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) day: ; blasts 2-3 days: cells (ill the pap 5- lays Smothering; 2, & 12) fs mechanical occlusion within sir passages by a foreign object BJs cnlery of fluid into the lungs fracture of the thyroid bene Pa ing is @ Lyoical smothering. © Suicidal smothering is impossible 38, The mechanisms of death iu fresh water drowning ig: Haemoconcentration 7 @ ‘Severe scdeine of the lungs 7 ©. Hypematraemia t Hyperkataemia due to rupture of RAC's ©. Hypavolaemia and citeulatory shock: 39:-Skin findings im drowniae inctude the fullowiag 4. Cutis anserina b. ‘Goose skin €. Washerwomen’s hand extent: 4 In DNA profiting: GPCR cen grow up good amount of DNA from minute trace sample 6. DNA molecule has (wo strands of supar and bases linked by phosphate to form a helix i ; © 90% of DNA molecule used for coding and the d. All tins have identical Sequences 2, _Best triterial used [ur profiling is bucealsmeap | ! rest being silent 49, Tardien's spots aresech in: ega, Electrocution fements ate wrong except one: the size of the lung is smaller i Jungs proves death duc to drowning #4. fe Suspended animation isthe other name for partial hanging In drowning, a female body floals earlier than the male = ¥ Ce Death oceurs earlier in seawater drowning than ia fresh water % 21 The oldést code of medical ethics: a. Code of conduct 4,” Colle of ethics Hippocratic ath d. Medical ath == & Ibnéinéaoth 22, Dessuration of Helsinki: b ; a. Issued in 1949 after the first world war ~ xb: _Js acede of conduct for doctors © Isa guide for médical etiquette d,_ Concerned mainly with viclatior of human tights Concerned ay wilh expel alon-uperhuman in beings ed superior thyroid horn 3. In hanginp: ere r 2 langing mark situated higher an the neck than in strangulation b. Most hangin, homicidal i x ; Insexual asphyxia-honwing is suicidal ; f d. Point of suspension is mdicated by more deep figature mark €. Hanging mark completely encireles the neck 31. The following changes oceur in the eye after death, except: @ Lossof comeal reflex hi Dilatetion of the pupil at the time of death ©. Fallin intracculer pressure d) Decrease in vitreous humor Kt {(polassiurh) concentration © Tache nvire 7 + 33. The colour of post mortem Tividity will be: @ Dark purple in haemorrhage ww 7h. Bluish green jn cyanide poisoning is he, Cherry ted in anemia oe Bronze brown in #85 gangrene © Fale purple in asphyxia 34. Lacération can be Uislinpuished from an ineised wound, by fi ding in the former: . ‘ Bruising of the margins ar Involvement of underlying bone Ac: Failureto penclrate full thickness of the skin PAG Cutting of hairaccoss the wound rc Cling oF tissuie-stemds-neross- theswennd- Sa As. Shin fimliige iy downing iiglade the following EXCHP Tr: Nas focus inser. \ kkin. * bi pos Wh ren (it's Eivgels, d. deglovinig. | © peppering. ic. \t Spaces Pren's ‘ : : 6. )h Nie wnost Sensilive zone of the myocardium te hypoxia is: Rize a. inner zohe of the myocardium, b, epicardial gouc, subendacardial zone. tiddie zone ‘ all zones ave equally sensitive to hypoxia. 47. Whieh of the follawing is/are kancwn causes of pin— point pupils; \_- ard pontine hiembrelu Be. eriDidags auiiah A aisoning and pontine haemorrhage? > ning und subacachnoid haemorrhage % hashish poisoning ond heat stroke, #4. Tn medicul examiner system: i a. the mai aim is to exelude elenient of criminality. b, mediedllexaminer is a lawyer. @ introduced inthe USA in beer Uo it fallows the English death inquiry systent. & tnedival kxmnioer plays: importint rule in the financial interest afthe crown, 49. yeqetative state is: te e loss of personality. © irreversiljlé ceasalion of all functions of the brain. solorition of tie comes with pes of corneal reflexes. | im: inh arti support of circulation and respiration. (Qe a cag Spat eset auPP-Or? ils _ a, Abnormal physiological state pertained at the tine of death is: nblo ay Pheone afr epibollsunt fr wider th on eee eee The usual fatal dose of aspirin is: a, 4-8 pm. 10-15 yun. a 15-20 pin. . 