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Journal of Fluorescence (2018) 28:1393–1404



The Detailed Comparison of Cell Death Detected by Annexin V-PI

Counterstain Using Fluorescence Microscope, Flow Cytometry
and Automated Cell Counter in Mammalian and Microalgae Cells
Emine Koç 1 & Selcen Çelik-Uzuner 2 & Uğur Uzuner 2 & Ramazan Çakmak 1

Received: 31 July 2018 / Accepted: 14 October 2018 / Published online: 21 October 2018
# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018

The evaluation of cell wellness is an important task for molecular biology research. This mainly comprises the
assessment for morphology and viability of culturing cells. Annexin V-Propidium iodide counterstaining has been
currently one of the common and easy methods to discriminate apoptotic and necrotic cell profiles. The method is
operated by fluorescence-based detection of counterstain via laser beam-employed instruments including flow
cytometer, fluorescence microscope and automated cell counter. The detection is primarily conducted based on the
same principle; however the efficiency of instruments may vary. Here we evaluated the efficiency of those instruments
for the clear-cut detection of cell death through various mammalian and microalgae cell lines. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first study revealing comparative analyses of apoptotic and necrotic cells in mammalian and
microalgae cells using Annexin V-PI counterstain detected by flow cytometer, fluorescence microscope and automated
cell counter. Fluorescence microscope and cell counter instruments were also tested and compared for the traditional
trypan blue-based cell viability detection performance. For these, cell death was induced by UV-irradiation and/or bee
venom for mammalian (pancreatic cancer, metastatic breast cancer and mouse fibroblasts) and microalgae cells
(Chlorella vulgaris), respectfully. Findings postulated that automated cell counter and fluorescence microscopy re-
vealed similar patterns for the detection by both counterstain and trypan blue in mammalian cells. Interestingly, flow
cytometry did provide an accurate and significant detection for only one mammalian cell line when UV-treatment was
followed by routine Annexin V-Propidium iodide counterstaining. Unlike, only flow cytometry revealed a significant
change in the detection of death of microalgae cells by Annexin V-Propidium iodide method, but both Annexin and
conventional trypan blue methods were not applicable for the automated cell counter and microscopic detections for
microalgae cells. The related outputs propose that the obtaining reliable quantitation strongly depends on cell type and
instruments used. These suggest the necessity of optimization and validation endeavors before any cell death detection
initiative. The analytical outcomes present insights into detailed assessment of cell death detection of eukaryotic cells
and provide a direction to researchers to consider.

Keywords Cell death . Annexin V-PI counterstain . Trypan blue . Flow cytometer . Fluorescence microscope . Automated cell


* Selcen Çelik-Uzuner The assessment of cell viability is one of the major appli-
selcen.celik@ktu.edu.tr cations used in molecular biology research. This plays an
important role for both routinely verify the wellness of
Department of Molecular Biotechnology, Faculty of Science, culturing cells and the experimental evaluation of the cy-
Karadeniz Technical University, 61080 Trabzon, Turkey totoxic effects of potential drug candidates on cells. There
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Faculty of Science, is a range of methods to detect the ratio of dying cells in a
Karadeniz Technical University, 61080 Trabzon, Turkey cell population. Of which, trypan blue dye is quite useful
1394 J Fluoresc (2018) 28:1393–1404

