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Summer Training Report


Navigating the Future of Work: Assessing the Impact and Sustainability

of Flexible Working Environment


Sennheiser Electronics India Private Limited

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements

For the award of degree

Master of Business Administration(MBA)

Submitted to
Dr. Monica Kapuria
Associate Professor,
Amity Business School

SESSION: 2022-24

I, Name, Roll No, MBA 3rd Semester, Amity Business School, Amity University
Gurgaon, hereby declare that the project report entitled ‘Navigating the future of
work: Assessing the impact and sustainability of Flexible Work Environments’
is an original work and the same has not been submitted to any other institute for the
award of any other degree.
The feasible solutions have been properly integrated after consulting with the faculty

Signature of the supervisor Signature of the candidate


This report has been made possible due to the invaluable support of a number of
people to whom I owe my heartfelt gratitude and without whose help I may not have
been able to complete this report.

I would like to thank Prof (Dr.) Vikas Madhukar, Pro Vice Chancellor, Amity
University Gurugram for extending full help in my project. His consistent support
showed the way towards the successful completion of the project.

I would like to acknowledge the support of my faculty guide Dr. Monica Kapuria,
Associate Professor, Amity Business School, Amity University Gurugram for
her constant guidance in this project and for providing the necessary information
whenever required.

I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to my project guide at the industry for
enlightening me with his cognizance.

Other faculty members and students of Amity Business School showed their
support and co-operation, which deserves an appreciation.

Finally, I would like to give special thanks to my family and friends who made it all
happen and made it worthwhile.

The successful completion of this report was a unique experience for me as I
achieved a better knowledge about handling this. The experience which I gained by
doing this project was crucial and insightful. This report being submitted contains
detailed analysis of the Primary study under taken by me.

This study provides an opportunity to the students to devote his/her skills knowledge
and competencies required during the technical session.
The project report is on the topic ‘Navigating the future of work: Assessing the
impacts and sustainability of flexible working environments’ This report assesses the
impacts and sustainability of flexible working environments . Its objectives are based
on research study which I have done through Questionnaire. Conclusion is made at
last after studying the report through primary source.
Topic Page No.
Executive Summary
1. Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Brief Introduction
1.2 Significance
1.3 Objectives
1.4 Research Methodology
1.5 Research Design
1.6 Limitations
2. Chapter 2: Profile of the organisation, internship experience and
Literature Review
2.1 Company Profile
2.1.1 Brief Introduction about Sennheiser
2.1.2 Sennheiser’s mission and vision
2.1.3 Chronological History of Sennheiser
2.2 My Internship Experience
2.3 Literature Review
3. Chapter 3: Data Analysis and Interpretation
4. Chapter 4: Findings
4.1 Findings
4.2 Recommendation
5. References

The idea of flexible work hours, frequently alluded to as "flextime," can be traced
back to the early 20th century. The objective was to permit employees to adjust their
beginning and end times inside a certain range, offering more control over their work
schedules. The term "flextime" acquired prominence during the 1970s as a method
to address employee preferences for work hours. Organizations started to embrace
formal approaches that permitted representatives to differ their timetables while as
still meeting core work hours.

In recent years, the scenario of flexible work timings has undergone a profound
transformation, largely influenced by the global response to the COVID-19
pandemic. The pandemic forced a rapid shift toward remote work arrangements as
organizations sought to protect the health and safety of their employees. This
sudden change not only accelerated the adoption of flexible work hours but also
highlighted the viability and effectiveness of remote work. As vaccination efforts
progressed and restrictions eased, many organizations have continued to offer
flexible work schedules, recognizing the benefits they provide to employees and the
adaptability they offer in a dynamic and uncertain business landscape. The concept
of the traditional 9-to-5 workday has evolved into a more fluid approach, where
employees have greater autonomy in setting their work hours to align with their
personal preferences and peak productivity times. The recent scenario of flexible
work timings represents a paradigm shift in how work is organized, emphasizing a
results-oriented approach and the importance of work-life balance.

