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1.1 Project Title

Egg Productions On Limited Land By Creating Cheap, Innovative And Moveable Poultry Houses In
Wolaita Sodo, Ethiopia

1.2 General Information Yes(√) No(×)

Letter of support from the university 

1.3 Applicant Information

Name of the applicant Tarekegn Anjulo Mena
Date of birth 10/09/1985 E.C
Name of the university Wolaita Sodo University
Field of study Animal Science
Education level (Undergraduate/postgraduate) Postgraduate/Masters on Poultry
Graduation year Currently, on research working
ID No. PGR/62691/14
E-mail address
Phone number +251969444027/+251704823625


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2.1 General background including rationale for the project initiation

The worldwide poultry population is predicted to be at 16.2 billion people, with 71.6 % living in
developing countries, producing 6.7 million tons of chicken meat and 5.8 million tons of hen eggs
(Guèye, 2005). Ethiopia has large poultry population, estimated to be 57.01 million preceded by cattle,
70.29 (CSA, 2021). Poultry is one of the most important agricultural subsectors for rural communities in
Ethiopia and poultry population is almost entirely composed of indigenous chicken. Poultry production
has an important economic, social and cultural benefit and plays a significant role in family nutrition in
the developing countries (CSA, 2020). It plays an important role in job creation,
family nutrition improvement and women's empowerment. This is an appropriate enterprise for poor
households because of the small amount of land needed and the low investment costs involved in starting
and managing the farm (FAO, 2019). Over the past few years, an emerging middle-class urban society
and urbanization with better incomes and greater purchasing power have increased demand for
chicken and chicken products. This has resulted in the expansion of poultry production, particularly in
urban and peri-urban areas (Demissu et al., 2019). In Ethiopia, chicken meat and egg consumption less
significant and smaller than other African country (FAOSTAT, 2021). This is due to traditional
production system with low productivity of scavenging birds (kumsa et al., 2008). So, our project can
change the production system in to semi intensive and intensive production which can increase the
productivity and decrease shortage of land.

2.2 Innovativeness
In China, Bamboo chicken cages are a great choice for customers and environmentally efficient to produce poultry
with less cost than automatic cage system (see or sturdy spacious bamboo chicken cage).
Ethiopia is the largest country in Africa by poultry/ livestock population but least country in productivity. This is
due to lack of modern farming system which includes housing system, health care, breed type feeding etc. Most of
the time, management system is pillar and modern poultry house is the one that can satisfy biosecurity level. In
Ethiopia automated battery cage system is found in Debre Zeit and this housing system is costly to distribute other
places of our country. As you know that China is the second leading country economically in the world but they
can use bamboo or other plastic materials to make poultry houses. So, our project aimed to work egg productions
and copying cage type of house which contain feeder, egg laying place, water trap, cleaning trap from china which
can hold up to 50 layers or more according to the customer suitable for urban areas due to lack of additional land.
We hope this innovation and farming can increase the productivity, job creation, link agriculture with other sectors.
Our vision is not only limited this, if we get the opportunity we can continue in creating other agricultural

2.3 Objectives
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 To increase egg production in limited land,
 To use modern materials in less cost,
 To increase job creation without seeking government jobs,
 To increase women empowerment and to increase our capital by increasing egg production
 Creating other agricultural technologies. These objectives can contribute to addressing the
problems of poultry production and meet with the objective of SWRE which is promoting
a more resilient, inclusive, and sustainable food system in Ethiopia.

2.4 Methodological approach and feasibility of the project

To success our objectives, clear methodology is best. In, wood chicken coop is small and
modern house type produced in China which costs 1110$ that is more than 55,000 birr in our country.
Our project minimizes this cost by preparing from locally available materials without losing modernity.
We can do at a given time without wasting starting from first day. The feasibility of our project will be
based on project team, partnerships, budget, interactive timelines and risk management. Our project
includes five members of degree holders and gradually increases man power. Our project collaborates
with other organizations such as Wolaita Sodo University and Sodo town agricultural office. The total
budget for expected costs is 19, 250 euro (for rent house annually: 2,870, layer chicken and feed cost:
5,120, materials for our farm and for selling houses: 4,750, for transportation: 1600 and for risk
management, training and for labour workers: 4,190). We need this budget based on interactive time line
in two phase’s half budget for starting project and half for finishing up to five moths but this will be
changed according to funding rule. We consider the risks such as poultry diseases, site selection and
selling new materials but we have plans to mitigate these risks by preparing vaccination/veterinarians,
communicate with Sodo town for extra working area and advertising for new innovative respectively.
Finally the cost effectiveness that our products will be sold in less cost than others recycled in better way.
BIBLIOGRAPHY CSA. (2020). Agricultural Sample Survey. Volume II report on livestock and livestock characteristics.
Addis Ababa: CSA.

CSA. (2021). Agricultural Sample Survey Livestock and Livestock Characteristics. Addis Ababa: Central
Statistical Agency.
Demissu Hundie, G. G. (2019). Assessment on rural poultry production and marketing system of Horro
chicken ecotypes in Western Ethiopia. l. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural
Development, 248-259.
EF, G. (2005). Gender aspects in family poultry management systems in developing countries. World’s
poultry science journal, 39-46.
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FAO. (2019). Poultry Sector Ethiopia. FAO Animal Production and Health Livestock Country Reviews.
FAO Animal Production, 11-42.
FAOSTAT. (2021). Food and agricultural organization of the United Nations, Statistical division. Food
and Agricultural.
Kumsa T, Y. Z. (2008). Livestock resource potentials constraints and opportunities for intervention by the
private sector (2008). 1-10.

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