosis in plants, both in senescing cells, and in those control (untreated) protoplasts was dense and evenly dis-
© Blackwell Science Ltd, The Plant Journal, (1998), 13, 803–814
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Early stages of plant apoptosis are reversible 805

ing of tobacco nuclei from protoplasts with no chromatin

condensation (as determined by flow cytometry) was
evenly distributed across the nucleus (Figure 1f). However,
at a level of 70% chromatin condensation (see below),
nuclear marginalisation of the chromatin was evident,
together with the presence of the nucleolus as a central
core (Figure 1g).
To follow chromatin changes during the growth cycle,
cells were sampled at various stages, from time of subcul-
turing through to cessation of cell division and subsequent
subculturing (Figure 2). Over the first 3 days there was an
increase in the percentage of cells in the G2 phase, which
was accompanied by an increase in relative fluorescence,
suggesting a reduction in the percentage of chromatin
condensation (Figure 2a,b). This is shown by a shift in the
G0-G1 and G2 fluorescence peaks. A high mean channel
number (given above the peaks in Figure 2) indicates
greater intensity of fluorescence (see also Figure 3) and,
in this case, more PI binding and lower levels of chromatin
condensation. At the same time, there was an increase in
cell numbers in the G2 peak, and an increase in fluores-
cence, indicating again an opening up of the chromatin
with greater PI binding. By day 6, which was at the postlog
stage, cell division had declined and there was a marked
increase in chromatin condensation. On day 7, half the
cells were subcultured (Figure 2c), and the cycle from day
0 to day 6 was repeated (this was done six times for the
data in Figure 2). If the cells were left to grow on, by day
10 (Figure 2d) cell division dropped to less than 2% and
chromatin condensation reached 40% (shown by a further
Figure 2. Cells were sampled at progressive stages of the growth cycle, decrease in channel number of the first peak). Subculturing
protoplasts prepared, nuclei isolated and stained with PI. at this stage stimulated cell division and, correspondingly,
Both cell division (G2 only) and chromatin condensation were measured
(see Experimental procedures). At day 10, cells were subcultured and the percentage of condensation dropped. At day 14 in the
resampled at 14 days (f). A replicate flask was allowed to continue (e). culture which was left to grown on, cell division ceased
Values are the mean measurements from 6 replicate growth cycles, bars and flow cytometric analysis showed a new fluorescence
represent SEs. Histograms of PI fluorescence (a–f) are shown at the various
sampling times during cell growth. These represent data from one of the peak (Figure 2e, channel number 72), recognised in mam-
measured cycles. An increase in chromatin condensation is depicted as a malian cells as a sub-G1 or apoptotic peak (Hotz et al.,
shift to the left (reduction in fluorescence) of the first (G0/G1) peak, and an 1994), and as also previously identified in our earlier work
increase in cell division is displayed as an increase in the height of the
second peak (G2/M, channel number 926, b). An apoptotic peak (subdiploid) using both TUNEL assay and confocal microscopy (O’Brien
indicating nDNA fragmentation was detected when cells were not et al., 1997, 1998).
subcultured (channel number 72, e). Numbers above the peaks denote To relate DNA fragmentation with chromatin condensa-
fluorescence channel number. STD indicates measurement of fluorescence
of fluorospheres used as a standard for calibration. tion, cells were sampled at increasing times from sub-
culture (days 1, 7 and 14), and single-strand DNA breaks
assayed by the TUNEL assay. With increasing levels of
tributed, with nuclei not especially obvious. Protoplasts at chromatin condensation, an increase in fluorescein fluor-
an early stage of chromatin condensation (induced by the escence occurred, shown by a shift (an increase) in fluores-
addition of 130 µM H2O2) showed a more defined nucleus. cence (Figure 3b,d,f). This shift is the result of increased
When protoplasts were stained with FDA, necrotic proto- incorporation of dUTP due to DNA fragmentation.
plasts (induced by the addition of 260 µM H2O2) showed a
loss of turgor and appeared to lose esterases resulting in
Induction of apoptosis in plant cells
fluorescence of the media, whereas control and apoptotic
protoplasts showed retention of the dye in the cytoplasm Agents chosen for this study were of three types: those
and nucleus, and functional plasma membrane structure that either induced an increase in intracellular calcium
(Figure 1c,d,e). Fluorescence from ethidium bromide stain- (A23187); resulted in oxidative stress (H2O2, salicylic acid);

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806 Iona E.W. O’Brien et al.

