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The Conservancy Adaptation Project
Risk in Guyana
Managing Flood
This report was prepared by Isabella Bovolo with the Disaster Risk Management team of the La n American and Caribbean Unit
of the World Bank and the Agriculture Sector Development Unit (ASDU) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Guyana. The content is
based on material produced by The Ministry of Agriculture (Guyana), Mo* MacDonald (UK), Dewberry (USA) and Tecnalia
(Spain) for the Conservancy Adapta on Project (TF 91692) which was funded by a Global Environmental Facility (GEF) Special
Climate Change Fund grant.

This publica on was funded by the

European Union in the framework of the ACP-EU Natural Disaster Risk Reduc on Program
managed by the Global Facility for Disaster Reduc on and Recovery .

The views expressed in this publica on are en rely those of the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the
European Union, the World Bank Group, its Execu ve Directors, or the countries they represent. The material contained herein
has been obtained from sources believed reliable but it is not necessarily complete and cannot be guaranteed.

© Interna onal Bank for Reconstruc on and Development / The World Bank MMXIV
1818 H Street NW, Washington DC 20433,
Some rights reserved
Managing Flood Risk in Guyana
The Conservancy Adaptation Project
Aerial view of East Demerara Water Conservancy headquarters at Flagstaff

Executive Summary 1
Drainage and Irrigation System 2
1. Conservancy Adaptation Project 5
1.1 Hydrological Data Collection 6
1.2 LiDAR and Bathymetric Surveys 8
1.3.1 Modeling - EDWC 10
1.3.2 Modeling - East Coast 12
1.3.3 Dam Stability 14
2. CAP Investments 15
3. Institutional Strengthening 15
Other Government Initiatives 16
Looking Forward 16
Further Information 16
Aerial view of coastal agricultural and urban areas

T he East Demerara
Water Conservancy
(EDWC) and east coast
and coastal lowland areas in
order to develop a program
of strategic interven ons
and policies aimed at
CAP Objectives
To strengthen understanding of the EDWC
and the coastal drainage systems through the
drainage and irriga on addressing recurrent
systems provide water flooding and the an cipated
development of a hydraulic engineering
foundation critical for flood control
storage and flood control impacts from sea level rise.
mechanisms for Guyana’s An engineering baseline
most populous region, was developed based on: (i) To identify strategic interventions for follow-
including the capital city of LiDAR (Light Detec on And on investments to reduce flood risk
Georgetown. In 2005, Ranging) laser mapping To implement selected infrastructure
extreme rainfall caused aerial surveys and high- investments aimed at increasing the drainage
devasta ng flooding along resolu on aerial photo- relief capacity of the EDWC
these coastal lowlands, with graphy, and (ii) ground-
many areas remaining based bathymetric surveys. To strengthen institutional capacity to
inundated for up to three These enabled the manage water levels in the EDWC
weeks. The flood construc on of the first
highlighted the vulnerability high-resolu on topographic and opera onal improve- being used by the
of the EDWC dam to and land-use map for the ments aimed at enhancing Government to update the
overtopping and poten al EDWC and east coast, na onal
the flood control capacity of master-plan
breaching. suitable for modeling water the EDWC. strategy for drainage and
flow across the low-lying irriga on and to plan future
The Conservancy Adapta- The project iden fied key
region. (iii) A new hydro- investment programs for
on Project (CAP) was investments totalling over
meteorological monitoring reducing flood risk.
conceived in the wake of US$ 123 million. These are
system was also installed in
the 2005 flood to help the
and around the EDWC
Government of Guyana
adapt to the threats posed
necessary for understand- Key Facts:
ing hydro-dynamic process- Funded by: Global Environment Facility
by future climate change.
es and helping to monitor
The aim was to reduce the (GEF) Special Climate Change Fund
water-levels in the EDWC
likelihood of catastrophic (SCCF) grant of US$ 3.8 million.
on a near real- me basis,
flooding along Guyana’s low
and (iv) computer models of Dates: January 2008 to August 2013.
-lying coastal areas, also
the EDWC and east coast
threatened by sea level rise.
were set up for
understanding how the
Sluice at Ogle
The aim of the CAP
is to reduce the hydrological system varies
under extreme weather
likelihood of
scenarios and for tes ng
catastrophic flooding the impacts of various
along Guyana’s low- proposed interven ons. The
lying coastal areas project also financed
specific rehabilita on
The project financed a works, geotechnical studies
comprehensive analy cal of the EDWC dam to
assessment of the EDWC understand its stability,