30-50 gm. cc, 80-100 gin. 60. Schizophremin like psychosis with visual hallucinations can secur with abuse if: ‘Cannabis indica » Morphine c. Alcohol d. Amphetamine ec. leroin G1. Ln rgpe: i = LO evn is. female = . \ysical violence is necessary 1¢ age of the female should be below 16 years a ‘Sperms can be detecied 10 days after the incident in vaginal swabs & ‘Vigmen should be penetrated 5 (The calibre of rifled weapon is measured between: of deathis acule renal failure slomy is life saving Hinploms appear after 24 hours in acule poisoning 13. The coroner's system: & Evolved fom Reman Law -slrony 6. Coroner should be a doctor ee lovestizates deaths for the benefit of ike community ~ Adapted iu USA ly Ta Mucnced by the cade Napoleey Adis nly co excliide cicin ents oferininatity in a particuiat decth Poroseupy is useful in: Age determination b. Bex determin ion o Race determination 4) d. Age determination by taking x-ray films of the skull 2 €! Mentineation E 15. Average Weightof heart juan adult tale is: 400 grams ~ & 250 grams ©. 400 grams .d. 150 Brans “700 prams 16. Whiew of (ie following about cadavarie s a. Appears tistantaneously afler death Allimuscles of the body are involved ——t. Great force is required to overcome jl 4. Windicates the mode ofdeath » , & Affects voluntary muscles. ; Pisin is ot (rive: =F. "Phe bushi! Hangling tun: a. inberihal capsule. fh +i Theat ese loses aH wield) Irvelide the follow fap except; = aft etentiform puctous clausiruin | = ¢ Muyedaloid body. | Sth Ag aed tlysni almost aby ays preset below the disphragn, usunlly it is Tosiiorny: id Shape and die to Progressive destruction af the a:catn, a. berry npewyam, - ai Oy wheromatous aveueysm->— € digsecting junediysin, d. syphilite aneurysm, ® aheurysin associated with Marfan's syadrome- 59. Provided {hat ie rectal temperature ning thermometer was fama te be 42 degree ceidus, The cleulated the peased since death in huurs wilt fe: 20 hour: <2 hours, = GL) ta ©, 1S hours! tet Ey} 4% dé hours. | mu & 2 hours, J i A coronary iattery disease. is ty ardin} iafaretion. eee 60. Which of thie following. is Si example of mode of death: b. Vertebral artery rachea d. Carotid 17. The te following factors may affect rigor mortis exeept:- a- The environmental temperature b- ‘The muscle bulk erver bleeding just before death. @- The age of the deceased iz Core eins just before death, nena cess bleeding the following are correct cxeept:- bee cae Pies ing is almost always arterial in origin, 5 ay NOt remember the cause of his subdural haematoma. & ubarehnoid blceding are always duc to trauma. xtradural haematoma m: 'y be due to disease. ie ‘Xtradural hacmatoma always due to major trauma. . One of the a genital sign of virgini a. lhe hymen is partially existent The vaginal opening is slit-like with the close proximities of the labia. c. The breasts are small in size. : 5 d. ‘The nipples are grey in colour. c. [:mpty uterus (no pregnancy) 20. In manual strangulation: a. Common method of suicide Bruising of the platysma muscles useful postmortem finding c. Strangled female is a murdered one d. Fractures the hyoid bone nail scrapings have to be taken. f there is burning, blackening, tattooing around the he surrounding tissues and is cruciate c following e. Finger 21. Ina firearm injury, wound, along with cherry red colour of t in shape, the injury is: a. Close shot entry — b. Close contact exit ‘ontact shot entry d. Distant shot entry Flat ECG op Absent ponies revlon sed thrauph intestine only 3 al dose is 100 grams af lead acciate Sh Nie "6, Causes reticulocyt iad basophilic stippling of RAC's d. Couses black line of the gun € Minereoses synthesis of haem 26. The following are used in the treatment of cyanide poisoning except: —® Penicillamine b. Nitrites ¢ BAL (British Ante Lewisite) d. Methylene blue €. Sodium Thiosulphate 27. In organophosphorus poisoning the antidote is: Desferroxamine : Atropine | . 