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Measuring Blood Pressure

What is measured?
- The doctor measures the maximum pressure (systolic) and the
lowest pressure (diastolic) made by the beating of the

The systolic pressure:

It is the maximum pressure in an artery at the moment when the
heart is beating and pumping blood through the body

The diastolic pressure:

* It is the lowest pressure in an artery in the moments between beats
when the heart is resting

* Both the systolic and diastolic pressure measurements are

important – if either one is raised, it means you have high blood
)hypertension( pressure
Steps for Measuring Blood Pressure
 Patient seated for 5 minutes
 No smoking, caffeine or vigorous exercise for 30 min before
 Use the right arm for accuracy and for consistency
 Patient position: Sit straight, both feet flat on floor, arm at slightly more than
90 degree angle on table with crease in elbow level with heart
 Expose upper arm
 Center of upper arm at heart level
 Cuff applied 1 inch above crease at elbow
 Make sure cuff is correct size
 Locate brachial artery & palpate radial pulse
 Place stethoscope on brachial artery
 Air is then blown into the cuff and increasing pressure and tightening is felt
 Let air out at 2 mmHg per second
 Listen korotkoff sounds via stethoscope
* The systolic pressure is measured when the doctor first hears the pulse.
* This sound will slowly become more distant and finally disappear.
* The diastolic pressure is measured from the moment the doctor is unable to
hear the sound of the pulse
 Register the measurements for both systilic and diastolic pressures
 Repeat the measurement again
 Diagnose BP: Normal, pre-hypertension, stage 1 hypertension, or stage 2
 Recommendations for follow-up

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