irriga on and household
uyana’s low-lying use, and acts as a flood- Sea Level Rise
coastal plains along control mechanism in the Sea level globally is rising at a rate of about 2-
the Atlan c Ocean are wet season, when a 4 mm/year.
highly populated and
network of sluices and Tide-gauge records for Guyana from 1951-
generally lie below sea
canals helps to drain away 1979 show that, in Guyana, sea level is rising
level. At least 40% of the
excess water. Drainage at about 10 mm/year, much more than the
Guyanese popula on of
over three-quarters of a mostly func ons by gravity, global average.
million people live in supplemented by pumps.
Guyana’s Region 4, which
includes the capital city Due to its age and to
Georgetown. Region 4 is climatic pressures,
bounded by the Demerara this system is now
River to the west, the
Atlan c Ocean to the north
under increasing
and the Mahaica River to stress.
the east. Here, the coastal
plains are situated between Due to its age and to
a water storage basin called
clima c pressures, this
the East Demerara Water A seawall prevents flooding along the coastal plain
system is now under
Conservancy (EDWC) and a
protec ve seawall complex. increasing stress. Sea level
lowlands, with many areas opera ng levels, weakening
A dense system of drainage rise, for example, poses a remaining inundated for up the dam and leaving it more
and irriga on canals allows significant threat leading to
to 3 weeks and water levels vulnerable to overtopping
for bi-annual harvests of a reduc on in the amount reaching chest height in and poten al breaching.
rice and sugar, which of water that can be many homes. Due to the Fortunately the dam did not
account for over 25% of drained by gravity alone. inability of the system to breach but the 2005 flood
GDP. drain away the excess water and other floods since then
In January 2005, extreme quickly enough, water have highlighted the
rainfall caused devasta ng levels in the EDWC were vulnerability of the system
The drainage &
flooding on the coastal significantly above safe to catastrophic failure.
irrigation system is
augmented by pumps. East Demerara Water Conservancy (EDWC)
The EDWC was constructed around 1880 from several existing drainage
The drainage and irriga on systems to form a more efficient water storage and distribution system
and to act as a flood control reservoir.
system originated during
the Dutch colonial period It is bounded on 3 sides by a dam embankment (67 km length) made of
(late 1600s) and has been clay, earth and organic pegasse (peat) and has 5 main drainage relief
expanded over me. The
EDWC itself originates from It covers an area 571 km2 (an area 3.5 times bigger than Washington,
the 1880s and stores water DC) and stores approximately 250 million m3 of water at the maximum
safe-operating level.
during the dry season for

January 2005 Flood The 2005 flood
Over 1 m of rain fell in January 2005,
nearly 5 times the normal amount, with
65 cm in just 5 days (an estimated return
period of 1000 years).
The extreme rainfall caused widespread
flooding which affected almost half of
Guyana’s population.
Total damages from the disaster are
estimated to have been US$ 465 million
or 59% of Guyana’s GDP for 2004.


D]CDBC A[ 2005 [JAAU

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Kofi Relief

East Demerara Water


Conservancy (EDWC) headquarters
Land of Ca-
Land of Canaan Relief m
Cunha Relief da naan Relief


Lama Relief

Maduni Relief

Detail of sluice at Kofi

T he Conservancy
Adapta on Project
(CAP) was designed to help
water flow over the
rela vely flat terrain. These
aerial surveys have been
accompanied by extensive
for flood zone manage-
completed for a set of
ment agencies involved in
the management of the
complex drainage system,
as well as stakeholders,
Guyana adapt to climate ground-based surveys to priori sed investments donors, prac oners and
change by reducing the establish channel profiles aimed at significantly others, to ensure broader
vulnerability of the low- and water depths. (2) A reducing the vulnerability of consensus and coordina on
lying coastal areas to new hydro-meteorological the system to sea level rise on future ac on.
catastrophic flooding. The monitoring system has been and extreme rainfall.

