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Francisco LÓPEZ-ALMANSA1, Bashar ALFARAH2, Sergio OLLER3


This study aims to investigate the capacity of simplified and advanced numerical models to reproduce
the nonlinear monotonic behavior of reinforced concrete framed structures. The considered simplified
models are commonly used in earthquake engineering and are based either on concentrated or distributed
plasticity. The considered advanced models are based on continuum mechanics and use the Damaged
Plasticity Model for concrete simulation. The simplified and advanced models are used to simulate
pushing experiments of a 2D RC frame. The results from the models are compared with the experiments
results. That comparison shows the higher ability of the continuum mechanics models to represent the
actual behavior of the frame until the collapse; the simplified models lack of the capacity to represent
accurately all the phases of the behavior. This paper includes an explanation of the damage plasticity
models and their implementation in the FEM package ABAQUS. A strategy to avoid the mesh
sensitivity in the advanced numerical simulation of reinforced concrete structures is also described.


The seismic structural behavior of buildings and other constructions is highly complex, involving,
among other issues, complex dynamic interactions with the input ground motion, large strains and
displacements, damage, plasticity and near-collapse behavior. In reinforced concrete structures, there
are several structural degradation modes at the structural components level: cracking, crushing and
spalling of concrete, yielding and pull-out of the tensioned reinforcement, and yielding and buckling of
the compressed reinforcement.
The global seismic risk is both important and fast growing; therefore, an important research
effort is being conducted worldwide to provide efficient analysis and design tools. Among them, the
Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA) is one of the most efficient yet high costly strategies. These
instruments rely on extensive testing and numerical simulation. Despite the aforementioned complexity
of the seismic structural behavior, most of the numerical analyses are mainly carried out using simplified
models; such models exhibit two major limitations: not all the deterioration and collapse modes are
considered and the energy balance is not guaranteed. The interaction between the degradation modes is
not always considered. Therefore, there is a strong need of verifying the accuracy and reliability of the
obtained conclusions by comparison with more complex numerical models.
The nonlinear behavior of the RC frame is described with three types of models; they differ in
the simulation of the plasticity, the consideration of the behavior of the frame elements and the type of
finite elements used to discretize the structural components. Next three paragraphs explain each of the
considered types of models.

Professor, Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona,
PhD Student, Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona,
Professor, Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona,

Lumped plasticity models. The nonlinear behavior is concentrated in a number of zero-length
plastic hinges, usually located near the connections among the frame elements. The behavior of each
plastic hinge is characterized by force-displacement laws is considered by means of interaction surfaces.
These models have been implemented in the most widely used software in earthquake engineering SAP-
2000 v.16 (Computers & Structures 2012) using the general frame formulation (Bathe, Wilson 1976).
The hinge properties are obtained according to Tables 6-7 and 6-8 of (FEMA 356 2000).
Distributed plasticity models. Fiber section models are used to simulate the spread of plasticity
along the member length and across the section. Each fiber is associated with a uniaxial stress strain
relationship, and then the sectional behavior is obtained by integration imposing the Navier-Bernouilli
hypothesis. The distributed plasticity models can be implemented with the classical displacement-based
finite elements formulations (Hellesland, Scordelis 1981; Marí, Scordelis 1984), or with the more recent
force-based formulations (Spacone et al. 1996; Neuenhofer, Filippou 1997). In a displacement-based
approach, the displacement field is imposed, whilst in a force-based formulation the equilibrium is
strictly satisfied and no restraints are imposed to the development of inelastic deformations throughout
the member; in this research, we use a software code (Seismosoft 2013) that considers both formulations.
A uniaxial constant-confinement model (Mander et al.1988; Martínez-Rueda, Elnashai 1997) describes
the concrete behavior. The steel behavior is represented by the Monti-Nuti uniaxial model (Menegotto,
Pinto 1973) with isotropic hardening (Filippou et al. 1983); this model is able to describe the post-elastic
buckling behavior of reinforcing bars under compression (Monti et al. 1996).
Continuum mechanics-based models. The concrete frame members are discretized with 3D
8-node hexahedron solid finite elements and the reinforcement bars are represented by 2-node truss
elements. The concrete behavior is represented by multiaxial damaged plasticity model (Lubliner et.
al.1989) with the modifications of the yield surface proposed by (Lee and Fenves 1998). A normal
plasticity model is used to simulate the nonlinear monotonic behavior of steel. The joint behavior of
concrete and steel is described by the “embedded element technique”. The relationship between the
accuracy of the results and the size of the mesh (mesh sensitivity) is assessed. The time integration is
carried out following mainly an implicit formulation. The global model is generated by imposing the
energy balance. The analysis is carried out for large displacements but not for large strains. Such models
are implemented in the ABAQUS code (ABAQUS 2013; López Almansa et al. 2012; Castro et al. 2014).