Out of all the tasks that I got, one was to study and prepare the master document for
flexi policy of Sennheiser. Sennheiser Greater China allows 100% flexible working
arrangement. Same is the case with Sennheiser South Korea. They will even do a
follow-up survey after 100 days which paves the way for this report to understand
the impacts and sustainability of flexible work environment.

The internship report titled "Impacts and Sustainability of Flexible Work Environment"
holds significant value as it addresses a timely and transformative topic in the
contemporary workforce landscape. In an era where the boundaries between work and
personal life are continually evolving, and the effects of global events, such as the
COVID-19 pandemic, have reshaped how we work, this report offers crucial insights into
the challenges and opportunities presented by flexible work arrangements.

By examining the impacts on employee well-being, organizational productivity, and

environmental sustainability, it not only informs businesses and policymakers but also
equips organizations with the knowledge needed to adapt and thrive in an ever-
changing world of work. This report serves as a guide for decision-makers to formulate
effective policies, foster a culture of flexibility, and enhance the sustainability of work
environments, ultimately influencing the future of work for the better.

1. To understand and empirically investigate the contribution of flexible work

environments on employee performance and organizational outcomes.
2. To study and examine the flexible work policies of the organization globally.
3. To study the employees’ satisfaction with the current flexible policy.
4. To examine the sustainability of flexible work arrangement.

Research has been defined in numerous ways.

American sociologist Earl Robert Babbie, presents his opinion that “research is a
systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict, and control the observed
phenomenon. It involves inductive and deductive methods.”

A broad definition of research is given by Creswell who states that “Research is a

process of steps used to collect and analyze information to increase our
understanding of a topic or issue.” It consists of three steps:

a) Pose a question

b) collect data to answer the question

c) and present an answer to the question.

Research methodology is the process used to collect information and data for the
purpose of making business decisions.


It is a blueprint of a scientific study. It includes research methodologies, tools, and

techniques to conduct the research.


Sample Size: 51
Sampling technique: Convenience
Sampling Location: Delhi-NCR


Primary data: Data is collected through questionnaire


1. The major limitation of this study is that the participants were reluctant to
disclose information. Even the information provided by them was to a certain
extent, not at par with the real scenario.

2. The sample of the size will be limited to resources and time.

3. The study was restricted to 51 participants; whose response might differ from
actual data.

Brief Introduction

Sennheiser is shaping the Future of Audio- drawing upon a rich legacy of 75 years of
innovation. Founded in 1945 by Dr. Fritz Sennheiser, the company has become
synonymous with high-quality audio products, ranging from headphones and
microphones to wireless systems and professional audio solutions. An unwavering
commitment to excellence is ingrained in the company's DNA and culture. Across the
globe, the dedicated employees share this passion, relentlessly pursuing the ideal
sound experience. Sennheiser craft products that not only meet but exceed
expectations, setting new industry standards. Sennheiser’s history is punctuated by
iconic achievements, such as the pioneering open-type headphone, HD 414 in 1968,
the revolutionary MD 441 microphone in 1971, and the creation of the legendary
Orpheus in 1991, all emblematic of Sennheiser's unparalleled innovative spirit.
Sennheiser has made a significant impact on the audio industry with its high-quality
studio-grade microphones. Musicians, podcasters, and content creators globally rely on
Sennheiser microphones for their exceptional audio clarity. The company's commitment
to innovation is showcased in its advanced wireless technology, ensuring smooth audio
transmission without sacrificing quality. In our rapidly evolving wireless world,
characterized by speed and mobility, this innovation is especially crucial, emphasizing
Sennheiser's relevance and importance in the market. Today, Sennheiser it as one of
the world's foremost producers of headphones, microphones, and wireless transmission
technology. As a family-owned company, they operate their facilities in Germany,
Ireland, and the US, and their footprint extends across more than 50 countries,
embodying the global presence and impact.
Sennheiser’s Mission and Vision

Mission: Shaping the future of the audio world and creating unique sound experiences
for customers - this is the mission that unites the employees of the Sennheiser Group

Vision: At Sennheiser, the customer is at the center of everything: To truly enjoy an

audio experience, we know that first and foremost you have to be able to trust your
gear. This is why we create audio products you can rely on – on stage, when listening to
music and during conferences or meetings. By designing sound that people can not
only hear but also feel, we go beyond product reliability to fulfill our vision: Shaping the
future of audio and creating unique sound experiences for our customers.
Chronological History of Sennheiser

1945- Laboratorium Wennebostel was founded.