CAP, a Global Environment installed in and around the The CAP has led to
Investments in
Facility grant of US$ 3.8 EDWC, and flow measure- the identification of
specific adapta on
million, is a flagship project ments have been carried
measures several short- to
for Guyana and the out to help understand the
Caribbean in applying hydrological behaviour of The CAP has funded specific
modern technology to the EDWC system. (3) infrastructure investments strategic investments
support a long term Computer models of the aimed at helping the totalling over US$
strategy to reduce flood EDWC system and east Government manage water 123 million
risk. The project was coast drainage areas have levels in the EDWC and
subdivided into 3 compo- been set up to help helping to increase drainage The CAP has led to the
nents. understand how the capacity. In par cular the iden fica on of several

hydrological system varies two sluices at Lama, on the
Pre-investment short- to medium-term
under extreme weather eastern side of the
studies for strategic investments
scenarios and for tes ng conservancy, were
engineering works totalling over US$ 123
the impact of various rehabilitated helping to million, including rehabilita-
This component aimed to proposed interven ons. lower water levels in mes on of key drainage relief
strengthen the Govern- of need, and a pontoon and channels and improved
ment’s understanding of hydraulic excavator were conveyance within the
the EDWC and coastal plain The CAP modeling purchased under the EDWC, strengthening of the
drainage systems and studies have pin- project, to make it easier EDWC dam and various
iden fy key areas for follow pointed strategic key and faster to reach areas of investments in the east
-on interven on. the dam in need of repair. coast drainage systems.
areas where

A hydrological engineering interventions would Ins tu onal Follow-up investments will
founda on was created strengthening
provide maximum lead to increased capacity
using a combina on of
improvements Government to manage water levels in
state of the art aerial
agencies have re- the EDWC and lessen the
surveys and in-situ
The CAP modeling studies ceived training in hydro- high vulnerability of the
monitoring techniques. (1)
have pin-pointed strategic meteorological monitoring, area to extreme climate
Detailed aerial surveys of
key areas where interven- use and applica on of events. The methodologies
the area using LiDAR
ons would provide LiDAR datasets, data employed in the CAP can be
technology and ortho-
maximum improvements to management and computer used as a template for
photography have been
used to produce a high- the EDWC discharge -based hydrological model- iden fying key areas for
resolu on topographic map capacity and east coast ing. Furthermore, a series follow-on interven ons in
drainage systems, cri cal of workshops have brought
suitable for understanding other similar regions.
together various govern-


case at 15 minute intervals. to collect channel profiles medium and high water
ydrometric The sensors are actually and to measure discharge. levels, a rela onship can be
Network: To pressure transducers and The ADCP transducer works developed so that discharge
thoroughly understand the work by measuring the by emicng ’pings’ of sound can be calculated for any
hydrological behaviour of pressure exerted by a at constant frequency into river level.
the drainage system (see column of water above the the water, which bounce off
The instrumenta on was
Figure A), an extensive sensor and conver ng this suspended par cles or the
installed in January and
network of automa c to depth (making riverbed back to the
February 2012 and
hydro-meteorological adjustments for air device. The travelling me
complements the exis ng
instrumenta on has been pressure). of the sound and the
na onal network of hydro-
installed at several loca ons change of pitch (variable
Discharge (the volume of meteorological instrumen-
in and around the EDWC. due to the Doppler effect)
water flowing in a channel ta on.
Instrumenta on is pro- gives an es mate of
during a given me interval)
grammed to send data distance from which A baseline knowledge of the
can be measured using a
regularly to an online velocity, and hence hydrological system is vital
boat-mounted Acous c
central database using a discharge can be calculated. for contempla ng ra onal
Doppler Current Profiler
telemetry system, making it By collec ng discharge investments aimed at
(ACDP) (see Figure D),
easier and more efficient to measurements at a increasing the current
which is manually pulled
manage water levels in the par cular loca on, at low, discharge capacity of the
across the width of the river
conservancy on a near real- flood control system.
me basis. Text message
warnings can also be sent to
mobile phones when the
water levels are too high. D
The instrumenta on is
composed of raingauges,
water-level sensors and a
current profiler.
Tipping-bucket raingauges
(see Figure B) record the
amount and the intensity of
rainfall. They work by
funnelling rain into one of ADCP (above), example river velocity profile (below) and the sound-
two small ‘buckets’ of
emi4ng ADCP transducers (top right)
known capacity (e.g. 0.2
mm), which pivot like a see-
saw when full. Each bucket-
p triggers a switch
enabling a logger to record
how much rain has fallen
and when.
Water-level sensors (see
Figure C) measure water
depth automa cally, in this

