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Environ Earth Sci (2017) 76:366

DOI 10.1007/s12665-017-6691-9


Evaluation of present-day rainfall simulations over West Africa

in CORDEX regional climate models
A. A. Akinsanola1,2 • K. O. Ogunjobi2

Received: 28 September 2016 / Accepted: 3 May 2017 / Published online: 13 May 2017
Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

Abstract The objective of this study is to evaluate the seasons, implying that no single model is best at all time. In
ability of seven CORDEX regional climate models general, REGCM3 was found to be the most outstanding of
(RCMs), driven by ERA-Interim reanalysis dataset to all the RCMs and is therefore recommended for use in
simulate the observed rainfall characteristics over West rainfall assessment over West Africa.
Africa during the period of 1990–2008. The seasonal cli-
matology, annual rainfall cycles, interannual variability, Keywords CORDEX-Africa  West African monsoon 
850 hPa specific humidity, and wind fields of the RCMs Climatology  Precipitation characteristics
outputs were assessed over a number of spatial scales
covering three climatically homogenous subregions (Gui-
nea Coast, Savannah, and Sahel) and the entire West Africa Introduction
domain. The ability of the RCMs to simulate the response
to El Nino and La Nina events were further assessed. Rainfall distribution over West Africa is evidently critical
Results indicate that the RCMs captured the spatial pattern for many activities such as hydroelectric power generation,
of rainfall and the three distinctive phases of the West water resources monitoring, rain-fed agriculture, drought,
African monsoon reasonably. It is worth noting that RCA and flood forecasting (Omotosho and Abiodun 2007; Parry
and CRCM5 failed to distinctively reproduce the monsoon et al. 2007; Akinsanola and Ogunjobi 2015). Therefore,
jump while CCLM, HIRHAM, and REMO largely over- variations in rainfall amount have strong and direct
estimated the amount of the pre- and the post-monsoon implications on the populace and overall economic growth
rainfall. The analysis also showed significant biases in of the region. One of the most crucial and dynamic phe-
individual models depending on the subregion and season nomena of the West African climate system is the West
under consideration. These biases appear to be linked to the Africa Monsoon (WAM) (Sultan et al. 2011; Akinsanola
model’s failure to resolve convective processes and et al. 2015), a phenomenon caused by the seasonal reversal
topography accurately. The majority of the RCMs used of winds due to differential heating between land and ocean
were consistent with the ground observation in capturing (Sultan and Janicot 2000; Le Barb́e et al. 2002). The WAM
the dry (wet) conditions associated with the El Nino (La plays a vital role in producing majority of the annual
Nina) events. Statistical analysis conclusively revealed that rainfall in the region (Omotosho and Abiodun 2007). The
the RCMs performance varies over the subregions and flow dynamics of the WAM is generally characterized by
the intra-annual movement of the intertropical discontinu-
ity (ITD), triggered by the position of the sun, the West
& A. A. Akinsanola Africa Westerly Jet (WAMJ) which is responsible for the
transport of moisture inland, as well as the strength and
School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong position of the African Easterly Jet (AEJ) and the Tropical
Kong, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong SAR Easterly Jet (TEJ) found at about 600–700 and 200 hPa,
Department of Meteorology and Climate Science, Federal respectively (Jung and Kunstmann 2007; Sylla et al. 2013;
University of Technology Akure, Akure, Nigeria Akinsanola et al. 2015). The combined baroclinic–

