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How to Write Great Bug Bounty Reports

By Rocky ◆ July 7, 2023  No Comments  13 Mins Read

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Hey there, bug hunters and cybersecurity enthusiasts! Are you ready to embark on an
exhilarating journey into the world of bug bounty programs? If you have a knack for finding
vulnerabilities in applications and systems, then bug hunting might just be your ticket to
earning some serious cash while making the digital realm safer.
But hold on a second! Before you dive headfirst into the bug bounty arena, there’s one critical
skill you need to master: writing great bug bounty reports. You see, discovering bugs is only
half the battle. To truly succeed in this game, you must effectively communicate your findings
to the program organizers and developers in a way that grabs their attention, provides clear
insights, and motivates them to take action.
In this article, we’re going to spill the beans on how to write bug bounty reports that shine like
a supernova. We’ll guide you through the process, from understanding the bug bounty
program and discovering bugs, to structuring your reports with finesse and communicating
your findings like a pro.

Understanding the Bug Bounty Program

Bug bounty programs can be an exciting and rewarding way for tech enthusiasts to showcase
their hacking skills and earn some serious cash. However, before diving into the world of bug
hunting, it’s crucial to understand the ins and outs of the bug bounty program you’re
participating in. Here are a few key steps to get you started:
Get Familiar with the Program Guidelines
First things first, take some time to carefully read and understand the bug bounty program’s
guidelines. These guidelines serve as your roadmap, outlining the program’s rules, scope, and
payout structure. Pay close attention to any specific requirements or limitations set by the
program. Ignoring these guidelines could lead to unnecessary frustrations and missed
Understand the Target Application or System
Once you’re well-versed in the program guidelines, it’s time to dig deeper into the target
application or system. Gain a comprehensive understanding of how it functions, what
technologies it utilizes, and any known vulnerabilities. This knowledge will provide you with
valuable insights and help you focus your efforts on potential weak spots.
Review Existing Bug Reports
Learning from the experiences of others can be immensely valuable in bug hunting. Take
some time to review existing bug reports related to the target application or system. This will
give you an idea of the types of vulnerabilities that have been discovered in the past and the
level of detail expected in your own bug bounty report. Look for patterns, common pitfalls,
and any areas that have been overlooked by previous bug hunters.
Investing time in familiarizing yourself with the bug bounty program’s guidelines,
understanding the target application or system, and reviewing existing bug reports, you’ll be
equipped with the knowledge and insights needed to embark on a successful bug hunting
journey. So, grab that virtual detective hat and start exploring the exciting world of bug

#1. Bug Discovery and Triage

Alright, let me spill the beans on how I go about discovering bugs, documenting them, and
figuring out their impact and importance. Here’s my step-by-step process:
Step 1: Identifying and Documenting the Bug
When I’m hacking away at the target application or system, I keep my eyes peeled for any
strange behaviors or unexpected outcomes. If something seems fishy, I take notes like a
detective gathering evidence. I jot down the specific steps I took to trigger the bug, the parts
of the application affected, and any error messages or weird stuff I noticed. The more details,
the better!
Step 2: Verifying the Bug
Before I get too excited and submit my bug report, I make sure to put on my detective hat
once again and verify that the bug is legit. I try to reproduce the bug using my documented
steps, following them closely. If I can’t make the bug show up again, I know it’s time to go
back to the drawing board and retrace my steps.
Step 3: Assessing the Impact and Severity
Once I’ve got a confirmed bug in my sights, I start thinking about its impact and severity. I ask
myself questions like, “Could this bug cause a major data breach?” or “Would it make the
application crash and burn?” This helps me determine how serious the bug is and what kind
of damage it could potentially inflict. The higher the impact and severity, the more attention it
Step 4: Prioritizing the Bug
Bug prioritization is like sorting out my to-do list—deciding what needs to be tackled first. I
take into account factors like the bug’s impact, severity, and the program’s guidelines to
assign it a priority level. Bugs that could lead to catastrophic consequences or expose
sensitive information get pushed to the top of the list. Less severe bugs, while still important,
might get a lower priority. It’s all about finding the right balance.
By following this bug discovery and triage process, you’ll be well-equipped to find those
sneaky bugs, document them effectively, verify their existence, and prioritize them based on
their impact and severity. So, put on your bug-hunting gear, keep your eyes peeled, and let
the hunt begin!