Instrumenta5on EDWC
30 SDI-12 water level sensors
38 FROG loggers for logging
data (with inbuilt telemetry) i ve
8 0.2 mm Tipping-bucket ar
raingauges m
2 Handheld Archer-pad field
1 Timeview data management
Data collec5on sites
system for web-access Raingauge = 8 sites
Water level = 29 sites
Flow gauging = 18 sites


B C Calibrated
for manual
water level


Tipping-bucket raingauges involve a casing
bucket of
known size
which fills Water Level
to down-
with water
load data
and 5ps
when full.
Each 5p is Logger Water level
recorded. sensor


D etailed topographic
and land-use maps
are needed in addi on to
mounted Global Posi oning
System (GPS) receiver (for
keeping track of the aircrai
loca on), an Iner al
earth eleva ons. A ver cal Digital Eleva5on Model
accuracy of <± 9 cm at the (DEM): A DEM was
95% confidence limit was produced using the LiDAR
achieved. data and was supplemented
hydro-meteorological data Measurement Unit (INS) by aerial photography,
Bathymetric surveys: The
for understanding water (for keeping track of aircrai collected at the same me
LiDAR beam does not
flow over the low-lying rota on) and a laser range- as the LiDAR data.
penetrate water surfaces,
coastal plains. In the CAP, finder (which includes the
so the LiDAR data was Use of datasets: These
these were obtained using a laser source and detector,
supplemented with exten- datasets provide essen al
combina on of LiDAR, the scanning mechanism
sive bathymetric surveys. baseline informa on and
bathymetry and aerial and the ming and
Bathymetry is the measure- have many uses, e.g.
photography. processing system).
ment of underwater relief topographic data is
LiDAR (Light Detec5on And For the CAP, LiDAR data was (depth). In the CAP, depths necessary for land-use and
Ranging) is an airborne collected during the dry- of areas of standing water drainage planning, prelimi-
laser mapping and al metry season (April 19 and 25, were measured manually nary designs for infrastruc-
system which produces 2011) when water levels from a boat, using range- ture projects and flood risk
accurate and spa ally geo- and clouds were at their poles, along a 500 m grid management, and will help
referenced land eleva on minimum. LiDAR was flown across the whole of the decision makers to manage
data. It works by sending a over the EDWC, east coast conservancy. In the EDWC Guyana’s water-resources.
laser light signal to the and Georgetown area, channels, data was
ground and measuring how covering 1100 km2. collected with a portable
long the pulse takes to echo-sounder. GPS meas-
The data was filtered and
return. Data collec on urements were taken at
reduced to a 30 cm grid,
usually involves an aircrai- each loca on.
and processed to give bare-
LiDAR 5m Grid

EDWC Channel Network

Digital Eleva5on
Model (DEM)
produced using
LiDAR surveys

LiDAR image of Ogle Airport, coloured to show point eleva5ons.

