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Class 11 - Physics
Section A
1. (a) 5 km/h
Explanation: For motion of the first body:
v2 = u2 + 2gh

(3 ×

) = 0 + 2 × 10 × h
∴ h= 144
For motion of the second body:

v2 = (4 ×
5 5
) + 2 × 10 ×
18 144

⇒ v=5× 18
m/s = 5 km/h

(c) 15 × 104 ms-2
Explanation: As v2 - u2 = 2as
∴ 1002 - 2002 = 2a × 0.10
or a = 15 × 104 ms-2
(d) 8 m
Explanation: 1st case v2 − u2 = 2as
0 − ( ) = 2 × a × 2[40 km/h = (

2 100

) m/s]
a=− 81 × 4

2 4

2nd case: 0 − ( 200

) = 2 × (−

81 × 4
) × s [80 km/h = ( 200

)m/s ]
or s = 8m
4. (a) 20.0
Explanation: Initial velocity, u = 100 m/s
As it stops so final velocity, v = 0
Acceleration a = - 5 m/s​2
We know, v - u = at
⇒ t =
0−100 −100
⇒ t = =
−5 −5

⇒ t = 20.0 s
(d) 2 sec
Explanation: Suppose the two balls cross each other after time t. Then the distances covered by the two balls will be
s1 = 1


and s2 = ut - 1

But s1 + s2 = 1

+ ut −

gt = 100m
∴ ut = 100
100 100
or t = u
= 2s
6. (a) 2
Explanation: Initial velocity, u = 0 m/s
final velocity = v
Time t = 2 s
Acceleration, a = 1 m/s​2

1 / 15
We know, v = u + at
⇒ v = 0 + 1 × 2

⇒ v = 2 m/s
(d) Average velocity is zero.
Explanation: Let, total displacement from reference point = D
Total time for displacement D = T
Average velocity, reciprocal of total displacement total time. vav ​= D

Because, In diagram, total displacement D = 0

Average velocity, vav ​= = ​= 0 D


(d) 8 m
Explanation: x = (t - 2)2
v= = 2(t - 2)m/s


= 2(1 - 0) = 2 ms-2
a= 2

at t = 0, vo = 2(0 - 2) = -4 m/s
at t = 2, v2 = 2(2 - 2) = 0 m/s
at t = 3, v4 = 2(4 - 2) = 4 m/s

Distance = Area between time axis and(v - t) graph

= area ΔOAB + area ΔBCD
= × OB × OA + × BD × C D


= 1

× 2 × 4 +

× 2 × 4

Distance = 8 m

(d) 25√2 Km/h
The situation is shown below:

(40)2 − (30)2 = 2as

2 2
(40) −(30)
or a = 2s

Also, v2 − (30)2 = 2a s

or v2 − (30)2 = 2× 350



or v = 25 √2 Km/h

(b) -3.0m/s
Explanation: The given equation is x = 2.00 + 3.00t − 4.00t 2

At t = 0, we have x = 2,
∴ 2 = 2 + 3.0t - 4t2

2 / 15
t(3 − 4t) = 0

t = 0 and t =

Now Velocity is given by , v = dx

= 3 − 8t

=3-8× 3

= 3 - 6 = - 3 m/s
Negative sign shows direction of velocity is opposite.



12. (a) 6.61

Explanation: We know that, for a particle moves in a straight line with a constant acceleration ax, its motion is described by
the kinematic equation given by:
Δx = (vxi + vxf ) Δt

Rearranging it, we have

vi = − vf

Substituting the values of Δx, Δt and vf into this equation, we get

vi = − (2.80m/s) = 6.61m/s

13. (a) lim Δt

Explanation: Instantaneous velocity is the velocity of an object in motion at a specific point in time. This is determined
similarly to average velocity, but we narrow the period of time so that it approaches zero. The formula for instantaneous
velocity is the limit as t approaches zero of the change in position over the change in t. Mathematically,

The Instantaneous Velocity is expressed in m/s.