1956- the first shotgun microphone, MD 82 was produced.

1957- Labor W introduced a wireless microphone system for professional TV use,

developed in cooperation with NDR

1958- The company was renamed as Sennheiser Electronic

1982- Prof. Dr. Fritz Sennheiser handed over the management to Prof. Dr. Jörg
Sennheiser, his son

1988- Starting point of internationalization. The first sales subsidiary, Sennheiser

France, was founded.

1991- the Orpheus electrostatic headphones made their debut in the market. Regarded
as the epitome of audio excellence, this limited-edition model held the title of the world's
finest headphones for several decades.

2000- the MKH 800 became the pioneering studio condenser microphone capable of
encompassing the full frequency spectrum of emerging digital audio formats, all
achieved through a single transducer system.

2005: Sennheiser acquired the speaker manufacturer, Klein + Hummel.

2013- Dr. Andreas and Daniel Sennheiser took on responsibility as managing directors
of the company.

2014- Sennheiser founded the new subsidiary "Sennheiser Streaming Technology

GmbH (SST)"
In 2017, Sennheiser launched TeamConnect Ceiling, a ceiling microphone designed for
conference rooms. This innovative device utilizes dynamic beamforming technology to
automatically capture speakers in a room during meetings.

2023- Now, the company realigned its focus to professional audio business only.
Flexi Work Policy at Sennheiser

During my internship I worked on two policies related to Sennheiser which were

 Flexi Work Policy
 Business Travel Policy

The Flexi Work Policy is as follows:

Sennheiser India: Sennheiser India allows 60:40 ratio; where 60% is work from Office
and 40% is work from home. It should be noted that the office is open to employees on
a daily basis. However, some staff like ground level and technical needs to be available
in the office on everyday basis.

Sennheiser South Korea: Sennheiser South Korea is currently experimenting with flexi
work policy and they have decided that it can go 100% flexi. After 100 days, a follow-up
survey will be taken and findings like productivity, etc will be analyzed.

Sennheiser Greater China: Just like Sennheiser South Korea, Sennheiser Greater
China will also go full flexi and a follow-up survey will be taken.

SeANZ: It allows 60:40 ratio; where 60% is work from office and 40% is work from
home. However, it should be noted that staff required for essential day-to-day activities
need to be there.

Sennheiser believes in sustainability and hence acknowledges that flexible working

arrangement not only allows increased productivity but also reduced carbon emission.

This is also evident in their business travel policy which asks it employees to go by
public transport. For example, a certain amount of distance needs to be travelled by
Shinkansen in Japan. While traveling to a destination, employees are encouraged to
use public transport instead of private taxis.
Tasks performed during the internship

The two - months internship in “Sennheiser Electronics India Private Limited” started on
17th July, 2023 and ended on17th September, 2023. I joined the company as a Human
Resource (HR) Intern and worked on Global Talent Management project.

Task 1: Documenting the business travel policy.

I framed the business travel policies for Sennheiser. A master document was curated
and presented while the specifications for each subsidiary was highlighted.
Policies were read thoroughly and structured in a new manner.

Sennheiser India, Sennheiser SANZ, Sennheiser Japan, Sennheiser South Korea,

Sennheiser Greater China and Sennheiser Singapore was taken into consideration.

Task 2: Documenting the flexi work Policy

Just like the business travel policy, the flexi work policies were culminated into master
document and the differences were highlighted.
I collaborated with the HR professionals globally and asked them for their valuable

Sennheiser India, Sennheiser SANZ, Sennheiser Japan, Sennheiser South Korea,

Sennheiser Greater China and Sennheiser Singapore was taken into consideration.

Task 3: Developing insights for well-being survey

Well-being survey was conducted by the organization and various HR professionals

took part in it.
I collected the entire information and developed various insights.
Well-being is now taken seriously into consideration and various suggestions like yoga
sessions, frequent coffee breaks and workshops were the suggested options.
Task 4: Preparation of SIP

This task is assigned to interns to improve their Research skills, so that they research
about a particular topic and understand it. The research carried by the intern may be
primary or secondary. Once researched, it is important to present the findings of the
research in proper report. Thus, the format of the report that the company expects from
their intern batch was thoroughly explained.

