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Sample Stakeholder Interview Questions

In our process, these questions don’t often change from company to company.
Remember to dig deeper if you get a short response, and above all, have a

About the organization

• Tell me what [Company Name] is/does
• Tell me about your role at [Company Name]
• Tell me about your vision for the work you do at [Company Name]

Competitive Advantage
• What does [Company Name] do better than anyone else?
• What do you think a new website/app will do for [Company Name]
• What kinds of messaging would you like to see on the [Company Name] website/app?
• Who are your biggest competitors?
• What are they doing right?
• What opportunities are they missing?

• From your perspective, who are some of the critical audiences for [Company Name]?
• If you had to choose one, who would you say is the primary audience?
• What kind of information/content, features or functionality needs to be on the website?
• What are the most important things people can do, or actions they can take on the [Company
Name] site?

• How does [Company Name] define success?
• What is the role of the [Company Name] website in achieving that success?
• Who are the people that will make this a success?
• What is the one thing we must get right to make the project worth undertaking?
• What aspects of the internal culture or external environment could put this project at risk to fail?
• Assuming we mitigate that risk or issue, what would make this a wildly successful project?
Sample Audience Interview Questions

• Tell me about your company and your role there.

• How would you interact with a company like [Client Name]?
• What would you say is the hardest part about your job?
• What about your job do you love?
• How big is your team?
• What’s a typical day look like for you?
• What do you like to do during your commute?
• What’s research like for you when you’re looking for new tools, or services, etc?
• Do you ever reach out to colleagues or trusted sources of information when you’re conducting your
• What sort of software / tools do you use on a day to day basis?
• What’s your online activity like?
• Any sites where you’ve had a really positive experience?
• Purchasing online? Any really good experiences?
• What’s life like outside of the office? What sorts of things do you like to do for fun / in your spare
• What’s your relationship like with [Client Name]?
• What’s the major defining quality that sets [Client Name] apart for you?
• Best thing about your relationship with them?
• What’s the company’s history been like with other internal communications/employee engagement
• Any bad experiences?
• Any really positive experiences to speak of ([Client Name] or other)?
• Thoughts on [Client Name]’s current app/website?
• What type of content do you gravitate towards? Interviews, articles, videos, case studies?

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