366 Page 2 of 20 Environ Earth Sci (2017) 76:366

barotropic instabilities of the AEJ are responsible for the this way, a RCM acts as a zooming device to deliver cli-
formation of African Easterly Waves (AEW) (Redelsperger mate information on regional to local scale. Comprehen-
et al. 2002; Burpee 1972). These waves, in turn, trigger the sive evaluation of regional downscaling is very difficult
formation of squall lines and mesoscale convective com- especially over West Africa; previous and available studies
plexes (Fink and Reiner 2003; Fink et al. 2006). The often employ different methods, regions, periods, and
above-mentioned components interact in a complex way to observational data for evaluation. Thus, evaluation results
provide the monsoon rainfall (Sultan et al. 2011). Resear- are difficult to generalize. The Coordinated Regional Cli-
ches have also shown that interannual and interseasonal mate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) is an initiative
variability occurs in the WAM, and has being linked to the that provides a platform for a joint evaluation of model
influence of some global teleconnections and climate performance, along with a solid scientific basis for impact
forcing, e.g., El Nino–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), North assessments and other uses of downscaled climate infor-
Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), Madden–Julian Oscillation mation (Giorgi et al. 2009).
(MJO), and sea surface temperature (Giannini et al. 2003; Published work within CORDEX framework, focusing
Lu and Delworth 2005; Vizy and Cook 2001, 2002). on the present climate especially precipitation assessment
Presently, there is a limitation in providing skillful and over Africa domain, indicates strengths and deficiencies in
accurate predictions of WAM variability and its impacts on the state-of-the-art modeling tools. The first set of the
the region. Seasonal forecasts based on empirical data are present-day CORDEX simulations using ERA-Interim
not always successful (Omotosho and Abiodun 2007). This reanalysis at the boundaries has been analyzed in detail
is primarily due to gaps in the knowledge of coupled (Nikulin et al. 2012), with focus on precipitation clima-
atmosphere–land–ocean system probably partly arising tology. Results from their study showed a large systematic
from a lack of appropriate ground observation datasets, and bias in RCM-simulated annual mean precipitation over
also because of the complex scale interactions between the Africa. Hence, they reported that the multi-model ensemble
atmosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere, which ultimately mean outperformed individual RCMs. Also, Kim et al.
determine the nature of the WAM. (Redelsperger et al. (2014) reported that the RCMs show difficulties in repli-
2006). Providing a solution to the identified gap has cating precipitation in arid and semiarid regions of Africa,
become a major concern to scientists and policy makers with quasi-systematic wet biases and a poor capability in
who develop action plans to mitigate and adapt to the reproducing the regional annual cycles. Some other similar
impacts of WAM variability and future climate change. and or related studies (Paeth et al. 2011; Druyan et al.
Climate models are the fundamental and primary tools for 2010; Diallo et al. 2012, 2013; Sylla et al. 2013; Gbobaniyi
investigating the climate system response to various forc- et al. 2013; Klutse et al. 2015; Akinsanola et al.
ings, making climate predictions from seasonal to decadal 2015, 2017) also reported that the RCMs performance
timescales and future climate projection (Akinsanola et al. varied from one model and region to another. However,
2015). However, these dynamic models especially the most of the aforementioned previous work focused solely
global circulation models (GCMs) are not without their on the capability of the RCMs to capture the climatological
faults, lacking the resolution needed to adequately resolve features and characteristics of the WAM. Presently, there is
ocean wave dynamics, which are important for the correct still limited information on: (1) the specific seasons of
representation of El Nino development. Also, the model individual RCMs strength and weakness from a detailed
physics are incomplete with many processes and feedbacks statistical viewpoint; (2) the basic factors responsible for
on the coupled system being left out. As a result of this the deficiencies in the RCMs; and (3) the capabilities of the
poor resolution in the GCMs, previous researches have RCMs to simulate the response to El Nino and La Nina
established their unsuitability for weather and impact events.
studies in regions of complex topography such as West Therefore, providing adequate knowledge and informa-
Africa. Recently, the use of regional climate models tion of the capabilities and limitations of these models in
(RCMs) for dynamical downscaling has grown, their res- capturing the existing and itemized features is a prerequi-
olution has increased, process descriptions have been site before considering climate change simulations over the
developed further, new components are added, coordinated region. Hence, this study is aimed at evaluating the ability
ensemble experiments have become more widespread, and of seven CORDEX RCMs to reproduce rainfall charac-
they also show quite realistic climate signals when com- teristics over West Africa; indicate the seasons of indi-
pared to observations (Rummukainen 2010; Flato et al. vidual RCMs strength and weakness using a detailed
2013). These models are integrated into a limited domain statistical approach; investigate the factors responsible for
and obtain their initial and boundary conditions from glo- the deficiencies in the RCMs; and also assess the RCMs
bal climate models or gridded analysis of observations. In ability to simulate response to El Nino and La Nina events.

Table 1 List of CORDEX RCMs used and their schemes (Nikulin et al. 2012)

Institute Danmarks, International Center CLM community (www. Max Plank Institue, Sveriges Meteorologiska University of Cape Universit́e du
running the Meteorologiske for Theoritical ) Germany och Hydrologiska Town, South Africa Qúebec‘ a
Environ Earth Sci (2017) 76:366

model Institut, Danmark Physics, Italy Institut, Sweden Montŕeal,

Projection Rotated pole 0.44 Mercator 50 km Rotated pole 0.44 Rotated pole 0.44 Rotated pole 0.44 Rotated pole 0.44 Rotated pole 0.44
Vertical Hybrid 3.1 Sigma/18 Terrain following/3.5 Hybrid/27 Hybrid/40 Hybrid/19 Rotated pole 0.44
Advection Semi-Lagrangian Eulerian Fifth-order upwind Semi-Lagrangian Eulerian Eulerian Semi-Lagrangian
Baldauf and Schulz
Time step (s) 600 100 240 240 1200 300 1200
Convective Tiedtke (1989) Grell (1993), Fritsch Tiedtke (1989) Tiedtke (1989) Kain and Fritsch Gregory and Rowntree Kain and Fritsch
scheme and Chappell (1990, 1993) (1990) Gregory and (1990) Kuo
(1980) Allen (1991) (1965)
Radiation Fouquart and Bomel Kiehl et al. (1996) Ritter and Geleyn (1992) Morcrette et al. Savijarvi (1990) Sass Edwards and Slingo Li and Barker
scheme (1980) Mlawer (1986) Giorgetta et al.(1994) (Edwards and Slingo (2005)
et al. (1997) and Wild (1995) 1996)
Turbulence Louis (1979) Holtslag et al. (1990) Herzog et al. (2002), Louis (1979) Cuxart and Bougeault Wilson (1992) Benoit et al.
vertical Buzzi et al. 2011) (Cuxart and Bougeault (1989) Delage
diffusion 2000) (1997)
Cloud Tiedtke (1989), SUBEX Pal et al. Doms et al. (Doms et al. Lohmann and Rasch and Kristjanson Smith (1990) Sundqvist et al.
microphysics Tompkins (2002) (2000) 2007) Baldauf and Roeckner (1996) (1998) (1989)
scheme Schulz (2004)
Land surface Schulz et al. (1998) BATS1E Dickinson TERRA-ML; Doms et al. Hagemann (2002) Samulsson et al. (2006) MOSES2 Essery et al. CLASS 3.5,
scheme Hagemann (2002) et al. (1993) 2007) Rechid et al. (2009) (2003) Verseghy (2000)
Latest Christensen et al. Pal et al. (2007) Rockel et al. (2008), Jacob (2001), Jacob Samuelsson et al. (2011) Jones et al. (2004) Zadra et al. (2008)
reference and (2006) Baldauf et al. (2011) et al. (2007)
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366 Page 4 of 20 Environ Earth Sci (2017) 76:366