Flexible work schedules greatly increase employees' work-life balance and job
happiness, according to numerous research studies (Bosua, J., et al., 2015; Golden, T.
D., et al., 2006).

Employees who have flexible work options, such as telecommuting and flexible
scheduling, are better able to balance their personal and professional lives, which
improves their overall well-being and job satisfaction (Allen, T. D., et al., 2013).

According to studies (Bloom, N., et al., 2015; Gajendran, R. S., et al., 2015), employees
who operate in flexible environments frequently display higher productivity and job

Employees are inspired to achieve and surpass performance objectives when there is
flexibility because it promotes a sense of autonomy and responsibility (Thompson, C.
A., et al., 2016).

Organizations offering flexible work options have a competitive advantage in attracting

and retaining top talent (Bloom, N., et al., 2014; Dex, S., et al., 2016).

Millennials and the younger workforce, in particular, prioritize flexibility when choosing
employers, indicating its importance in talent acquisition (Alsop, R., et al., 2014).

By lowering overhead costs for office space and utilities, flexible work arrangements
help firms save money (Bailyn, L., et al., 2014; Kurland, N. B., & Cooper, C. D., 2002).

In order to promote environmental sustainability, telecommuting choices dramatically

reduce carbon emissions associated with commuting (Doherty, A., et al., 2017)

Despite the advantages, there are also difficulties, such as keeping communication and
team cohesion in virtual environments (Nijp, H. H., et al., 2017).
According to research, these difficulties can be reduced by installing reliable
communication tools, developing a culture of trust, and offering training in virtual
cooperation (Raghuram, S., et al., 2019; Turetken, O., et al., 2010).

The future of work is anticipated to be even more flexible as a result of the development
of digital technology, placing a focus on adaptability and ongoing learning (Brynjolfsson,
E., & McAfee, 2014; Bughin, J., et al., 2018).

To succeed in a flexible, technologically driven world, organizations must invest in

upskilling their staff (Manyika, J., et al., 2017).

Analysis and Interpretation

The major source used to gather the data for this study was a questionnaire. The
Questionnaire is titled as – “Survey” along with the description as “Navigating the future
of work: Assessing the impacts and sustainability of flexible work environment.”

Statement- Gender

Male 52%
Female 48%

Age Distribution

Females Males

The analysis of the gender distribution suggests a balanced participation with 48%
females and 52% males. It showed nearly equal representation of both the genders.
Statement- Job switching job due to stringent working environment

The above pie chart shows that 32.6% of the respondents actually switched their
jobs due to stringent working environment, which accounts for a huge percentage.
However, 67.4% which formed the majority said ‘no’ which reflects relatively high job
satisfaction even if the working environment is stringent.
Statement- Primary Reason for choosing flexible work environment

Better work life balance 51%

Reduced commute time/costs 13.7%
Increased Productivity 19.6%
Better care of family especially 7.8
Health and safety concerns 7.8%
Statement- How has flexible work environment improved the overall

5-point Likert scale Percentage

1 0%
2 7.8%
3 35.3%
4 21.6%
5 35.3%

It is interesting to observe that none of the respondents marked the ‘least’ option. A
significant majority (35.3% + 21.6%) believe that they are more productive while
working in flexible work arrangements.

Another 35.3% believes they have moderately improved.

Statement- As a business owner, will you allow your employees for flexible
work arrangement?

The data provided indicates that approx. 83% of respondents would allow their
employees flexible working arrangements, while 17% would not. Allowing flexibility
can enhance job satisfaction, potentially leading to higher productivity, retention
rates, and a positive work culture.
Statement- Did flexible working arrangement play any role in your career?

An alarming 70% majority considers flexible working arrangement as an indicator

while choosing job.

This is a clear indication that flexible arrangements are becoming increasingly

popular and that people are seeing the benefits of having more flexibility in their work
Statement- Flexible working affects networking
Statement- What percentage ratio will you assign to work from home versus
work from office?

