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Request for


For submission to:

Recipient Name: hans casteels
Recipient Address: xxx
Bidders Section

For submission to:

Recipient Name: hans casteels
Recipient Address: 456 Laker Street, CA
Contact: hans.casteels@gmail.copm
Table of Contents

4 Letter of Proposal 11 Project Budget Breakdown 18 Proposal Cost Submission

5 Company Overview 12 Requirement to Qualify for the Bid 19 Submission Timeline

6 Deliverables & Expectations 13 Evaluation of Proposal 20 Bid Submission

7 Key Individuals Involved 14 Evaluation & Scoring 21 Statement of Work & Contract

8 Project Details 15 Pre-Bid and Post Bid 22 Contact Us

9 Project Team 16 Project Timeline

10 Project Budget 17 Submission Requirements


23 Project Charter 26 RFP Time Requirement 29 RFP Team Roles

24 Project Charter (continued) 27 Vendor Criteria Evaluation

25 RFP Timeline 28 Weighted Criteria Matrix

Issuance Date: 08/20/20XX
Closing Date: 11/30/20XX

Dear Prospective Offerors,

Company XYZ is soliciting projects from researchers to strengthen the

information and communications technology ecosystem and to enhance our

Letter of
vision of a networked society. We would hereby like to invite submission of
proposals in accordance to this RFP.

Proposals received between the issuance and closing date will be handled by

Proposal our Sourcing department. To submit, confirm your contact information and
provide the following details to receive detailed PRF guidelines:

• Institution name
• Contact person name
• Email address and/or phone number

John Smith
Director of Strategic Sourcing, XYZ Company
Company Overview

Our Background
Our company has been known for developing
some the most cutting-edge consumer home
technology over the past five decades.

Founded Headquarter
1985 Monterey, UA

Mission Vision
To empower users even at Strategically nimble and adopts
their most mundane tasks to emerging technology
Deliverables & Expectations

You require a team of dedicated

We can deliver your project within 1
individuals who will complete the Team Timeframe
year with the team requirements
project within the provided timeframe

Key Deliverable 01  • Strategic Approach 01

Key Deliverable 02  Goals Strategy • Strategic Approach 02

Key Deliverable 03  • Strategic Approach 03

Fixed Costs: $10,000,000 We can complete the project within

Costs Budget
Variable Costs: $3,000,000 a budget constraint of $130,000
Key Individuals Involved

Tel: (310) 222-4556 Tel: (310) 222-4556

Email: Email:
Oversees and approves all Oversees and manages current
activities in procurement process and upcoming vendors

David Johnson Isabella Jones

Director of Procurement Vendor Relations

Tel: (310) 222-4556 Tel: (310) 222-4556

Email: Email:
Head of the new product dev project Oversees and manages current
and involved in vendor selection and upcoming strategic partners

Ashley Grant William Perez

Senior Project Manager Partnership Director
Project Details
Project Details Key Goals of the Project

Project Name
Project Goal 1
Add Project Name here
• Insert your desired Text here
• Insert your desired Text here

Project Details

Add details about the project

Project Goal 2

• Insert your desired Text here

• Insert your desired Text here
Project Initiation Date


Project Goal 3

Expected Date of Completion • Insert your desired Text here

• Insert your desired Text here
Directing Level
Chris Wang
Management Level Director
Delivering Level

Joe Gonzalez Naomi Ponce

Position Name Here Position Name Here

Kelly Jones Tyrone Johnson Ken Myers Carina Lee

Position Name Here Position Name Here Position Name Here Position Name Here

Name Here Name Here Name Here Name Here

Position Name Here Position Name Here Position Name Here Position Name Here

Name Here Name Here Name Here Name Here

Position Name Here Position Name Here Position Name Here Position Name Here

Name Here Name Here

Position Name Here Position Name Here

Name Here
Position Name Here
Project Budget

10% 45% 15%

1,000 15,000 1,500

Project Activity 1 Project Activity 2 Project Activity 3

32% 5% 7%

5,000 800 1,000

Project Activity 4 Project Activity 5 Project Activity 6
Project Budget Breakdown

Project Element Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4

Add element here $4,000 $8,000 $4,000 $8,000

Add element here $5,000 $9,000 $5,000 $9,000

Add element here $7,000 $10,000 $7,000 $10,000

Add element here $6,000 $2,000 $6,000 $2,000

Add element here $1,000 $5,000 $1,000 $5,000

Add element here $500 $3,000 $500 $3,000

Criteria Required Digital Certificate Physical Certificate

Experience of 5 Year

Equipment 1 available

Requirement to
Qualify for the Bid Equipment 2 available

The following requirement should be met by

every company or organization that is willing
to apply for the bid. Please attach the Equipment 3 available
required documents with the bid