Figure 1. Tested frame (Vecchio, Emara1992)

These models have been used to simulate the static tests described in (Vecchio and Emara 1992); the
experiment consisted of pushing a laboratory single-bay two-story RC plan frame. Figure 1 shows the
geometric properties of the tested frame as well the reinforcement details (Vecchio, Emara 1992) for
more details. Material properties were determined from concrete cylinder tests and steel coupon tests,

F. López-Almansa , B. Alfarah, S. Oller 3

as summarized in Table 1. The frame had been previously simulated by some of the authors (Faleiro et
al. 2005; Faleiro et al. 2008; Güner 2008).

Reinforcement Bars Concrete

Bar No. As Db fy fu Es Esh εsh εu f'c (MPa)
(mm2) (mm) (MPa) (MPa) (GPa) (MPa)
No. 20 300 19.5 418 596 192.5 3100 0.0095 0.0669 30
No. 10 100 11.3 454 640 200 3100 0.0095 0.0695
Table 1. Material Properties (Güner 2008)


Lumped plasticity models

In this model a nonlinear spring “hinge” element has been assigned at each end of each componenet
(beam and column). The nonlinear behavior of these hinges is governed by a backbone curve, represents
the full behavior of the expected reinforced concrete hinges. For this modeling a FEM backage from
Computers and Structures Inc has been used SAP2000 to simulate the exeperimental RC frame. Based
on this backbone curve as shown in Figure 2 no plastic deformation occurs until point B where the hinge
yields. This is followed by a yield plateau or strain hardening behavior until point C which represents
the ultimate capacity of the hinge. After point C, the hinge’s force capacity immediately drops to point
D which corresponds to the residual strength of the hinge. Point E represents the ultimate displacement
capacity of the hinge after which total failure of the hinge is reached at point F (Computers & Structures
2012). There are three stages marked between point B and C for information purposes:IO corresponds
to immediate occupancy, LS to life safety, and CP to collapse prevention. A moment rotation hinges
have been assigned to the beams and interacting P-M plastic hinges have been assigned to the columns
elements. All joints have been assumed as a rigid joints with zero hinge length located at the face of the
joints. The hinge properties are obtained according to Tables 6-7 and 6-8 of (FEMA 356 2000) based
on the material properties, element's cross section and reinforcement details. The most critical part in
the nonlinear modeling process with SAP2000 is the hinge locations and the selected hinge properties
they have a great influence on the computed response. In addition to the moment and P-M hinges, a
shear hinge could be assigned to the model but these shear hinges do not interact with the other hinges.
In other words, the lumped plastic hinges work individually without any interaction, for example, in
case a shear hinge had developed in a column the shear degradation has no influence on the axial
capacity of the column.

Figure 2. Hinge behavior (FEMA 356 2000)

Distributed plasticity models

Two models have been derived using the fiber element model to represent the nonlinear behavior of the
tested frame. The first model adopts the force-based formulation by using one finite element for each
component, we will symbolize for this model in this paper by FB element model. Second model adopts
the displacement-based formulation by using five finite elements for each component and will symbolize
for this model by DB element model. The FEM package SeismoStruct V6.5 has been used to simulate
the experiment by using the (Mander et al. 1988) nonlinear concrete model using a confinement factor
to distinguish between the confinement (core) and un-confinement concrete (cover) material. Monti-
Nuti steel model has been used to model the behavior of the reinforcing bars taking into account the
post-elastic buckling behavior under compression. The cross section for each element is divided into
250 fibers in order to achieve more accuracy; five integration points have been used along the length of
each element. Figure 3 shows the fiber element model and the integration points “Gauss point” along
the element. The accuracy of the solution can be improved for the FB elements by either increasing the
number of Gauss points or the number of the elements; for DB elements, this can be done only by
increasing the number of elements. The main limitation of this model is the ability to consider just the
flexural effects, in another word the accurate simulation of reinforced concrete members dominated by
shear or the interaction between the shear and flexure and axial capacity cannot be achieved through this
model. Figure 3 shows an example of the distributed plasticity model that is used in this study.

