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circumstances and even ourselves.
An awareness of these filters, and a
recognition of the striking limits that
they impose, allows for a refreshing
I. Orientation and Overview: freedom. People, situations and our
How The Landmark Forum® approach to life alter dramatically.
Participants are given an overview—a
sense of what they might expect, as III. The Hidden Power of Context
well as tips and ideas for how to get
Here we propose the view that in all
the most value. The daily schedule is
human endeavors, context is decisive.
reviewed, and there is an opportunity
That is, the hidden contexts from
to ask questions.
which we live determine what we see
and what we don’t see; what we
The stage is set for people to engage
consider and what we fail to notice;
powerfully with the material, maximize
what we are able to do and what
the value of their participation, and
seems beyond our reach. In this view,
produce unprecedented results in a
all behavior—all ways of being and
short period of time.
acting—are correlated to the
context(s) from which we live our
II. Already Always Listening™
In the Already Always Listening™ When these contexts become
segment, we visit the notion that apparent and known, we can begin
while we think of ourselves as to see the unwitting process by which
open- minded and objective, in fact they were assembled and the degree
our approach to ourselves, our to which they govern our everyday
circumstances and others is often lives.We are left, possibly for the first
filtered and even obscured by time, with a choice about who we are
pre- existing notions and ideas—by and who we can be, separate from
our upbringing, our values, our past these contexts. There is a freedom
experiences. and ability to take action that was
unavailable before—even familiar
In this session, we see those filters actions produce a whole new level of
for what they are—an all-pervasive effectiveness.
influence that profoundly colors
our relationships with people,
continued, DAY ONE

IV. The Vicious Circle™ V. Rackets™:

The Payoff and the Cost
In the Vicious Circle ™ segment, we
suggest that it is a human tendency to In the Rackets™ segment, we discuss the
collapse what happened, with the story idea of a Racket™ as an unproductive
we tell about what happened. This way of being or acting that includes a
collapsing happens so fast it becomes complaint that something shouldn’t be
hard to separate the two, and we the way it is. Often, we don’t notice that
think of them as one and the same. while our complaints may seem justified,
Almost immediately, and certainly over even legitimate, there is a certain
time, the story we tell ourselves payoff—some advantage or benefit we
becomes the way it is—the reality we are receiving that reinforces the cycle of
know. It limits what is possible in our behavior. At the same time, this way of
lives, robbing us of much of our joy and being has steep costs, whether in our
effectiveness. vitality, affinity, self- expression or sense
of fulfillment.
When we are able to separate what
happened from our story or By recognizing this pattern, its costs,
interpretation, we discover that much and how we have been keeping the
of what we considered already pattern in place, we have the choice to
determined, given and fixed, may in fact interrupt the cycle and discover new
not be that way. Situations that may ways of interacting that lead to new
have been challenging or difficult levels of happiness, satisfaction and
become fluid and open to change.We fulfillment in areas that are most
find ourselves no longer limited by a important to us.
finite set of options, and able to achieve
what we want with new ease and

© 2023 Landmark Worldwide. This material is for your personal use and cannot be copied,
distributed, presented or otherwise published without Landmark’s express written permission.

I. The Illusion of Someday: ones who constructed them. As a result,

Rethinking Possibility we see that we no longer need to be
If someone says to us, “X is possible,” confined to living within this limited
we would normally understand them to range, and we gain the freedom to
mean that X does not now exist, and express ourselves fully.
that its existence, even someday, is not
certain. Our use of the word possibility
is different from this ordinary usage.
We are not speaking about something III. Distinguishing: Opening New
remote or something that may happen Worlds
out in the future. In this session, we look
To distinguish something means
at the notion of possibility in a whole
to take something from an
new light.
undifferentiated background and
bring it to the foreground. Just as
This new view of possibility has an
learning a new language builds a
immediate and powerful impact on
bridge to a new culture, or the
who we are, how we live our lives, and
capacity to balance makes riding a
how we see things—now, in the present.
bicycle possible, drawing distinctions
It has the power to move, touch, and
gives us a facility to navigate in areas
inspire us; to shape our actions; and to
that were previously inaccessible.
shift the way we are being right now.
Distinctions give power and breadth
to the ability to live creatively and
successfully. With this ability to
II. The Myth of Is and I distinguish, we are left with new
In this section, we explore the nature worlds and opportunities for action.
of what we think of as reality, which
includes an objective world that exists
independent of us, where cause and
effect are key operative factors; where
I, as an identity, is a collection of
characteristics, attributes, and
experiences from the past. In exploring
the nature of reality and taking apart
these myths, something else becomes

Here, we observe not so much the

particulars of the realities we construct,
but that it is human to construct such
realities and then forget that we are the
continued, DAY TWO