14. (a) both numerically and dimensionally correct
Explanation: The given equation is both numerically and dimensionally correct. It gives distance traveled in t second by a
body in uniform acceleration.
(d) straight line
Explanation: As acceleration (g) remains constant throughout, the velocity-time graph is a straight line.
16. (a) 4

Explanation: Distance traversed = Area under speed - time graph

1 9
= 2
× 1.5 × 3 =

(d) 8.94
Explanation: Initial velocity u = 0
Acceleration a = 10.0 m/s​2
Distance covered s = 400 m
Time is taken, t = ?
We know

3 / 15
1 2
s = ut + at
1 2
⇒ 400 = 0 × t + × 10 × t

⇒ 400 = 5t2
⇒ t2 = 80
⇒ t = √80 = 8.94 s

(d) displacement of the particle is 30 m
Explanation: As the particle returns to the starting point, its displacement is zero.
30 m
Average speed = 10 s
= 3 m/s

(d) its velocity is constant
Explanation: its velocity is constant
20. (a) 2 sec
Explanation: Here: u = 0, s = 1

at2 or s ∝ t2
−− −−

t2 s2 s/4
∴ = √ = √ =
t1 s1 s 2

or t 2 =

× 4 = 2s
(d) A is false but R is true.
Explanation: When a body is falling freely, only a gravitational force acts on it in a vertically downward direction. Due to this
downward acceleration, the velocity of a body increases and will be maximum when the body touches the ground. If downward
accelerating force is balanced by the upward retarding force, the body falls with constant velocity. This constant velocity is
called the terminal velocity of the body.
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but the reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
Explanation: If both assertion and reason are true but the reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
23. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
Explanation: Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
Explanation: In uniform motion, the object moves with uniform velocity, the magnitude of its velocity at different instants i.e.
at t = 0, t = 1 sec, t = 2 sec, ... will always be constant. Thus, the velocity-time graph for an object in uniform motion along a
straight path is a straight line parallel to the time axis.
(c) A is true but R is false.
Explanation: The negative slope of the position-time graph represents that the body is moving towards the negative direction
and if the slope of the graph decrease with time then it represents the decrease in speed i.e. retardation in motion.
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but the reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
Explanation: If both assertion and reason are true but the reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
Explanation: A body having negative acceleration can be associated with speeding up, if object moves along negative X-
direction with increasing speed.
(d) A is false but R is true.
Explanation: For distance-time graph, a straight line inclined to time axis measures uniform speed for which acceleration is
zero and for uniformly accelerated motion S ∝ t . 2

(c) A is true but R is false.

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Explanation: When the velocity of a particle thrown upward becomes zero then it cannot move further which means it has
reached its uppermost point. So, the assertion is true.
But, then also acceleration due to gravity is acting on it in the downward direction. Hence the reason is false.
30. (a) If both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
Explanation: If both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
Section B
31. Let a body falls freely from a tower of height h and takes n seconds to reach the ground. Then taking downward direction as the
positive direction, we have
s = ut + g t 1


Given u = 0 (free fall),

h = 0 + g n = g n ....(i)

2 1


The body travels half of its total path in the last second. Thus the body travels half of its total path in (n - 1) s.
h = g (n - 1)2 ...(ii)

=0+ 2
(n − 1) ⇒

Equating (i) and (ii), we get,


= g(n - 1)2
⇒ n= = 3.4142 sec

Hence the time of fall, n = 3.4142 sec

32. Speed Velocity

1. It is the distance travelled by a body per unit time in any It is the distance travelled by a body per unit time in a fixed
direction. direction.

2. It is a scalar quantity. It is a vector quantity.

3. Speed may be positive or zero but never negative. Velocity may be positive, negative or zero.
33. Let total distance = 3x. Then,
vw + uw + uv
Total time taken = + + x



= x(

Average speed = Total distance travelled

Total time taken

= 3x

vw + u w + u v
x( )
u vw

= uv + vw + uw

34. For upstream motion of launch:

Relative velocity = 7 - 3 = 4 ms-1
Distance moved = 4.2 km = 4200 m
Time taken, t. = = 1050 s 4200

For downstream motion of launch:

Distance moved downstream by float in 1050 s = 3 × 1050 = 3150 m
Distance between float and launch turned about = 4200 + 3150 = 7350 m
This distance is to be covered by launch with its own velocity (7 ms-1) because stream velocity is being shared by both.
∴ Time taken, t2 = 7
= 1050 s
Total time taken, t = t1 + t2 = 1050 + 1050 = 2100 s = 35 min
35. s3rd = u + a