for the exclusion of live cells from dead ones under light MMaterials and Methods
microscopes. This commonly used method is typically
open to some subjectivity when practice the counting 1. Cell culture: Mammalian cells AR42J (ECACC, Cat.
manually. The most important restrictions of manual No. 93100618), MDA-MB231 (ATCC, Cat. No. HTB-
counting are; (i) only limited number of cells are counted 26) and NIH3T3 (ATCC, Cat. No. CRL1658) cells
and this may not properly cover the actual specimen, (ii) were cultured in RPMI (Sigma, Cat No. R8758) or
personal artifacts may lead to false positive counting of DMEM (Wisent, Cat. No. 319–005-CL) media includ-
debris or dirt as cells, (iii) long-lasting counting may ad- ing 10% fetal bovine serum (Cat. No. 12103C) (bovine
versely affect the whole experimental process. On the other calf serum, Sigma, Cat No. 12133C, for NIH3T3) and
hand, modern cell counters are able to minimize these limita- 1% Penicillin-Streptomycin (Wisent, Cat. No. 450–
tions as they can automatically count cells and calculate the 201-EL). Cells were incubated in a 37 °C incubator,
ratios without artifacts. Sizes of particles that are not cells can humidified with 5% CO2. Cells used were at passages
be identified, differentiated and excluded from the counting 12–19. Microalgae cells (CV211/11 J) were incubated
values by automated machines. in TAP medium.
Another common method is based on the staining of 2. Inducement of cell death: In mammalian cells, cell death
Annexin-V that is a specific marker for apoptosis. This was induced by two designs of UV treatment by UV lamb
method uses fluorophores that bind to a marker protein, (253.7 nm) targeting chronic and acute cytotoxic effect of
and requires expensive instruments including fluorescence UV; (i) Model 1: 1 min UV treatment was followed by
microscope and flow cytometer. Another high standard 24 h post-incubation, or (ii) Model 2: 10 min UV treat-
staining process is performed by a combinatory use of ment was followed by 1 h post-incubation. The cells were
Annexin V with propidium iodide (PI) which is a DNA exposed to UV light from the same distance on dishes
intercalating counterstain and commonly preferred to dis- without lid. Microalgae cells were treated with UV for
criminate apoptotic and necrotic cells in a population. In 15 or 45 min followed by 4 h or 24 h post-incubation
principle, Annexin V binds to phosphatidylserine local- respectively. Bee venom at concentrations of 100, 300,
ized in the outer layer of membrane of apoptotic cells, 375 or 500 mg/ml for 24 h or 6 days was also used to
and PI goes into the cell and intercalates to DNA when induce cell death in microalgae cells.
cell membrane is disrupted. Cells can be analyzed by this 3. Trypan Blue staining: Cells after treatments were
method using flow cytometer, cell counter and/or fluores- trypsinized or directly centrifuged and the cell suspen-
cence microscope. Annexin V-positive cells are specified sions in 1xPBS were incubated with trypan blue (0.4%)
as early apoptotic, PI-positive cells are denoted as necrot- (Sigma, Cat. No. T8154) (1:1 volume) for 5 min, and
ic, and positive cells for both staining are symbolized as assessed using a hemocytometer.
late apoptotic in a population. The related kit has been 4. Annexin V – Propidium Iodide staining: After treat-
marketed by different manufacturers and the protocols re- ments, the mammalian cells were trypsinized, yet
ferred are almost identical. Here, we aimed to compara- microalgae cells were directly centrifuged before
tively evaluate the effectiveness of flow cytometer, auto- performing Annexin V-PI staining protocol (BD, Cat.
mated cell counter and fluorescence microscope on the No. 556547). The protocol briefly includes (i) washing
quantitative detection of cell death in mammalian (both cells with cold 1xPBS once, (ii) suspension of 1 × 106
cancer and normal cells) and microalgae cells. Typical cell cells with 1xbinding buffer (100 μl), (iii) addition of
death process was induced by UV exposure and the cells Annexin V (5 μl) and PI (5 μl), and finally, (iv) comple-
were then separated into three tubes for the quantitative tion the volume to 500 μl with 1xbinding buffer. Cells
detection through those three instruments. The results re- were kept in dark till assessment and were analyzed by
vealed that automated cell counter and fluorescence mi- flow cytometer within one hour. Cells at FSC-SSC (for-
croscope provided the detection of induced cell death with ward scatter-side scatter) plot were gated according to
similar significance from all cells examined, yet flow untreated cells and percentages felt into four regions were
cytometer unexpectedly delivered a significant difference calculated.
for only one cell line. Instead, the best cell death detection 5. Instruments: Trypan blue staining was assessed by
and related quantitation in microalgae cells was identified brightfield tool of fluorescence microscope (Zeiss
through flow cytometry. The observations suggest that AxioVert, Germany) and automated cell counter
Annexin V – PI test may not be suitable for flow (Countess FLII, Thermoscientific). Annexin V-PI staining
cytometry-based cell death detection of mammalian cells, was measured by fluorescence microscope, cell counter
but fluorescence microscope and automated cell counter. and flow cytometer (BD Accuri). Some experiments in-
Nevertheless, it appears more sensitive to measure cell cluded serial measurement of cells loaded on the specific
death of microalgae. hemocytometer of cell counter (0.5, 1, 3 and 5 min) to
J Fluoresc (2018) 28:1393–1404 1395