Fig. 1 Study domain showing

West Africa topography and the
regions designated as Guinea
Coast, Savanna, and Sahel
zones in the study [Adapted
from Akinsanola et al. 2017]

Data and methodology used to compare and validate the RCMs. The ground
observation data were obtained from the African rainfall
In this study, an ensemble of seven RCMs participating in database of the Institute of Geophysics and Meteorology of
the CORDEX-Africa program is analyzed and intercom- the University of Cologne, Germany, for 81 meteorological
pared (details are presented in Table 1). These RCMs were stations in West Africa covering the period 1990–2008,
integrated over Africa continuously for a 20-year period detail description in (Akinsanola et al. 2015, 2016); the
from 1989 to 2008 at a spatial resolution of 50 km Climate Research Unit (CRU) Time Series (TS) at the
(*0.44°), employing the ERA-Interim reanalysis dataset University of East Anglia, CRU TS 3.24 (Mitchell and
(Dee et al. 2011) at the lateral boundaries and for initial- Jones 2005; Harris et al. 2014) is from 1990 to 2008 at 0.5°
ization. The first year of the simulation run was regarded as by 0.5° spatial resolution while the TRMM rainfall was
spin-up and thus was not included in the analysis. In this obtained from the Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission
study, the simulations were evaluated over the West Africa Multi-Platform Analysis (TMPA 3B42V7) (Kummerow
domain (0°–20°N, 20°W–20°E), which exhibits some et al. 2001; Huffman et al. 2001) at 0.25° by 0.25° spatial
localized highlands (Fig. 1). The domain is further subdi- resolutions from 1998 to 2008. The 850 hPa wind and
vided into three climatic zones: Guinea Coast (4°–8°N), specific humidity data used were retrieved from the ERA-
Savannah (8°–11°N), and Sahel (11°–16°N). The Guinea Interim reanalysis, a product from European Centre for
Coast represents the southern boundary to the Atlantic Medium-range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) at 0.5° by 0.5°
Ocean which is characterized by the subhumid climate with spatial resolution from 1990 to 2008.
an average annual rainfall of 1250–1500 mm. The Savan- Since all the products used in this study had different
nah zone is a semiarid zone with an average annual rainfall spatial and temporal resolutions, they were first re-gridded
of 750–1250 mm, while the Sahel zone covers the northern to a spatial resolution of *0.44° (50 km) using bilinear
boundary of Mauritania, Mali, and Niger. This zone is interpolation as in Nikulin et al. (2012). Also, to address
essentially characterized by a single rainfall peak within a the uniformity in the temporal span of all the dataset, the
short rainy season (June–September), with an average rainfall data were aggregated into monthly means over the
annual rainfall of about 750 mm. period of 1990–2008. It should be noted that the averaging
All the simulation datasets were obtained from the periods of the TRMM product is necessarily different due
Climate Systems Analysis Group (CSAG) of the University to the limited availability periods of the data. However, we
of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa. Rainfall data assume that this period (i.e., 1998–2008) is informative
from ground observation, Climate Research Unit (CRU), enough to assess systematic biases, capture year-to-year
and Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) were and seasonal variability, and that the observed differences

Environ Earth Sci (2017) 76:366 Page 5 of 20 366

Fig. 2 Spatial pattern of mean monthly DJF rainfall (mm/month) for a CRU, b TRMM, c PRECIS, d RCA, e REMO, f CCLM, g CRCM5,
h HIRHAM, i REGCM3 from 1990 to 2008

between the products are dominated by the respective synthesize the degree of correspondence between RCMs
measurement technique rather than long-term climate and the ground observation in terms of the phase and
variability (Hijmans et al. 2005; Akinsanola et al. 2016). amplitude of their evolution, measured by Pearson corre-
Four seasons were selected to compare and study the lation coefficients, the centered root mean square error
rainfall estimates in detail: the dry season (December–Fe- (RMSE), mean bias error (MBE), and standard deviation
bruary), the pre-rainy season (March–May), the rainy (SD). This diagram has been widely used to evaluate the
season (June–August), and the post-rainy season multiple aspects of complex models and gauging the rela-
(September–November). A comparison was performed for tive skill of many different models (e.g., Kalognomou et al.
the three main subregions over West Africa. For each 2013; Akinsanola et al. 2015).
subregion and season, the comparison includes a climato- Furthermore, in order to access extreme events of El
logical and statistical description. The climatological Nino and La Nina, the standardized rainfall index was
description is presented by showing the spatial precipita- calculated for all the composite years of the two events (the
tion pattern, latitude–time cross section, interannual and events were sourced from
interseasonal variability, the spatial distribution of specific htm). This was done using Eq. 1.
humidity and wind, and lastly, the RCMs depiction of El xx
Nino and La Nina events. For the statistical description, the u ¼ ð1Þ
rainfall simulations of the CORDEX RCMs were assessed
using Taylor diagrams (Taylor 2001), which graphically where u represents the standardized rainfall index, x is the
actual value of rainfall, x is the long-term mean value of