Figure 3. Fibre Element: (a) Distribution of control sections; (b) Section subdivision
into fibres (Taucer et al. 1991)

Continuum mechanics-based models

The main concepts of continuum mechanics are implemented to simulate the complicated nonlinear
behavior of the reinforced concrete material in order to evaluate the behavior of reinforced concrete
structures. It is essential to be able to predict their response under any type and level of loading and must
take into account all aspects of the nonlinear behavior of RC and especially for high loads levels, such
as earthquakes. Numerical modeling should take into account these effects to produce realistic
predictions of strength, stiffness and seismic energy dissipation capacity. For this objective, the 3D solid
finite element are used to simulate the concrete material and 3D truss element for the reinforcing bars.
The main advantage of employing a computationally more expensive three-dimensional 3D solid finite
element for RC analysis is that it can take into account any triaxial stress state developed in almost all
types of RC structures as well as all the failure modes (e.g., brittle shear failure, crushing and cracking)
by considering the interaction between all the degradation modes (e.g., concrete spalling and the effects
on the rebar buckling, the interaction between the shear capacity and the axial capacity of the element
etc.) that are not easily predicted by simpler models. In such an analysis, there are three aspects that
need to be considered: (a) modeling of concrete, (b) the material model to describe the behavior at the
interface and (c) modeling of reinforcement within the concrete mesh (G. C. Lykidis1 et al. 2008). And
because of the properties of the concrete material and the relation between concrete and steel material
the simulation of RC structures pose a challenge, concrete has different behavior and different
degradation modes it's much quicker undergoes degradation under tension than compression. The
interaction between the reinforcing bars and the surrounding concrete has a significant impact on the
overall response of the structures and especially under the cyclic loads, the degradation of material in
each element of the structure can influences on the overall behavior of the whole structure and can
participates in performing several collapse mechanism. All of this poses difficulties for numerical
analyses. The selected constitutive models of materials and the parameters of these models needed to be
correctly selected. In this simulation the advanced FEM software ABAQUS has been used to simulate
the tested frame. The Concrete Damaged Plasticity Model (CDPM) has been used to simulate the

F. López-Almansa , B. Alfarah, S. Oller 5

concrete material by using C3D8R Brick element. Normal plasticity model has been used for the steel
material by using a T3D2 truss element. Embedded element technique adopted to represent the relation
between both materials. Where the reinforcing bars elements “the guest” are embedded in the concrete
elements “the host”. The translational degrees of freedom at the node of the guest elements are
eliminated and the node becomes an “embedded node”. The translational degrees of freedom of the
embedded node are constrained to the interpolated values of the corresponding degrees of freedom of
the host element (ABAQUS 2013). The element mesh size is 5 cm.
As mentioned before, the parameters of the used constitutive models have the biggest effects on
the obtained performance, and in order to obtain the most accurate results we will describe in the
following paragraphs the parameters of CDPM and the way to obtain these parameters and how to avoid
the mesh sensitivity.


General description

It is assumed that the main two concrete failure mechanisms are the tensile cracking and compression
crushing of the concrete material. This model could be considered as one of the best models to represent
the complex behavior of concrete material by using the concepts of isotropic damaged elasticity in
combination with isotropic tensile and compressive plasticity to represent the inelastic behavior of
concrete, this model has been designed for applications in which concrete is subjected to monotonic,
cyclic and/or dynamic loading, and consists of the combination of non-associated multi-hardening
plasticity and scalar (isotropic) damaged elasticity to describe the irreversible damage that occurs during
the fracturing process. This model was developed by (Lubliner et al. 1989) and elaborated by (Lee &
Fenves 1998). This model has been implemented in the FEM code (ABAQUS, 2013) under the name
CONCRETE DAMAGED PLASTICITY MODEL (CDPM). This model assumes non-associated potential
plastic flow. The flow potential G used for this model is the Drucker-Prager hyperbolic function:

ϵσ tan ̅ tan ψ (1)

σt0 is the uniaxial tensile stress at failure, ̅ is the hydrostatic pressure stress, is the Mises-
equivalent effective stress, ѱ is the dilatancy angle measured in the p-q plane at high confining pressure,
and ϵ is an eccentricity of the plastic potential surface. The plastic-damage concrete model uses a yield
condition based on the loading function F proposed by (Lubliner et al. 1989) with the modifications
proposed by (Lee, Fenves 1998) to account for different evolution of strength under tension and
compression in the form:

3α P β ε 〈σ 〉 γ〈 σ 〉 σ ε 0 (2)
1 α
σ /σ 1 ̃ 3 1
α ;0 α 0.5; β 1 α 1 α ;γ (3)
2 σ /σ 1 ̃ 2 1

Parameter α depends on the ratio of the biaxial and uniaxial compressive strengths (σb0/ σc0), Kc
is the ratio of the second stress invariant on the tensile meridian to that on the compressive meridian it
must satisfy the condition 0.5 < Kc ≤ 1.0. It is clearly seen, that the behavior of concrete depends on four
constitutive parameters (Kc, ѱ, σb0/ σc0, ϵ). Other parameters such as tensile uniaxial strength and uniaxial
or biaxial compressive strength of concrete should be taken from testing. Since concrete exhibits
softening behavior and stiffness degradation that often lead to severe convergence difficulties, in implicit
analysis a visco-plastic regularization technique has been added to the CDPM to permit stresses to be
outside of the yield surface by using a viscosity parameter μ (ABAQUS 2013).

Dilatancy angle (ѱ)

Dilation in a frictional material is the phenomenon of change of the inelastic volume due to
plastic deviation as shown in Figure 4. For concrete is ѱ =13° (Vermeer, de Borst 1984)

Figure 4. Dilatancy angle (Oller 2013)

As mentioned before, Kc is the ratio of the second stress invariant on the tensile meridian to that
on the compressive meridian or in another word the ratio between the magnitude of the deviatory stress
in uniaxial tension to uniaxial compression. To obtain the value of Kc we will use the Mohr-Coulomb
yield surface function as given in equation (4) to calculate the value of Kc
π π
ρ, ζ, θ, ϕ, √2 ζ sin ϕ √3 ρ sin θ ρ cos θ sinϕ √6 cosϕ 0 (4)
3 3

At π plan ζ = 0 and for θ + π /6 “tension meridian plan” we can calculate the magnitude of the
deviatory stress in uniaxial tension at yield (ρt0). The magnitude for uniaxial compression (ρc0) could be
calculated for θ =  π /6 as given in equation (5):

2 √6 cosϕ 2 √6 cosϕ
ρ ,ρ (5)
3 sinϕ 3 sinϕ

For ϕ = 32° the friction angle of concrete we can obtain the value of Kc.

ρ 3 sinϕ
0.7 (6)
ρ 3 sinϕ

Figure 5 represents the yield surface in the deviatory plan for several values of Kc.

Figure 5. Yield surface in the deviatory plan for several values of Kc

CDPM's parameters that have been used in this study are summarized in Table 2.

CDPM Parameters
Kc ѱ σb0/ σc0 ϵ μ
0.7 13 1.16 0.1 0

F. López-Almansa , B. Alfarah, S. Oller 7

Table 2. CDPM's parameters.

Uniaxial compression behavior

The stress-strain behavior under sustained compressive loading is modeled in three phases as
shown in Figure 6(a).

(a) Compression (Birtel, Mark 2006) (b) Tension (Abaqus 2013)

Figure 6. Uniaxial model of the concrete behavior

The first two phases describe the ascending branch up to the peak load fcm at εc1. Their
formulations are similar to the recommendations of the Model Code (CEB-FIB 1993). The third and
descending branch takes account for its dependency on the specimen geometry (Vonk 1993; Van Mier
1984) to ensure almost mesh independent simulation results. Thus, σc(3) incorporates within the descent
function γc the constant crushing energy Gcl (Krätzig & Pölling, 2004) and the finite element size leq.

First phase:
σ ε (7)
Second phase:
ε /ε
σ (8)
1 2
Third phase:
2 γ ε ε γ
σ γ ε (9)
2 2ε
π ε ε
γ , (10)
2 0.5 ε 1

Eci is the modulus of elasticity (MPa) at a concrete age of 28 days; fck is the characteristic strength
(MPa) at a concrete age of 28 days. fcm = fck + Δf, Δf = 8 MPa, fcm0 = 10 MPa, εc1 = 0.0022.