6. Pratidoxine (PAM chloride) @. Atropine and pralidoxime e. Awopine and EDTA 28. In battered baby syadromc: a. ‘Known as Tardicu's syndrome 6. Injuries coincides with history fe. Occurs in children over 3 years of age : yt Rung fracture of the skull4s common z Frenulum of the upper lip usually ruptured . =. < Dae eS —— a -_ ee ters eet re ~Aigemrene = 7 Diaers - : “Fe Bouies cua = bi eae. be seen ba: a, Erythrocytes —t. Lymphocytes Neutrophils + Eosinophils: ©. Basophils £2. In hair dye Poisoning: a. The lethal ingredient is Pparaminoquinone i b. Blindness isa known complication - - £; The immediate cause of death is acute renal failure Tracheostomy is life saving ©. Symptoms appear afler 24 hours in acute poisoning 13. The coroner's system: oe a. Evolved from Roman Lat strongly influenced by the code Napoleon b. Coroner should be doctor Investiates deaths for the benefit of the community . @& Adopted in USA +e. Aims only to exclude elements of-criminality in a parlicular death 14, Porossopy is useful in: - a Age determination 5. Sex determination c Race determination * Gh Age determination by taking x-ray films of the sku _® Identification 15. Average weight OF heart in 300 grams an adult male is: t €mperature after death a : $8 of temperature in the first h : a ae. Irst hour is ab i ef almost doubles the ee s . ee nent Ss temperature is about 2-30. — oe a dies IS measured rectally. o 29. Liver-mortige owt O°*Y temperature we mean core tempera . ee a. Sometimes occ ‘ urs in the living. . Itis similar to contused wounds especially i C in th It has got different colours ae d. It heals completely within two weeks. ee e. It may be one of the signs, which are ufeértain for drowing. 30. . The following could be a cause of death in drowning:- a. Acute respiratory failure. b. Cardiac arrest. ¢, Cardiac failure. Renal failure. a All the above. 31. Stabbing instruments are the most common cause of the following except: a. Pneumothorax. b. Haemothorax. Cardiac tamponade. _ Esophageal rupture. ¢, Penetration of the heart. 32. Induction of emesis is EXCEPT. ; a. Corrosive poisons b. Convulsing patients . Comatose patients a Renal disease oe e. Advanced pregnancy 33.The following is true concerning malignant hyperthermia except: qa, an inherited condition a malignant tumour c. halothane can predispose it d. muscle rigidity is a sign & temperature may reach 450c. ~ contraindicated in the following condition, 2 poll as abt a cos Sciences and Technology Forensic Medica ‘aculty of Medicine icine & Clinical Toxicology Examination 2015 le Answer all questions:- i- Entry and exit wounds in firearm injuries 2- Extra pyramidal manifestations: 3- Pathophysiology of aspirin 4- Pathophysiology of ethyl alcohol Part (2):- Answer all questions:- E cle the most correct answer 1- Stab wound is one which: a. Has all ways irregular. b. Have two sharp ends. oe Has linear sharp. d. Always results air- embolism. Has depth greater than the length. 2. The term near shot is applied when the victim is within range of. @ Flam and soot. F Powder deposit. c. Gases. d. Bullet. ie) Contact with the muzzle of gun. 3. The term partial hanging is used when. a. The ligature mark is not continuous. b. The ligature mark is absent. c There is no fracture of hyoid bone. @ The body is in kneeling position. €, The hanging is of long drop type. 80. Colby alvradiont di #0 Abrasion) is exer 6) the nan Sh UTHEEGL Weasel] eats ee b. E vowel &. produced by pellets ud Bite by a choeleed shotgun ary Ww Gunel <4), os Gl So Rae injury below the devel ofthe kuee is typical of: Vee # ASSL RCH car hit. Th. bts hit ¢, truck hit. ; ; d. seconda ae unpeet injury by any kind of siatiele: 6. Tun — oF injuries. 7 1 Tt. Ral — hole wound by vhot — fon isin fevour of range af firing about: re a. contact filing. O—50 cin. ©. $0 — FOP in. «h.100— 150 jem: i ¢. 