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a. Write an algorithm to find the minimum element in a given list.

b. Develop an algorithm to insert a new card into a list of sorted cards.

c. Create an algorithm to guess an integer number within a specified range.

d. Explain the recursive approach for solving the Towers of Hanoi problem.


a. Illustrate the basic structure of a C program and explain the purpose of each section.

b. Provide examples of applications where C language is widely used.

c. Explain the different data types in C with examples.

d. Discuss the importance of constants and keywords in C programming.

e. Compare and contrast preprocessor directives with the compilation process.


a. Declare and initialize a one-dimensional array in C. Provide examples.

b. Implement a C program to perform selection sort on an array.

c. Write a C program to demonstrate string operations like length, comparison, concatenation,

and copying.


a. Discuss the concept of modular programming with a focus on function prototypes and

b. Create a C program that uses recursive functions to perform binary search.

c. Explain the role of pointers in C programming and demonstrate their use with examples.

d. Discuss different methods of parameter passing in C (pass by value, pass by reference).

e. Explore the built-in functions in C, with a special emphasis on string and math functions.


a. Define a structure in C to represent a student's information (name, roll number, marks).

Provide examples.

b. Discuss the concept of unions and provide a use case where unions are beneficial.

C. Implement a C program to read and write data to a sequential access file.

d. Describe dynamic memory allocation in C and its application in a singly linked list.

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