identify whether the counter was able to calculate the counter. For MDA-MB231 cells, manual counting did not
percentages consistently for the same sample. reveal a significant change in cell death after UV treatment
6. Statistics: Cell viabilities by trypan blue method and (p > 0.05) (Fig. 1a and c), whereas automated cell counter was
apoptotic/necrotic cells by Annexin V-PI method were able to significantly identify the induced cell death in both UV
measured as percentages, and percentages were arcsine- models as compared to untreated cells (p < 0.0001) (Fig. 1b
transformed followed by comparison with UNIANOVA and d). Serial measurements with automated cell counter pro-
test of SPPS software (Version 13). Multiple significant vided similar results in all cases (Fig. 1b and d). In automated
levels as p < 0.05 (*), p < 0.01 (**), p < 0.001 (***) and counting, the standard error of the mean of total cell number
p < 0.0001 (****) were used for detailed comparisons. All (between independent repeats) was also at acceptable level,
experiments were performed as independent triplicates. suggesting that automated cell counter could reveal more ac-
curate results among the same measurements (Fig. 1e). In
contrast to MDA-MB231 cells, both counting approaches re-
vealed a significant decrease in AR42J cells after 1 min UV
Results followed by 24 h post incubation (Model 1) (p < 0.01 in man-
ual, p < 0.0001 in automated) (Fig. 2a and b) and 10 min UV
Cell Viability Detection Experiments via Trypan Blue followed by 1 h post incubation (Model 2) (p < 0.05 in man-
Staining in Mammalian Cells ual, p < 0.0001 in automated) (Fig. 2c and d) compared to
untreated control cells. In model 1, cell viability detection with
Cell viabilities after treatments were calculated by both man- automated cell counter after serial measurements was differed
ual counting using a hemocytometer and automated cell from each other (p < 0.05) (Fig. 2b), whereas the only

Fig. 1 Detection of cell viability

of MDA-MBD231 cells using
trypan blue exclusion method
after UV treatment. Cells were
treated with UV for 1 min or
10 min followed by incubation for
24 h (Model 1, a-b) or 1 h (Model
2, c-d), respectively. Control cells
were untreated. Cells then were
incubated with trypan blue
followed by the analyses of dead
and live cell numbers by
conventional hemacytometer (a,
c), and automated cell counter (b-
d). Measurements were done in
series (at 0.5, 1, 3 and 5 min) for
cell counter (b-d). The total cell
numbers calculated are shown in
(e). Experiments were performed
as independent triplicates. Error
bars represent +/− standard error
of the means of replicates. **** =
p < 0.0001
1396 J Fluoresc (2018) 28:1393–1404

Fig. 2 Detection of cell viability

of AR42J cells using trypan blue
exclusion method after UV
treatment. Cells were treated with
UV for 1 min or 10 min followed
by incubation for 24 h (Model 1,
a-b) or 1 h (Model 2, c-d),
respectively. Control cells were
untreated. Cells then were
incubated with trypan blue
followed by the analyses of dead
and live cell numbers by
conventional hemacytometer (a,
c), and automated cell counter (b-
d). Measurements were done in
series for cell counter (at 0.5, 1, 3
and 5 min) (b-d). The total cell
numbers calculated are shown in
(e). Experiments were performed
as independent triplicates. Error
bars represent +/− standard error
of the means of replicates. *
p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, **** =
p < 0.0001