Figure 4. Protoplasts were treated with 1 µM A23187 (c,d,e), 70 µM salicylic

acid (f,g,h) or 1 µM camptothecin (i,j,k). Chromatin condensation increased
as shown by a decrease in PI fluorescence (c,f,i), in contrast to the control
population (a), and ssDNA breaks increased as demonstrated by an increase
in TUNEL (FITC) fluorescence (d,g,j) with no increase in the control
population (b) over 3 h. An apoptotic peak developed after 4 h treatment
Figure 3. PI fluorescence (a,c,e) and the TUNEL assay (b,d,f) were used with A23187 (e), salicylic acid (h) and camptothecin (k).
to measure chromatin condensation and ssDNA breaks, respectively, in
senescing cells.
An increase in fluorescence in the TUNEL assay (denoted as FITC –see Relatively high levels of the agents (e.g. 3 µM A23187)
Experimental procedures) corresponds to an increase in DNA breakage. caused cells to become necrotic. These protoplasts showed
The fluorescence shift is depicted by overlaying the control population membrane leakage (measured by FDA and PI staining), an
(shaded peak, without TdT) with the TdT-labelled population (unshaded
peak) as a function of time. Channel numbers for the PI assay denote increase in forward scatter (therefore swelling prior to
reduction in fluorescence with increasing condensation. (a) and (b) rupture), and no change in DNA content (no quantitative
represent 0% condensation, (c) and (d) 40%, and (e) and (f) 70%. The change in PI intensity). No nDNA fragmentation was
increase in DNA breakage coincides with the increase in chromatin
condensation, with maximum number of DNA breaks (f) coinciding with detected in necrotic cells. In direct comparison, protoplasts
the occurrence of an apoptotic peak (e). The control assay (g) represents treated with lower levels of the agents (e.g. 1 µM A23187)
the greatest level of DNA breakage achieved from DNAse I treatment. retained membrane integrity and cell viability, had higher
side scatter (chromatin condensing) and lower forward
or altered chromatin structure, including camptothecin scatter (cell shrinkage; see Experimental procedures).
(topoisomerase I inhibition) and okadaic acid (protein Treatments which stimulated apoptosis (lower concentra-
phosphorylation inhibition). Tobacco protoplasts were tions than those inducing immediate necrosis) resulted in
treated with a range of concentrations of each of these shifts in PI fluorescence (a decrease indicating chromatin
agents. From the dose responses obtained, we were able to condensation, Figure 4c,f,i), and an increase in fluorescence
identify concentrations of each agent which either induced with TUNEL analysis, indicating an increase in DNA break-
rapid necrosis or resulted in cell death by a process age (Figure 4d,g,j). After 4 h with the same agents, an
showing characteristic features of apoptosis (dose– apoptotic peak developed (Figure 4e,h,k), with increasing
response data not shown). DNA breakdown.

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Early stages of plant apoptosis are reversible 807

Treatment of protoplasts with 1 µM A23187, resulted in

an immediate increase in intracellular calcium (Figure 5a).
The increase was determined from the ratio of fluorescence
measurements at 405 and 525 nm. The former wavelength
is that for unbound Indo-1 and the latter for bound Indo-1
to calcium (Robinson, 1993). The mean of this ratio for
the protoplast population was found and concentration
calculated from a known calcium-Indo-1 standard. This
mean ratio is displayed in the density plots for Indo-I
fluorescence as shown in Figure 5. The increase was
maintained over 10 mins, after which time the intracellular
calcium concentration returned to base level. Following
this, after 3 h, there was a second increase in intracellular
calcium, which coincided with the time of appearance of
the maximum TUNEL response. The data allow an estimate
to be made of intracellular calcium concentration

Figure 5. Treatment of protoplasts with 1 µM A23187 (a), the same

concentration which induces chromatin condensation, resulted in an
immediate increase in intracellular calcium as detected by a rise in Indo-1
fluorescence (Y-axis).
An increase in intracellular calcium was also detected in plant protoplasts
taken from the normal growth cycle at the 35% stage of chromatin
condensation (b) in comparison to control protoplasts with no condensation
(c). The graph shows long-term changes in intracellular calcium after
treatment with 1 µM or 3 µM A23187. Protoplasts were treated with A23187
at time zero, Indo-1 added at the given time points, and fluorescence
measured after 10 min. Protoplasts treated similarly, but with 130 µM H2O2
did not increase in intracellular calcium over the 4-h period. Control
protoplasts with no A23187 added maintained a calcium concentration of
approximately 215 nM over the experimental time.

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808 Iona E.W. O’Brien et al.