/ (11)
0.85 (12)

Uniaxial tension behavior

The stress-strain relation for tensile loading consists of a linear part up the strength σt0 and a
nonlinearly descending part as shown in Figure 6 (b). The softening function is derived from the stress-
crack opening relation (Hordijk 1992) and it is related directly to the finite element mesh size.
σ , (13)
, 1.4 MPa and 10 MPa (CEB-FIB 1993). The relation between the maximum
tensile strength and the tensile stress for any value of the crack width (w) between zero and wc could be
calculated from the following equation (for c1 = 3, c2 = 6.93):

1 / e 1 e (14)

wc is the critical crack opening that needs the energy GF to develop, could be calculated
according to (Hordijk 1992)
5.14 / (15)

GF is the “fracture energy of concrete” which is required energy to propagate a tensile crack of
unit area, could be calculated according to (CEB-FIB 1993) by the following equation:
/ (16)

GF0 is the base value of fracture energy; it depends on the maximum aggregate size dmax, (Table
2.13- CEB-FIB 1993). To draw the tensile stress strain curve after the maximum strength, the values of
the tensile strain take from the following equation:

ε ε / (17)

An exponential function has been used to calculate do damage variable for both of compression
and tension
1 exp (18)
1 exp (19)

at and ac are model parameters for uniaxial tension and compression respectively, and can be
calibrated from the uniaxial tensile and compressive tests by imposing the conditions:

ε 0⇒ 0&ε ε ⇒ 1 (20)
ε 0⇒ 0&ε ε ⇒ 1 (21)

1 1
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8 εt pl/εt ck
dc & (εc pl / ε c in )

0.7 0.7
dt & (εt pl / ε t ck)

εc pl/εc in
0.6 0.6 dt
0.5 dc 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0 0.0005 0.001 0.0015 0.002 0.0025 0.003
ε c pl ε t pl
Figure 7. Compression damage vs. compressive Figure 8. Tension damage vs. tensile plastic
plastic strain. Ratio of the compressive plastic strain. Ratio of tensile plastic strain to the
strain to the crushing strain vs. compressive cracking strain vs. tensile plastic strain (at = 380)
plastic strain (ac = 2800)

Since the values of ac and at are imposed and in order to avoid any negative values during the
analysis for both of compressive and tensile plastic strain (εc pl, εt pl) and to ensure a decreasing or at least
to avoid the increasing in the ratio of the compressive plastic strain to the crushing strain (εc pl / εcin) and
the tensile plastic strain to the cracking strain (εt pl / εt ck) it is better to plot the both curves together

F. López-Almansa , B. Alfarah, S. Oller 9

(damage versus plastic strain and the strains ratio versus the plastic strain), this plot gives the impression
of the damage evolution and the effect of this evolution on the plastic strains, since the ratio of the plastic
strain to the crushing/cracking strain should decreases in conjunction of increasing the plastic strain as
shown in Figures 7 and 8.

Table 3 summarizes the needed values to build the input compressive / tensile behavior data in

fck (MPa) dmax (mm) GF0 N/mm GF N/mm ac at Gcl N/mm leq (mm) b
30 16 0.03 0.0763 2800 380 10 50 0.35
Table 3. Concrete material parameters


Figure 9 shows the comparison of experimental and analytical results for the examined frame. It can be
observed that the lumped plasticity model with just flexural or P-M interaction plastic hinges has failed
to predict the overall response of the frame, the maximum lateral force capacity of this model didn't
match with the real value with difference (10%), the structure in this model had collapsed at lateral
displacement almost (50%) of the ultimate displacement of the experiment. In the other hand the
distributed plasticity models showed a better performance in general. DB element model over predicts
the frame capacity with difference (+8.7%), FB predicts the lateral capacity with difference (3%), both
model succeed to avoid the earlier collapse and resist more displacement than the lumped model.
Distributed plasticity models couldn't capture very well the overall behavior especially after
development of the first cracks in beams and columns “the softening stage between the initial stiffness
and the ultimate capacity”. Further investigation has been carried out on the performance of distributed
plasticity models. As shown in Figure 10, the significant effect of including the geometric nonlinearity
in the analysis. Without including the P-delta effect the structure remains able to resist more lateral force
without any softening which is not fitting with the real behavior. In case of considering P-delta in the
analysis the structure starts to show the softening after reaching the ultimate value directly without
demonstrate any ductility. We can conclude that the main reason of the softening in these distributed
plasticity models is the geometric nonlinearity. Whilst in the real behavior this geometric nonlinearity
has a influence on the capacity of the structure, accounting at about 12% of the total overturning moment
acting on the structure at ultimate (Vecchio, Emara 1992). Moreover, the experimental frame had
demonstrated a very good ductility after achieving the ultimate load before degrading the lateral
400 400
350 350
Horizontal Force (KN)
Horizontal Force (KN)