366 Page 6 of 20 Environ Earth Sci (2017) 76:366

Fig. 3 Spatial pattern of mean monthly MAM rainfall (mm/month) for a CRU, b TRMM, c PRECIS, d RCA, e REMO, f CCLM, g CRCM5,
h HIRHAM, i REGCM3 from 1990 to 2008

rainfall, r is the standard deviation. The dry and wet years RCMs are consistent in capturing the decreasing rainfall
have been classified following Mckee et al. (1993). from south to north during this period. The pattern
obtained for the months of March–April–May (MAM)
presented in Fig. 3 is similar to that of DJF. Rainfall
Results and discussion amount over the larger part of West Africa is found to
have increased reaching the Savannah region (about
Mean climatology 11°N), although little or no rainfall is still highly pre-
dominant over the Sahel. The zone of highest rainfall is
It is very important to assess the abilities and degree at observed to be around the coastal part extending from
which the RCMs capture the spatial pattern of rainfall Liberia toward the southeastern part of Nigeria. This
over West Africa. Hence, the spatial distribution of the observed region of low and high rainfall amount is con-
mean December–January–February (DJF) rainfall from sistent in all the datasets, but the amount of rainfall
(1990 to 2008) over West Africa is shown in Fig. 2a–i for attributed varies to a very large extent from one model to
CRU, TRMM, and each of the RCMs used. It was another. Furthermore, the summer June–July–August
observed that larger portion of West Africa is having (JJA) pattern of precipitation as shown in Fig. 4 reveals
rainfall below 20 mm especially north of latitude 8°N. that rainfall is observed over the entire West Africa
However, rainfall was found to be highest in the eastern domain with the Guinea Coast having the highest rainfall
part of the Guinea Coast (about longitude 10°E). The amount. In addition, the zones of maximum rainfall are

Environ Earth Sci (2017) 76:366 Page 7 of 20 366

Fig. 4 Spatial pattern of mean monthly JJA rainfall (mm/month) for a CRU, b TRMM, c PRECIS, d RCA, e REMO, f CCLM, g CRCM5,
h HIRHAM, i REGCM3 from 1990 to 2008

localized on the major West Africa highlands earlier highlands may be linked to the model’s failure to resolve
indicated in Fig. 1. The orography-related rainfall maxi- topography accurately.
mum found over the Cameroon Mountains extends from
northeast to southwest, with an anvil-like shape encom- Mean annual cycle and Interannual variation
passing Nigeria and Lake Chad to the left and right,
respectively. These observations are well captured by the The latitude–time cross section of the mean monthly
RCMs. Figure 5 shows the same pattern as Fig. 2 but for rainfall over West Africa averaged between longitude
the months of September–October–November (SON). The 10°W and 10°E is shown in Fig. 6. Here, the ability of the
amount of rainfall has reduced drastically compared to RCMs to capture the three distinctive phases of the WAM
that of JJA, although CRCM5 and HIRHAM exhibited a (i.e., the onset, the high rain period and the southward
large bias. It can be concluded that rainfall decreases retreat) is evaluated. The TRMM data exhibit onset of
northward as far as the southern fringe of the Sahel region rainfall around late March and early June, with a pro-
throughout the season. Also, orography plays an impor- gressive extension of the rain belt from the Guinea Coast to
tant role in West Africa rainfall patterns as reported by about latitude 8°N. Also observed, is a sharp discontinuity
Jenkins et al. (2002); Jones et al. (2011); and Akinsanola known as the monsoon jump as similarly reported in Sultan
et al. (2015, 2017). The overestimations of rainfall and Janicot (2000, 2003) and Akinsanola et al. (2015). This
amount exhibited by some of the models over the jump occurs in the rain band between late June and early

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Fig. 5 Spatial pattern of mean monthly SON rainfall (mm/month) for a CRU, b TRMM, c PRECIS, d RCA, e REMO, f CCLM, g CRCM5,
h HIRHAM, i REGCM3 from 1990 to 2008

July and is characterized by a northward shift of the worth mentioning that most of the deviations and dis-
monsoon rainfall front to about 10°N. This brings high crepancies occur with respect to the peak of monsoon
rainfall amounts into the Sahel accompanied by a sudden rainfall over the Sahel. Earlier studies have concluded that
cessation in rainfall amount along the Guinea Coast divergences in the RCMs annual cycles arise mostly from
(Gbobaniyi et al. 2013; Akinsanola et al. 2015). Further- their different inabilities in simulating the appearance and
more, around September, the rain band experiences a development of the main features responsible for triggering
southward shift toward the Guinea Coast accompanied by a and maintaining the WAM rainfall. Among them, we have
decrease in rainfall amount in the Sahel. The RCMs cap- the monsoon flow, AEJ, TEJ, and AEWs (Diallo et al.
tured the three distinct phases of the mean annual cycle of 2012; Sylla et al. 2013). Therefore, the RCM analyses here
the WAM fairly. However, a number of differences were may exhibit quite different sensitivities in terms of their
found among the RCMs with regard to the magnitude and response to the intensity of the WAM elements.
spatial extent of the WAM features. For instance, RCA and The zonal average of the monthly rainfall was evaluated
CRCM5 fail to reproduce the monsoon jump distinctively using the ground observation data (81 stations) as reference
while CCLM, HIRHAM and REMO largely overestimate over the three homogeneous subregions and the entire West
the intensity of the pre- and post-monsoon rainfall. It is Africa domain from 1990 to 2008 as shown in Fig. 7. This