(Robinson, 1993). The resting concentration is calculated

to be approximately 215 nM, rising to about 650 nM at the
peak for 1 µM A23187, and to approximately 850 nM at
the peak for 3 µM A23187. The former concentration of
ionophore induced chromatin condensation (Figure 4), with
eventual apoptotic cell death. With 3 µM A23187, there was
a greater increase, followed by a rapid collapse coinciding
with necrosis. However, when we compared control proto-
plasts with those at 35–40% chromatin condensation during
natural senescence of the cell population, we found higher
levels of intracellular calcium (Figure 5b,c). We were unable
to find any increase in intracellular calcium associated
with treatment of protoplasts with H2O2 at concentrations
(130 µM) which induced chromatin condensation (see
Figure 6 for H2O2 data). This is in contrast with data
from Levine et al. (1996) and is discussed further in the
Discussion section.
Protoplasts treated with H2O2 showed increases in
intracellular glutathione (GSH) correlated with specific
levels of chromatin condensation determined by PI fluor-
escence. This is visualised by a shift in the 2-D aggregation
of signal shown by plotting low fluorescence (405 nm) and
high fluorescence (450–500 nm) which measure non-bound
GSH and bound GSH, respectively (Figure 6). A vertical
shift in the intensity denotes an increase associated with
higher levels of reduced glutathione. The sequence of
histograms obtained from treating protoplasts with H2O2
shows an increase in reduced glutathione seen by a move-
ment of the fluorescence intensity up the Y-axis (Figure 6b).
After this increase, the reduced glutathione levels start to
fall (Figure 6c) until returning close to those at time zero
(Figure 6a) by the time chromatin condensation has
reached about 35% (Figure 6e). A similar increase and
decrease in internal reduced glutathione was found in cells
from a growing cell population (Figure 6f–h).
Figure 6. Treatment of protoplasts with 130 µM H2O2 resulted in an increase
in intracellular reduced glutathione as depicted by an increase up the Y-
Reversibility of chromatin condensation axis (high fluorescence indicates monochlorobimane binding).
Protoplasts were exposed to 130 µm H2O2 at time zero (a), and mono-
During our experiments, we noticed on several occasions chlorobimane added at 30 min intervals (a–e) and fluorescence measured.
that fluorescence shifts associated with increased chro- At 30 min (b), reduced glutathione increased, followed by a gradual
reduction until at 2 h (e), there was little evidence for reduced glutathione
matin condensation showed reversibility. The first instance
present. Beyond this point, protoplasts did not respond to further addition
of this was when cells were subcultured after reaching a of peroxide. The population in the lower left corner has decreased in
level of 40% chromatin condensation. Four days after forward scatter, and therefore is in the late stages of apoptosis. When
protoplasts taken from different stages of the growth cycle were stained
subculturing, fluorescence levels had returned to those
with monochlorobimane, higher levels of reduced glutathione were found
associated with 0% chromatin condensation (Figure 2). The in protoplasts with up to 20% chromatin condensation (0%, f; 20%, g). At
first interpretation of this would be that in the population 35% condensation (h), there was a lower level of intracellular reduced
of cells at the time of subculturing, there were uncondensed
cells which were candidates for new cell division. However,
these would have been obvious in the flow cytometric The apparent reversibility was investigated further. When
analysis as two peaks representing condensed and uncon- protoplasts were treated with 1 µM A23187 for 2 h, the
densed chromatin. Furthermore, there was no evidence of agent was washed out and the protoplasts held for a
a large population of dead cells in the subculture, which further 18 h, there was an initial increase in chromatin
would have indicated that cells at the 40% level had condensation (Figure 7a,b) followed by a reduction back
proceeded to die. to the initial levels (Figure 7c). A similar shift and recovery

© Blackwell Science Ltd, The Plant Journal, (1998), 13, 803–814

1365313x, 1998, 6, Downloaded from by Egyptian National Sti. Network (Enstinet), Wiley Online Library on [28/06/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Early stages of plant apoptosis are reversible 809

Figure 7. Protoplasts were treated with 1 µM A23187 (a–c) and underwent chromatin condensation, which at 2 h is shown by a substantial shift in fluorescence (b).
The protoplasts were then washed and within 18 h, fluorescence returned to the original channel (c). Protoplasts treated with 7.5 µM okadaic acid (d–f) 70 µM
H2O2 (g–i) developed chromatin condensation (as determined by decreased PI fluorescence) over 3 h (e and h, respectively). Under continued exposure to
the agents for 5 h, peak fluorescence returned to the original channel (f and i, respectively). In all three treatments some cells died as depicted by the debris
in the lower channel. Histograms a, d and g are controls before addition of the inducing chemicals. (a) and (g) are the same since, for these treatments, the
same batch of protoplasts was used and split.

