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Peer Reviewed Uncovering the Cause of Fever in Dogs

Uncovering the Cause of

Fever in Dogs
Kenneth R. Harkin, DVM, Diplomate ACVIM (Small Animal Internal Medicine)
Kansas State University

The term fever of unknown origin (FUO) is often the outset whether the increase is due to fever
overused in veterinary medicine, as the number of or nonfebrile hyperthermia (see Is It Fever or
patients in which a true cause of fever cannot be Hyperthermia?).
uncovered is relatively small. Most dogs that present with fever have some
In 1961, Petersdorf and Beeson first defined FUO abnormality on physical examination that helps
in humans as a fever ≥ 101°F (38.3°C) that persists guide the diagnostic process. Abnormal findings
for greater than 3 weeks, with the diagnosis uncertain that present with fever may include, among
after one week of study in the hospital. This definition others, lymphadenomegaly, joint effusion, spinal
has remained mostly intact today except for the or paraspinal pain or discomfort, low-grade
requirement of in-hospital study.1,2 The duration of cough, abnormal findings on thoracic auscultation,
greater than 3 weeks was intended to eliminate cases enlarged and painful prostate or swollen testicles in
of acute self-limited infectious disease (often viral) intact dogs, resistance to manipulation of the neck
from the retrospective analysis of FUO cases.1 and head, red and swollen gums, or abdominal
When describing FUO in dogs, fever is usually discomfort on palpation.
defined as greater than 103.5°F to 104°F (39.7– A dog that presents only with vague client
40°C), with no duration of fever specified.3,4 In complaints of lethargy and hyporexia can be a
animals, the path to revealing the cause of persistent particularly difficult diagnostic challenge when
fever can be lengthy and expensive but, in most the only significant finding on routine physical
patients, an etiology can be eventually identified (see examination is fever. Cryptic fever becomes even
FUO in Animals: Often a Misnomer). more challenging when:
• Routine diagnostic laboratory work fails to
CLINICAL CHALLENGES localize the disease process
When a patient presents with an elevated • The only abnormal finding on routine diagnostics
temperature, it is important to distinguish from is inaccessible (eg, enlarged peribronchial lymph
FUO in Veterinary patients are often described
incorrectly as having FUO when routine
• Evaluation of identified abnormalities (such as
an aspirate of an enlarged lymph node) fails to
Animals: Often diagnostic testing—which can usually be suggest a definitive disease process (eg, reactive
completed over the course of a day—yields
a Misnomer negative results. In these cases, the designation
lymph node).
The veterinarian is then faced with the dilemma
of FUO is often applied prematurely. The term
should be reserved for patients in which no of determining which additional diagnostic tests to
etiology is revealed after an extensive workup. pursue, and pursuit of more advanced diagnostics
Another commonly used, yet erroneous, can be curtailed by owner financial concerns that
criterion for defining FUO is a fever that does arise with high-cost/low-yield tests and owner
not respond to empiric antibiotics. A response compliance (or lack thereof).
to antibiotics does not prove a bacterial cause
for fever because a transient response may be
associated with an anti-inflammatory effect of
the antibiotic or the waxing and waning course Fever often results from an immune or inflammatory
of disease. Thus, the cause of fever remains response, and most causes of fever can be classified
unknown. as infectious, immune-mediated, or neoplastic

30 Today’s Veterinary Practice | July/August 2016 |

Uncovering the Cause of Fever in Dogs Peer Reviewed

Fever implies an internal resetting of the

hypothalamic set point, whereas the elevated
in the 103°F to 104°F range (even as high as 105°F)
as a consequence of anxiety.
Is It Fever or
body temperature in hyperthermia results The presence of fever can be confirmed either Hyperthermia?
from outside causes. Many veterinarians by hospitalizing the dog for several hours or
have embarked on misguided diagnostic or instructing the owner to take the dog’s tempera-
therapeutic pathways due to the presumption ture at home when the pet is relaxed. Likewise,
that an elevated rectal temperature is associated when a dog that is being treated in the hospital
with inflammatory disease. for a noninflammatory disease suddenly develops
In my experience, it is not uncommon to see an elevated rectal temperature but no other signs
dogs with elevated rectal temperatures associated (eg, cough), the first step should be removal of
with anxiety, environmental conditions, exercise, tight bandages and removal/replacement of
drugs, and catheters/wraps. In fact, I have seen intravenous catheters before investigation for a
dogs that have presented with rectal temperatures nosocomial infection or other source of fever.