Aircra=-mounted LiDAR system

Bathymetry is the measurement of
underwater relief, the equivalent of
underwater topography.
DEM stands for Digital Elevation Model,
also known as DTM or Digital Terrain Model.
It is a 3 dimensional representation of a
Echo-sounder a device for measuring
water depth using sound (sonar).
GPS stands for Global Positioning System. It
Z is a satellite navigation system used to provide
Y ground position and time.
LiDAR stands for Light Detection and
Ranging. It is an airborne laser mapping and
INS X altimetry system which produces accurate and
Y spatially geo-referenced land elevation data.
scanner Z
m GD stands for meters above Georgetown
Datum, a local reference point set to 17.07m
below mean-sea-level. In these terms, the
GPS Base sta on EDWC dam crest-level is at 18.29 m GD.

Schema5c of the EDWC hydraulic model

New Hope-Dochfour Relief Canal
Demerara River

Kofi Sluice

Land of Canaan Sluice Flagstaff

(EDWC headquarters)

Lama Sluice
Cunha Sluice

Maduni Sluice
Schema5c image of the EDWC showing sluice loca5ons and main hydrological network


1000 and 10,000 years, with the conservancy would poten al new interven ons
omputer models are storm-dura ons of up to 40 have been above the safe aimed at improving
an important tool days. opera ng level of the dam. drainage capacity in the
for water-resources man- However, the improve- conservancy. The models
The models were
agement because they can ments made since 2005 show that water levels in
calibrated and validated
be used to test how the have greatly reduced this the conservancy are
using historical data
system works under risk, except along parts of generally shallowest in the
collected during the 2005
different climate or land- the northern perimeter vicinity of Land of Canaan.
floods and new data
use scenarios. Hydrological dam. Furthermore, the Increasing the conveyance
collected during the CAP,
models focus on water models show that the new of internal channels
including the January to
movement and distribu on, Hope-Dochfour canal will combined with increasing
March and May to July 2012
whereas hydraulic models reduce water levels even the discharge capacity to
rainy seasons.
deal more with the further so that water levels the Demerara river will
mechanics of water flow. The calibrated models were around all of the conservan- therefore help lower water
used to test the system: (i) cy will remain below safe levels in the rest of the
In the CAP, a hydrological
under 2005 condi ons, opera ng level. conservancy even further.
model was used to provide
where only the Land of
the spa al and temporal In fact, the new Hope- Further modeling studies
Canaan sluice drained water
inputs necessary for Dochfour canal, once have also been made to
into the Demerara river; (ii)
running a one-dimensional opera onal, will significant- inves gate op ons to
for current condi ons, with
hydraulic model, linked ly improve drainage from improve flood management
the Cunha and Kofi sluices
with a series of storage the conservancy and the and water storage demands
opera onal; and (iii) under
cells, giving a two- models show that even for in the EDWC. The
near-future condi ons with
dimensional representa on an extreme 10,000 year recommenda ons made
the new Hope-Dochfour
of the conservancy system. rainfall event (an event will help the Government
canal opera onal, draining
much more severe than in revise the opera onal
To set up the models, into the Atlan c Ocean.
2005), water levels in the management of the EDWC.
spa al data and technical
The results of the models EDWC will not reach the top
parameters are required,
show that in 2005, even a of the dam.
including topography, land
50-year rainfall event would
use, soil types and The models were also able
have meant that water-
proper es, water-ways and to test the impact of
levels throughout most of
infrastructure. In the CAP,
these were obtained from
LiDAR and other surveys. To
run and calibrate the
models, all inputs and
outputs to the system are
required, such as rainfall,
climate data, and river flow,
which were obtained from
the hydro-meteorological
monitoring system and
exis ng dal datasets. The
models were run for rainfall
return periods of 50, 100,
Land of Canaan 5-door sluice


