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A Smart Device Using Low-cost Sensors

to Detect Earthquakes
Jangsoo Lee1 , Jae-Seon Kim2 , Seonhwa Choi2 , and Young-Woo Kwon1
Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea
National Disaster Management Research Institute, Ulsan, South Korea,,,

Abstract—Due to the significant development of hardware a majority of data captured by smartphones are useless when
and software technologies in mobile and embedded computing, detecting earthquakes.
small hand-held devices such as smartphones have been used to In this paper, we developed a smart device which can be
detect earthquakes. In the past few years, there were efforts
to detect earthquakes using a low-cost acceleration sensors attached to a wall or a ceiling. Because the device is only
inside a smartphone. However, it is not only costly to use a equipped with necessary sensors including an accelerometer,
smartphone for merely detecting earthquakes, but also a waste a Wi-Fi, a microprocessor, etc., its cost is very low compared
of computing resources because smartphones comes with a to a smartphone. To determine the hardware specification of
powerful CPU, plentiful memory, and other auxiliary sensors. the earthquake detection device, we carefully evaluated four
Also, a smartphone always needs to be connected to Internet.
In this paper, we introduce a stand-alone earthquake detection different acceleration sensors to select an appropriate one. The
device equipped with an acceleration sensor and Wi-Fi. First, we developed earthquake detection and response system operates
systematically evaluated a set of acceleration sensors by assessing as a stand-alone detector while other approaches need Internet
their performance and accuracy to select the most suitable connections to collaborate with a remote server or cloud for
acceleration sensor, and then developed an designated device further processing. Finally, to evaluate our system we tested
that can detect earthquakes and send alerts to nearby devices.
Furthermore, to distinguish earthquakes from daily motions, we our earthquake detection algorithm using the dataset recorded
employed a Artificial Neural Network(ANN) technique with the during the Pohang earthquake and then trained our machine
earthquake dataset obtained from the Pohang earthquake in learning algorithm, thereby being able to detect earthquakes
South Korea, 2017. Our result shows that a low-cost acceleration occurs in South Korea. Because the model can be trained with
sensor can be used to detect an earthquake, thereby enhancing different earthquake datasets recorded at other locations, the
the public safety of communities vulnerable to earthquakes.
Index Terms—Earthquake, accelerometer, internet of things, introduced system can be easily applied to different countries.
earthquake early warning, machine learning The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Section II de-
scribes the technical backgrounds and compares our approach
I. I NTRODUCTION with state-of-the-art technologies. Section III evaluates a set
of acceleration sensors and introduces the developed system.
In the last decade, mobile devices including smartphones Section IV concludes this paper.
and Internet of things (IoT) have made a significant devel-
opment in both hardware and software. Such mobile devices II. BACKGROUND AND R ELATED W ORK
are often equipped with a variety of sensors such as an In this section, we introduce background technologies that
accelerometer, a gyroscope, a GPS, a magnitometer, etc., we used in this paper and relevant projects that influenced
and these sensors are widely used to get useful information on our work. There are several efforts to detect earthquakes
(e.g., location-aware services), to improve user experiences using smartphones or low-cost acceleration sensors. MyShake
(e.g., game), to keep track of their daily life (e.g., health is the most recent effort to detect earthquakes by utilizing
applications), etc. Furthermore, recently there were attempts smartphone sensors. In MyShake, volunteers are asked to
to use sensors inside smartphone to detect an earthquake. install a mobile application that smartphone sensors can detect
In particular, MyShake can detect earthquakes by capturing earthquake motions. Then, the application keeps monitoring
sensor data from smartphones [1]. daily motions and detects earthquakes by using an artificial
Recently, there were two earthquakes: magnitude 5.6 earth- neural network. MyShake is a first world-wide earthquake
quake in Gyeongju and magnitude 5.4 earthquake in Pohang, early warning system using smartphone sensors.
South Korea, in 206 and 2017, respectively. As a result, there Prior to the MyShake project, NetQuakes [2] is a project
were high demands to detecting earthquakes and responding conducted by USGS to detect earthquakes using low-cost
to them in a short time. One approach is to use smartphone- MEMS sensors and installed a small device at small build-
based seismic networks, but it is costly to use a smartphone ings world-wide, but mostly in California. In this project, to
for detecting earthquakes as well as asking volunteers to host select an appropriate low-cost MEMS sensor, they classified
their smartphones as a seismic sensor. Furthermore, due to the acceleration sensors into three categories—class A, B, and C.
nature of smartphones that are heavily used in our daily life, Class A sensors are used in traditional seismic stations while