difference was found between measurements at 0.5 and 5 min fluorescence microscope and automated cell counter. For this
in untreated cells of model 2 (p < 0.05), but not in UV-treated evaluation by flow cytometer, in forward-side scatter plot,
cells (Fig. 2d). Total cell count was detected as similar along cells were grouped as stained with both; late apoptotic (UR
with all replicates (Fig. 2e). The pattern of NIH-3T3 cells was region), stained with Annexin-V alone; early apoptotic (LR
also similar to MDA-MB231 and AR42J cells (Fig. 3a-e). UV region), stained with PI alone (UL region), not stained with
induced cell death in both model, but it was only detectable by any; live cells (LL region) (Fig. 4a-c). A similar analysis was
automated cell counter in model 2 (Fig. 3d). As in MDA- performed for the fluorescence microscope observation of
MB231, serial measurements provided similar results (Fig. cells as cells were stained with Annexin-V (green) or PI
3b and d). In microalgae, the detection of cells stained with (red), and late apoptotic cells were evaluated as merging im-
or without trypan blue was not successful regardless the in- ages captured using green and red filter (yellow) (Fig. 5).
strument used. In MDA-MB231 cells, the significance levels of increased
cell death after UV exposure were identified by the statistical
Cell Death Detection Experiments via Annexin V – analyses of measurements from automated cell counter
Propidium Iodide Staining in Mammalian Cells (Fig. 6a-d), fluorescence microscope (Fig. 6b-e) and flow
cytometer (Fig. 6c-f) in both models. The analyses for auto-
After UV exposure of cells with definite time intervals, the mated cell counter showed that the proportions of early apo-
identification of cells based on their staining profiles with ptotic cells in both models were not found as significantly
Annexin V and PI were examined using flow cytometer, increased in comparison with untreated cells (Fig. 6a-d). On
J Fluoresc (2018) 28:1393–1404 1397

Fig. 3 Detection of cell viability

of NIH3T3 cells using trypan blue
exclusion method after UV
treatment. Cells were treated with
UV for 1 min or 10 min followed
by incubation for 24 h (Model 1,
a-b) or 1 h (Model 2, c-d),
respectively. Control cells were
untreated. Cells then were
incubated with trypan blue
followed by the analyses of dead
and live cell numbers by
conventional hemacytometer (a,
c), and automated cell counter (b-
d). Measurements were done in
series for cell counter (at 0.5, 1, 3
and 5 min) (b-d). The total cell
numbers calculated are shown in
(e). Experiments were performed
as independent triplicates. Error
bars represent +/− standard error
of the means of replicates. *
p < 0.05, **** = p < 0.0001

the other hand, the analyses with fluorescence microscope revealed that the long time exposure to UV (model 2) signif-
revealed a difference after UV in model 1 only as compared icantly induced necrosis and late apoptosis in AR42J cells
to untreated control cells (p < 0.05) (Fig. 6e), whereas flow (Fig. 7e) (p < 0.01 in necrotic cells, p ≤ 0.05 in late apoptotic
cytometer provided the most significant and accurate compar- cells), but only necrosis in NIH3T3 cells (p ≤ 0.01) (Fig. 8e).
ison in both models (p < 0.0001) (Fig. 6c-f). When automated The significance levels detected for each cell line examined
cell counter and fluorescence microscope utilized, the tenden- and the related models by these three instruments are given in
cy of cells in terms of the types of induced cell death was Table 1.
found quite similar in both models (Fig. 6a-b and Fig. 6d-e).
Nevertheless, interestingly in AR42J (Fig. 7c and f) and Identification of Cell Death by Trypan Blue
NIH3T3 (Figs. 8C and 7F) cells, the flow cytometric measure- and Annexin V-PI Method in Microalgae Cells
ments did not display substantial decrease in cell death after
different UV treatments. Automated cell counter was identi- The microalgae cells stained with trypan blue after UV treat-
fied as the most promising tool as it was able to quantify the ment for 45 min followed by 24 h post-incubation could not
changes in cell death levels, especially in necrotic cell death be detectable with microscope (Fig. 9a) and also by automated
following the UV treatment of both AR42J (p < 0.0001 in cell counter. Yet the analysis by Annexin-PI counterstain
model 1, p < 0.05 in model 2) (Fig. 7a and d) and NIH3T3 method, automated cell counter was successful to detect im-
(p < 0.0001 in model 1, p < 0.001 in model 2) (Fig. 8a and d) portant changes in UV-induced cell death as necrotic
cells. The analysis results from fluorescence microscope (p < 0.0001), late (p ≤ 0.001) and early apoptotic cells
1398 J Fluoresc (2018) 28:1393–1404