Infectious Causes commonly lymphoma, leukemia, multiple myeloma,

With infectious causes of cryptic fever, many animals hepatic neoplasia, and necrotic tumor masses. One
have evidence of some abnormality on physical would expect hematologic abnormalities on the
examination or routine laboratory screening. complete blood count (CBC), but these changes
However, even diskospondylitis, pyelonephritis, can often be subtle and/or misleading. Unexplained
leptospirosis, and the deep mycoses may present with hematologic abnormalities should be viewed as an
no specific abnormalities.4,6-10 invitation to perform a bone marrow examination—
A recently detected cardiac murmur can indicate aspiration or biopsy—which often yields a diagnosis.
bacterial endocarditis, although the murmur may
be missed early in the course of disease. However, DIAGNOSTIC APPROACH
it is just as likely the murmur has been present and Initial Diagnostics
undetected for some time and is not part of the The initial diagnostic approach in a dog with
current febrile disease. unexplained fever should begin with signalment,

Immune-Mediated Causes Table.

Sterile inflammatory diseases are most commonly Causes of Persistent Fever in Dogs
immune-mediated, and include immune-mediated
Infectious Bronchopneumonia
polyarthritis (IMPA), steroid-responsive meningitis- Deep mycoses
arteritis (SRMA), and systemic lupus erythematosus. Diskospondylitis
In some dogs, IMPA and SRMA can be more difficult Leptospirosis
to diagnose because: Pyothorax
1. Laboratory changes are often restricted to an Soft tissue abscess
inflammatory leukogram Tick-borne disease
2. Dogs with IMPA may have relatively subtle Toxoplasmosis or neosporosis
lameness and minimal joint effusion, presenting Immune- Granulomatous
with more generalized stiffness and discomfort Mediated meningoencephalitis
(which can also be confused as SRMA).11
Lameness can sometimes be uncovered by Steroid-responsive fever
hyperflexing a limb; then having the dog walk Steroid-responsive meningitis-
immediately afterward. arteritis
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Some sterile inflammatory processes are not
immune-mediated but can produce significant fever; Neoplastic Lymphoid leukemia
these diseases include acute pancreatitis, pansteatitis,
nodular panniculitis, granulomatosis, juvenile Other leukemias
cellulitis, shar-pei fever, hypertrophic osteodystrophy,
Miscellaneous Hypertrophic osteodystrophy
and panosteitis.3,4,12,13 Intervertebral disk disease3
Pancreatitis, acute or chronic
Neoplastic Causes Panosteitis
Portosystemic shunt1
Fever may be seen with various cancers, most | July/August 2016 | Today’s Veterinary Practice 31