H ydraulic modeling
of the coastal
lowlands of Region 4, also
bounded by roads and
other embankments that
are connected through a
series of drains to the
known as the east-coast primary drainage network.
Demerara, was carried out The modeling therefore
to assess the drainage priori sed the modeling of
capacity and to test op ons the main drainage network
for improving the system. above the secondary and
ter ary drainage systems.
Several drainage areas
Ogle pumping sta5on
along the east coast were Walkover surveys and
iden fied as being LiDAR surveys were used to
proposed interven on with the modeling that many of
vulnerable to flooding iden fy the complex
the area of land which the key components of
following a series of site network of drains, inter-
would benefit from the exis ng drainage facili es
visits and stakeholder linkages, flow direc ons
proposed interven on were designed for
discussions. To select and other characteris cs of
(worked out by comparing agricultural drainage and
priority areas for detailed the drainage regime needed
the area of land which not for the mixed urban and
modeling, a mul -criterion for building the models. Six
currently becomes agricultural land uses that
analysis was used which models were set-up, one for
inundated during a 50-year now exists in many areas.
considered frequency of each drainage area,
rainfall event against the The Liliendaal regime for
flooding, rate of dissipa on, however as canal water
area of land which would example, no longer holds
popula on, affected levels have not been
remain dry following the agricultural lands at all.
agricultural areas and key recorded or monitored, the
proposed works).
areas of infrastructure and models are necessarily The results of the cost-
agricultural significance. uncalibrated. benefit analysis shows
Following the analysis, 6 The models were used therefore, that in most
The models were used to
broad drainage areas were to test a number of cases, separa on of urban
test a number of interven-
iden fied. interventions which and agricultural drainage
ons which would improve
Conceptually, the coastal drainage and reduce the would improve areas, providing different
levels of service to both,
drainage system, par cular- area prone to flooding. An drainage and reduce
would be most beneficial.
ly in urban areas, can be analysis of the costs and the area prone to Other recommenda ons
considered to comprise a benefits of the interven-
flooding include addi onal pumping
number of discrete ons was carried out by
capacity in many areas, and
drainage compartments, comparing the costs of the
Op ons considered for resizing of outlet systems
interven ons include in- and culverts.
creased pump capaci es,
increased culvert widths,
adding water storage areas,
channel improvements and
separa ng urban and
agricultural drainage sys-
Drainage canal at Ogle It became evident during

Map of East Coast Demerara highligh5ng selected MAUDJDU DMIHBITD RDTHLDE
drainage areas
1. Liliendaal
2. Ogle
1. 3. Montrose & Sparendaam
4. Mon Repos & Annandale
5. Enterprise, Strathspey & Paradise
3. 6. Beehive and Clonbrook




Pumping Sta5on 1 & 2

Primary drainage routes

Schema5c of Ogle drainage system model (lower centre), drainage compartments (lower le=) and
primary and secondary drains with their associated catchment areas (lower right) .

Nomenclature of the
EDWC dam for the North Dam
purposes of the CAP
Nancy Annandale

Northeast Dam

West Dam


East Dam

The new excavator and pontoon at work in the

Historical EDWC dam breach

Dam slip at the old Shanks sluice loca5on in

2011 studied in the CAP


T reasonable,
he exis ng EDWC marginally
dam is over 130 years interna onal standards.
old. Due to its age, it has
Under certain condi ons,
falls and Flagstaff Mahaica, is
of the most fragile part of the
dam and in need of
rehabilita on. It is founded
side slopes are very steep,
the crest is very narrow and
it is overgrown. It therefore
does not meet interna onal
had many minor slope on pegasse (peat) to a standards, but it is s ll
however, the stability of the
failures, which have depth of up to 4m, and is considered stable.
dam becomes marginal, as
generally been repaired constructed of very soi
evidenced by the historical Possible designs for the
without consequences. clays with a high pegasse
incidence of localised rehabilita on of the dams
However, these failures content. The north dam,
instability. One such have been drawn up with
indicate the fragile nature between Nancy and
instability occurred at the the recommenda on that
of the dam. Annandale, and the east
old Shanks sluice loca on in the rehabilita on of the
dam between Flagstaff
As part of the CAP, a 2011. Although the failure north east dam be carried
Mahaica and the Maduni
geotechnical stability did not result in a breach, it out first.
Creek, have also been
analysis has been carried provided an opportunity to
found to have marginal
out on the dam. For most study and understand slope
stability. The west dam,
of the dam, the study stability parameters.
from Nancy to the Cunha
supports the historical
The results of the study Canal on the east bank is
evidence which suggests
show that the north east built on and constructed of
that earthwork stability is
dam, between Annandale be*er clays, however the


