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Histochemistry and Cell Biology (2018) 150:521–527


Visualization of internal in situ cell structure by atomic force

María L. Segura‑Valdez1 · Lourdes T. Agredano‑Moreno1 · Alma L. Zamora‑Cura1 · Reyna Lara‑Martínez1 ·
Luis F. Jiménez‑García1

Accepted: 4 September 2018 / Published online: 11 September 2018

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018

Light and electron microscopy have been used to study cell structure for many years, but atomic force microscopy is a more
recent technique used to analyze cells, mainly due to the absence of techniques to prepare the samples. Isolated molecules or
organelles, whole cells, and to a lesser extent in situ cell structure have been observed by different atomic force microscopy
imaging modes. Here, we review efforts intended to analyze in situ the cell structures using approaches involving imaging of
the surface of semithin sections of samples embedded in resin and sections prepared with an ultramicrotome. The results of
such studies are discussed in relation to their implications to analyze the fine structure of organelles at the nanoscale in situ
at enhanced resolution compared to light microscopy.

Keywords Atomic force microscopy · Cell · Nucleus · Nucleolus · RNA · Ultramicrotome

Introduction microscope. Since specimen preparation is often simplified

for AFM, initially preferred samples consisted of isolated
Traditionally, cell structure and composition have been molecules because the resolution of the microscope is very
studied by light and electron microscopy using different high, reaching nanometers dimensions in X, Y and Z axis
approaches including histochemical and cytochemical tech- working under room pressure and even under liquid condi-
niques. However, studies using scanning probe microscopes, tions. In addition studies analyzing whole cells have been
such as the atomic force microscope to visualize and analyze conducted to explore cellular properties including adhesion,
cell structure are less abundant. In this brief review, we dis- displacement or migration. However, less work has been
cuss various efforts to visualize internal cell structures by published on the observation of internal cell structure in situ.
atomic force microscopy. The scanning probe microscopes (SPM) are a mechano-
The atomic force microscope (AFM) was invented in optical systems developed to characterize surfaces with
1986 as an instrument derived from its predecessor, the nanometric resolution. This analysis is done through the
scanning tunneling microscope (STM) (Binnig et al. 1986). measurement of the interaction between an extremely thin
For imaging, STM requires conductive samples, whereas, tip and the surface of the sample. Figure 1 shows the system
the AFM was invented to analyze non conductive materi- of the AFM. The tip is attached to the end of a flexible can-
als. This feature presented AFM as a better tool to analyze tilever. The cantilever or sample holder can be mounted on a
biological samples that characteristically are non conductive. device of piezoelectric material (PIEZO) to ensure continu-
In biological studies, samples usually are soft and need to be ous and reproducible displacements at the nanoscale level.
chemically processed to be observed by the light or electron The interaction between the tip and the surface of the sample
results in bending of the cantilever in response to repulsive
or attractive forces (van der Waals forces) between tip and
* Luis F. Jiménez‑García sample’s surface. The measure of bends senses the changes
in the forces. The scanning tunneling microscope (STM)
Department of Cell Biology, Faculty of Sciences, National was the first device developed to measure the bending of
Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Circuito the cantilever at the nanometer level, by the tunnel current
Exterior, Ciudad Universitaria, Cd. Mx., Coyoacán, that depends on the tip–surface separation. However, this
04510 Mexico City, Mexico

522 Histochemistry and Cell Biology (2018) 150:521–527

Fig. 1  Schematic view of

components and principle of
an atomic force microscope.
The tip of the microscope is
mounted at the end of a flex-
ible cantilever attached to a
piezoelectric device (PIEZO).
A photodetector registers the
oscillation of a reflected laser
beam to produce an image on a
computer monitor