patient history, physical examination, and laboratory infectious diseases, and the specific selection of tests is
diagnostics (see Diagnosing Fever: A Stepwise often based on regional prevalence of such diseases.
Approach, page 34). When the diagnosis is not
readily apparent following the initial diagnostic Imaging
approach, the clinician is faced with the option of a Abdominal radiographs and ultrasound (if available)
therapeutic trial or continued diagnostics. are commonly pursued because it is difficult to
palpate the abdomen in many dogs, especially
Ask Therapeutic Trial those that are particularly deep chested. Abdominal
Yourself… The goal of the therapeutic trial should be diagnosis radiographs are also important in the diagnosis
The question that (or, at least, elimination of a disease category); of diskospondylitis. In the absence of identifiable
needs to be asked therefore, antibiotics should not be combined with abdominal pain or abnormalities on palpation,
and answered at every antipyretics, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory thoracic radiographs often have more value than
step of the way is: Do
drugs (NSAIDs) or corticosteroids. Artificial abdominal radiographs.
I have reasonable
information for resolution of fever due to antipyretic administration Computed tomography or magnetic resonance
a diagnosis and may improve the patient’s demeanor but is rarely imaging of the brain rarely has value in the absence
treatment plan? This required and tends to delay and confuse the of neurologic abnormalities; CSF analysis has
question should always
be re-evaluated just diagnosis. surprisingly greater benefit and is less expensive.
before and after an Antibiotic selection is empiric and often based
antibiotic trial (either on prior experience or suspicions (eg, doxycycline DEFAULT DIAGNOSIS
failure or success).
in a dog with high tick exposure). Depending on When the clinician has exhausted the diagnostics
the patient’s condition, most antibiotic trials are or, at least, reached a reasonable confidence level
administered for 48 to 72 hours before declaring that infectious disease is not present and there is
failure and considering either an alternate antibiotic no evidence of neoplasia, the default diagnosis is
choice or the next step in diagnostics. immune-mediated fever.
During this trial period, the patient can be Corticosteroid trials must be administered
stabilized with IV fluids and other supportive care, appropriately; my protocol is to administer
if required, or discharged to the client if relatively prednisone at 2 mg/kg Q 24 H (or 60 mg/M2 for
stable. larger dogs) for a minimum of 3 weeks (presuming
the patient’s response is good), with gradual
Further Diagnostics reduction by 25% every 3 to 4 weeks. If infectious
Presuming there is no response to the therapeutic disease is present, most dogs will deteriorate within 3
trial(s) and no distinctive localized findings to to 5 days of initiating a corticosteroid regimen.
prompt more specific diagnostic tests, the next level
of diagnostics should be pursued. LITERATURE REVIEW
These tests, some of which may require referral to Three large retrospective studies of fever in dogs offer
specialty practitioners, include: a valuable perspective on the outcome of diagnostic
• Cytology and blood cultures investigations into fever.3,4,14 Although the studies
• Serology or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were conducted in Europe, where prevalence and
• Antinuclear antibody testing type of infectious diseases may differ from those seen
• Imaging, such as radiography and ultrasound in the United States, the general findings are relevant
• Bone scan across canine populations.
• Bronchoscopy.
Inclusion Criteria
Cytology & Other Testing Inclusion criteria for these studies were fairly
Random cytologic sampling is often not valuable, straightforward. Two studies included dogs that had
but simple collections, such as peripheral lymph node a recurrent or persistent fever (> 40°C [104°F] on
aspirates, can be obtained easily. There are a variety of at least one occasion) documented for 1 week or
sites from which to sample, some more challenging longer.3,14 In the other study, investigators searched
than others, and diagnostics can include aspirates patient records for the term FUO or fever of unknown
of apparently normal lymph nodes, joint taps, bone origin in the letter from the referring veterinarian
marrow aspirate, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) tap. as well as documentation of a fever (> 39.7°C
Serology or PCR may be indicated for certain [103.5°F]).4


Uncovering the Cause of Fever in Dogs Peer Reviewed

Diagnostic Results the diagnostic yield was fairly high. For instance,
The records of 217 dogs with fever were evaluated. cytology (which was poorly defined in these studies
The most common final diagnostic category was but included aspirates of masses or enlarged lymph
immune-mediated disease, which was present in 32% nodes, CSF or synovial fluid analysis, and evaluation
(69/217) of the dogs. This category included IMPA of bronchoalveolar lavage samples) provided, or was
and SRMA, both of which commonly have localizing crucial to, the diagnosis in 56% to 62% of the dogs, and
signs. bone marrow aspiration yielded a diagnosis in 64%.
However, diagnostics that are often performed
Diagnostic Approach as screening tests and not always chosen based on
When additional diagnostic tests were performed, a specific identified abnormality had a much lower
presumably based on an abnormal finding on physical yield. Radiographs revealed a diagnosis in 48% of
examination or routine screening laboratory tests patients (22/46 dogs) in the study by Dunn and
(CBC, serum biochemistry profile, urinalysis), Dunn3 but in only 9.5% and 3.3% of the patients in