300 300
250 250
ABAQUS FB element Without P‐delta
200 200
Experimental FB element With P‐delta
150 150
Concentreated Plasticicty ‐SAP200 DB element With P‐delta
100 100
FB ‐Distibuted Plsticity Seismostruct
DB element Without P‐delta
DB ‐Distibuted Plsticity Seismostruct
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20
Horizontal Displacement (m)
Displacement (m)

Figure 9. Experimental and simulated capacity curves Figure 10. Capacity curves based on distributed
plasticity models with and without considering
geometric nonlinearity

The continuum mechanics model with CDPM observed a superiority to predict the overall
behavior of the frame during the experiment. This model reached the ultimate capacity with difference
(0.3%) comparing with the experimental one, all phases have been predicted very well by this model
“initial stiffness, softening after the first cracks, ultimate force, ductility phase and collapse phase”. First
crack has been developed in the beam of the first floor (Vecchio, Emara 1992). This model succeed to
predict this crack as shown in Figure 11. Tensile damage during the experiment and until displacement
(18 cm) is shown in Figures 12, 13 and 14.

Figure 11. First crack in the Figure 12. Tension damage Figure 13.Tension damage
first story's beam (at lateral displacement 7 mm) (at lateral displacement 1 cm)

Figure 14. Tension damage Figure 15. Compression Figure 16. Damage in the north
at last state damage at last state joint in the first story at last
Continuum mechanics model succeed to predict the crushing “compression damage” at the last
displacement as well the yielding in the reinforcing bars in columns and beams, the damage in the joint
also has predicted very well as shown in Figures 15, 16 and 17.

Figure 17. Yielding of Figure 18. Last Condition of Figure 19. Last Damage in the
reinforcing bars at first the base joint of the South base joint of south column
story's north joint at last state Column

F. López-Almansa , B. Alfarah, S. Oller 11

The damage at last drift (2%) matched very well with the last condition of the base joint of the
south column as shown in Figures 18 and 19. Table 4 shows a comparison between the experimental
results and the obtained one using several models.

SAP2000 SeismoStruct FB SeismoStruct DB ABAQUS Experiment

Ultimate Force (KN) 302 322 361 333 332
First Plastic Hinge Beam 1st Beam 1st Story Beam 1st Story Beam 1st Beam 1st
Developed at Story Story Story
Failure Mechanism 6 Plastic 6 Plastic Hinges 6 Plastic Hinges 6 Plastic 6 Plastic
Hinges Hinges Hinges
Joints Damage N/A N/A N/A YES YES
Force at First Crack in N/A N/A N/A 61 52.5
Beam First Story
Force at First Crack in N/A N/A N/A 135 145
the column at the base
Force at first yielding in N/A 295 327 305 323
the column's
N/A: Not Available
Table 4. Comparison of Numerical and Experimental Results of The Tested Frame.


A numerical modeling of a full scale experimental RC frame subjected to monotonic loading has been
carried out by using several FE models and several constructive material models. The obtained results
showed the inability of the simplified models to predict the real behavior of the RC frame correctly.
Lumped plasticity models failed to reach the ultimate lateral force capacity as well to reach the
maximum lateral displacement. Lumped plasticity model has succeeded to predict the locations of
plastic hinges in both of columns and beams. Distributed plasticity models have succeeded to exceed
the earlier collapse and go further in resisting the applied displacement more than the lumped models.
Distributed plasticity model with FB formulations showed better performance than DB formulation
models in reaching the ultimate force and matching in general the real performance. Both Distributed
plasticity models showed stiffer behavior and inability to represent correctly the ductility and softening
of the frame. They failed as well to reach the correct maximum lateral force capacity. Moreover the
main reason of the degradation directly after achieving the maximum lateral force capacity in the
distributed plasticity models is the geometric nonlinearity which had a significant effect on the real
frame but after a very good state of ductility. Continuum mechanics-based model using CDPM showed
a superior ability to reproduce the real performance of the experimental RC frame. Embedded element
technique demonstrated a very good performance as a tool to simplify the modeling of the relation
between concrete and rebar under monotonic loading and even after achieving several degradation states
(e.g., cracking and crushing etc.). A great attention should be paid to the value of CDPM's parameters
as well the compression / tension stress strain input data by taking into account the FE's mesh size.


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