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BATCH: 2023-2024


Topics of the assignment for Batch A&B

1 Write short note on the inguinal canal.
2 Write short note on Lesser sac and Epiploic foramen.
3 Write short note on 2nd part of duodenum.
4 Write short note on Ischiorectal (Ischioanal) fossa.
5 Write short note on development of the pancreas.
6 Write short note on development of the rotation of the gut.
A 56- year- old man, a chronic alcoholic, was admitted in the hospital with complaints of
weakness, repeated episodes of vomiting blood, and pain in the right upper part of the abdomen.
On physical examination, the doctor found jaundice, enlarge liver and spleen, and dilated
tortuous veins radiating from the umbilicus. An ultrasound of the upper abdomen revealed fatty
degeneration of the liver. He was diagnosed as a case of cirrhosis of the liver.

7 1) What is cirrhosis of the liver and give its cause?
2) How and where the portal vein is formed?
3) Give tributaries of the portal vein.
4) What is portocaval anastomosis?
5) Draw a diagram and enumerate the sites of portocaval anastomosis along with veins
forming anastomosis.
6) Enumerate any two effects of the portal hypertension.
7) What is caput medusae?
8) Give the reason for haematemesis in cirrhosis of liver.
A 67-year-old man visited a hospital and complained of low backache and pain radiating to
the posterolateral aspect of the thigh. During the physical examination, on running his fingers
along the lumbar spinous processes, the doctor found an abnormally prominent L5 spinous
process. He suspected spondylolisthesis. The diagnosis was confirmed by sagittal MRI of the
lumbosacral region.

8 1. What is spondylolysis?
2. What is spondylolisthesis?
3. In normal conditions, which parts of the fifth lumbar vertebra and sacrum interlock with each
4. What is sacralization of the fifth lumbar vertebra?
5. What is cauda equina syndrome?
6. What is spina bifida?
BATCH: 2023-2024


Topics of the assignment for Batch C&D


1 Write short note on rectus sheath.

2 Write short note on Morrison’s pouch and Rectouterine pouch.
3 Write short note on the nerve supply of urinary bladder with its applied aspect.
4 Write short note on deep perineal pouch.
5 Write short note on development of the kidney.
6 Write short note on development of the male urethra.
7 A 25 year old medical student came to the surgical OPD of a hospital with the history of
acute colicky pain around the umbilicus, fever, and vomiting a day before and now he was
feeling pain in the region of right iliac fossa.
On examination, the surgeon found the area of maximum tenderness at McBurney's point
and guarding of the anterior abdominal wall in the region of right iliac fossa. The "psoas
test" was positive. He was diagnosed as a case of acute appendicitis.

1) Give the blood supply of the appendix?
2) What is appendicitis?
3) What is McBurney's point and what is its clinical significance?
4) Give the anatomical basis of initial pain in umbilical region and later in the region of
right iliac fossa in this case.
5) Name the various positions of the appendix and mention the most common position.
6) Give anatomical fact that serves as guide to the surgeon to search for the appendix
during appendicectomy.
8 A 52-years-old woman complained that for the past 1 year she had frequently passed
blood-stained stools and recently she noticed that one rounded mass protrudes out from her
anus during straining at stool.
After defecation, she is able to push it back inside the anus. The proctoscopic
examination revealed three pink colored swellings located at 3, 7 and 11 o'clock positions
with the patient in lithotomy position. The swellings bulged downward when the patient
was asked to strain. A diagnosis of internal hemorrhoids was made.

1) What are internal hemorrhoids or piles?
2) What are external hemorrhoids or piles?
3) Draw diagram of location of internal piles?
4) Why the internal hemorrhoids are painless?
5) Why the external hemorrhoids are painful?
BATCH: 2023-2024


Topics of the assignment for Batch E&F


1 Write short note on blood supply and lymphatic drainage of stomach.

2 Write short note on male urethra.
3 Write short note on pudendal canal.
4 Write short note on supports of uterus.
5 Write short note on development of the liver.
6 Write short note on development of the testis.
7 A 70-year-old patient with history of chronic bronchitis and constipation complained
of gradually increasing swelling in his right groin and often feels dragging and aching
sensation at that site.
On physical examination the doctor noticed a globular lump above the right pubic
tubercle which expands on coughing. After manually reducing the swelling/ lump, occluded
the deep inguinal ring with his thumb and asked the patient to cough. The swelling
reappeared medial to the thumb. A diagnosis of direct inguinal hernia was made.

1. What is inguinal canal?
2. Write boundaries of inguinal canal.
3. Draw diagram and write boundaries of Hesselbach’s triangle.
4. What is inguinal hernia?
5. What are the types of inguinal hernias and how they differ from each other?
6. Write differences between inguinal and femoral hernias.
7. What is internal hernia? Give one example.
8. Enumerate external hernias.
9. What is spigelian hernia.
10. Enlist structures passing through inguinal canal.
8 A 68-year-old man was admitted in hospital with history of pain in the perineum, with
difficulty, urgency and frequency in micturition. Per-rectal examination revealed an
enlargement of the prostate. It was smooth and non-nodular. The investigations ruled out
carcinoma prostate. The diagnosis of "benign prostatic hypertrophy of prostate (BPH)" was

1. What is benign prostatic hypertrophy?
2. What are the common sites of occurrence of the benign prostatic hypertrophy and
carcinoma of prostate?
3. What are the posterior relations of the prostate?
4. What are the two anatomical capsules of prostate? Name the structure present between
5.What is surgical/pathological capsule?
6. How do cancer cells spread from carcinoma of prostate to lumbar vertebrae? Where else
can these spread and how?

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