Environ Earth Sci (2017) 76:366 Page 9 of 20 366

Fig. 6 Latitude–time cross section of mean monthly rainfall (mm/month) for a CRU, b TRMM, c PRECIS, d RCA, e REMO, f CCLM,
g CRCM5, h HIRHAM, i REGCM from 1990 to 2008 averaged over longitude 10 W to 10E

helps to better identify rainfall minima and peaks, and thus REMO showing the largest magnitude and REGCM3 the
to further gain insights about the capability of the RCMs in smallest, thus, respectively, overestimating and underesti-
capturing phases and amplitudes during the course of the mating the amount of both peaks. It is worth emphasizing
year in specific homogenous zones. Over the Guinea Coast, that while all the RCMs capture the timing of the mid-
the ground observation data exhibited two peaks of rainfall, summer break, the majority of them simulate an early
a primary maximum in June, and a secondary in Septem- primary peak in May, but only a few of them shift the
ber. Also present is a relative mid-summer low (minimum) secondary maximum to September. These observed dif-
in August known as the little dry season (LDS); this occurs ferences in the RCM-simulated rainfall may be attributed
as the monsoon rain band seasonally migrates in the north– to their different sensitivities and responses to the pre-
south direction in the Guinea Coast. A slight difference was scribed sea surface temperature as reported by Thorncroft
observed in the amount of rainfall among the RCMs, with et al. (2011). In the Savannah, the length of rainy season

366 Page 10 of 20 Environ Earth Sci (2017) 76:366

(a) (b)
Rainfall (mm/month) 350 REMO Ground observaon 300

Rainfall (mm/month)
300 250
(c) (d)
250 250
Rainfall (mm/month)

200 200

Rainfall (mm/month)
150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0
Month Month

Fig. 7 Zonal variation of mean monthly rainfall (mm/month) for the ground observation and CORDEX RCMs data over a Guinea Coast,
b Savannah, c Sahel, and d West Africa from 1990 to 2008

(a) (b)
% difference

% difference

0 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008
1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 -20
Year Year

(c) (d)
% difference

% difference

0 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008
1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 -20
-40 Year
Year -60

Fig. 8 Inter annual percentage difference of the CORDEX RCMs from ground observation over a Guinea Coast b Savannah c Sahel and
d whole West Africa from 1990 to 2008

Environ Earth Sci (2017) 76:366 Page 11 of 20 366

Fig. 9 Standardized rainfall (a)

index during JJA for ground
observation and CORDEX 7 1991/1992 1997/1998 2002/2003
RCMs associated with a El
Nino events of 1991/1992, 5
1997/1998 and 2002/2003 and
b La Nina events of 1998/1999, 3
1999/2000, 2000/2001 over
West Africa 1




1998/1999 1999/2000 2000/2001




extends from May to September, rainfall over this region indicate that the RCMs have the best performance over a
exhibits a unimodal pattern, having its peak in the month of large domain owing to their spatial resolution. The findings
August. Majority of the models captured the observed presented here are in line with the work of Browne and
rainfall distribution but underestimated the rainfall amount Sylla (2012), Akinsanola et al. (2017).
during the summer month. HIRHAM was observed to have
overestimated rainfall while PRECIS captured two peaks Depiction of El Nino and La Nina events
over this zone. In the Sahel, the length of the rainy season
is less than four months between July and September, with The influence of El Nino–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on
August having the highest rainfall amount. All the RCMs rainfall over West Africa has been evaluated in the previ-
reproduce the observed rainfall peak in August except ous study (see review in Moron and Ward 1998). Nichol-
CRCM5. REGCM3, HIRHAM, PRECIS, and REMO tend son and Entekhabi (1986), Ropelewski and Halpert
to overestimate its rainfall amount while CRCM5 and RCA (1987, 1989), and Nicholson and Kim (1997) suggest that
considerably underestimated the rainfall amount. In addi- ENSO influence is minimal, while some others (e.g.,
tion, HIRHAM simulates an early peak in July while Hastenrath 1990; Bhatt 1989; Moron and Ward 1998)
CCLM shifted the rainfall peak to September. Over the suggest that ENSO tends to reduce rainfall in the Sahel.
entire West Africa domain, the highest rainfall amount was Hence, this study examined rainfall anomalies over West
observed between July and September with a great con- Africa during the summer monsoon months of June–July–
sistency in all the RCMs. August (JJA) associated with El Nino and La Nina events
The percentage difference of the RCMs from the ground as shown in Fig. 9a and b, using the ground observation
observation based on the interannual variation is shown in data of 81 stations as the reference. Negative anomalies
Fig. 8. The majority of the models depict a large positive were observed during the El Nino years which implies dry
difference in the subregions with relatively low deviations conditions. All the RCMs captured these feature; however,
over the larger domain of West Africa (about 20%). These it is worth mentioning that RCA overestimated the event