mechanism is restricted to electrically conductive samples. has the disadvantage of offering lower resolution. Intermit-
Maybe this is the reason why the most used system to meas- tent contact is another way of measuring cantilever flexions
ure this interaction is based on optics using a laser beam and the image produced by the interactions between the tip
directed to the end of the cantilever, where the tip is attached and the surface of the sample is similar to that achieved in
and reflected to a photodetector in a classical closed loop the contact mode. In non-contact mode, the cantilever oscil-
feedback system as is performed in the atomic force micro- lates in a specific resonance frequency (given by the charac-
scope (Fig. 1). teristics of the tip cantilever complex) and scans the surface
Due to the short distances between point and surface, without damaging it, depending on both the repulsive and
during the AFM operation, the van der Waals interactions attractive forces (Morris et al. 1999; Hinterdorfer 2002; Jena
predominate over other forces involved. There are three and Cho 2002; Braga and Ricci 2004).
modes of general operation of the AFM, namely, (1) con-
tact mode (in which repulsive forces predominate), (2) non-
contact mode (in which attractive forces predominate), and Whole cell studies
(3) intermittent contact (tapping mode). In the contact mode,
the tip scans directly the surface of the sample and the can- Many studies have been devoted to the analysis of whole
tilever flexes in response to its topographic irregularities. cells, either, growing in culture or adhered to different sub-
A laser beam is directed to the end of the cantilever, where strates. These studies have revealed several aspects of the
the tip is attached and reflected to a photodetector (Fig. 1). structure of cell membranes. For example, AFM was used to
The elasticity or level of cantilever flexibility (Hooke’s law) investigate the formation of membrane elements involved in
influences the sensitivity of the feedback and detection exocytosis in unfixed pancreatic acinar cells (Schneider et al.
system. The system records the lengths of the deviation of 1997). As a result of these studies revealing the nanoscale
the reflection of a laser beam in the reference quadrant of a topography of biological membranes, new models of cell
photodetector (Error = deflection-setpoint). With these data, membranes have emerged, such as proposing a semi-mosaic
a computer graphs point by point and line by line the com- model for red blood cells (Shan and Wang 2015). Other
plete image of the surface with quantitative information in authors also studied viruses in living cells by imaging the
three dimensions (x, y and z) for a further digital processing cell surface (Ohnesorge et al. 1997).
and projection of the resulting image. The process can be Additional studies present images of cells both, under
performed even on air or under liquid conditions (i.e., physi- dried conditions or immersed in physiological buffers. As an
ological environment). In contact mode, when the image is example, Butt and colleagues (1990) imaged archaebacteria
produced with a sample in liquid (physiological buffer for and stomata, as well as blood cells, showing structural fea-
example) the capillarity becomes a problem produced by the tures between 8 and 10 nm. Figure 2 shows AFM images of
forces of attraction. This problem can be solved by using the red and white blood cells smeared onto a glass slide. Force
AFM in non-contact mode that takes advantage of the attrac- measurements between interacting cells have also been con-
tive forces to monitor the tip–surface interactions. The forces ducted by AFM (see Dufrêne et al. 2017; Gavara 2017).
of attraction are weaker in the contact mode. This technique Such approaches involve the quantitative determination of

Histochemistry and Cell Biology (2018) 150:521–527 523

Fig. 3  Schematic representation of the AFM scanning the surface of

semithin sections of resin-embedded tissue mounted on a glass slide.
The tip mounted on the cantilever of the microscope scans the sec-
tion, producing images of the surface face

in multiple studies, producing images of molecules such as

myosin and whole red blood cells (Shao and Zhang 1996).
More recent innovations in the field include high-speed
AFM, providing results such as the movement of F1-ATPase
or nuclear pore transport (see Dufrêne et al. 2017).

Internal in situ cell structure visualization

Several studies have been performed intended to visualize

internal cell structure by AFM. Various approaches have
been attempted, including microtome sectioning of paraf-
fin or plastic resin embedded samples to expose the inner
aspect of the cell.
Initial observations using this approach were made on
tissue sections from plastic-embedded material. Resulting
Fig. 2  Atomic force micrograph of whole human red blood cells.
images were similar to those obtained by electron micros-
Sample was prepared as a smear onto glass slide. Front view (a) and
projected image (b) show the cells (arrow), but no organelles are copy (Ushiki et al. 1996). Later, plant cells processed for
observed. Scale bar: 10 µm standard transmission electron microscopy were imaged by
AFM. Flowers of the plant Lacandonia schismatica were
prepared and semithin sections were mounted on glass
the forces acting between cells and their substrate, provid- slides. In this approach, the samples are produced by a pro-
ing information on mechanosensitive phenomena (Gavara cedure for standard transmission electron microscopy, fixed
2017). with aldehydes, with or without post-fixation with osmium
To acquire images of cells and their interactions with the tetroxide and then embedded in epoxy resin (Jiménez-García
substrate, along with limited compositional analysis of the and Segura-Valdez 2004) or prepared for immunoelectron
sample, a combination of AFM with other microscopy tech- microscopy by embedding in a hydrophilic resin such as
niques including epifluorescence light microscopy, confocal Lowicryl K4M resin (Roth 1986, 1989). Semithin sections
microscopy or super resolution microscopy, have been per- (ca. 100 nm) are mounted onto a glass slide and the section
formed. In such investigations, a correlative image of struc- surface is scanned by the AFM tip. A schematic view of this
tural elements at the nanoscale level together with detection approach is depicted in Fig. 3.
of proteins by immunolocalization procedures is provided Cells from the teguments were scanned by AFM imag-
(Dufrêne et al. 2017). ing in contact mode. Cell walls, nuclei, nucleoli, compact
Using an immuno-AFM concept, high-resolution imaging chromatin, and vacuoles were recognized. The recognition
of molecules such as bacteriorhodopsin in the cell membrane of compact chromatin by AFM was then used as an addi-
and the force required to remove bound antibodies were pre- tional parameter to identify this type of chromatin in plants,
sented (Müller et al. 1996). Cryo-AFM has been performed where reticulated patterns of distribution had been identified