Over the past 6 to 8 years, clinicians at Kansas tion, they show dramatic improvement within 48 Unpublished
State University Veterinary Health Center have hours and the typical protocol is to proceed with
identified more than 50 dogs with fever and a a 6-week course; then carefully monitor the dog Observations
variety of clinical signs, including facial cellulitis, over the following 6 months for relapse. As with from Kansas
lymphadenomegaly, polyarthritis, hematologic all antibiotic trials, if dogs do not respond within
abnormalities, hepatic enzyme elevation, and 72 hours, the trial should not be continued. State University:
general malaise.
Ongoing Investigation
Dual Therapy for
Diagnostic Findings This treatment approach is based on the Antibiotic Trials
The most common cytologic finding from assumption that patients likely have bartonellosis
aspirates of the affected organ or tissue in these or are infected with an unidentified unculturable
patients was pyogranulomatous (sometimes organism even though:
just suppurative) inflammation with no visible `` Bartonellosis has not been confirmed with
organism. PCR or serology testing in these dogs
These findings led to a consideration of `` Use of this antibiotic combination varies
several diagnoses—fungal disease, systemic from other treatment recommendations for
lupus erythematosus, or IMPA. However, the bartonellosis.
antinuclear antibody tests were negative and the Bartonellosis has been reported in dogs with
polyarthropathy did not respond as expected to fever and pyogranulomatous inflammation in
corticosteroids (although, often with very little various organs,15-18 and the investigation into the
detrimental effect other than the disease did not dogs at Kansas State University continues.
resolve completely).
The pursuit of this disease as infectious Note on Ciprofloxacin
began when a holiday delayed an exploratory Some veterinary professionals feel that
surgery on a febrile dog with pyogranulomatous ciprofloxacin has unpredictable absorption
hepatitis (from a liver aspirate). The dog was and pharmokinetics and, therefore, should not
serendipitously administered enrofloxacin and be used in dogs due to the results of a 2012
azithromycin and responded completely to this study.19 That study was conducted on 6 beagles
combination, with no surgery needed. that were fasted for 18 hours; 4 demonstrated
high levels of absorption when administered
Use of Two Antibiotics ciprofloxacin, while 2 had poor absorption.
Subsequently, it was discovered that other A study comparing oral ciprofloxacin and
dogs with pyogranulomatous inflammation of norfloxacin in 4 beagles also noted inconsistent
no apparent cause responded completely to a absorption of ciprofloxacin.20 In contrast, a 1990
combination of: study on 4 mixed breed dogs (range, 16.4–27.3
`` A fluoroquinolone (enrofloxacin, 7.5–10 mg/ kg) did not demonstrate large variations in
kg PO Q 24 H or 5 mg/kg PO Q 12 H) or pharmacokinetic variables.21 Therefore, a study
`` Ciprofloxacin, 15–20 mg/kg PO Q 24 H and involving a larger number of dogs receiving
`` Azithromycin, 5 mg/kg Q 24 H. ciprofloxacin in real-world conditions (ie, with
When dogs respond (eg, resolution or reduc- food) is needed to understand the prevalence of
tion of fever, cellulitis) to this antibiotic combina- variable absorption among dogs. | July/August 2016 | Today’s Veterinary Practice 33

Peer Reviewed Uncovering the Cause of Fever in Dogs

Diagnosing Fever: A Stepwise Approach the studies by Battersby et al4 and Chervier et al,14
Consider signalment Although thoracic and abdominal radiographs
• Age were reportedly obtained in almost all dogs in
• Neuter status the studies by Dunn and Dunn and Battersby
• Breed
et al, diagnoses were most commonly acquired
from lesions identified on bony structures (eg,
osteomyelitis, diskospondylitis, hypertrophic
Obtain a thorough patient and environmental history, which may uncover: osteodystrophy).3,4 Chervier et al did not specify what
+ Unexpected travel history or recent boarding or recreational activities (eg, type of radiographs were obtained.14
lake swimming)
Likewise, abdominal ultrasonography, PCR
+ Evidence of previous diseases
+ Prior treatments for the presenting complaint (especially with clients who may testing for vector-borne disease, and serology for
be pursuing a second or third opinion) toxoplasmosis and neosporosis infrequently yielded a
+ Response to prior therapy, which often provides the greatest clues to a diagnosis.4 These methods failed to yield a diagnosis
potential diagnosis (or at least category of disease)
in 19/1013, 15/664, and 14/5014 dogs.