Fig. 4 Representative flow

cytometry dot plots of cells for
Annexin V-PI counterstain. Cell
death was induced in MDA-
MBD231 (upper), AR42J
(middle) and NIH3T3 (lower)
cells after UV treatment for 1 min
followed by 24 h incubation.
Untreated cells (left panels) and
UV-treated cells (right panels) are
shown. X and Y axes represent
green (FL1-H) and red (FL3-H)
fluorescence channels and show
Annexin V and PI staining
respectively. Cells were gated
according to untreated cells for
analyses. Each plot shows cells
positive for Annexin V only
(region LR), positive for PI only
(region UL), positive for both
(region UR), and negative for
both (region LL). Regions LR,
UL, UR and LL represent early
apoptotic, necrotic, late apoptotic
and live cells in the population

(p < 0.01) (Fig. 9b). Bee venom also induced cell death de- microalgae cells may have an extra and undefined resistance
tected by flow cytometry (Fig. 10), but not by automated cell or tolerance system against bee venom-induced late apoptotic
counter (data not shown). Gated cells (Fig. 10a) were ana- pathway. Similarly, microalgae cells have resistance against
lyzed, and only the proportion of early apoptotic cells in- heavy metal accumulation within the cells.
creased after bee venom (500 μg/ml) as compared to untreated
cells (p < 0.01) (Fig. 10b-d). But, interestingly untreated cells
had more late apoptotic cells than each dose (p < 0.01 and Discussion
p < 0.001 for 300 and 500 μg/ml, respectively) (Fig. 10b).
There could be couple of reasons: 1) microalgae cells experi- The detection of cell death is an important leverage to reveal
enced were at late log phase that may induce cell death in the potential cytotoxic effects of novel drug candidates, natu-
untreated cells, 2) microalgae cells have a thick cell wall ral products or synthetic compounds on therapeutic ap-
which may slow down the diffusion speed of bee venom to- proaches of diseases. Cytotoxicity assays mainly include the
wards intracellular environment, therefore bee venom may not methods based on the detection of metabolic and enzymatic
induce cellular pathways involved in late apoptosis process, 3) activities, membrane integrity and changes on mitochondria
J Fluoresc (2018) 28:1393–1404 1399

Fig. 5 Representative microscopy images of MDA-MBD231 cells for (upper panel) and treated (lower panel) cells are shown for brightfield,
Annexin V-PI counterstain. MDA-MBD231 cells were treated with UV Annexin V, PI and merged of Annexin V-PI. Cells stained for Annexin V
for 1 min, and analyzed for Annexin V-PI after 24 h. Cells were counted are green, cells stained for PI are red, and cells stained for both are merged
for co-staining of Annexin V (green filter) and PI (red filter). Untreated and shown as yellow. Images were captured using an ×40 objective