524 Histochemistry and Cell Biology (2018) 150:521–527

from light and electron micrographs (Jiménez-Ramírez et al. authors propose using this methodology for 3-D reconstruc-
2002). Figure 4 shows images of plant cells produced with tion of cellular structure at the nanoscale.
the protocols just described, whereby organelles including Another interesting approach used samples of Caeno-
the nucleus, nucleolus and vacuoles can be recognized. By rhabditis elegans and Otodectes cynotis prepared for trans-
using a similar approach, i.e., serial sections of samples mission electron microscopy using high-pressure freezing
prepared for standard transmission electron microscopy and freeze substitution followed by embedding in epoxy
mounted onto glass slides, AFM was used to reconstruct resin, in conjunction with the NTEGRA-Tomo technique.
internal in situ cell structures of mouse embryonic stem cells The NTEGRA-Tomo is an AFM coupled to an ultrami-
(Chen et al. 2005). Mitochondria, nuclei and chromatin were crotome, whereby the tip scans the surface of the face of
observed, and a model of mitochondria was constructed. The the freshly trimmed specimen block, instead of using sec-
tions mounted on glass slides (Efimov et al. 2007). This pro-
posed approach to nanotomography measurements and 3D
reconstruction from serial ultrathin sections, has been used
in materials science and has been proposed for the measure-
ment of biological materials (Efimov et al. 2017). Similar
images were obtained by AFM and transmission electron
microscopy. Moreover, the authors combined the ultrami-
crotome capabilities of the microscope scanning to produce
reconstructions by nanotomography from serial sectioning.
Additional work centering on the microscope has been
carried out to study cells and tissues (Mariani et al. 1994).
The microscope included the possibility to scan a wider
area in such a way that human chromosomes can be imaged.
Authors analyzed isolated chromosomes and the effect of
trypsin during G-banding, concluding that chromatin col-
lapses during digestion. Moreover, the authors also men-
tioned that the microscope is capable of imaging cell struc-
ture using carrot cells to demonstrate images of the nucleus
and microtubules.
Other work has focused on using AFM to extract mor-
phological details from the block face of epoxy embedded
biopolymers. In this method, ethanol treatment of the block
face of the sample after microtomy elutes non-cross-linked
polymer chains and allows the smallest details of the embed-
ded biomaterial amenable to detection. AFM (height and
phase contrast) examination of the block face of accordingly
prepared cells of Caenorhabditis elegans provided data com-
parable to transmission electron microscopy (Matsko and
Mueller 2004).
Semithin sections stained with a dye such as toluidine
blue or left unstained yield similar results when imaged by
AFM (Fragoso-Soriano et al. 2009, 2011). By using this
approach, the structure of the cell nucleus revealed nuclear
pores, nucleoli and compact chromatin (Jiménez-García and
Fragoso-Soriano 2000; Jiménez-García and Segura-Valdez
2004; Segura-Valdez et al. 2010). Moreover, by analyzing
the onion (Allium cepa) root meristem by AFM, the different
phases of mitosis have also been observed (Segura-Valdez
et al. 2010).
Tapping mode AFM imaging on semithin sections of
Fig. 4  Atomic force micrograph of a semithin section of epoxy resin-
Hep2 cells resulted in observation of interchromatin granule
embedded plant cell. a Front and b the projected image of the same
cells. Internal cell structures including the nucleus (N), cytoplasm clusters within the cell nucleus, increasing the possibility of
(C), vacuoles (V), and nucleolus (arrow) are seen. Scale bar: 10 µm analyzing ribonucleoproteins involved in gene expression