was found in the continued presence over 5 h of sublethal ation of apoptotic protoplasts binding annexin V (upper
levels of agents such as 0.5 µM A23187 (data not shown) left quadrant), a normal subpopulation with neither annexin
or 7.5 µM okadaic acid (Figure 7d–f) and 70 µM H2O2 V nor PI binding (lower left quadrant), and a necrotic
(Figure 7g–i). subpopulation strongly positive for PI indicative of mem-
Where treatment replicates from the same batch of brane leakage (right hand population). After 1 h (Figure 8b),
protoplasts were analysed by flow cytometry, standard a subpopulation of apoptotic cells can be seen, with most
deviations (n 5 3) were very low. For example, with PI cells in a relatively uncondensed condition. After 2 and 3 h
binding repeated analysis of control (time 0) samples in (Figure 8c,d, respectively), both the apoptotic and necrotic
experiments gave standard deviations typically of less than subpopulation increased and became more distinct.
5%. Repeated sampling of protoplasts treated with various Necrotic cells can develop both as an end-point of the
agents gave SDs of up to 10%. Thus, for example, fluores- apoptotic pathway and by non-apoptotic death. Thus
cence changes shown in Figure 7 are beyond this variability annexin V binding, combined with PI, was used to detect
and therefore significant. Effects such as those shown in levels of apoptosis and to differentiate between subpopula-
Figure 7 were confirmed by repeating experiments. tions at different stages.

Annexin V binding Discussion

Annexin V binding was first detectable at 10–20% chromatin

Plant apoptosis
condensation and was present throughout the process of
apoptosis in plant cells during senescence, or treated with The flow cytometric and microscopic characteristics of
A23187, salicylic acid or camptothecin. To detect annexin chromatin condensation and nucleosomal DNA fragmenta-
V binding, whole protoplasts were used as we were looking tion that we have found in tobacco cells are almost identical
for binding on the plasma membrane. Since PI (when used to those described for apoptosis in mammalian cells. The
as vital stain) is taken up by necrotic cells but excluded only mammalian characteristic which we did not observe
from apoptotic ones, we could use PI as an indicator of was plasma membrane blebbing, although we did not
membrane damage (it is a commonly used vital stain) at look closely for this. A wide range of examples of DNA
the same time as measuring annexin V binding. We treated fragmentation associated with whole cell shrinkage and
control protoplasts (no detectable chromatin condensation, condensation have been published (see Pennell and Lamb,
Figure 8a) with 1 µM A23187 and after 1, 2, and 3 h labelled 1997 for review). However, a particular association between
them with annexin V and PI (Figure 8b,c,d, respectively). chromatin condensation and the other features of pro-
In each of the 2-D histograms in Figure 8 representing grammed cell death such as DNA fragmentation, other
treated protoplasts (b,c and d), there is a distinct subpopul- indicators such as annexin V binding, with induction by

© Blackwell Science Ltd, The Plant Journal, (1998), 13, 803–814

1365313x, 1998, 6, Downloaded from by Egyptian National Sti. Network (Enstinet), Wiley Online Library on [28/06/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
810 Iona E.W. O’Brien et al.

microscopic evidence for DNA marginalization (Figure 1),

appear to be no different from that found in mammalian
cells (O’Brien et al., 1997).

