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The boy looked up again then.

He thought he saw someone or something watching him from the

first platform above. Just at the top of the stairs that he happened to be standing near, someone
seemed to be watching him. He could just make out what seemed to be the shape of a unicorn
before it either quickly moved away or disappeared altogether.

Curious, the boy looked around the ground floor once more. He got a sense of its twisted
analytic reference as well as its richer texture and feel. Then, he headed up to the first floor to see
what more he could learn of this House of Imagination.

- Deictic pointing, poetic reference, and infusions and enjambments


The boy climbed the creaking stairs holding tight to the thin handrail. It was rough and a but
splintery. The stairs seemed more safe holding it than not. So, the boy gripped the thin beam and
ascended the stairs carefully.

The first platform and so first floor of The House of the Imagination above the ground floor was
no more ornate, at first seeming, than the dirt floor into which he had entered. If there was a
unicorn here, it left no trace. Nor was it clear where it could have come from or gone, unless up
the next flight of stairs.

The boy looked around carefully. He recognized some of the lessons from the ground floor of the
imagination did not directly strike one. They came to mind at an angle as it were. So. He let the
place sit in a bit

There did seem to be some fog or vapor that played with vision a bit. He couldn’t focus on it
directly. It was like the wavy lines you saw above a hot rock on a summer day.

- Fiction tapestry of linguistic elements from single images of memory like imagination
copies or impressions recalled to combos of twos and more on to whole stories
- Landscape from dev mountain to semantic plains
- Realty in a painting and distorting frames

STORIENA sees similarity to world around sense orb – Dyson sphere mind ish poetry cloud as

Rich texture and poetry


Narrative structure personified and Some twists from window 4





POETIC PEAKS and meaning mt


- Self-texture and reading memory palace

(Give name-Storiena-return as many times as can do that)


Upon Center’s reconstitution, the boy smelled something. Her fragrance formed a body-map of
scent that coalesced into a perfect perfume. It was incredibly familiar. It was reminiscent for him
of something from long, long ago. But how could that be? he thought. I’m just a boy. But then
the monk was in the library sniffing the book once again. He finally recognized the scent. It was
the perfume of Center. He was the boy. He’d saved Center long ago. This was her scent. And
as she said then, she would see him again. This was their second time of meeting.

The monk recalled the meeting from long ago as a distant near-forgotten memory, but the scent
was stirring and brought it all back to the floor in rushing force. He knew now why the scent was
familiar and why he had been drawn to this book. center had told him long ago that his life
would lead to this very moment. he would become a monk. He would study meaning to a
reverent degree. Yet sometime late in life, he would be studying in the library, and at that point
he would find her again.


This was the same scent Storiena had imagined chasing too, the scent of hope. The metaphor had
carried her through. She’d used the library and monk as an initial vehicle and then got caught up
in the story the rest of the way

Was this her story yes in a sense definitely but in another sense not at all she knew she could
come back and retell new stories over and over again and each one would be her incarnation she
was a story about itself and it could be in many forms even though each time it would still be in
some sense the same one. Storiena knew she could ‘tell’ herself again and it might be a new
story all together in content, how exciting, but would always be the same frame

- frame vs story, idea putty

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