Histochemistry and Cell Biology (2018) 150:521–527 525

in situ by AFM (Zamora-Cura and Jiménez-García 2014). scale features of intra- and extra-cellular structures in tissue
Figure 5 shows AFM imaging of cultured HeLa cells, cryosections; (2) imaging the same tissue region before and
whereby the nucleus, nucleolus and cytoplasm are seen at after experimental interventions; and (3) combining ultra-
low magnification. In addition to visualization of the cells, structural imaging with complimentary microscopical and
a topographic height profile from different regions of the micromechanical methods. These types of work allow the
cell was obtained. visualization of macro-molecular structures of unstained and
Recent approaches combining cryosectioning and AFM unfixed fibrillar collagens (in skin, cartilage and interverte-
have been used that produced high-resolution results. These bral disc), elastic fibers (in aorta and lung), desmosomes (in
studies combine tissue cryosectioning with non-destructive nasal epithelium) and mitochondria (in heart), to quantify
AFM imaging for development of a methodology to both the ultrastructural effects of sequential collagenase digestion
preserve and visualize bio-molecular structures (in par- on a single elastic fiber, and to correlate optical (autofluo-
ticular extracellular matrix assemblies) in situ. This tissue rescent) with ultrastructural (AFM) images of aortic elastic
section AFM technique is capable of: (1) resolving nm–µm lamellae. The technique involves the immobilization of tis-
sue samples by freezing in an aqueous embedding medium
prior to cryosectioning. Freshly cut 5-µm-thick sections were
adsorbed directly onto 13-mm-diameter glass coverslips,
allowed to thaw, air-dried, washed with water to remove
the support medium, and air-dried again prior to imaging
(Graham et al. 2010). A very interesting recent technical
approach uses an “unroofing method”, which amounts to
breaking the cell membrane, to visualize the cell interior.
When the cell membrane is broken, the intracellular region
is exposed by removing the cytoplasmic soluble compo-
nents, which allows the AFM cantilever to access intracel-
lular structures such as the cytoskeleton and organelles.
This preparation technique, which uses sonication, was
originally developed to observe membrane undercoats in
freeze-etching electron microscopy. Although rupture of the
apical cell membrane is caused by the collision of micro-air
bubbles (cavitation) induced by sonication, the specimen
manipulation for this technique requires meticulous care to
prevent the detachment of whole cells from the coverslips.
This study presents a new unroofing apparatus consisting
of an improved sonicator and light stereomicroscope that
improves reproducibility and facilitates sample handling.
The improved (custom-made) sonicator is able to generate
cavitation at a much lower power (0.3–1 W) than that of the
commonly used sonicator (50 W or higher). The authors
used this method for the AFM analysis of the intracellu-
lar cytoskeleton in phosphate-buffered saline at a molecu-
lar resolution. Furthermore, to improve the signal-to-noise
(S/N) ratio and thereby refine the images obtained with the
AFM, serial-scanned images of a target organelle were aver-
aged using mathematical calculations. This method allowed
the AFM cantilever to reach directly into a cell to visualize
the intracellular cytoskeletal actin filaments, microtubules,
clathrin coats, and caveolae at a higher resolution than that
afforded by conventional electron microscopy. Thus, the
unroofing approach allowed intracellular AFM imaging in a
liquid environment with a level of quality equivalent or supe-
Fig. 5  Atomic force micrograph of a semithin section of epoxy resin
rior to that of transmission electron microscopy (Usukura
embedded HeLa cells. a Front and the corresponding projected image
(b) of the same cells. Nuclei (N), nucleolus (n), compact chromatin et al. 2016). Other internal cellular structures such as the
(arrow), and cytoplasm (C) are identifiable. Scale bar: 10 µm nucleus, however, were not observed. Similar studies were

526 Histochemistry and Cell Biology (2018) 150:521–527

developed to observe intracellular structures combining system optimizes scanning at high speed and includes a new
immunocytochemistry techniques with the AFM in tissues. feedback control technique. Therefore, very high resolution
A recent study focused on cryosections prepared using a is achieved in tandem with detection of very rapid nanoscale
method in which samples are fixed slightly with glutaral- phenomena (Ando 2014). In conclusion, although cell prop-
dehyde and embedded in sucrose. Sucrose was expected to erties in whole cells can be studied using high-speed AFM,
dissolve easily from the sample when soaked in buffer. This in situ analysis of internal cell structures at nanoscale repre-
technique was originally developed for effective immunola- sents another approach that may be compatible with detec-
beling rather than ultrastructural analysis. The authors men- tion systems at high speed.
tion that immunocytochemistry is also possible for cryosec-
tioned tissues and can be observed by using AFM combined Acknowledgements Support of PAPIIT-DGAPA-UNAM IN217917
and PAPIME PE213916 is acknowledged.
with confocal microscopy (Usukura et al. 2017).

Conclusion and perspectives References

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