(2 × 3 - 1) = 4
or u + 5

s5th = u + a

(2 × 5 - 1) = 12
or u + 9

a = 12
On solving,
u = -6 ms-1, a = 4 ms-2
Distance travelled in next 3 seconds
= s8 - s5 = [-6 × 8 + 1

× 4 × (8)2] - [-6 × 5 + 1

× 4 × (5)2]
= 80 - 20 = 60 m

5 / 15
36. i. We know that, a
​ = dv


adt = dv
Integrating we get
t v

∫ adt = ∫ dv
0 u

at = v - u
v = u+at
ii. a = dv


Multiply and Divide by dx, we get

dv dx
a= ×
dt dx
a= × v

adx = vdv (∵ = v)

Integrating within the limits, we have

s v

a ∫ dx = ∫ vdv
0 u

2 2
υ ν
as = −
2 2
2 2
υ −ν
as =

v2 – u2 = 2as
37. Let x be the distance travelled in time t. Then,
x ∝ t

x = kt2.........(1) [where, k = constant of proportionality]

We know that velocity is given by
= 2kt ...........(2)[differentiating (1) w.r.t time]
v =

and acceleration is given by

= 2k (constant) [differentiating (2) w.r.t time]
Thus, the body has uniform accelerated motion.
38. According to the choice of surroundings, rest and motion can be related.
Consider an example: Consider a man standing on one side of the road and the car is moving on other side of the road. A car
moving past him is in motion as it changes its position with respect to the man at every instant. However, the man sitting inside
the car is in rest with respect to the person sitting next to him as he does not changes his position with respect its surrounding.
Thus, rest and motion are relative terms. In reality, there is nothing like absolute rest or absolute motion and whatever we observe,
is all relative.
39. No, because the x-t graph does not represent the trajectory of the path followed by a particle. From the graph, it is noted that at t =
0, x = 0. The above graph can represent the motion of a body falling freely from a tower under gravity.
40. Given: t = √− −
x + 3 or √x = t - 3

or x = (t - 3)2 = t2 - 6t + 9
Velocity v = = 2t - 6


Velocity becomes zero when 2t - 6 = 0 or i = 3 s

∴ At t = 3 s, x = (t - 3)2 = (3 - 3)2 = 0
Hence displacement of the particle is zero when its velocity is zero.
Section C
41. When the parachutist falls freely :
u = 0, v = 9.8 ms-2, s = 40m, t = ?, u = ?
As s = ut + g t 1


1 2
∴ 40 = 0 + × 9.8 × t

80 20
or t = √ 9.8
s = 2.86 s

= 28 ms-1
Also, v = u + gt = 0 + 9.8 × 7

When the parachutist decelerates uniformly:

u = 28 ms-1, a = -2 ms-2, 5 = 2 ms-1
v − u 2 − 28
Time taken, t = = = 13 s a −2

6 / 15
Distance, s = ut + 1

= 28 × 13 − 1

× 2 × (13)2
= 364 - 169 = 195 m
Total time of parachutist in air
= 2.86 + 13 = 15.86 s
Height at which parachutist bails out
= 40 + 195 = 235 m
42. i. Here s = 2m, t = 4 s, u = 0
As s = ut + 1


2=0+ 1

× a × 42
or a = 0.25 ms-2
ii. Time taken to cover first one metre of the track is given by
s = ut + 1

1=0+ 1

× 0.25 × t2 ⇒ t2 = 8

∴ t= 2√2 = 2 × 1.414 = 2.828 = 2.83 s
Hence time taken to cover the second metre
= 4 - 2.83 = 1.17 s
iii. Speed at the bottom,
v = u + at = 0 + 0.25 × 4 = 1 ms-1


Here, it is given that, v = 30 km/h, v = 60 km/h and d = 60 km

1 2

Therefore, v = 30 km/h = 30 ×
= 8.33m/s


and v = 60 km/h = 60 ×

= 16.67m/s

Also, d = 60 km = 60000 m (because 1 km = 1000 m)

Since the trains will collide in the middle, we have
Δx = 30 km

When trains collide, v = ⇒ Δt =



∴ Δt = = 3601
Now, v = Δt
⇒ Δx = vΔt

∴ Δx = (16.67m/s)(3601)

60028.67 m ≈ 60 km

44. Net distance crawled upwards in 2 min time

= 5 - 3 = 2cm
∴ Insect will crawl 2 × 10 = 20 cm upward in 2 × 10 = 20 min

In 21st min, insects cover 5 cm reach the crevice located at 25 cm.

