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1. Define intensity of electric current. Write the expression. Is it a vector quantity?

2. Define relaxation time and mention how it is affected by increase in temperature.
3. Define drift velocity and deduce a relation between drift velocity and relaxation time.
4. Explain the change in drift velocity on (a) doubling the length (b) doubling the potential difference
applied (c) increasing the temperature & (d) increasing the area of cross section of the conductor. In
each case assume the other factors as constants.
Ans- [reduces to half, becomes double, decreases, no change]
5. Using the definition of intensity of electric current arrive at a relation between drift velocity and
electric current.
6. Two wires X, Y have the same resistivity, but their cross-sectional areas are in the ratio 2:3 and
lengths in the ratio 1:2. They are first connected in series and then in parallel to a d.c. source. Find
out the ratio of the drift speeds of the electrons in the two wires for the two cases.
Ans- [In series ratio is (X to Y) 3:2, in parallel ratio is ( X to Y) is 2:1]
7. Deduce ohm’s law from the definition of electric current.
8. Draw a V v/s I graph and explain how you find resistance from the graph.
9. What are the limitations of ohm’s law? Represent graphically
10. Define specific resistance (resistivity) and define its SI unit. Deduce a relation for the same in terms
of relaxation time and number density of free electrons
11. Name the factors that decide (i) resistance of a conductor & (ii) resistivity of a conductor.
12. A wire of resistance length L and area of cross section A and resistance R is stretched to double its
original length. Calculate the percentage change in resistance and resistivity.
Ans- [300%, no change in resistivity]
13. A conducting wire is stretched to increase its length by 10%. Find percentage change in resistance
and resistivity.
Ans- [21%, no change in resistivity]
14. Define current density. Is it a vector or scalar quantity? Arrive at an expression for current density in
terms of (i) drift velocity (ii) electric field intensity.
15. Draw a graph between current density and electric field intensity and explain how you find resistivity
and conductivity using the graph.
Ans- [Graph is a straight line, starting from the origin with positive slope (draw). Conductivity = slope
of the graph and resistivity = reciprocal of the slope of the graph, if current density is along Y axis and
E is along X axis]
16. Define conductance, conductivity and mobility write expressions for the same. Name the factor that
decides mobility of electrons in a conductor
17. The following table gives the length of three copper wires, their diameters, and the applied
potential difference across their ends. Arrange the wires in increasing order according to the
following: (a) The magnitude of the electric field within them, (b) The drift speed of electrons
through them, and (c) The current density within them.

Ans- [E in case 2 < E in case 3 < E in case 1]

[drift velocity in case 2 < drift velocity in case 3 < drift velocity in case 1]
[J in case 2 < J in case 3 < J in case 1]
18. A cell of emf E and internal resistance r is connected in series to an external resistance R. Draw a
graph to show variation of:
Emf with external resistance
Terminal potential difference of cell with current
Current with external resistance
Terminal potential difference with external resistance (R)

19. A cell of emf E and internal resistance r is connected to two external resistances R1 and R2 and a
perfect ammeter. The current in the circuit is measured in four different situations: (i) without any
external resistance in the circuit. (ii) with resistance R1 only (iii) with R1 and R2 in series
combination (iv) with R1 and R2 in parallel combination. The currents measured in the four cases
are 0.42 A, 1.05 A, 1.4 A and 4.2 A, but not necessarily in that order. Identify the currents
corresponding to the four cases mentioned above.
Ans- [ (i) 4.2 A (ii) 1.05A (iii) 0.42A (iv)1.4A]
20. An electric bulb has a power rating of 220 V and 60 W. How much power will it deliver if it is
operated at 110V?
Ans- [15W]
21. Calculate equivalent resistance for the following circuit between A and B.

Ans- [R/3, 1.5 ohm]

22. Two bulbs A and B of power ratings 100 W, 200V and 50 W, 200 V respectively are provided to you.
With reason identify the one glowing with more brightness if connected in (a) series across(b)
parallel across a potential difference of 200 V.
Ans- [In series, bulb B glows brighter, as same current flows through both and B has higher
resistance. In parallel bulb A glows brighter, as V is same for both and resistance is less for A]
23. A storage battery, of EMF 10.0 V and internal resistance1 Ω, is being charged by a 100 V dc supply
using a series resistor of 17 Ω. Find the terminal voltage of the battery during charging. State the
purpose of having a series resistor in the charging circuit.
Ans- [5A, 15V. The series resistor reduces the charging current so that the cell being charged is safe
from the effects of over heating]
24. In the circuit shown, R1 = 4 Ω, R2 = R3 = 5Ω, R4 = 10Ω and E = 6V. Work out the equivalent
resistance of the circuit and the current in each resistor.

