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Unit 2

2.1. Artificial Intelligence
 (AI) is a branch of computer science that deals with the design of systems that mimic
human intelligence.
 AI systems are designed to have features that only humans are capable of such as
reasoning and generalization.
 AI algorithms are now extensively used in a wide range of areas including business,
medicine, and entertainment.
 Generally AI is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially
by computer system.
2.1.1 Branches of AI
AI has the following main branches some of them are listed below:-
A. Machine Learning
 is the study of computer algorithms that enable the computer to learn from data
and improve itself without being explicitly programmed.
 The most common example of machine learning are:-
Fraud detection.
Recommendation systems.
Email spam detector, and
Speech recognition.
B. Robotics
 Robotics is the study of machines called robots that substitute tasks that are
traditionally done by human beings.
 Robots have been used mainly in replacing human labor.
 Robots are also used in environments that are considered hazardous to human
beings like underwater, and space explorations and car manufacturing industry.
C. Natural Language Processing(NLP)
 NLP is a branch of AI that deals with enabling computers to understand written and
spoken human language in the same way human beings do.
 Some of the major application areas of NLP are listed below:-
Spam Detection
Machine Translation
Virtual Assistant and
Text Summarization etc.
D. Expert Systems
 Expert systems are computer programs that emulate human experts.
 They are designed to solve problems that are normally solved by human experts.
 Some of the fields that benefit from expert systems include medical diagnosis,
petroleum engineering, and financial investing.
 An expert system consists of three components: User Interface, Knowledge Base, and
Inference Engine.

1. User Interface
 This is part of the expert system that users use to interact with the expert system.
 It is also the means through which users see the recommendation that the expert
system provides.
2. Knowledge Base
 The completeness, accuracy, and precision of the knowledge captured in the
knowledge base are central to the performance of expert systems.
3. Inference Engine
 This is the brain of the expert system that produces the answer by referencing the
knowledge base.

Figure 1 expert system

2.1.2 Application of AI
 AI is being exploited to efficiently solve problems in a wide range of areas.
 The following are some examples of applications of AI:-
 Online Shopping
 Autonomous Cars (By collecting data from sources such as GPS,
vehicle radar, and cameras, autonomous cars can function without the
help of a human agent.)
 Social Media
 Surveillance is he acts of watching a person or a place, esp. a person
believed to be involved with criminal activity or a place where criminals
 Customer Service
 Healthcare
 Smart Homes and
 Banks etc.

2.2. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

2.2.1 Augmented Reality

 Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that enhances the real world by overlaying
computer-generated digital data on real-world objects.
 The hardware of AR includes a processor, sensors, input devices, and a display.
 Mobile devices do have all four components to run AR applications
2.2.2 Virtual Reality

 Virtual reality (VR) is a technology that creates a three-dimensional computer-

generated simulated environment.
 A person can interact with VR using electronic devices such as goggles, headsets,
gloves, or bodysuits.
 VR creates a completely immersive experience for the user.
2.2.3 The Difference between VR and AR
AR and VR are both known for their enriched and interactive experiences with rich 3-D
visuals. The following table summarizes the major differences between the two technologies.
 Augmented Reality
 AR works in a real-world setting.
 It is partially immersive.
 AR can run on familiar devices such as smartphones.
 AR users can control their presence in the real world.
 AR works in an environment where the real and virtual worlds blend
 Virtual Reality
 VR operates in a completely virtual world.
 It is fully immersive.
 VR users are under the control of the system.
 VR requires a headset device to use it.
 VR works only in a fictional/simulated reality.
2.2.4 Application of VR and AR
The potential areas of application of AR and VR are very wide. The interactive nature of
these technologies, however, makes them more attractive to areas such as education,
healthcare, and entertainment.
 Learning will be made possible from anywhere using relatively more accessible devices
like smartphones.
 Students can get connected interactively with students from different parts of the world.
This helps to instill desirable values like empathy and collaboration in students.
Healthcare: There are numerous AR and VR applications implemented in the medical
 Physicians and medical students are trained and taught using AR/VR
technologies. The technologies allow them to learn life-saving operations like
surgery in a risk-free environment.

Entertainment: this is another area where the use of AR and VR has become very
 By adding computer-generated data on artifacts in art galleries and museums, AR
creates a very interactive and enjoyable experience for visitors.

2.3. Data Science

Data Science is a blend of tools, algorithms, and machine learning (ML) principles used to
discover and extract hidden patterns.
 It is an interdisciplinary field that includes areas such as statistics, mathematics,
and computer science.
 Data science employs various tools at different stages in finding valuable solutions.
 A professional who is charged with the responsibilities of the activities involved in
data science is known as a data scientist.
 Data anonymization and data generalization are some of the ways suggested for
tackling issues of data protection and privacy.
 Data anonymization refers to removing personally identifiable information from
 Data generalization is about bunching data into broad categories such as age
groups and geographical areas.


Preferred by MR. SEMAYAT.E

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