200 —250 ie 72, Billiard effect: ' a, effect of bullet phen strikes bone. ispersion of BE HEts in shooting through window or glass, blackening of fingers in suicide firing. d, test ao e. collision between a bullet and a metallic abject. | 73, Which of the pater sexual offenses is clissilied as ainaturat: a rape: ced b. indescéent sae bestiality. Piece | ‘en telichisn. | 7 ee ‘ + st 754 Ti audden intial death syndrame(SIDS): on gd-tn- eno 5 ries devils cule 2-3 per 1000 live births. Bee Juce 6 inanthy and 6 years, qd with are equally aflected. iow hive. ee afvold a ss woek prior to death. = i ‘He asexually = . [, P 2 4 Bo Sox sal inte sreqursn widhl maihials: : 2 4) ry Sexual j intereuurse with mother orsister i - 78. Florence test is verry sensitive test fa eter the firencnee oft ; 8. Blood ee: : Ue ; a we, 7 Be Saliva ~ 2 as Samen ; if i a Lr went ‘ , Urine ; : ‘ = he following aro known atiortta ficient igs eae a, Polassium permanganate Vhenol Ergometrice : - d) Oxytocin | ® Quinine i q 7%. Por identifestign off missing person and available skull and photo picture, 9 fest cou be done is: © BNA -profiling ; i = ~“b. Benzidine test ~ : : ee Super imposition test - ‘ ne i‘ a Crystal lest i A a es, Preciptin test E ; | a '@. Mon otherostierati¢ cor includes the folloaying ¢ Mtery disenset covaynpys Mtery vascilitia) - vasihi liu yapu lupus jueritis. + Darteritis.* rome ht. Altopsy fudings it the nectein mavinal stra 4. patterned parchment abrasion. b. lorsion ofthe neck musctes ¢. fractured ydontoid proc: a 5 Of the axis hactured ‘Superion 78. Lhe type of cardiomyopathy in which the musele fibres are replaced by tatty Gissire iss) i ” ! a. altoholie cardiomyopathy: © b. the type ssovioled with tie ent cu dinlted aldbular type. ¥ rhiythimaggenie right ventricular cardiopmiyopatly. Sletl ventrituiar dysplasia. | baligulion of te coronuries ” = ; is 79, ‘The antemdriem clot: =e a. 18 sufl-and folly Tike. ts A eoeag 5. can sland sUill with chicken Jit appearance, oe Gyiscioint it shows:stratifieation wf fibrin. Tois Tiravand darkscd in colours poet narascit ofthe vessel ia whiel itis found. Sd. Transvestisn or Bunisin: ass si ‘gatiafaction by secing other people undcessec. f ae Sent foie jy males’ who obtam sexual pleasure aa = c is Cg Jon jntemales as conism iss Hane of the female who was - ~ farnous by this practice. ee if pelnted ty true haerniphioditism. + oes : Seas fas hormonal disturbance or genital almormality: 7 < entity as { . foeke noire appears within 3-6 hours after desih on the : lungs. dd laryne, ec imichea. ac ie » Py sostusis; a, postmerten Hageidity. b. postmortem rigitily. ~ oe usnally cherry Te . ole bronze ii emlorin sey burtion. ater! ats ardug toleak-ef lpi oulside the vessels. * Rages Sos o Hn cole 9. Putredaetion: is) bated by ae ; tt arborization denoles frahy greenish secretions coming out of the nostrils and mouth. 5&4 be sconlerated in Lemperate weather oe % A ee 1 Abrasions: i i : a penetrate the fall thickness af dreskin.. © a bs. cause profuse bleeding. “ # ilemed abrasion give an ides about the weapon: — Aes Manger hin | ry ce aes re: « brush abrasion lueqtsonoesied fim 9% abrasion. be Ay Be ee — 5. The cuvoner's system: * 4. evolved from the Ronian lay strongly influenced by the-code Napoleon. fh. corener should be a doctor. : ; nvestigates deaths for the benefit of the community. 7. adopted in USA. | i nuns only to exeluit or r death. elements of criminality in & particula d auige of death to allay rumors. fe ‘cerlain circumstances, whic unremedied E— “float ssl of thu decessad person's fixnaily. The spe of curlusien ona be deterainer! by: a is sine nmovut oe! blood extrivagated onto the tissues. coche ot cular, (Oe brenkdow a of haemoglobin ino different colored gomipourds ly passage bf time. sete gah aa G rete eG nibol thd above. oe - 16. AWwantcinuptem contnstan Tas the following character: -= 7 ivf { amt dn ‘ tte te Siac ureahorply defined (eek ne tee 1) j face dita clevaled. = a oe ous funof blood into the tikaue, SO aiuto! ae tithe visu * t ae par : 1 FEMS NIG, Ask 4 of bullet 4 ape cecel GE Elis. = YS oSthee ber Lacares ofthe skull, ure of the skull. heath and beain. -heLoliowings are eriieria fur di \No spontancous movement > Inresponsive to external