Signalling pathways
We have shown that the above features of apoptosis
are present in plant cells which are undergoing natural
senescence, and in the presence of chemical agents. As
with mammalian cells, chromatin condensation and nDNA
fragmentation appear to be characteristic of cells at a later
stage in their growth curve. This was sufficiently consistent
for us to use, for other experiments, cells at various stages
of the growth cycle identified by specific percentages of
condensation. The sequence of changes found in cultured
cells leads us to suggest that apoptosis could be reversible
at certain stages, as is discussed below.
The chemicals and concentrations used were selected on
the basis of their ability to induce chromatin condensation
followed by nDNA fragmentation in mammalian cells.
Figure 8. Control (uncondensed) protoplasts were treated with 1 µM Mammalian apoptosis is an active cell process which
(a) represents an annexin V control in the absence of A23187 (showing no includes a number of signalling stages (Hedley and McCul-
binding of annexin V or PI). After 1 (b), 2 (c) and 3 h (d) treatment with loch, 1996; Martin et al., 1994). This sequence includes an
A23187, the protoplasts were treated with annexin V and PI. Fluorescence oxidative burst, followed by an increase in cytosolic calcium
from annexin V and PI was measured. Three populations of protoplasts
are visible. The population in the upper left quadrant has high annexin V concentration and then protease action inducing changes
binding and no PI fluorescence, indicative of apoptotic protoplasts. The in chromatin structure (Hedley and McCulloch, 1996; Martin
population on the right has relatively high PI fluorescence indicative of et al., 1994). The chemicals we chose were of three types:
necrotic protoplasts. The lower left population is typical of normal healthy
protoplasts showing no annexin V binding or PI uptake. Note that those resulting in oxidative stress (hydrogen peroxide,
fluorescence in these histograms is displayed on a log scale. salicylic acid), those inducing an increase in intracellular
calcium (A23187), and those altering nuclear morphology
various agents, has been made possible by flow cytometric (camptothecin, okadaic acid). Plant cells treated with rela-
analysis and has not yet been part of published plant tively high levels of the agents (e.g. 3 µM A23187) became
studies. necrotic, showing similar flow cytometric characteristics to
A distinctive feature of our results is the magnitude of necrotic mammalian cells (Dive et al., 1992; Darzynkiewicz
the change in stainability of DNA by PI. Mammalian studies et al., 1992), with membrane leakage identified by dual
usually show much smaller channel shifts with PI fluores- FDA and PI staining, an increase in forward scatter (there-
cence on the settings we have used, followed by a subdi- fore swelling prior to rupture), and no change in DNA
ploid peak known as the apoptotic peak. This peak is content as measured by PI binding. No nDNA fragmenta-
indicative of the start of DNA loss from the nucleus and is tion was detected in necrotic cells with the TUNEL
a specific characteristic of apoptosis. However, in tobacco technique.
cells we have found shifts of up to 480 channels (70%), In contrast, plant cells treated with moderate levels of
followed by the apoptotic peak (e.g. Figure 2). The greater an inducing agent (e.g. 1 µM A23187) retained membrane
shift in plant cells suggests that chromatin in plants is integrity and cell viability, increased in side scatter while
more dynamic, i.e. there is a greater degree of coiling of decreasing in forward scatter (therefore cell shrinkage),
DNA around the histones over a longer period, suggesting with a progressive increase in chromatin condensation
that this may be a protective mechanism valuable for an followed by nDNA fragmentation indicative of apoptosis.
organism vulnerable to static exposure to stress such as The third, low concentration level identified resulted in
high UV radiation. chromatin condensation in conjunction with a small num-
Flow cytometry also allows for analysis of cell size ber of single-stranded DNA breaks as determined by
changes. We found a decrease in cell size (forward scatter) TUNEL. These cells recovered, indicative of repair (see
with an increase in granularity (side scatter), both conven- below).
tionally characteristic of mammalian apoptosis. By compar- The role of calcium in the induction of apoptosis has
ison, necrotic cells swelled (increased forward scatter). been described for mammalian cells (Bertrand et al., 1993;
Analysis of nuclear DNA fragmentation by TUNEL, and our Martin et al., 1994), and our results with A23187 showing

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Early stages of plant apoptosis are reversible 811

chromatin condensation followed by nDNA fragmentation that lower concentrations of H2O2 (2 mM) than required for
approximately 3 h following treatment confirm published hypersensitive cell death (8 mM) were sufficient to induce
plant results (Jabs et al., 1997; Levine et al., 1996; McCabe cellular protectant genes such as glutathione S-transferase
et al., 1997), suggesting that calcium plays a critical role in and glutathione peroxidase. Protoplasts will be consider-
plant programmed cell death. Necrotic cells showed a ably more sensitive that whole cells to agents such as