#2. Structuring Your Bug Bounty Report

When it comes to writing a killer bug bounty report, a well-structured and organized approach
is key. Here’s how I lay it all out:
Title and Summary:
I kick off my bug report with a catchy and concise title that captures the essence of the bug.
Think of it as a headline that grabs attention. Then, in the summary section, I give a brief
overview of the bug, highlighting its impact and severity. This sets the stage for what’s to
Detailed Bug Description:
Next up, I dive into the nitty-gritty details of the bug. I start by providing a clear and thorough
description of the bug, including its behavior, the affected functionality or system
components, and any error messages or strange occurrences I observed. I aim to paint a vivid
picture for the readers, so they can understand the bug like they witnessed it themselves.
Steps to Reproduce:
To make my bug report actionable and reproducible, I outline the exact steps I took to trigger
the bug. I break it down into a step-by-step guide, making it easy for the developers to follow
along and reproduce the issue. Screenshots or videos can be a great addition here to visually
demonstrate the bug in action.
Impact Analysis:
Now, it’s time to assess the impact of the bug. I explain the potential consequences and risks
associated with the bug. Could it lead to data leakage, unauthorized access, or system
crashes? I highlight the worst-case scenarios and emphasize why it’s crucial to address the
bug promptly.
Supporting Evidence:
To strengthen my case, I provide supporting evidence. This could include screenshots, logs,
network captures, or any other relevant artifacts that back up my findings. Visual evidence
can be particularly helpful in conveying the bug’s existence and impact.
Proof of Concept (PoC) Code:
To solidify my report further, I include a proof of concept (PoC) code snippet whenever
applicable. This is a small piece of code that demonstrates how the bug can be exploited or
reproduced. It helps the developers understand the technical aspects and validate the bug
more effectively.
Suggestions for Mitigation or Fixes:
Finally, I wrap up my bug report by offering suggestions for mitigating the bug or providing
possible fixes. I present actionable recommendations on how the developers can patch the
vulnerability or address the issue. This shows my willingness to collaborate and contribute to
improving the security of the application or system.
By following this structured approach to writing your bug bounty report, you’ll present your
findings in a clear, organized, and compelling manner. So, get creative with your title, dive
deep into bug details, provide reproducible steps, assess the impact, back it up with
evidence, show your PoC code skills, and offer valuable suggestions for mitigation or fixes.

#3. Communicating Clearly and Professionally

Alright, folks, it’s time to master the art of communicating your bug bounty findings like a pro.
Here are some tips to help you write bug reports that hit the bullseye:
Use Clear and Concise Language:
When it comes to bug reporting, simplicity is your best friend. Avoid using complex jargon or
convoluted sentences. Instead, opt for clear and concise language that everyone can
understand, even those who might not be familiar with the technical intricacies.
Include Relevant Technical Details:
While keeping it simple, make sure to include the necessary technical details to support your
findings. Mention the operating system, browser, version numbers, and any relevant software
configurations. This helps the developers reproduce and address the bug more effectively.
Provide Context and Background Information:
Don’t assume that the readers of your bug report have prior knowledge about the application
or system. Provide enough context and background information to help them understand the
bug in its proper context. Explain the purpose and functionality of the affected component
and how the bug deviates from the expected behavior.
Make it crystal clear why this bug deserves attention. Highlight the severity of the bug and
the potential impact it can have on the business or end-users. Explain the worst-case
scenarios and the risks involved if the bug remains unaddressed. This helps the stakeholders
understand the urgency and prioritize the bug accordingly.
Back it up with Evidence:
Remember, words alone are not always enough. Support your bug report with solid evidence.
Include screenshots, videos, logs, or any other artifacts that visually demonstrate the bug or
its impact. Visual evidence can be a game-changer in conveying the severity of the issue.
Maintain a Professional Tone:
While it’s great to keep the language casual and relatable, always maintain a professional tone
in your bug reports. Be respectful and constructive in your communication. Remember, you’re
collaborating with the developers and stakeholders to improve the security of the application
or system.