∴ Total time taken = 20 + 1 = 21 min

The positions of insect at intervals of 1 min each will be

t (min) x (cm) t (min) x (cm)

0 0 11 15

1 5 12 12

2 2 13 17

3 7 14 14

4 4 15 19

5 9 16 16

6 6 17 21

7 11 18 18

7 / 15
8 8 19 23

9 13 20 20

10 10 21 25
Position-time (x - t) graph can be drawn with the help of the above table.
45. The given equation is x = t3 - 6t2 - 15t + 40
dx 2
∴ υ= = (3t − 12t − 15) m/s

and a = dv

= (6t − 12)m/s

i) Since , v = 0
3t2 - 12t - 15 = 0
3t2 - 15t + 3t - 15 = 0
3t(t - 5) + 3(t - 5) = 0
(3t + 3)(t - 5) = 0
Either t = -1 or t = 5
Time cannot be negative
∴ t = 5 seconds.

ii) Position at t = 5 s
x = (5)3 - 6(5)2 - 15(5) + 40
x = - 60m
At t = 0 s,
x = (0)3 - 6x(0)2 - 15x0 + 40 = 40 m
The displacement between t = 0 sec to t = 5 sec is given by:
S = Final Position ( x5 ) - Initial Position ( x0 )
where x5 = - 60m and x0 = 40m
s = - 60 - 40
s = -100 m
iii) Acceleration at t = 5s
a = 6t - 12
a = 6(5) - 12
a = (30 - 12)
a = 18 m/s2
46. The situation is shown in Fig.

For motion between times t = 0 and t2:

u = 0, a = 2 ms-2, s = 900 m, v = v2 (say)

As v2 - u2 = 2as
∴ v
- 02 = 2 × 2 × 900 or v2 = 60 ms-1
v − u 60 − 0
Time, t2 = a
= 30 s

For motion between times t2 and t3: This motion occurs at a constant speed of 60 ms-1
1500 − 900
.∴ Time taken, t3 - t2 = 60
= 10 s
For motion between time t = 0 and t1:

u = 0, s = 750 m, a = 2 ms-2, t = t1 (say)

As s = ut + 1

1 2
∴ 750 = 0 × t1 + × 2 × t
2 1
or t1 = √750 = 27.4 s

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47. Given: Speed of woman = 5 km/h
Distance from home to office = 2.5 km
Time = Distance covered

Speed of women

Time = 2.5

= 0.5 h = 30 min
When she returned, she covers the same distance in the evening by an auto.
Given Speed of auto = 25 km/h
Time = Distance Covered

Speed of auto

Time = 2.5

= 0.1 h = 6 min
The woman is at rest from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm and during this time, speed is zero
The x-t graph of the motion of women from home to office and office to home is shown below.

48. Let us consider function of motion

x(t) = A + Be …(i)

Where γ and A, is a constant B is amplitude

x (t) is displacement at time t, where A > B andγ >0
−γt −γt
v(t) = = 0 + (−γ)Be = −γBe
d d −γt 2 −γt
a(t) = [v(t)] = (−γB exp ) = (γ B exp )
dt dt

From (i) ∴A > B so x is always + ve i.e., x > 0.

From (ii) v is always negative from (ii) v < 0
From (iii) a is always again positive a >0
As the value of γ Be can varies from 0 to
2 −γ
+ ∞

49. a. When t = 0; x(t) = x0(1 - e-0) = x0(1 - 1) = 0

x(t = 0) = x0 γe = x0 γ(1) = γx0

b. x(t) is maximum when t = ∞[x(t)] = x max 0

x(t) is minimum when t = 0[x(t)]min = 0

v(t) is maximum when t = 0; v(0) = x γ 0

v(t) is minimum when t = ∞; v(∞) = 0

a(t) is maximum when t = ∞; a(∞) = 0
a(t) is minimum when t = 0; a(0) = −x γ 0

50. Given, helicopter is rising upwards steadily with a velocity, u = 2 ms-1.

i. When the food packet is released, its initial velocity is same as the velocity of helicopter i.e., u = 2 ms-1. Time taken by the
packet to reach ground, t = 6 s. Let h1 be the height of the helicopter at the time of releasing the food packet. Using the second
equation of motion, s = ut + 1

and considering downward direction as positive, we have
h1 = (-2) × 6 + 1

× 9.8 × (6)2 = -12 + 176.4 = 164.4 m
ii. During time, t = 6s, the helicopter has uniform motion and risen further with a distance h' = ut = 2 × 6 = 12m. Hence, the
height of the helicopter when food packet just reached the earth is,
h2 = h1 + h' = 164.4 + 12 = 176.4 m.