rapid increase in intracellular calcium, followed by an even peroxide and again, as with our calcium results, we were
more rapid drop as the cells died (Figure 5), results similar detecting early stages in progammed cell death – chromatin
to those for necrosis in mammalian cells (Darzynkiewicz condensation, DNA fragmentation and changes in
et al., 1992). The A23187 concentrations effective in our intracellular reduced glutathione, as well as necrosis with
study (0.5–3 µM) are substantially lower than those used the higher concentrations.
by Levine et al. (1996) (15 mM) and McCabe et al. (1997) Dose responses with inducing agents (lower concentra-
(0.1 mM). In both of these published studies, only cell death tions causing apoptosis and higher necrosis) are found
and whole cell morphological changes were recorded after with mammalian cells (Wertz and Hanley, 1996). We also
relatively long treatment periods; neither followed earlier found the same effect, which has also been noted by
nuclear changes. The differences between these results McCabe et al. (1997). Effective concentrations of an agent
and ours may therefore lie in the greater sensitivity of will be a function of duration of treatment and the initial
protoplasts and in our measurement of early apoptotic condition of the cells. Therefore, although we consistently
features. Indo-1 has not been used previously for flow found that increasing concentrations of stimulating agents
cytometric analysis in plant cells, although it was used to such as A23187 and H2O2 delivered over the same time
follow intracellular calcium changes in soybean suspension periods resulted in either apoptosis or, at higher concentra-
cells (Levine et al., 1996). We preferred this to other fluor- tions, necrosis without passing through an apoptotic stage,
escent agents such as Fura-red or Fluo-3, since with Indo- the absolute concentrations having these effects could
1 we can more precisely determine ratios of bound to change according to cell stage.
unbound agent, and there appears to be a slower transfer The juxtaposition of calcium and oxidative signalling
of agent into the vacuole (data not shown). There are events is still unresolved in mammalian cells, although
significant differences in our methodology (short-term there is a belief that the oxidative burst may be a relatively
loading and analysis) and that of Levine et al. (1996) who early event (Hedley and McCulloch, 1996). The glutathione
loaded over several hours. However, the same conclusions changes that we found in tobacco cells undergoing natural
are reached: raised internal calcium concentrations are senescence (occurring at about the 20% chromatin con-
part of the signalling pathway, and perturbation of the densation level, where we also found the first TUNEL
cellular calcium economy can induce major features of response, Figure 3) occurred before any increase in
apoptosis. intracellular calcium was detectable (at about the 35%
To identify whether oxidative stress triggers apoptosis level), supporting the same situation occurring in plants
in plants we tested hydrogen peroxide and salicylic acid. (Figure 6). Direct measurements of H2O2-induced increases
Both these treatments resulted in chromatin condensation in intracellular calcium suggest that, in some plant systems,
leading to apoptosis and, again, we were able to distinguish a calcium rise may follow oxidative activity (Levine et al.,
between treatments which directly induced necrosis and 1994), although other data suggest that the sequence is
those which induced apoptotic changes in chromatin and much less clear (e.g. Jabs et al., 1997). We were not able
DNA. An oxidative burst has been associated with the to detect any increase in intracellular calcium after treating
hypersensitive response (Lamb and Dixon, 1997), and there cells with H2O2. As mentioned above, our experiments
are a number of instances where treatment with H2O2 and involved much lower peroxide concentrations than those
increased intracellular levels of reduced oxygen species used by Levine et al. (1996), and much shorter term
have been shown to lead to programmed cell death (Jabs intracellular calcium measurements (whereby we tried to
et al., 1996; Levine et al., 1994, 1996). Whilst the effects of exclude intravacuolar calcium measurements). The
H2O2 are explainable in terms of the published evidence, sequence of events may well differ among cell types
there is still uncertainty as to how salicylic acid may and under different induction, suggesting multisignalling
work since it does not necessarily induce increased H2O2 pathways (Martin et al., 1994). A further consideration
concentrations in cells (Bi et al., 1995). As with our results is that most methods of detecting intracellular calcium
using A23187, there are large differences between our increases associated with programmed cell death in plant
effective concentrations of H2O2 (70–260 µM) and those cells are not designed to detect release from intracellular
quoted in the literature. Levine et al. (1994) have pointed pools. The conventional mechanism for calcium signalling,
out that H2O2 has a relatively short life in a cultured cell e.g. the Indo-1 loading methods used by Levine et al.
suspension, but also that a short pulse may be all that is (1996), would have led to the presence of the indicator in
necessary to induce cell death. These authors also showed the vacuole as well as the cytosol. Often, the applied