100:0 4.2
80:20 12.5
60:40 27.1
40:60 31.3
20:80 22.9
0:100 2.1

This implies that majority wants flexble arrangement but either in 60:40 ratio or 40:60
Statement- Does flexi working provides robust support to work-life balance?

The respondents’ answer to this question is evident that majority stands in

affirmation to the robust support to work-life balance provided by flexi working.

Statement- Will you continue flexible working in long run?

Likert Scale Percentage
1 3.9%
2 7.8%
3 33.3%
4 25.5%
5 29.4%


 Majority of the employees are satisfied with the current flexible work
arrangement within the organisation that is 60% work from office versus
40% work from home.
 86.6% employees feel that flexible work arrangement increase their work-
life balance
 Except the minority of 11%, rest all employees want to sustain flexible
work arrangements for longer duration. However, some feel this
moderately and others believe stringently.
 56.9% of the employees feel that flexible work arrangements will not only
cater to their personal needs but also their professional needs like
increased productivity. While other 35.3% believes in the same notion but
in only moderately.
 Majority of the respondents believed that such arrangements can strike an
equilibrium between their personal and professional lives highlighting the
fact that it contributes to better stress management.

 Challenges like lack of focus and sedentary lifestyle should be conjoined with
well-being and various activities like yoga sessions, etc needs to be taken into

Certainly, here is a bibliography for the literature review provided:

1. Bosua, J., et al. (2015). *Flexible Work Practices: A Source of Career Premiums
or Penalties?* Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36(7), 1002-1019.

2. Golden, T. D., et al. (2006). *Telecommuting's Impact on the Commuting Time

of Others: The Role of Replenishing and Draining.* Academy of Management
Journal, 49(5), 772-787.

3. Allen, T. D., et al. (2013). *The Relationship Between Boundary Management

Tactics and Work–Home Segmentation Preferences.* Journal of Vocational
Behavior, 83(3), 210-220.

4. Bloom, N., et al. (2015). *Does Working from Home Work? Evidence from a
Chinese Experiment.* Quarterly Journal of Economics, 130(1), 165-218.

5. Gajendran, R. S., et al. (2015). *What Do We Know About Telecommuting? An

Analytic Review and a Research Agenda.* Journal of Organizational Behavior,
36(S1), S2-S26.

6. Dex, S., et al. (2016). *Flexible Working, Family Well-being, and Child
Development.* Journal of Social Policy, 45(1), 1-23.

7. Alsop, R., et al. (2014). *Millennials and the World of Work: An Organization
and Management Perspective.* Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People
and Performance, 1(3), 227-241.

8. Bailyn, L., et al. (2014). *Creating Gender-Neutral Organizational Policies:

Emphasizing Flexibility to Address Opt-Out Penalties.* Social Issues and Policy
Review, 8(1), 204-232.
9. Kurland, N. B., & Cooper, C. D. (2002). *Manager Control and Employee
Isolation in Telecommuting Environments.* Journal of High Technology
Management Research, 13(1), 107-126.

10. Doherty, A., et al. (2017). *The Carbon Footprint of UK Offices: A Scoping
Study.* Building and Environment, 126, 226-238.

11. Nijp, H. H., et al. (2017). *Flexible Work Arrangements and Performance: A
Longitudinal Study.* Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38(8), 1210-1227.

12. Raghuram, S., et al. (2019). *Virtual Distance: Exploring the Determinants and
Impact of Virtual Work.* Journal of Management, 45(3), 1066-1094.

13. Turetken, O., et al. (2010). *Overcoming Virtual Distance: Tactics for More
Effective Multinational Teamwork.* Organizational Dynamics, 39(3), 195-203.

14. Brynjolfsson, E., & McAfee, A. (2014). *The Second Machine Age: Work,
Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies.* W. W. Norton &

15. Bughin, J., et al. (2018). *Skill Shift: Automation and the Future of the
Workforce.* McKinsey Global Institute.

16. Manyika, J., et al. (2017). *Jobs Lost, Jobs Gained: Workforce Transitions in a
Time of Automation.* McKinsey Global Institute.

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