Section D
51. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:
Tabu lives at A. He was supposed to do to his uncle's house at B. A and B is connected by a straight road 5 km long. But that day
the road was under repair. So, all the buses were following a diversion via C. A to B via C is 7 km. Moreover, this route is

9 / 15
congested There is a traffic signal at C also.

Tabu got a seat just behind the driver. He noticed that the minimum reading on the speedometer was 15km/h. But ultimately the
bus took 1 hour to each B. He could not understand the fallacy.
(i) Distance is the actual path covered ic., 3 + 4 = 7 km.
Displacement is the straight line distance from A to B i.e., √3 + 4 = 5 km.
2 2

(ii) Halt timing at the traffic signal, slow speed at the congested areas and halt-timing at the bus stops are also to be taken
into account.
(iii)Average speed = Total distance traversed

Total time taken

= 6

= 6 km/h
(iv)Following graph shows the required v-t graph.

52. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:

Free fall is a kind of motion that everybody can observe in daily life. We drop something accidentally or purposely and see its
motion. At the beginning its speed is zero and until the end it gains speed and before it reaches ground its maximum speed. It
gains speed approximately 10 m/s in a second while falling because of the gravitation.
During the fall, the air resistance is neglected and the acceleration remains constant (equal to g). The object is said to be in free
fall. If the height through which the object falls is small compared to the earth's radius, g can be taken to be constant and equal to
10 m/s2 approximately.
f the object is dropped from the top of a tall building, and it takes t seconds to reach the ground hen the velocity when it reaches
ground is gt. The height of the building is 2

(i) Height of building is given as

1 1
H= 2
gt =
× 10 × 2
= 20 m
(ii) It is assumed that there is no air resistance and height through which the object falls is small compared to the earth's

10 / 15
(iv)The acceleration is constant during the free fall, acceleration time graph is given as

Section E
53. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:
Free fall is a kind of motion that everybody can observe in daily life. We drop something accidentally or purposely and see its
motion. At the beginning its speed is zero and until the end it gains speed and before it reaches ground its maximum speed. It
gains speed approximately 10 m/s in a second while falling because of the gravitation.
During the fall, the air resistance is neglected and the acceleration remains constant (equal to g). The object is said to be in free
fall. If the height through which the object falls is small compared to the earth's radius, g can be taken to be constant and equal to
10 m/s2 approximately.
f the object is dropped from the top of a tall suilding, and it takes t seconds to reach the ground hen the velocity when it reaches
ground is gt. The leight of the building is 1


(i) (a) Increases 10 m/s in a second

Explanation: Increases 10 m/s in a second
(ii) (b) 20 m
Explanation: H = 1

gt =

× 10 × 2
= 20 m
(iii) (d) Both There is no air resistance and Height through which the object falls is small compared to the earth's radius.
Explanation: Both There is no air resistance and Height through which the object falls is small compared to the
earth's radius.

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54. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:

2 friends started for a picnic spot, in two different cars. A drove his car at a constant velocity 60 km/h. B drove his car at a
constant velocity 50 km/h.
The velocity of B relative to A is vB-vA
Similarly, the velocity of object A relative to object B is vA-vB

12 / 15
Their friend C was supposed to wait at a point on the road for a lift. Both of them forgot to pick up C. A and B reached the picnic
spot within 2 hours and 2 hours 24 minutes respectively.
(i) (b) -10 km/h
Explanation: The velocity of B relative to A is
vB-vA = 50-60
= -10 km/h
(ii) (d) 10 km/h
Explanation: The velocity of A relative to B is
vA-vB = 60-50 = 10 km/h

(iii) (a) 60 km/h, 50 km/h

Explanation: Since C was in stationary position, his velocity was 0. Hence the velocity of A relative to C was 60 - 0
= 60 km/h
and the velocity of B relative to C was 50-0 = 50 km/h.
(iv) (d) Area under the line is the required distance
Explanation: Area under the graph gives the distance. it is
6 × 2 = 120 km.



