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Drug Allergies

Drug Allergies
*Many drugs can cause adverse side effects, and certain medicines can trigger allergic
reactions .
*In an allergic reaction, the immune system mistakenly responds to a drug by creating an
immune response against it .
*The immune system recognizes the drug as a foreign substance and the body produces
certain chemicals, such as large amounts of histamine, in an attempt to expel the drug
from the body.
What Are the Symptoms of a Drug Allergy?
-Symptoms of a drug allergy can range from mild to life-threatening .
-During an allergic reaction, the release of histamine can cause symptoms like:
*Skin rash,
*Itchy skin or eyes ,
*Congestion ,
*Swelling in the mouth and throat

-A more severe reaction may include

*Difficulty breathing ,
*Blueness of the skin ,
*Dizziness ,
*Fainting ,
*Confusion ,
*Rapid pulse
Anaphylaxis/Anaphylactc Shock
 Anaphylaxis is severe potentially fatal allergic reactions

 Food allergy (peanuts, wheat, nuts, seafood like shellfish, milk,

and eggs) and drug allergy are s the most common causes of
anaphylaxis. However, other causes as insect stings can cause

 Anaphylactic shock is a term refers to an episode anaphylaxis

where the person goes in shock due to poor circulation that
deprives the body from oxygen and nutrient
?What Are the Most Common Allergant Drugs
-1Penicillin and other antibiotics similar to penicillin as cephalosporins
-2Long acting penicillins (Pencitard ®, Durapen ®, Retrapen ®, Depot-pen ,®
Lastapen® vials (
3- Sulfa drugs (Septazole®, Septrin® DS, Sutrim® tab and syrup)
4- Analgin (Cevagine® ampoule, Novalgin® ampoule)
5- Aspirin (Aspegic® vials)
-8Insulin specially animal drived insulins
-9Iodine (found in many X-ray contrast dyes or in Lugol solution(
-10Anti-titanic serum (A.T.S(
-11Tricyclic antidepressants ( Anafranil®, Tofranil®, Impiramine (®
-12Carbamaepine (Tegretol®, Tegral®, Tonoclon (®
-13Oxacarbazine (Trileptal®, (cross hypersensitivity(
-12Trypsin and chemotrypsin (Alphintern® tablets, Ambezim® tablet, α -
chemotrypsin® vial(
There is cross hypersensitivity between :
A- Penicillin and cephalosporins
B- TCAS and Carbamaepine or Oxacarbazine
C- Aspirin and NSAID
?How Are Drug Allergies Diagnosed
.Medical history and symptoms -
.S.C Skin test to confirm or exclude allergy -
Eye allergic test -

?How Are Drug Allergies Treated

.The primary goal when treating drug allergies is symptom relief
Symptoms such as rash, hives, and itching can often be controlled with
1- IV or IM antihistamines (Avil™ ampoule, Pirafen™ ampoule, Tavagyl™
2- IV or IM corticosteroids (solucortif™ 100 mg vial, Epidron™ 8 mg vial,
dexamethasone™ 8 mg ampoule , fortcortin™ 8 mg ampoule)
-3For coughing and lung congestion, Bronchodilators may be prescribed
-4For more serious anaphylactic symptoms life-threatening allergic
reactions including difficulty breathing or loss of consciousness ,
epinephrine may be given as IV drip.
-5Occasionally, desensitization is used for penicillin allergy. This technique
decreases your body's sensitivity to particular allergy-causing agents. Tiny
amounts of penicillin are injected periodically in increasingl
larger amounts until your immune system learns to tolerate the drug.
-5If you are severely allergic to certain drug, there are alternative
.one your doctor can prescribe

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