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Fig. 10 Spatial distribution of mean JJA 850 hPa specific humidity over West Africa (Note: PRECIS data are not available; CRCM5
(g/kg) and wind vector (m/s) for a ERA-Interim, b CCLM, c CRCM5, specific humidity data are also not available)
d HIRHAM, e REGCM3, f RCA, and g REMO from 1900 to 2008

while REGCM3, REMO failed to capture the El Nino the monsoon. Therefore, the wind field and specific
events of 2002/2003; furthermore, HIRHAM failed to humidity distribution at 850 hPa during the summer
capture the event in all the years (see Fig. 9a). The failure months of JJA from 1990 to 2008 was investigated and
of HIRHAM in capturing the dry conditions associated is presented in Fig. 10. The ERA-Interim depicts a nar-
with El Nino events may be related to rainfall overesti- row band of westerlies located at about 4°N and 8°N,
mation earlier observed in the model results during summer these westerlies propagating from the Atlantic Ocean and
month. In the La Nina events (see Fig. 9b), positive extend eastward as far as 20°E, with a maximum west-
anomalies were observed implying a wet condition, erly flow of 3.33 m/s centered at approximately 12°E
majority of the RCMs were consistent with the ground over the Cameroon mountains. Similarly, a weak west-
observation, although, little underestimation was observed erly (1 m/s) was observed over the continent and it
in CCLM and CRCM5. Generally, the two climate events extends northward to 18°N, overlain by easterlies over
are well captured by the RCMs. the Saharan region. Between latitude 15° and 20°N, two
peaks of easterlies are embedded. The first is located
Wind and humidity field between 20° and 10°W with a maximum wind speed of
about 5.7 m/s. The second is located between 10° and
The performance of the model over the West Africa 20°E and is comparable in magnitude to the first east-
domain requires further examination of the dynamics of erlies. The RCM-simulated wind speed is stronger, and

Environ Earth Sci (2017) 76:366 Page 13 of 20 366

Fig. 11 Taylor diagrams for area-averaged monthly rainfall over The radial coordinate shows the standard deviation. The azimuthal
Guinea Coast for a DJF, b MAM, c JJA, d SON. The reference axis shows the correlation between the RCMs and the reference data.
(ground observation) data are shown by the green square along the The centered root mean square error is indicated by the green
horizontal axis. The individual RCMs are shown by the solid circles. semicircles about the reference point

Fig. 12 Taylor diagrams for area-averaged monthly rainfall over coordinate shows the standard deviation. The azimuthal axis shows
Savannah for a DJF, b MAM, c JJA, d SON. The reference (ground the correlation between the RCMs and the reference data. The
observation) data are shown by the green square along the horizontal centered root mean square error is indicated by the green semicircles
axis. The individual RCMs are shown by the solid circles. The radial about the reference point

366 Page 14 of 20 Environ Earth Sci (2017) 76:366

Fig. 13 Taylor diagrams for area-averaged monthly rainfall over coordinate shows the standard deviation. The azimuthal axis shows
Sahel for a DJF, b MAM, c JJA, d SON. The reference (ground the correlation between the RCMs and the reference data. The
observation) data are shown by the green square along the horizontal centered root mean square error is indicated by the green semicircles
axis. The individual RCMs are shown by the solid circles. The radial about the reference point

Fig. 14 Taylor diagrams for area-averaged monthly rainfall over the The radial coordinate shows the standard deviation. The azimuthal
whole West Africa for a DJF, b MAM, c JJA, d SON. The reference axis shows the correlation between the RCMs and the reference data.
(ground observation) data are shown by the green square along the The centered root mean square error is indicated by the green
horizontal axis. The individual RCMs are shown by the solid circles. semicircles about the reference point