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812 Iona E.W. O’Brien et al.

treatments are sufficiently traumatic to have effects at the stage than in mammalian cells, perhaps before the loss of
plasma membrane which may not mimic those occurring reversibility.
naturally. In summary, we may be able to identify decision points
Both okadaic acid, which in plant cells inhibits phosphat- at early stages of chromatin condensation in the apoptotic
ases I and II resulting in the hyperphosphorylation of pathway in plants. The greater degree of condensation of
histone 1 leading to chromatin condensation (Zhang et al., plant chromatin may allow us to dissect the pathway to
1992), and camptothecin, which inhibits topoisomerase I an extent not appreciated in mammalian studies. This has
thereby inducing apoptosis in HL-60 cells (Bertrand et al., led us to identify reversibility in the early stages, and
1993; O’Brien et al., 1996), induced chromatin condensation show the potential for distinguishing progressive stages
in tobacco cells. Together, these data show that nuclear of the pathway.
changes characteristic of animal apoptosis may occur in
plants, and these compounds may be useful for direct
targeting of histones and DNA in determining character- Experimental procedures
istics of plant apoptosis.
Cells and culture conditions
Suspension-cultured tobacco (Nicotiana plumbaginifolia) cells
Reversibility and control were originally obtained from Dr P. Larkin (CSIRO, Canberra,
Australia). Cells were maintained in liquid CSV media in conical
Perhaps our most novel result is that which suggests that
flasks on an orbital shaker (100 rpm), grown at 25°C with 16 h
the apoptotic pathway in plant cells is reversible at specific photoperiod, and subcultured at 7 day intervals.
stages. In our earlier work, we found that early stages of
chromatin condensation, in response to mild HCl treatment
Natural cell death
of nuclei, could be reversed (O’Brien et al., 1998). We
assume in this case, with acid treatment, reversibility is a Senescence of plant cell cultures was determined by measuring
the percentage of cell division in the culture over 14 days. Cells
result of disassociation of histones, allowing increased PI
were stained with propidium iodide (PI) and the cell cycle analysed
binding. In the present work, we have confirmed reversibil- by flow cytometry, using the Multicycle AV Cell Cycle Analysis
ity of chromatin condensation by using the chemicals at Program (Phoenix Flow Systems, San Diego, CA, USA). This cell
sublethal levels (e.g. 0.5 µM A23187) or by washing the cycle programme determines the percentage of cells in any stage;
cells after varying treatment times to remove the agent we are also following the protocol of Galbraith et al. (1983) on
cell cycle analysis in plants. This technique provided data on the
(Figure 7). In both instances, chromatin condensation which
percentage of cells in each part of the cell division cycle. Cultures
had been induced in the presence of the agent (e.g. a shift were considered to be senescent when the percentage of cells in
from channel number 356–67 in 2 h) was fully reversed G2 phase dropped below 2%.
within 20 h (with a return to channel number 362; Figure 7).
It appears likely that early repair mechanisms were able to
prevent cell death. The only way in which such a reversal Induced cell death
could occur was by chromatin relaxation. A number of chemical agents were used to induce chromatin
When we followed chromatin condensation during nat- condensation and DNA fragmentation. A23187 (Molecular Probes,
ural senescence (Figure 2), we were able to show that Inc., Eugene, Orm USA), camptothecin, and okadaic acid were
dissolved in DMSO at concentrations shown in the results. The
renewal of medium was followed by a reversible PI shift. A23187 used was the non-fluorescent form. Salicylic acid was
We do not believe that this represents a new subpopulation dissolved in 1 M sodium hydroxide, and hydrogen peroxide was
of cells, since we have no cytometric evidence for G2 cells used in an aqueous solution. Where DMSO was used, the possible
in the culture before subculturing, nor for two peaks effects of the solvent alone on the plant cells were also tested.
representing condensed and uncondensed chromatin at The effects of these agents were tested as follows. Protoplasts
from Nicotiana cells were isolated and washed according to
the early stages of the new cycle. Our conclusion is that O’Brien and Lindsay (1993). Sub-samples (™ 106 ml–1) were incub-
cells in which chromatin had condensed to some degree ated for varying times with the different agents. To examine the
were able to recover and be stimulated to divide. Our data effect of removing the agents, protoplast suspensions were divided
also suggest that early DNA breaks may be reversible into two batches. Both batches were treated with chemical agents
(Figure 3). as above. One batch was then analysed for chromatin condensa-
tion immediately after appropriate incubation. In order to follow
Our results with annexin V binding also confirm our recovery, the other batch was washed twice after varying times,
earlier results (O’Brien et al., 1997), that this indicator of put back into culture medium, and analysed 24 h later.
the progress of apoptosis in animal cells can also be used
to detect stages of apoptosis in plant cells. Annexin V is
an indicator of exposure of PS at the outer surface of animal Chromatin condensation
cell plasma membranes, a process linked to apoptosis. It Protoplasts were isolated and washed according to O’Brien and
appears that annexin V binding may occur at an earlier Lindsay (1993), except that cellulase (Worthington Biochemical

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Early stages of plant apoptosis are reversible 813