978-1-5386-7789-6/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

Class C sensors are used in mobile devices. In NetQuakes, a cost. An acceleration sensor captures motions more precisely
class B sensor was used to detect earthquakes and its cost was as the noise level is lower and the sensitivity is higher.
about $500. According to the specification of each sensor and criteria,
The Quake-Catcher [3] and Community Seismic Network ADXL355 is considered the best sensor, and the second one
[4] are another similar projects to detect earthquakes using is LIS3DHH. When detecting earthquakes using acceleration
low-cost MEMS acceleration sensors as seismic sensors. In sensors, because the most important factor is noise level, both
these projects, sensors were installed at residential buildings ADXL355 and LIS3DHH outperform the other two sensors.
across California, and around the world. In our work, another important consideration is cost. Because
Similarly to our work, much efforts have been made to we are targeting a low-cost device that anyone can install
assess low-cost MEMS acceleration sensors [5]. In our work, without economic loads, we need to select an appropriate
we evaluated four different sensors using the recent earthquake acceleration sensor that meets both the accuracy and reliability
occurred in South Korea, and then developed a new hardware requirements.
and software system based on the experimental results.


In this section, we introduce a smart device using a low-cost
acceleration sensor and an earthquake detection algorithm that √
Noise (µg/ Hz) 25 45 300 126
can distinguish earthquakes from captured motions. Then, we Sensitivity 0.0039 0.076 0.061 9.76
describe how we selected an appropriate acceleration sensor. (mg/digit)
Finally, we provide a detail the hardware and software systems Data output (bit) 20 16 16 12
Scale (g) 2.048 2.5 2 2
of our earthquake detection and response system. Max. output (Hz) 1,000 1,100 4,000 800
1) Approach Overview: Figure 1 shows the overview of
our earthquake detection and response system, which basically
operates as a stand-alone device unlike other earthquake
detection systems such as MyShake and NetQuakes. 2) Experimental Setup: To assess the accuracy of each
acceleration sensor, we used the shake table located Pusan
National University (PNU) to generate high fidelity earthquake
motion for our testing. These shake table tests serves the
purpose of both testing the low-cost sensors performance
under large shaking and also collecting data for training the
algorithm. The Shake Table at PNU is capable of reproducing
earthquake motion in 3 dimensions with very high fidelity
in both frequency and amplitude. This allowed the accuracy
of the low-cost acceleration sensors to be measured and
tested under realistic earthquake loads and against a reference
acceleration sensor. As depicted in Figure 2, the acceleration
sensors were prepared for the shake tests at PNU.
Detecting Earthquake

Fig. 1. The system overview.

A. An Assessment of Acceleration Sensors

In this section, We discuss the criteria for selection of
acceleration sensors and experimental setup for detecting
1) Acceleration Sensors: Table III-A1 summarizes the sen-
sors that we tested and assessment criteria that were used to
compare the sensors. We assessed four acceleration sensors
to see how accurate data can be collected, and then we
selected an appropriate sensor with the respect to accuracy and Fig. 2. The shake table experiment.
We tested our sensors with two realistic earthquakes—
2017 Pohang1 and 1940 El Centro 2 — and then analyzed the
experimental results by comparing the original input data (i.e.,
reference) and the recorded data by each device. Even though
we tested the sensors with two earthquakes, in this paper, we
only report the experimental results obtained from the 2017
Pohang earthquake due to the page limitation.
3) Experimental Results: In order to use low-cost acceler-
ation sensors for detecting earthquakes, they must be able to
measure changes in the acceleration caused by various degrees
of earthquakes ranging from 0.02g to 0.8g. Therefore, we need
to check whether acceleration sensors can respond to such
weak and strong motions. To that end, we used the scaled
data of the 2017 Pohang earthquake from 20 , 18 , 14 , 21 , 1, to
2 (i.e., 0.02g to 0.8g). Figure 3 shows the original data of the
2017 Pohang earthquake. Fig. 4. Pohang earthquake with 100% scale and recorded data on X-axis;
from top to left, ADXL355, LIS3DHH, MMA8452, MPU9250, respectively