Fig. 6 Detection of cell death profiles of MDA-MBD231 cells using fluorescence microscope (b, e) and flow cytometry (c-f). Cell
Annexin V-PI counterstain method after UV treatment. Cells were percentages are calculated according to LR (Annexin V), UL (PI) and
treated UV for 1 min or 10 min followed by incubation for 24 h (Model UR (both) (see Fig. 4) regions and arcsine-transformed followed by
1, a-b-c) or 1 h (Model 2, d-e-f), respectively. Control cells were UNIANOVA test. Experiments were performed as independent
untreated. Cells then were proceed with Annexin V-PI staining protocol triplicates. Error bars represent +/− standard error of the means of
followed by the analyses of cells by automated cell counter (a, d), replicates. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001, **** = p < 0.0001
1400 J Fluoresc (2018) 28:1393–1404

Fig. 7 Detection of cell death profiles of AR42J cells using Annexin V-PI and flow cytometry (c-f). Cell percentages are calculated according to LR
counterstain method after UV treatment. Cells were treated UV for 1 min (Annexin V), UL (PI) and UR (both) (see Fig. 4) regions and arcsine-
or 10 min followed by incubation for 24 h (Model 1, a-b-c) or 1 h (Model transformed followed by UNIANOVA test. Experiments were performed
2, d-e-f), respectively. Control cells were untreated. Cells then were as independent triplicates. Error bars represent +/− standard error of the
proceed with Annexin V-PI staining protocol followed by the analyses means of replicates. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001, **** =
of cells by automated cell counter (a, d), fluorescence microscope (b, e) p < 0.0001

and DNA [1]. Counterstaining of Annexin V and PI based on present the amount of staining but the existence of staining.
the disruption of membrane integrity has been one of the most These instruments theoretically should provide a similar pat-
common methods used to detect cell death [2–7]. This method tern of analyses for the presence of Annexin V and/or PI stain-
is not recommended for the use of adherent cells by the man- ing of cells in a population. Differentially, fluorescence micro-
ufacturer as trypsinization of cells can disturb the intact cell scope does not directly provide an automatic analysis of cells,
membrane of live cells leading to false positive events; how- but require an extra image-analysis tool for merging of two
ever there is a number of studies that successfully used the images captured using various fluorescence channels and
counterstain for adherent cells [3, 8–10]. The key point ap- manually counting cells based on staining profiles with or
pears to have a minimum incubation time with trypsin as without both Annexin V and PI. Automated cell counter and
possible before proceeding with the protocol. flow cytometer are eligible to detect cells using two fluores-
Automated cell counter, fluorescence microscope and flow cence channels at the same time. But in this study, cell counter
cytometer work similarly for the fluorescence-based detection appeared as more efficient in order to identify the level of
of cells through different fluorescence filters allowing the si- difference in cell viability between UV-treated and untreated
multaneous detection of multiple parameters (such as Annexin control cells rather than manual counting. In addition, both
V at green channel and PI at red channel). Flow cytometer and cell counter and microscopy measurements provided
fluorescence microscopy can provide quantitative data as be- cooperated results with each other, but flow cytometer did
ing eligible to calculate staining amounts represented by mean not. Different gating strategies on FSC-SSC dot plots have
fluorescence intensities. However, cell counter does not been also implemented for the analyses, but still a significant
J Fluoresc (2018) 28:1393–1404 1401

Fig. 8 Detection of cell death profiles of NIH3T3 cells using Annexin V- microscope (b, e) and flow cytometry (c-f). Cell percentages are
PI counterstain method after UV treatment. Cells were treated UV for calculated according to LR (Annexin V), UL (PI) and UR (both) (see
1 min or 10 min followed by incubation for 24 h (Model 1, a-b-c) or 1 h Fig. 4) regions and arcsine-transformed followed by UNIANOVA test.
(Model 2, d-e-f), respectively. Control cells were untreated. Cells then Experiments were performed as independent triplicates. Error bars
were proceed with Annexin V-PI staining protocol followed by the represent +/− standard error of the means of replicates. * p < 0.05, **
analyses of cells by automated cell counter (a, d), fluorescence p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001, **** = p < 0.0001

difference in the comparison of percentages of apoptotic/ study, for only MDA-MB231 cells, cytometer revealed signif-
necrotic cells between untreated and treated cells were not icant increases in early apoptotic, late apoptotic and necrotic
identified. The accuracy of Annexin V-PI test detected by flow cells through both UV treatment models. A significant differ-
cytometer highly depends on the cell type examined. In our ence in the cell death profiles of MDA-MB231 cells compared