55. For upward motion of a ball:

v = 0, a = -10 ms-2, s = 20 m, u = ?, t = ?
As v2 - u2 = 2 as ∴ 0 - u2 = - 2 × 10 × 20
or u = 20 ms-1
Also, v = u + at ∴ 0 = 20 - 10 t
or t = 2 s
So the ball returns to the hand of the juggler after 4 s.
To maintain proper distance, the balls must be thrown up at an interval of 4

= 1 s.
When the fourth ball is in hand, the third ball has travelled for 1 s, second for 2 s and first for 3 s.
i. For third ball, s = ut + 2

= 20 × 1 - 1

× 10 × (1)2 = 15 m
Third ball will be 15 m above the ground going upward.
ii. For second ball, s = 20 × 2 - 1

× 10(2)2 = 20 m
Second ball will be 20 m above the ground and will be at rest.
iii. For first ball, s = 20 × 3 - 1

× 10 × (3)2 = 15 m
First ball will be 15 m above the ground going downward.

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Let the speeds of the two balls (1 and 2) be v1 and v2 where:

if v1 = 2v , v2 = v
if y1 and y2 and the displacement covered by the balls 1 and 2, respectively, before coming to rest, then
2 2
v 2 v 2
1 4v 2 v
y1 = = and y2 = =
2g 2g 2g 2g

since, y1 - y2 = 15 m
2 2 2
4v v 3v
− = 15m ⇒ = 15m
2g 2g 2g
−−−−−−−−−− −
or, v 2
= √5m × (2 × 10)m/s

or, v = 10 m/s
Clearly, v1 = 20 m/s and v2 = 10 m/s
2 2
v (20m)
as y 1 =
= 20m

y2 = y1 - 15 m = 5 m
if t2 is the time taken by the ball 2 to cover a displacement of 5 m, then from
1 2
y2 = v2 t − gt
2 2

2 2
5 = 10t2 − 5t or t − 2t2 + 1 = 0
2 2

Where, t2 = 1s
Since t1 (time taken by ball 1 to cover the distance of 20 m) is 2s, time interval between the two throws
= t1 - t2 = 2s - 1s = 1s
57. i. A lives closer to school than B. In the given x-t graph, it can be observed that distance OP < OQ. Hence, the distance of the
school from the A's home is less than that from B's home.
ii. A starts from school earlier than B. In the given graph, it can be observed that for x = 0, t = 0 for A, whereas for x = 0, t has
some finite value for B. Thus, A starts his journey from school earlier than B.
iii. B walks faster than A. In the given x-t graph, it can be observed that the slope of B is greater than that of A. Since the slope of
the x-t graph gives the speed, a greater slope means that the speed of B is greater than the speed A.
iv. A and B reach home at the different time. It is clear from the given graph that both A and B reach their respective homes at the
different time.
v. B overtakes A once on the road. B moves later than A and his/her speed is greater than that of A. From the graph, it is clear
that B overtakes A only once on the road.
58. The initial velocity of ball is given as: u = 100 ms-1 and the acceleration due to gravity (g) = - 10m/s2 (negative sign is because of
it being acting in downward direction)
At highest point, v = 0
As we know that, v = u + at
⇒ 0 = 100 − 10 × t

Time taken to reach highest point is given by:

t = = 10s

The ball will return to the ground at t = 20 s.

Velocities of the ball at different instants of time will be as follows.
At t = 0, v = 100 - 10× 0 = 100 m/s
At t = 5, v = 100 - 10× 5 = 50 m/s
At t = 10, v = 100 - 10× 10 = 0 m/s
At t = 15, v = 100 - 10× 15 = -50 m/s
At t = 20, v = 100 - 10× 20 = -100 m/s

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The velocity time - graph will be as shown in the figure.

i. Maximum height attained by the ball

= Area of triangle AOB
= 1

× 10s × 100 ms-1 = 500 m
ii. Height attained after 15 seconds
= Area of triangle AOB + Area of triangle BCD
(15 − 10) × (−50) (Velocity after 10 seconds is taken as negative because the ball is now coming downwards)
= 500 +

= 500 - 125 = 375 m

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