Effect of Therapy
Perform a careful physical examination:
• Orthopedic and neurologic assessments and evaluation In the study by Battersby et al, therapy administered
• Fundic, oral, and otic examinations in the 24 hours before referral increased the time
• Digital rectal, spinal, and paraspinal palpation necessary to obtain a diagnosis.4 Chervier et al also
looked at the effect of prior treatment, and although
the mean time to diagnosis was longer in the group
Direct diagnostics based on physical examination findings
(eg, aspirates of enlarged lymph nodes, radiographs of abdomen or thorax)
that had received prior treatment (12.75 versus 9.2
days in those that had not received prior treatment),
this finding was not statistically significant.14
Undertake laboratory diagnostics: The findings by Battersby et al emphasize the
+ Complete blood count need to resist the knee-jerk response to administer
+ Serum biochemical profile anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs or glucocorticoids)
+ Urinalysis and urine culture (often performed regardless of the urine sediment)
+ Screening for vector-borne disease (eg, SNAP 4Dx Plus []), depend-
in response to fever4—a reaction often referred to
ing on disease prevalence, time of year, and hematologic abnormalities as fever phobia in human medicine.22 Although fever
may be a marker for a serious and life-threatening
disease process, no evidence demonstrates that fever
Conduct additional directed diagnostics itself will result in organ damage or other serious
based on initial laboratory work consequences.23
(eg, bone marrow with bi- or pancytopenia)
Although an antibiotic trial is often recommended
and frequently employed in the workup of fever,
If no diagnosis, consider first antibiotic trial or additional
antibiotics should be administered only after
nondirected diagnostics: target areas have been sampled (eg, blood, urine,
+ Abdominal and thoracic radiographs (including spine) or abdominal fluid for culture or PCR). It is
+ Abdominal ultrasound
important that no additional antimicrobials or anti-
+ Echocardiogram
+ Urine or blood culture inflammatories that may confuse the interpretation of
+ Aspirates of normal lymph nodes the response be administered concurrently.
+ PCR screening for infectious organisms
+ Antinuclear antibody testing
Outcomes for dogs with FUO were discussed in
only one of these studies, with nearly half the dogs
If no response, consider second antibiotic trial or
additional nondirected diagnostics (see list above) (7/15) demonstrating resolution of fever without
Repeat antibiotic trial with different targeting of spectrum treatment, 3 responding to antibiotics, and 2
requiring glucocorticoids.4 Chervier et al highlighted
the importance of client compliance in obtaining
If antibiotic trials have failed, and no additional diagnostics seem a diagnosis: of 14 dogs in which a diagnosis was
reasonable, consider corticosteroid trial for immune-mediated disease
not obtained, failure of clients to pursue diagnostic

34 Today’s Veterinary Practice | July/August 2016 |


investigation was the reason for lack of diagnosis in 13

patients.14 KENNETH R. HARKIN
Kenneth R. Harkin, DVM, Diplomate ACVIM (Small
Animal Internal Medicine), is a professor and head of
the Section of Medicine in the College of Veterinary
Uncovering the cause of fever in dogs is usually a
Medicine at Kansas State University. His research
straightforward process. For those in which the etiology
interests include infectious diseases and immunology,
is not easily uncovered, however, an ordered and logical with a special interest in leptospirosis. He currently
diagnostic and treatment protocol helps categorize the lectures on gastroenterology, hematology, hepatology,
etiology (ie, infectious, immune-mediated, neoplastic)—even and neurology.
if the ultimate diagnosis is vague (eg, immune-mediated
fever). Bartonella henselae bacteremia. Can Vet J 2014; 55:970-974.
19. Papich MG. Ciprofloxacin pharmacokinetics and oral
CBC = complete blood count; CSF = cerebrospinal fluid; absorption of generic ciprofloxacin tablets in dogs. Am J Vet
Res 2012; 73(7):1085-1091.
FUO = fever of unknown origin; IMPA = immune- 20. Albarellos GA, Montoya L, Waxman S, et al. Ciprofloxacin and
mediated polyarthritis; NSAID = nonsteroidal anti- norfloxacin pharmacokinetics and prostatic fluid penetration in
dogs after multiple oral dosing. Vet J 2006; 172:334-339.
inflammatory drug; PCR = polymerase chain reaction; 21. Walker RD, Stein GE, Hauptmam JG, et al. Serum and
SRMA = steroid-responsive meningitis-arteritis tissue cage fluid concentrations of ciprofloxacin after oral
administration of the drug to healthy dogs. Am J Vet Res
1990; 51(6):896-900.
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3. Dunn KJ, Dunn JK. Diagnostic investigations in 101 dogs with pyrexia of evidence from three randomized controlled trials. Einstein
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pyogranulomatous lymphadenitis and pulmonary nodules in a dog with | July/August 2016 | July/August 2016 | TODAY’S VETERINARY PRACTICE 35

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