#4. Additional Tips for Effective Bug Bounty Reports

Writing bug bounty reports is an ongoing learning process, and there are always ways to
improve. Here are some additional tips to help you write successful reports:
Maintain a Professional Tone:
While we mentioned it earlier, it’s worth emphasizing again. Always maintain a professional
tone in your bug reports. Avoid personal attacks, sarcasm, or any form of unprofessional
behavior. Remember, you’re working with a team to improve the security of the application or
Follow Program-Specific Guidelines:
Every bug bounty program has its own set of guidelines and rules. Make sure you thoroughly
understand and follow these guidelines while writing your reports. This includes formatting
requirements, submission deadlines, and any specific details or preferences mentioned by the
Document All Relevant Information:
When it comes to bug reporting, more is often better. Document all relevant information
related to the bug, even if you think it might be trivial. It’s better to provide too much
information than to leave out crucial details that could help in reproducing or addressing the
Be Responsive and Collaborative:
Bug hunting is not a solitary endeavor. Be responsive and open to communication with the
program organizers or developers. If they need additional information or have questions, be
prompt in your responses. Collaboration and a willingness to work together will go a long way
in resolving the issues.
Continuously Improve Your Reporting Skills:
Bug reporting is a skill that can always be honed and improved. Take time to reflect on your
past reports and identify areas for improvement. Pay attention to feedback provided by
program organizers or fellow bug hunters. Continuously educate yourself on effective
reporting techniques, and strive to enhance your writing skills and technical knowledge.

#5. Common Mistakes to Avoid

Hey, we all make mistakes, but when it comes to bug bounty reports, avoiding these common
blunders can make a world of difference. Check out these pitfalls and steer clear of them:
Lack of Clarity and Detail:
One of the biggest mistakes is submitting a vague or poorly explained bug report. Make sure
your report is crystal clear, providing all the necessary details for the developers to
understand and address the issue. Avoid ambiguous language or incomplete information that
could leave the reader scratching their head.
Failure to Reproduce the Bug:
Imagine reporting a bug that you can’t reproduce. Ouch! That’s a surefire way to get your
report dismissed. Take the time to carefully reproduce the bug and document the steps
involved. If the developers can’t replicate the issue, they’ll have a hard time fixing it.
Inadequate Documentation:
Don’t skimp on the documentation. Thoroughly document all relevant information related to
the bug, including the steps to reproduce, affected components, and any supporting
evidence. Neglecting proper documentation can make it difficult for the developers to
understand and address the issue efficiently.
Overstepping the Program’s Scope or Rules:
Bug bounty programs have defined scopes and rules for a reason. Avoid the temptation to go
beyond the program’s scope by testing areas or functionalities explicitly excluded. Respect
the boundaries set by the program to ensure that your efforts are focused and aligned with
the program’s goals.
Ignoring Communication and Collaboration:
Communication and collaboration are crucial in bug bounty programs. Don’t make the mistake
of being unresponsive or uncooperative when program organizers or developers reach out to
you. Be prompt in your responses, provide additional information when requested, and
actively engage in the collaborative process.

In conclusion, writing great bug bounty reports is a skill that can significantly enhance your
success in bug hunting endeavors. By following the guidelines and tips provided in this
article, you can improve the quality and effectiveness of your bug reports, increasing your
chances of receiving recognition and rewards for your findings.
Understanding the bug bounty program, familiarizing yourself with the guidelines, and
reviewing existing bug reports lay the foundation for a successful bug hunting experience.
The bug discovery and triage process, including identifying, documenting, verifying,
assessing, and prioritizing bugs, ensures that you approach your findings systematically and
prioritize them appropriately.
Structuring your bug bounty report in a clear and organized manner, from the title and
summary to detailed bug descriptions, steps to reproduce, impact analysis, supporting
evidence, proof of concept (PoC) code, and suggestions for mitigation or fixes, allows readers
to understand and address the reported vulnerabilities effectively.
Effective communication in bug bounty reports involves using clear and concise language,
including relevant technical details, providing context, and highlighting the severity and
potential business impact. Maintaining a professional tone, following program-specific
guidelines, documenting all relevant information, being responsive and collaborative, and
continuously improving your reporting skills are additional key factors for success.
Avoiding common mistakes such as lacking clarity and detail, failing to reproduce bugs,
inadequate documentation, overstepping program boundaries, and disregarding
communication and collaboration will help you deliver high-quality bug bounty reports.
So, armed with these insights and tips, go forth and embark on your bug hunting adventures
with confidence. Contribute to making applications and systems more secure, and enjoy the
rewards and recognition that come with writing exceptional bug bounty reports. Happy

bug bounty

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