Ans- [6 ohm, 1A through R1, 2/5 A through R2 & R3, 2/10 A through R4]

25. Calculate the value of the resistance R in the circuit shown in the figure so that the current in the
circuit is 0.2A. What would be the potential difference between points A and B?

Ans- [ 5 ohm, 1V]

26. Two cells E1 and E2 of EMF’s 5 V and 9 V and internal resistances of 0.3Ω and 1.2Ω respectively are
connected to a network of resistances as shown in the figure. Calculate the value of current flowing
through the 3Ω resistance.

Ans- [I = 1/3 A]

27. Calculate the voltage across the capacitor, charge and energy stored in the capacitor

Ans- [12V, 36 micro C, 216 micro J] [2/3 V, 4 micro C, 1.33 micro J]

28. Explain with reason the change in brightness of the bulbs, if any if the resistance of the rheostat is

Ans- [Brightness of P will decrease as overall current through the circuit decreases. Brightness of Q
will increase as Voltage across Q increases]

29. The plot of the variation of potential difference across a combination of three identical cells in
series, versus current is as shown below. What is the emf and internal resistance of each cell?

Ans- [2V, 1 ohm]

30. Derive an expression for series and parallel combination of cells

31. With the help of a neat and labelled diagram, deduce the condition for balance in a Wheatstone’s
32. A 100 V battery is connected to the electric network as shown. If the power consumed in the 2Ω
resistor is 200 W, determine the power dissipated in the 5Ω resistor.

Ans- [ 320W]

33. Find the current through each resistor and potential

difference across each cell.

Ans- [ 0.2A through 12 ohm, 0.4A through 6 ohm,

0.6A through 4 ohm, 18.8V & 10.4V]

34. Find the resistance between A & B

Ans- [2 ohm, R]

35. Calculate the equivalent capacitance between points A and B in the circuit below. If a battery of 10
V is connected across A and B, calculate the charge drawn from the battery by the circuit.

Ans- [100 micro C]

36. Find the current through branch BC

Ans- [4A]

Ans- [0.8V/m, 0.375m]

37. Applying Kirchhoff’s rule, find the current through each resistor

1 [EDAB, I = (18/13)A, BE, I = (28/13)A, BCFE, I = -(10/13)A]
2[BAD, I = (5/13)A, DCB, I = (6/13)A, BD, I = (1/13)A]
3[I1 = -1.2A, I2 = 2.8A, I3 = 1.6A]
4[I1 = (19/36)A, I2 = (7/13)A, I3 = (11/12)A]
5[I1 = (5/2)A, I2 = (5/8)A, I3 = (15/8)A,AB, I = (5/8)A, CA & BC, I = (5/2)A, CD, I =0,
DEB & AD, I = (15/8)A]

38. Three resistors of resistances R1=10 Ω, R2 = 60 Ω and R3 = 30 Ω are connected to a cell of emf E and
internal resistance r as shown in the diagram. If the power developed in the 30 Ω resistor is 30W,
what is the power developed in 10 Ω resistor?

Ans- [ 22.5W]

39. Figure shows a plot of current ‘I’ flowing through the cross-section of a wire versus the time ‘t’. Use
the plot to find the charge flowing in 10s through the wire.

Ans- [ 37.5C]

40. If the electron drift speed is so small, and the electron’s charge is small, how can we still obtain
large amounts of current in a conductor?
41. If the electron drift speed is so small in the order of mm/s, how it is possible for an electrical
instrument to work at the same instant of closing the switch?
42. Under the effect of an external electric field do all the electrons travel towards the positive terminal
in straight lines?
Ans- [ large value of number density of free electrons out weight the other small factors.
43. The circuit is filled with free electrons. When switch is closed free electrons of the entire circuit
starts drifting at the same instant.
Ans-No, due to collisions free electrons are deflected in different directions)]
44. Determine the current drawn from a 12V supply (with internal resistance 0.5Ω) by the infinite
network shown. Each resistor has a resistance of 1Ω only.

Ans- [I = 12/(2.73+0.50)= 3.72A]

45. Calculate the energy stored in the capacitor in steady state.

Ans- [V= 20 V, 800micro J)

46. Three equal resistance each of R = 2 ohm are connected as shown in figure. A battery of 2V and of
internal resistance 0.1Ω is connected across the circuit. Calculate the value of current drawn from
the cell and potential difference across each resistor.

Ans- [2.6A, 1.74V]

47. In steady state, obtain an expression for (a) potential drop (b) charge and (c) the energy stored in
capacitor C.

Ans- [ V/3, CV/3, C2V2/18]

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