24*7 Emergency Availability

Company Assets worth 300 MM

01 Experience certificate of minimum 5 years

Client testimonial of having similar experience, and work experience

02 certificate

03 Assets of over 300 MM

04 Approximate working team of 800 active technician and Engineers

of Proposal
5 Heavy equipment machinery available

The bidders will be evaluated

06 Minimum Budget for the project
on the following criteria
Evaluation & Scoring
Round 1 and 2 Score Maximum Points

Minimum Qualification Pass Pass/Fail

Mandatory Technical Requirements Fail Pass/Fail

Round 3
Pricing Proposal 100 100

Management Proposal 450 450

Technical Response/Requirements 350 350

Inclusion Plan 100 100

Round 3 Total 1000 1000

Round 4
Final Cost 200 200

Demonstration 250 250

Management Interview 250 250

References 300 300

Round 4 Total 1000 1000

Date of meeting XX-XX-XXX

Total number of proposal expected 120

Total members in meeting 50

Agenda for meeting 1. Write down the agenda of the meeting here

2. Write down the agenda of the meeting here

3. Write down the agenda of the meeting here

Pre-Bid and
Post Bid
Date of meeting XX-XX-XXX

Total number of proposal expected 120

Total members in meeting 50

Agenda for meeting 1. Write down the agenda of the meeting here

2. Write down the agenda of the meeting here

3. Write down the agenda of the meeting here

Project Timeline
Q3 Q4 20XX Q1 Q2 Q3

Task title
Task title
Task title Task title

Task title Task title

Task title Task title
Task title Task title

Task title Task title

Task title
Task title Task title

Task title
Task title
Task title
Submission Requirements

Bidder must produce copies Bidder shall submit the Price

of the following or their Matrix under the required
current equivalent: Bidder must supply with format and include:
their bid a:

• Copy of trading license • A brief description of the • The unit prices

related services offered
• Copy of Certificate of • Local taxes paid or payable
Registration • The total bid price
• The total price per line item
• Copy of VAT registration • Any discounts offered and
methodology for • Subtotals and totals
application • An authorized signature of
• Copy of Articles of
• A declaration that the the signatory to the bid
Association and
Memorandum of Bidder is not participating
Association in more than one bid for
this contract.
• Copy of annual Audited
and Certified Financial
statements for the last 2
financial years
Proposal Cost Submission
All bidders are required to submit proposal cost breakdown based on the following example:

Base System Costs Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total

Licensing or Subscription Fees $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00

Storage Costs if applicable $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00

Implementation of the base system $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00

Trainings $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00

Customer Support $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00

Software maintenance if applicable $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00

Total System Costs: $88,000.00

Submission Timeline

Site visits of shortlisted

Intent to Reply Deadline Answers Distributed Review Process vendors

Day 04 Day 09 Day 22-30 Day 32-45

Day 01 Day 05 Day 21 Day 31 Day 46

RFP Issued Vendor Questions Submission Due Shortest Top Contenders Select vendor
Bid Submission

Name: Name of the Location Here

For Physical
Location Address : XYZ Avenue 12345 Street California
Postal Address: Add postal address here

For Online Submission (123) 345-9900

Service Recorded
• 3-week opportunity to review our work and provide feedback
• Negotiate to the company and third party for damages

Statement of • We agree to put our best effort in return we expect your cooperation in providing
the required information related to company product not services

Work & Contract

Terms of Payment
• Fifty percent initial fees at the point of contract signing and it will act as a deposit
Date: XX.XX.XXXX • Remaining 50% must be submitted after project completion

Between “us” (Company Name) and “you”

(client name) Plans Cancellation
• Right modify, reject, cancel or stop at any point processes
You (client name), located at (client address) are but are limited to relating to all costs and expenses
hiring (company name), located at (company
address) to provide on-the-job training services
for the estimated total cost of $XXXX
• All efforts to preserve the confidentiality of information

Terms and Termination

• This agreement should commence from (date) and shall continue till termination by
either party by not less than (0) days notice given in writing
Contact Us
Phone Address Email Website
(310) 222-4455 123 Main Street, CA 90020
For the Internal Team
RFP Proposal Due Date Company Name

Marketing Services June 1, 2022 Caroline’s Websites, Inc.

Project Overview

We provide our clients with web design services including coding, development, and branding. Our staff is located in two offices in California.