Environ Earth Sci (2017) 76:366 Page 15 of 20 366

Table 2 Detailed output of the statistical analysis between the RCMs Table 2 continued
and the ground observation over Guinea Coast and Savannah
Model MBE RMSE r Remarks
Model MBE RMSE r Remarks
Savannah (JJA)
Guinea Coast (DJF) RCA 217.15 32.69 0.91 Suitable
RCA 1.38 2.46 0.81 Suitable PRECIS 243.67 58.29 0.84 Suitable
PRECIS 81.06 81.14 -0.58 Not Suitable CRCM5 239.91 45.69 0.97 Suitable
CRCM5 5.43 10.37 -0.19 Not Suitable REMO -8.29 48.93 0.45 Not Suitable
REMO 20.57 2.28 0.96 Suitable REGCM3 0.69 24.70 0.92 Most Suitable
REGCM3 0.81 1.24 0.75 Most Suitable CCLM -105.80 125.73 -1.00 Not Suitable
CCLM 1.29 6.10 0.04 Not Suitable HIRHAM 60.78 66.26 0.79 Suitable
HIRHAM 11.08 13.62 0.88 Suitable Savannah (SON)
Guinea Coast (MAM) RCA 5.82 6.93 1.00 Most Suitable
RCA 45.54 49.81 0.98 Suitable PRECIS 7.18 20.48 0.99 Suitable
PRECIS 30.34 41.53 0.24 Not Suitable CRCM5 85.74 93.30 0.92 Suitable
CRCM5 214.27 16.56 0.98 Suitable REMO 37.81 47.78 0.99 Suitable
REMO 35.52 49.48 0.99 Suitable REGCM3 11.46 24.54 1.00 Suitable
REGCM3 4.26 6.45 1.00 Most Suitable CCLM 24.72 62.97 0.77 Suitable
CCLM 24.12 29.83 0.65 Suitable HIRHAM 37.17 44.53 0.98 Suitable
HIRHAM 68.84 73.19 0.82 Suitable
Note best performing models are in bold
Guinea Coast (JJA)
RCA 223.25 29.93 0.66 Suitable
PRECIS -84.99 89.09 -0.91 Not Suitable
CRCM5 -23.46 33.07 0.37 Not Suitable
REMO 4.32 27.06 0.04 Not Suitable Table 3 Detailed output of the statistical analysis between the RCMs
REGCM3 25.26 6.37 0.96 Most Suitable and the ground observation over Sahel and West Africa
CCLM -39.57 55.65 -0.99 Not Suitable Model MBE RMSE r REMARKS
HIRHAM 62.85 66.76 0.82 Suitable
Guinea Coast (SON) Sahel (DJF)
RCA 6.03 9.59 1.00 Most Suitable RCA 2.79 2.91 0.64 Suitable
PRECIS 2.68 57.15 -0.99 Not Suitable PRECIS 3.99 4.10 0.09 Not Suitable
CRCM5 37.64 50.56 0.86 Suitable CRCM5 38.81 38.81 -0.98 Not Suitable
REMO 35.50 39.48 0.97 Suitable REMO 1.01 1.05 -0.51 Not Suitable
REGCM3 10.28 15.95 0.98 Suitable REGCM3 1.73 1.77 0.37 Not Suitable
CCLM 46.08 57.44 0.85 Suitable CCLM 3.58 4.52 -0.97 Not Suitable
HIRHAM 51.12 54.73 0.99 Suitable HIRHAM 4.53 4.99 0.81 Most Suitable

Savannah (DJF) Sahel (MAM)

RCA 4.37 5.40 0.92 Most Suitable RCA 67.83 70.50 0.97 Suitable

PRECIS 6.52 9.47 0.79 Suitable PRECIS 52.41 53.99 0.96 Suitable

CRCM5 5.28 10.79 -0.91 Not Suitable CRCM5 216.89 20.92 0.97 Suitable

REMO 22.38 2.45 0.69 Suitable REMO 17.51 26.29 1.00 Suitable

REGCM3 -0.90 1.44 -0.41 Not Suitable REGCM3 6.31 9.38 1.00 Most Suitable
CCLM -2.39 2.56 -0.42 Not Suitable CCLM 218.88 25.05 0.98 Suitable
HIRHAM 9.90 13.34 0.96 Suitable HIRHAM 68.78 73.06 1.00 Suitable
Savannah (MAM) Sahel (JJA)
RCA 45.54 49.81 0.98 Suitable RCA 221.10 36.20 0.94 Suitable
PRECIS 30.34 41.53 0.24 Not Suitable PRECIS 29.35 38.78 0.92 Suitable
CRCM5 214.27 16.56 0.98 Suitable CRCM5 -79.21 96.36 -0.98 Not Suitable
REMO 35.52 49.48 0.99 Suitable REMO 24.79 28.41 0.97 Most Suitable
REGCM3 4.26 6.45 1.00 Most Suitable REGCM3 26.81 30.07 0.97 Suitable
CCLM 24.12 29.83 0.78 Suitable CCLM 218.94 33.73 0.95 Suitable