IV. Freedom from Anxiety V. How Identities Get

Consider that one of the primary
obstacles to effectiveness is fear. No In this session, we inquire into how our
matter how accomplished, successful, identity—who we consider ourselves to
or courageous we are, fear and be—got created. The process began in
anxiety seem to play a role at some childhood, as we gradually adopted
point in all of our lives. Often, we ways of being and acting to deal
allow our fears and anxieties to stop successfully with things that didn’t
us—to determine how much we’ll risk, quite go the way we thought they
and to limit the range in which we should. By the time we reach adulthood,
live—assigning them an unwarranted we have assembled a set of practices
power and magnitude in our lives. and approaches, attributes and
When we see that our relationship to characteristics, that seem to give us a
our anxieties and fears inadvertently certain measure of success—that make
gives them a life of their own, up our personality, our style, who we
something else becomes possible. consider ourselves to be.
We find ourselves being powerful in
the face of what has stopped us When we begin to see that our identity
before, and free to rediscover and was put together in response to
pursue our passions in life. something that we had determined
shouldn’t be, the result is a new freedom
in saying who we are—a fundamental
shift in what we see and know as

© 2023 Landmark Worldwide. This material is for your personal use and cannot be copied,
distributed, presented or otherwise published without Landmark’s express written permission.

I. The Pervasive Influence of the III. Language as an Access to Power

Language is commonly thought of as a
Much of what makes up today and even bridge to the world. Even the way we
tomorrow seems to be an extension or learn language implies that first there
variation of what has come before. is a world. Then, in order to connect
What we see as possible—what we are and deal with that world, we learn
working toward—is essentially a more, language. We seldom, if ever, consider
better, or different version of the past. that language may in fact be what
brings that world into being.
In this section, we are given a technology
for putting the past where it belongs—in In this session, we explore a new view
the past. We begin to design our lives as of language that alters the very nature
a free and authentic expression—from of what is possible. Language comes
what is possible, rather than what has to be seen as a creative act. Listening
been. Unencumbered by the past, we and speaking— actions we would
experience a greater level of vitality, normally see as commonplace—take
well-being and fun, and are able to enjoy on new dimensions and unexpected
a newfound sense of connection and power. They become instruments of
intimacy with the people in our lives. creation.

II. Change vs. Transformation IV. New Possibilities

We take for granted that things “are” a After putting a large degree of the
particular way. To effect change, we go past in the past, like a painter with
to work on altering circumstances, the a blank canvas, you are free to
people around us, even ourselves. In this speculate on what is now possible
session, we explore the difference out of the work you have done in
between change and transformation. The Forum – what is possible that
Change is essentially a comparison to was not fully available before.
something that previously existed. By its
very nature, change is past-based. In this session, you will speculate
Essentially, change yields more, better, and begin to create powerful and
or different from what came before. nurturing new possibilities for your
Transformation, on the other hand, is an Life, your Living, and Yourself. You
act of bringing forth or inventing. It is will tap into and open up an expanded
something created, and is inherently creative spirit – inventing possibilities
expansive and infinite. that touch, move, and inspire you.

It is here in this section of The Forum

that the shift, or transformation, occurs
for people. This dramatic shift enables
us to think and act outside existing views
and limits, and to redefine ourselves and
the reality we have known.

I. New Possibilities, Breakthrough III. Dealing Powerfully with

Results, and a Quick Review Breakdowns
In this last three-hour session, Here, we explore a technology for
participants share with each other and handling breakdowns effectively.
with the guests they’ve invited to join By breakdowns, we mean something
them, the new possibilities they’ve that we say shouldn’t be or something
created for themselves. Key discussions that stops us from achieving what we
and critical insights are revisited, want to achieve. Instead of seeing
deepening our understanding of the breakdowns in that familiar way,
distinctions of The Landmark Forum we begin to view breakdowns as a
and their relevance in our lives. pathway—an actual access—to
fulfilling what’s possible.
Guests get an experience of what The
Landmark Forum is and its benefits, and As a result, we are left with the
they have a unique opportunity to see confidence to step beyond our
how it works by directly participating in comfort zone, and to welcome
a portion of the technology. breakdowns as an occasion for
leadership and accomplishment.

II. Transformation as a Way of

In The Landmark Forum, the notion of
possibility moves from an abstract ideal
to a day-to-day living reality. Life
becomes framed in a new way. The way
we approach the world, and the way the
world approaches us, changes.

The Landmark Forum leaves you with an

ability to relate to life with new freedom
and power. The abilities you learn never
leave you, and are yours forever. The
Landmark Forum is not a one-time
event. It is a moment-by-moment
approach to being alive.

© 2023 Landmark Worldwide. This material is for your personal use and cannot be copied,
distributed, presented or otherwise published without Landmark’s express written permission.

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