I n addi on to the non-

structural flood risk
reduc on measures (i.e.
Conservancy. A long-boom
excavator was
purchased and a floa ng
punt and pontoon were
thereby improving dam
safety. The purchase and
installa on of the
hydrological instrumenta-
Finally, other essen al
surveying equipment, office
supplies and compu ng
equipment were also
data collec on, engineering designed and constructed on has also helped purchased under the
studies, drainage modeling, under the project. This has manage the conservancy project.
dam designs etc.), the CAP improved drainage and water levels on a near real-
has funded the complete helped to rapidly mobilize me basis, and contributed
rehabilita on and upgrade equipment to areas of the to the na onal weather-
of the two sluices at Lama dam in need of repair and forecas ng system.
on the eastern side of the respond to dam breaches,


I n order to ensure the

sustainability of the CAP
results, training has been
ment agencies in the use
and maintenance of hydro-
meteorological instrumen-
ta on, the analysis and
and other remote sensing management of the
datasets, data manage- drainage and irriga on
ment, dam safety and system.
hydrological modeling. This
given to various govern- poten al uses of the LiDAR will help strengthen the


including those at Cunha eastern side of the EDWC
ince 2005, the and Kofi. Also, a new ...these improvements during mes of flood. The
government has channel was excavated have increased construc on includes a new
been carrying out several from the northern borrow outflow capacity of intake regulator, a bridge
improvements to the channel near Flagstaff to over the public road and a
the EDWC by 25%
drainage system in parallel the Kofi waterway to sluice at the Atlan c Ocean.
with the CAP. For instance, improve conveyance within during 50 and 100- The CAP modeling results
the EDWC dam has been the conservancy. The year flood scenarios show that this relief
reinforced in several places, modeling results show that channel, once opera onal,
maintenance and repairs these improvements have Addi onally, and important- will lead to a significant
have been carried out and increased ouqlow capacity ly, a new relief canal is reduc on in water levels in
several sluices, relief- of the EDWC by 25% during being built at Hope Doch- the EDWC, par cularly in
structures and channels 50 and 100-year flood four to help relieve the north-eastern corner of
have been rehabilitated, scenarios. discharge pressure on the the EDWC.


A s previously indicat-
ed, the
generated a porqolio of
including addi onal pump
capaci es, channel and
culvert widening
separa on of urban and
The results and investments
iden fied under the CAP
have contributed to and
have been incorporated
demonstra on for the
development of adapta on
interven ons that can be
implemented in similar
recommended discrete and agricultural drainage, and within the Government’s contexts in Guyana, other
strategic investments safety improvements to drainage and irriga on countries in the Caribbean
totalling approximately US$ exis ng water control master-plan for Region 4 and elsewhere.
123 million, to include structures. (part of the na onal plan).
interven ons such as The CAP technical
The CAP technical
excava ons within the the CAP generated a founda on and pre-
foundation and pre-
EDWC and op miza on of engineering studies
portfolio of engineering studies will
drainage towards the
recommended help policy-makers plan will help policy-
Demerara River, reconstruc-
discrete and strategic targeted flood-reduc on makers plan targeted
on of all sides of the EDWC
measures and interven ons flood-reduction
dam, various interven ons investments for Region 4. However, the
along the east coast measures
CAP also serves as a

For further informa on related to the CAP, or for access to any of its datasets, please contact:
Agriculture Sector Development Unit (ASDU) Ministry of Agriculture
Mr. Fredrick Flatts Regent Street & Vlissengen Road
Senior Civil Engineer Bourda
Tel: +592 227 3752 Georgetown
Email: Guyana, South America

Pump at Liliendaal

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