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True/ False

1- if your product is not usable, its UX will be bad (T) .

2- EffecAveness is about goals with a high degree of accuracy (T) .

3- Efficiency is not all about speed (F)

4- Engagement is not only about looking (T).

5- providing funcAons that users need in the five place (F).

6- addressing the importance of usability is vital(T).

7- they ara likely to not seek an alternaAve soluAon to reach their goals (F).

8- There ara many different ways to provide support (T).

10- EffecAveness and efficiency have come to be blurred in the mind (T).

11- Efficiency is making a copy for all types of tours (T).

12- you can completely eliminate errors in products (T).

13- Give users a way to reset what they’ve just done and go back and start again (T).

14- you also need to accommodate ease of learning when releasing new funcAonality and
features (T).

15- only when usability is combined with uAlity do products become useful to users (T).
Choose the correct answer:

1- 5 criteria that a product must meet so as be usable:

• EffecAveness
• Efficiency
• Error Tolerance
• (all the above)(T) .

2- Notetaking types:
• DescripAve
• lnferenAal
• EvaluaAve
• (all the above)(T) .

3- DescripAve :
Use inference to describe observaAon .
see something;write it down (T).
Makes a judgment from inference and behavior.

4- user lnterview ?
• user interviews are where a researcher asks quesAons of (T).
• There is a special type of user interview Known as ‘the contextual interview’

5- contextual interview?
• There is a special type of user interview Known as ‘the contextual interview’(T).
• user interviews are where a researcher asks quesAons of.

6- what is a User interviews?

• the ideal interview takes place with tow UX researchers and one user (T)
• There is a special type of user interview Known as ‘the contextual interview’ .

7- Typical topics covered within user interview include :

• Background .
• The use of technology in general .
• the use of the product .
• (all the above)(T)

8- preparing for User interview (Some Aps for your script include):
• Keep it reasonably short.
• Try to Keep leading quesAons to a minimum.
• (all the above)(T)
9- How to conduct a User lnterview ? :
• make your interviewees comfortable.
• Thank the interviewer at the end of the process.
• (all the above)(T)

10- EffecAveness :
• is about goals with a high degree of accuracy. (T)
• preparaAon for usar interviews begins with recruitment.

11- ReporAng on User lnterviews :

• User interviews tend to provide qualitaAve rather than quanAtaAve data (T).
• the ideal interview takes place with tow UX researchers and one user.

12- EffecAveness:
• efficiency have come to be blurred in the mind (T).
• User interviews tend to provide qualitaAve rather than quanAtaAve data .

13- Engagement :
• InterconnecAon between the user and the product (T) .
• efficiency have come to be blurred in the mind.

14- Usefulness:
• When you’re designing for usability, thinking about uAlity is important (T).
• InterconnecAon between the user and the product .

15- Error Tolerance:

• Give users a way to reset what they’ve just done and go back and start again .
• When you’re designing for usability, thinking about uAlity is important

16. ………………………….is about whether users can complete their goals with a high
degree of accuracy.
a. Effectiveness
b. Efficiency
c. Engagement
d. Error Tolerance
17. There are many ways to provide support—the key is to be as informative as possible
in a meaningful way to the user.
a. Effectiveness
b. Efficiency
c. Engagement
d. Error Tolerance
18. Always consider the frustration of a user who can’t find the way forward and strike
a balance between that and the ‘overkill’ of several alternatives.
a. Effectiveness
b. Efficiency
c. Engagement
d. Error Tolerance
19. …………….. is all about speed. How fast can the user get the job done?
a. Effectiveness
b. Efficiency
c. Engagement
d. Error Tolerance
20. You need to examine how your users prefer to work—are they interacting via a
smartphone or a desktop computer with a large keyboard and mous.
a. Effectiveness
b. Efficiency
c. Engagement
d. Error Tolerance
21. ……………. is about Proper layouts, readable typography and ease of navigation all
come together to deliver the right interaction for the user and make it engaging.
a. Effectiveness
b. Efficiency
c. Engagement
d. Error Tolerance
22. The next best thing is to minimize errors from occurring and to ensure that your
users can easily recover from an error and get back to what they are doing.
a. Effectiveness
b. Efficiency
c. Engagement
d. Error Tolerance
23. Assuming everyone is going to do things you don’t expect them to do.
a. Effectiveness
b. Efficiency
c. Engagement
d. Error Tolerance
24. Limit options to correct choices if you can, and give examples and support when
asking people to provide data.
a. Effectiveness
b. Efficiency
c. Engagement
d. Error Tolerance
25. Offering the opportunity to ‘redo’. Give users a way to reset what they’ve just done
and go back and start again. Similarly, provide a clearly visible ‘undo’ function.
a. Effectiveness
b. Efficiency
c. Engagement
d. Error Tolerance
26. If you want a product to be used regularly, then you want users to be able to learn
their way around that product easily—to the extent that it comes as second nature
when they use it again.
a. Effectiveness
b. Efficiency
c. Engagement
d. Ease of learning
27. Design systems that match a user’s existing mental models.
a. Effectiveness
b. Efficiency
c. Engagement
d. Ease of learning
28. User interviews are where a researcher asks questions of, and records responses
from, users.
a. True
b. False
29. The first UX researcher focuses on asking questions and guiding the interviewee
through the interview. The second takes notes.
a. True
b. False
30. Typical topics covered within user interviews include:
a. The use of the product
b. The user’s main objectives and motivations
c. The user’s pain points.
d. All
31. In order to capture an accurate picture of your usership, you will want to ensure
that you recruit a representative sample of users for your interviews.
a. True
b. False
32. Make sure you begin by explaining the purpose of the interview – what are you
trying to achieve?
a. True
b. False
33. In interview try to keep leading questions to a minimum.
a. True
b. False
34. Compiling the results of many interviews can be challenging.
a. True
b. False
35. User interviews are a cheap and easy way to get data ‘straight from the horse’s
a. True
b. False

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