stimuli Secondary flaccidity 7 Abscent respiratory reflexes Abscent cranial nerve reflexes 24. Loss of brain stem function diagnosed by: a. No sponlangous movements +W\b. Unresponsiveness to external stimuli ~Ac. Flat EEG- $d. Flat ECG Abscent aponea reflex { 25. In lad poisoning: i a. Lead absorbed through intestine ane % ® Fatal dose is 100 grams of lead acclale c. Causes reticulocytosis and basophilic stippling of R8C’s d. Causes black fine of the gun e. Itincreases synthesis of hacm 26. The following are used in the treatment of cyanide poisoning except: (a2) Penicillamine b. Nitrites c. BAL (British Ante Lewisite) d. Methylene blue ec. Sodium Thisulphate 27. \n organophesphorous poisoning the antidote is: a. Desferroxamine @ Atropine . Pralidoxime (PAM chloride) : Atropine and pralidoxime e. Atropine and EDTA 28. In battered baby syndrome: of a. Known as Tardicu’s syndrome b. Injuries coincides with history Occurs in children over3 years of age i Ring fracture of the skull is common Frenulum of the upper lip usually ruptured . 1 2 2 ai ee ee sine sd aye fibuka afant death syndrame. Mie death ocemrs: Dries Det hot awoUnds ats duving so Poperation ee Iniuelarinn OF Ste 2 Phe first indepe Medicine was established at pdent chair fur Korensic iversity af Leipang (ats) yal dinbureh by, Universi Liniwersity 01220) wot Ni iy af Londen Eek inive! co, Univ Goulet death syndrome the death occurs: uring sleep vi By During playing s C. During medical examinanon D. During violence or after it E. During breast feeding 59, Ruptured frenulum and Caffey’s syndrome are seen im: A. Rape 2 rupture of spleen i ction Me Fay D. Myocardial i Gy cnild abuse jortemr lividity is most commonly confused with. 60. Poste (Oe ise B. Seald C. Chemical burn D. Lighiening injury E. Marbling of th (si. }os nortem findings in ease of sudden infant death are: Specific NK ecill C., Same like in-drowning. D. Like: carbon monoxide poisoning “ i, Same like in tuberculosis — j ? Medes zone E. All zones are equally sensitive 99. ‘The condition in which the mother injured her child to gain sympathy and medical attention is: A. Caffey’s syndrome B. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) ©: Munchison syndrome Munchison syndrome-by proxy E. Child abuse 80. A. star- shaped firearm contact entery wound usually seen on suicidal shot “the head: The star-shaped is due to: A. Contact of the muzzle with the skin B. Fragment of bone culting the skin Ballooning of the skin — D. Star-shaped bullets E. Back spatter AE Tat bebe vat ja Ph AN FEY AE ht fel Fi Hebe tf Dilticeee » i, SM SSH Wome rae e a spirit sabia Adan 5 (=k tenets Premtaniiat by pares yahus Me ech, Net bs renitutty UME Hrnnhirnd Bers, nae wiimjslit-ole battmcvrmtcbewtay hone Be | RP tents ti etritrn aid ial perp “ oem bg aye adit tw Nor HPuthiW) of esnnieh,prrionbay erred age oe ging mark situated higheron the neck than in siravet! “tion ost hangings are homicidal ‘In séxual asphyxia hanging:is suicidal, D.. Point of suspension is indicated by more deep ligature mark 1 E.. Hanging mark completely encircles the neck 17. The following changes occur in the eye alter death, card. A. Loss of corneal reflex GB. Dilatation of the pupil-at the time ef death . Fall in iitra ocular pressure Cherry red in anaentia Bronze brown ir Pale purple in asp! ee, Cadaveri¢ spasm: volves:vo f mechanical asphyxia w common post mortent ‘finding A Mixed blood-clots a .) Fractured bones : ongested spleen . Sub pleural petechial haemorrhage iy E. Sub mucosal gastric haemonhage 45. Strangulation should be suspected if the hgature mark ts: Ge connles = 8. Incomplete © Absent D. Transverse E. V-shaped ia denotes death due to: 46. Traum a . Long sarop hanging . Pressure on the neck==? . Pressure on the throat Poush injury ofthe 47, Buinper injury below the level of the knee is typical far Passenger car [iit B. Bus hit Co Jrmek hil D. Serandary impact injury by any Kind of ‘yehiele x E. Run-over injusies, -

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