use of There are

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use of There is

and there are

how to use there is
The phrase "there is" is used to indicate the existence or presence of
something. It is commonly used in the singular form to talk about one item or
When to use there is
Use "there is" when you want to point out that
something exists or is present, particularly
when the subject is singular or uncountable.
how use it

- [ ] There is a book on the table.

- [ ] There is milk in the fridge

n a question

- [ ] To use "there is" in a question, you typically invert the subject and the verb,
starting with "Is there."

Example Question:

- [ ] Is there a book on the table?

- [ ] Is there milk in the fridge?
there are
The use of "there are" in English is used to indicate the existence of multiple elements
or people in a given place or situation. Below is a detailed explanation of its use,
accompanied by examples and grammatical rules.

Use of "There Are"

1. Indicate the existence of accounting elements in plural:
When we want to express that there are several objects or people, we use "there are"
followed by a plural noun.

There are many books on the shelf. (Hay muchos libros en la estantería.)
There are three cats in the garden. (Hay tres gatos en el jardín.)
There aren't any cookies left in the jar. (No quedan galletas en el tarro.)
There aren't enough chairs for everyone. (No hay suficientes sillas para todos.)
Are there any students in the classroom? (¿Hay algún estudiante en el aula?)
How many cars are there in the parking lot? (¿Cuántos coches hay en el
Reglas gramaticales

1. Estructura Afirmativa:
There are + [plural noun] + [complement]
There are five apples on the table.
2. Estructura Negativa:
There are not (aren't) + [plural noun] + [complement]
There aren't any pencils in the drawer.
3. Estructura Interrogativa:
Are there + [plural noun] + [complement]?
Are there many tourists in the city?
Texto: In the new library, there are many books available for
borrowing. There are various sections dedicated to different
genres, including fiction, non-fiction, and science. In the children's
area, there are plenty of toys and games to keep the little ones
entertained. There are also several computers available for public
use. On weekends, there are often special events and workshops
for all ages. Additionally, there are comfortable seating areas
where visitors can read or study quietly. Outside, there are
beautiful gardens where people can relax and enjoy the scenery.

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