Table 1 Significance levels (p values) detected between untreated and treated cells (Annexin V-PI staining)

Cell Model Automated Cell Counter Fluorescence Microscope Flow cytometer

Early Late Necrotic Early Late Necrotic Early Late Necrotic

apoptotic apoptotic apoptotic apoptotic apoptotic apoptotic

MDA-MB231 1 (UV) NS† 0.008 0.000 NS† 0.014 0.027 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 (UV) NS† 0.001 0.000 0.021 0.014 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000
AR42J 1 (UV) 0.006 0.000 0.000 NS† NS† NS† NS† NS† NS†
2 (UV) NS† NS† 0.038 NS† 0.05 0.004 NS† NS† NS†
NIH3T3 1 (UV) NS† 0.000 0.000 NS† NS† 0.031 NS† NS† NS†
2 (UV) NS† 0.004 0.001 NS† NS† 0.01 NS† 0.05 NS†
Chlorella vulgaris UV 0.006 0.001 0.000 ND* ND* ND* NS† NS† NS†
Bee Venom NS† NS† NS† ND* ND* ND* NS† 0.01 NS†

ND*: not detectable

NS†: not significant
1402 J Fluoresc (2018) 28:1393–1404

be adequate to induce cell death, the use of genotoxic agents

such as Doxorubicin and Cisplatin might be helpful to induce
a significant amount of cell death in AR42J and NIH3T3 cells.
Therefore, it is suggested that the choice of agent strongly
depends on the cell type.
Flow cytometry is the most sensitive instruments compared
to counters and microscopy as it detects different cell popula-
tions concisely and also discriminates dirt and cell debris
along with cell size and granularity (in FSC-SSC dot plots),
and that measures mean fluorescence intensity of a cell popu-
lation without bias. However, in some cells, the detected
amount of fluorescence may include self cellular autofluores-
cence [15] as some compounds within the live cells have been
known to emit itself in the fluorescence channels depending
on the cell conditions [16]. The majority of auto-fluorescent
components are excited at 488 nm and detected by green
channel (FL-1) [17], and some organelles, including mito-
chondria and lysosomes, may lead to background staining
[18]. There are some exceptional methods developed to ex-
clude cellular autofluorescence while analyzing data by flow
cytometry [15, 16] and by microscope [16, 18, 19]. In the
protocol used, Annexin V is tagged with fluorescein isocya-
nate (FITC) and detected by FL-1. The possible interference
of those components may lead to current insignificant results
obtained by flow cytometry. In the current work, autofluores-
cence was automatically excluded since gating strategy was
defined according to FSC-SSC plots of untreated cells.
Fig. 9 Detection of cell death by trypan blue method and Annexin V-PI The quantification tests also revealed that both microscope
method in microalgae cells after UV treatment. Chlorella vulgaris cells
were stained with trypan blue after UV treatment for 45 min followed by and cell counter were failed to differentiate the trypan blue-
24 h post-incubation. But trypan blue stained cells was not be detectable stained microalgae cells after bee venom and UV treatments.
with microscope (a). Automated cell counter was however successful to One possible explanation for this is that the operated micro-
detect important changes in UV-induced cell death as necrotic, late and scope resolution may not be sufficient to visualize microalgae
early apoptotic cells using Annexin-PI counterstain method (b).
Experiments were performed as independent triplicates. Error bars (cell diameter ~4-10 μm). The maximum magnification was
represent +/− standard error of the means of replicates. ** p < 0.01, *** obtained using a 40x objective that was probably not enough.
p < 0.001, **** = p < 0.0001 Another possibility could be that the instruments used were
not suitable for the detection of trypan blue-stained for small
to untreated cells has also been reported previously [3]. size microalgae cells. As counter revealed all the cells from
Nevertheless, in three groups of cells, unlike cytometer, both treated and untreated populations as dead, it may detect cells
counter and fluorescence microscope provided more signifi- as false positive for trypan blue staining since algae’s own
cant comparisons of late apoptotic/necrotic cells between un- greenish color may be interfered with trypan blue. On the
treated and UV-treated cells. The identification of the differ- other hand, in microalgae cells, inducement of cell death
ence of early apoptotic cells for both treated and untreated was not as accessible as in mammalian cells. Microalgae cells
cells by either counter or microscope was however not in a contain cell wall structures as well as the membrane so that
significant trend. NIH3T3 cells were previously treated with cells have an additional barrier against external agents
acrylamide followed by the flow cytometric detection of [20–22], and therefore been more resistant than the cells with
Annexin V staining profiles of cells, and found to have signif- membrane only. Bee venom was found to be significant in late
icant levels of apoptosis compared to untreated counterparts apoptotic cells by only flow cytometer, but not by counter.
[11]. AR42J cells were also treated with deoxycholic acid [12] Flow cytometer has been commonly used to detect the lipid
which is a bile acid and reported to have a cytotoxic activity content of various microalgae through Nile Red staining
[13], and with Exentin-4 which is a peptide stimulating insulin [23–25]. The advantage of flow cytometry for gating makes
secretion [14]. Both agents were able to induce cell death in a it more applicable for small cells in size to be detected.
dose and time-dependent manner. In our design, UV could not Microalgae cells have been commonly used in biotechnology
J Fluoresc (2018) 28:1393–1404 1403