HIRHAM 68.84 73.19 0.81 Suitable HIRHAM 48.05 53.74 0.95 Suitable

366 Page 16 of 20 Environ Earth Sci (2017) 76:366

Table 3 continued flow at 12°E, but locates it farther north along Lake
Chad at 10°N, with a dominance of cyclonic circulation
over Mauritania. The observed circulation may imply
Sahel (SON) high moisture convergence and upward motion owing to
RCA 5.29 7.91 0.99 Most Suitable the presence of high humidity of about 10–15 g/kg, and
PRECIS 23.22 25.15 0.99 Suitable these may in turn result into heavy rainfall. These
CRCM5 0.98 41.95 1.00 Suitable observations may be the reason for overestimation earlier
REMO 35.94 41.68 0.99 Suitable observed in the RCMs. Ultimately, the RCMs simulate
REGCM3 14.25 22.89 1.00 Suitable monsoon that penetrates more northward to about 16°N,
CCLM 31.26 34.27 0.99 Suitable covering the lower half of the Sahel. The difference in
HIRHAM 35.62 40.37 0.99 Suitable the northward extent of the monsoon between ERA-In-
West Africa (DJF) terim and RCMs may be due to the differences in the
RCA 1.38 2.46 0.81 Suitable strength of the simulated westerlies as indicated earlier,
PRECIS 81.06 81.14 -0.58 Not Suitable in particular, the westerly jet. In fact, studies have shown
CRCM5 5.43 10.37 -0.19 Not Suitable that the low-level westerly jet is an important agent for
REMO 20.57 2.28 0.96 Suitable moisture transporting from the eastern tropical Atlantic
REGCM3 0.81 1.24 0.75 Most Suitable Ocean into continental of West Africa during boreal
CCLM 1.29 6.10 0.04 Not Suitable summer (Patricola and Cook, 2007; Pu and Cook
HIRHAM 11.08 13.62 0.88 Suitable 2010, 2011).
West Africa (MAM)
RCA 45.54 49.81 0.98 Suitable Statistical evaluation
PRECIS 30.34 41.53 0.24 Not Suitable
CRCM5 214.27 16.56 0.98 Suitable
Taylors diagram (Taylor 2001) was employed to assess the
REMO 35.52 49.48 0.99 Suitable
models’ ability in skillfully simulating rainfall over the
three homogeneous subregions and the entire West Africa
REGCM3 4.26 6.45 1.00 Most Suitable
domain as presented in Figs. 11, 12, 13, 14 and later
CCLM 24.12 29.83 0.72 Suitable
summarized in Tables 2 and 3. Seasonal means of
HIRHAM 68.84 73.19 0.69 Suitable
December–February (DJF), March–May (MAM), June–
West Africa (JJA)
August (JJA), and September–November (SON) were used
RCA 223.25 29.93 0.66 Suitable
for the computation. The results shown are based on the
PRECIS 84.99 -0.91 -0.60 Not Suitable
interannual variation of seasonal mean rainfall for the
CRCM5 -23.46 33.07 0.37 Not Suitable
period 1990–2008. Each RCM were compared against the
REMO 4.32 27.06 0.04 Not Suitable
ground observation data using mean bias error (MBE),
REGCM3 25.26 6.37 1.00 Most Suitable
standard deviation (SD), root mean square error (RMSE)
CCLM -39.57 55.65 -0.99 Not Suitable
and Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r). Over the Guinea
HIRHAM 62.85 66.76 0.76 Suitable
Coast (Fig. 11), the RCMs exhibits a remarkable results
West Africa (SON) r [ 0.7 and having a standard deviation in the vicinity of
RCA 1.93 4.27 0.96 Most Suitable the ground observation in most of the seasons. PRECIS
PRECIS -1.42 58.90 -0.89 Not Suitable failed to reproduce the magnitude of the interannual vari-
CRCM5 33.54 47.62 0.89 Suitable ability in all the seasons while CCLM failed to reproduce
REMO 31.40 34.12 0.98 Suitable the observed rainfall during the DJF and JJA (see Table 2).
REGCM3 6.17 13.81 0.99 Suitable In the Savannah (Fig. 12), most of the RCMs were able to
CCLM 41.98 54.19 0.88 Suitable reproduce the observed rainfall in all the seasons
HIRHAM 47.02 49.72 0.99 Suitable (r [ 0.69). Although, CCLM exhibited a poor performance
Note best performing models are in bold during the DJF and JJA seasons while CRCM5 and
REGCM3 also failed to reproduce the observed rainfall
variability in the DJF seasons. In the Sahel and entire West
Africa domain (Figs. 13 and 14 and Table 3), majority of
the westerly jet spans more latitudes than the ERA-In- the RCMs exhibited a remarkable performance in all the
terim. The observed westerlies in the RCMs extend seasons, except in the Sahel during the DJF season where
zonally between latitude 4° and 12°N with local westerly majority of the model exhibited poor performance. It is
maxima of 6.53 m/s in situ at approximately 12°N. Also, evident that the RCMs performance varies from one sub-
the majority of the RCMs simulates maximum westerly region and season to another, implying that no single

Environ Earth Sci (2017) 76:366 Page 17 of 20 366

model is best at all time. However, based on individual 15°W) in the majority of the models. These observations
model performances, REGCM3 consistently outperformed may be the reason for the earlier reported overestimation in
all the other models over the three subregions and the entire rainfall amount. Lastly, the result of the statistics indicated
West Africa domain in all seasons. that the model’s performance varied from one subregion to
another, as well as from season to season. However, on the
basis of individual model performance REGCM3 consis-
Conclusion tently outperformed all the other models as it captured
almost all the basic West Africa rainfall characteristics.
This study has evaluated the ability of seven CORDEX Therefore, this study suggests its use for impact studies of
regional climate models (DMI-HIRHAM5, ICTP-REGCM3, climate variability and change over the region.
PRECIS, and UQAM_CRCM5) in reproducing the rainfall Acknowledgements The authors appreciate WCRP and START for
setting up and funding the CORDEX-Africa analysis initiative and the
characteristics over West Africa. These models have been University of Cape Town for leading the training and analysis program.
evaluated against TRMM and CRU rainfall products, while We are very grateful to regional downscaling groups who kindly shared
the ground observation rainfall data from 81 ground the downscaled data used in this analysis. We are grateful to the services
observing stations over West Africa have been further that have operated the TRMM and CRU and also the African rainfall
database of the Institute of Geophysics and Meteorology, University of
employed for comparison and validation. In simulating the Cologne, Germany, for the provision of the ground observation data.
spatial rainfall distribution, the overall performance of the The efforts of Mr. Abolude Akintayo Temiloluwa and the two anony-
RCMs is good, particularly to the north of the study domain. mous reviewers are also acknowledged.
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