Our company. is seeking the services of a full-service communications and marketing firm to develop and execute a comprehensive integrated marketing plan

Project Goals

o Increase SEO presence o Effectively complete a lead generation campaign

o Attract more social media followers o Increase website traffic per year

Scope of Work

The scope of work includes creating a lead generation campaign, production of creative material including collateral and direct mail; online marketing campaign,
website enhancement, and search engine optimization
Current Roadblocks and Barriers to Success

o Custom coding on current website o Limited Human Resources

Evaluation Metrics and Criteria

o Continuous Operation as a marketing firm for at least 24 months o Competitive Costs for services

o Expertise in working with similar customers

Submission Requirements

o Description of the firms that includes a general overview, names and o A one-page narrative outlining the firm's strengths and distinguishing skills or
credentials of creative team, number of full-time Employees capabilities as they might relate to Caroline’s websites, Inc.

o A representative selection of social media ads, direct response material,

collateral, and website development created for current and past clients

Project Due Date Budget Contact Phone Email

12/20/20XX $8,750 Jane Doe (123) 456-0000

RFP Timeline

01/30/20XX 03/15/20XX 06/10/20XX 09/15/20XX

Finalize Team Send completed draft Issue RFP Begin reviewing

to stakeholders Submissions

• Gather requirements
• Assign Writers Finalize RFP Submission Due Select Vendor

02/15/20XX 05/30/20XX 09/13/20XX 11/14/20XX

Time Needed: Time Needed:
PHASE First-time RFP Repeat RFP

Goal and requirement definition 2-3 weeks 1 week

Gathering list of participants, initial communication 2 weeks 1 week

Qualifying participants 1-3 weeks 1 week

Detailed communication of RFP, Q&A, spec clarification, and site visits 2-3 weeks 2-3 weeks

First round – submissions, evaluation, and eliminations 1 week 1 week

Second and third rounds (if needed) 1 week each 1 week each

Final award and communication 1 week 1 week

Test loads 2 weeks 2 weeks

Final Implementation and roll-out 4-6 weeks 4-6 weeks

Evaluation 2-3 weeks 1-2 weeks

Total Time required 18-24 weeks 15-19 weeks

1 All Must Criteria Met

2 All Killer Criteria Met

3 Killer Criteria Not Met Vendor A Vendor B

Criteria Points Weighting Total Must Points Weighting Total Must

Understanding Project Goal 10 15% 1.5 1 10 15% 1.5 1

50% Price 10 20% 2 1 10 20% 2 3

Vendor Impression 3 15% 0.45 2 3 15% 0.45 2

101 Non functional requirement 1 3 5% 0.15 2 3 5% 0.15 3

102 non functional requirement 2 7 5% 0.35 1 7 5% 0.35 1

201 Functional Requirement 1 7 5% 0.35 1 7 5% 0.35 1

202 Functional Requirement 2 7 5% 0.35 1 7 5% 0.35 1

203 Functional Requirement 3 7 5% 0.35 1 7 5% 0.35 1

204 Functional Requirement 4 7 5% 0.35 1 7 5% 0.35 1

301 Functional Requirement 5 10 3% 0.3 1 10 3% 0.3 1

302 Functional Requirement 6 10 7% 0.7 1 10 7% 0.7 1

401 Functional Requirement A 3 5% 0.15 2 3 5% 0.15 2

402 Functional Requirement B 7 5% 0.35 1 7 5% 0.35 1

Total 91 100% 7.35 91 100% 7.35

Weighted Criteria Matrix

Value Existing Vendor Score Company 2 Score Existing Vendor Score

3 Time to Implement None 5 15 3 Months 4 12 8 months 2 6

Room for Similar use case

3 Experience 2 6 4 12 Highly qualified 5 15
Improvement but not exact

2 Cost Expensive 1 2 Affordable 5 10 Average Cost 3 6

1 Security Acceptable 5 5 Some risk 3 3 Some risk 3 3

Creative problem Proactive and

1 Innovation Very Little Vision 2 2 4 4 5 5
solvers future focused

Totals 30 41 35
RFP Team Roles
Proposal Account Business Executive
Proposal Tasks Manager Executive Operations Marketing CISO Finance Legal Stakeholder

Review, evaluate and summarize RFP R+A R - - - - - -


Gon/No-go decision A R R - - C C I

Create and publish proposal timeline A R - - - - - -

Review proposal, find and insert existing content from knowledge library R+A I - - - - - -

Provide responses to payment terms and financial questions R+A I - - - R - -


Provide responses to security and IT questions A I I - R - - -

Tailor responses to client A R - - - - - -

Provide proposed pricing A R - - - I - -

Write cover letter and executive summary R+A R C I - - - I

Legal Review A C - - - - R -
Review &

Marketing and design review A I - R - - - -

Executive review A I - - - - - R

Submission R+A C I - - - - I
The following resources are
related to this framework and
can save you hours of work.

Strategic Partnership Key Account Management

Invoice Templates Stakeholder Analysis

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