Fig. 10 Flow cytometric

detection of cell death by trypan
blue method and Annexin V-PI
method in microalgae cells after
treatment with bee venom.
Chlorella vulgaris cells were
treated with bee venom for
6 days. After incubation, gated
cells (a) were analyzed, and only
the proportion of early apoptotic
cells increased after bee venom
(500 μg/ml) as compared to
untreated cells (b-d). Untreated
cells had more number of late
apoptotic cells than each dose (B).
Experiments were performed as
independent triplicates. Error bars
represent +/− standard error of the
means of replicates. * p < 0.05, **
p < 0.01

research as they can grow easy and produce a large number of recommended that researchers should be aware of considering
metabolites. This suggests that the accurate detection(s) for the type of cells they use to discuss the outcomes of Annexin
wellness of microalgae cells is crucial to proceed biotechno- V-PI staining. Fluorescence microscope and automated cell
logical production of molecules. counter examined here appear not suitable for the analyses
It should be also noted that combined approaches can in- of microalgae cells after Annexin V-PI, but flow cytometer.
crease the sensitivity of these instruments. For instance, imag-
ing flow cytometry (IFC) is designed as to include advantages
Acknowledgements A part of this study was supported by the equipment
of both flow cytometry and fluorescent microscopy as it al- grant (Project ID: FAY-2016-5755) of Karadeniz Technical University,
lows fluorescence profiles of cells as well as morphological Scientific Research Coordination Unit, to Dr. Uğur Uzuner. Authors
changes in cells after various environmental changes [26]. would like to thank to Prof Sevgi Kolayli (Karadeniz Technical
Further evaluation with these kinds of hybrid technologies University, Department of Biochemistry) for the kindly gift of Annexin/
PI detection kit, and to Prof Figen Celep Eyupoglu (Karadeniz Technical
can reveal more detailed and accurate outcomes of patterns University, Department of Medical Biology) for providing a batch of
of apoptotic and necrotic ones in a cell population. MDA-MB231 cells.

Author Contribution EK performed all experiments with mammalian

cells, RC performed microalgae experiments. SCU designed the study
Conclusions and wrote the manuscript. UU edited the manuscript.

This study suggests automated cell counters and fluorescence Compliance with Ethical Standards
microscopes are more suitable instruments for the detection of
Annexin V-PI staining than flow cytometer. It is Competing Interest Authors declare no competing interest exists.
1404 J Fluoresc (2018) 28:1393–1404

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