Corp, NJ, USA) was used instead of Cellulysin (Calbiochem, La scatter signals were collected from the primary beam using 488/
Jolla, CA, USA) due to the high levels of DNAse activity in the 10BP filters. The Indo-1 signal was split such that low fluorescence
Cellulysin. The protoplasts were lysed in 10 ml of ice-cold modified (bound calcium) was collected on the FL3–2 detector through a
(45 mM sodium citrate) Galbraith’s buffer (Galbraith et al., 1983) dichroic 405/30BP, and high fluorescence (free calcium) on the FL4
for 5 min. The nuclei were centrifuged at 300 g for 4 min at 4°C, detector using a D485/25BP, with the signal split through a D440LP
the supernatant removed, and the pellet resuspended in 50 µg filter. Binding of calcium to Indo-I results in a fluorescence wave-
ml–1 PI and 1000 units ml–1 deoxyribonuclease-free ribonuclease length emission shift from violet (calcium-free) to blue-green
A (Sigma) in modified Galbraith’s buffer. Final dye saturation was (calcium-bound).
adjusted to 1.5 µg 1000–1 nuclei. To measure intracellular glutathione, protoplasts were stained
The nuclei were analysed using an EPICS Profile II flow cytometer with 40 µM monochlorobimane (Molecular Probes Inc) at 25°C for
(Coulter Electronics, Hialeah, FL, USA). The dye PI was excited 10 min and analysed immediately. Identical results were achieved
with 15 mW of the 488 nm line of an argon ion laser. At least with monobromobimane. The glutathione signal is for reduced
10 000 nuclei were analysed with clumped nuclei eliminated by glutathione and the same filter set up was used except that the
gating on peak versus integral fluorescence of the PI signal. Data FL4 detector was fitted with a 520LP filter, in order to cope with
were analysed using the Multicycle AV Cell Cycle Analysis Program high levels of autofluorescence. A background subtraction was
(Phoenix Flow Systems, San Diego, CA, USA). made by exposing protoplasts to diamide (diazine-dicarboxylic
Linearity of the flow cytometer was ensured firstly by using acid bis[N,N-dimethylamide], Sigma), which inactivates gluta-
linearity beads (Coulter Electronics, Hialeah, FL, USA), and sec- thione, and measuring fluorescence. An increase in reduced gluta-
ondly by using plant standards (cotyledons of germinated seed- thione is seen as an increase in fluorescence with the FL4 detector.
lings were excised and nuclei prepared according to Galbraith This is due to GSH forming a fluorescent adduct when bound to
et al., 1983) of varying DNA contents. On a daily basis, chicken monochlorobimane.
red blood cells in combination with DNA check beads (Coulter
Electronics, Hialeah, FL, USA) were used to ensure that there was
no variation in the instrument by standardising the fluorescence Annexin V binding
signal. A 100 µg ml–1 PI solution was run through the instrument To detect annexin V binding to phosphatidylserine, protoplasts
for 5 min prior to analysis in order to saturate the tubing. were incubated with fluorescein-labelled annexin V protein
(APOPTEST©-FITC, NeXins Research BV, The Netherlands),
according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, for 5 min in
DNA fragmentation the presence of PI, washed twice with protoplast wash and
analysed by flow cytometry. In this case, PI is used as a vital stain,
Protoplasts were fixed in 2% paraformaldehyde for 30 min at being excluded by live cells, and taken up by necrotic ones.
room temperature with gentle rotation. The protoplasts were
washed twice, and the final pellet slowly resuspended in ice-cold
Piersolve (ethylene glycol monomethyl ether, Pierce Chemical Co, Flow cytometry
Rockford, IL, USA) by adding the solution dropwise during 15 min
For all flow cytometric analyses in this study, unstained protoplasts
to avoid clumping. This dehydrated the protoplasts, which were
at the same stage of cell division or under the same stress
then held overnight at – 20°C. The dehydrated protoplasts were
conditions, were used as autofluorescence controls. In our results,
then washed twice in the protoplast wash solution and lysed in
we use the terms ‘forward scatter’ and ‘side scatter’. These
0.1% triton X-100 and 45 mM sodium citrate with gentle swirling
refer to flow cytometric responses. Forward scatter indicates the
for 6 min. The nuclei were washed and incubated for 1 h at 37°C
amount of laser light which passes through the cell to be detected
with terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) and fluorescein-
behind it. The level of forward scatter indicates cell size, i.e. the
dUTP according to the in situ Cell Death Detection Kit (Boehringer
greater the forward scatter, the larger the cell. Side scatter indicates
Mannheim). Nuclei were then washed and stained with 20 µg
the granularity of the cellular contents, the greater the side scatter,
ml–1 of PI, and analysed by flow cytometry for both nuclear DNA
the more dense or granular the cell.
fragmentation by detection of fluorescein-labelled dUTP (TUNEL),
Channels with channel numbers refer to quantitative measures
and chromatin condensation (PI). A potential source of error with
of fluorescence. Fluorescence response is covered by a linear set
in situ DNA strand break labelling is that necrotic cells can give a
of 1024 channels, with the maximum levels of fluorescence at
false positive signal with the nick translation assay. We took care
1023 and the minimum at 1. The numbers associated with peaks
to use both a necrotic cell control, and to use the TUNEL assay
given in the figures refer to this 0–1024 range, e.g. high numbers
which has been shown to preferentially label cells undergoing
indicate high amounts of fluorescence. Peak heights and areas in
apoptosis (Hotz et al., 1994), to ensure that apoptotic and not
histograms represent the number of protoplasts or nuclei
necrotic DNA breaks were being measured.

Intracellular calcium and glutathione Acknowledgements

For calcium measurements, protoplasts from different stages of We wish to acknowledge the assistance and advice of Karen
senescence and/or treated with different chemicals as described Holdaway (Auckland Medical School), Geoff Osborne and Sabine
above were loaded with 3 µM Indo-1 (Molecular Probes Inc) at Gruninger (ANU, Canberra, Australia), and David Hedley (Princess
28°C for 10 min at pH 5.5 and then returned to pH 7.0. Microscopic Margaret Hospital, Toronto, Canada).
observation showed that beyond 30 min Indo-1 accumulated in
the vacuole and, accordingly, protoplasts were analysed for no References
longer than 30 min. Indo-1 fluorescence was collected on a BD
Facstar Plus flow sorter running dual lasers with 488 nm primary Bertrand, R., Solary, E., Jenkins, J. and Pommier, Y. (1993)
beam (200 mW) and UV secondary beam (100 mW). Forward/side Apoptosis and its modulation in human promyelocytic HL-60

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814 Iona E.W. O’Brien et al.

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