Figure 5 shows the experimental result detecting earth-

quakes based on the normalized value for the x, y, and z
components. When applying the detection algorithm to the
reference data, two earthquake-like motions were detected in
3 seconds, and earthquake-like motions were detected three
times when using low-cost acceleration sensors. To further
evaluate the accuracy of the earthquake detection algorithm,
we used the 50% and 20% scaled data of the 2017 Pohang
earthquake. As can bee seen in Figure 6, while the algorithm
can detect an earthquake from the 50% scaled data, it could
not detect any earthquake from the 25% scaled data.

Fig. 3. Pohang earthquake—5% to 200%; X, Y, Z axis

B. Development of the Earthquake Detection System
In this section, we detail the hardware and software system
To see how the measured and actual values look similar, we to detect earthquakes. Figure 7 shows the developed hardware
played back the actual Pohang earthquake and then recorded using a low-cost acceleration sensor, 32bit processor (ARM
motion with a 25 Hz sampling rate. Figure 4 shows accel- Cortex-M3), Wi-Fi, buzzer, LED light, etc.
eration values of the recorded data by each sensor and the 1) Hardware: The earthquake detection algorithm requires
original input data. As can be seen in the chart, ADXL355 a relatively large amount of computation and memory in
and LIS3DHH show a comparable shape to the input data. the process of extracting features from a seismic wave and
However, MMA8452 and MPU9250 are more vulnerable to computing a neural network. These computational capabilities
noise at weak motions. and memory are not a big consideration in the smartphone
environment, but they should be carefully considered for re-
source constrained devices such as Internet of Things devices.
In this paper, we use ARM Cortex M3 which used in Arduino
4) Evaluation of Earthquake Detection: In this section, Due as a main MCU due to the following reasons: relatively
we evaluate how accurately low-cost acceleration sensors high computational performance to provide simultaneous ma-
can detect earthquakes. To detect earthquakes from motions chine learning calculations, ample memory for the earthquake
generated by the shake table, we employed the artificial neural detection algorithm, and the ease of prototyping the proof of
network. concept. Furthermore, we selected LIS3DHH because of its
accuracy compared to MPU9250 and MMA8452 and low cost
1 The 2017 Pohang earthquake measuring magnitude 5.4, South Korea on
(about $10/chip) compared to ADXL355 (about $50). Figure 7
November 15 2017.
2 The 1940 El Centro earthquake measuring magnitude 6.9, in the Imperial shows the developed hardware using the selected acceleration
Valley near Southern California, USA on May 18 1940. sensor (LIS3DHH), MCU (ARM Cortex M3), and Wi-Fi. In
Fig. 5. Earthquake detection results, 2017 Pohang earthquake (100% scale); left: original data, middle: ADXL355, right: LIS3DHH

Fig. 6. Earthquake detection results, Pohang (50% scale), left: LIS3DHH,

right: MMA8452.

addition, the board also has a buzzer and LED to warn around Fig. 7. The developed earthquake detection system.
when an earthquake strikes.
2) Software: The developed system provides three services.
In the event of an earthquake, users connected to the system model with more Korea earthquakes and human activity data.
will be alerted by the attached buzzer and LED. The system We are also looking into further improvements to extend
captures any acceleration changes, and runs the earthquake the earthquake detection system by employing home network
detection algorithm when observing shaking above a certain devices, so that in case of emergent situations, the developed
level (e.g., 0.02g). To reduce false alarms, the system executes system can respond to them proactively, thereby enhancing the
the earthquake detection algorithm with two seconds of a public safety of communities vulnerable to earthquakes
time window for seven seconds, and then if the result of
the earthquake detection algorithm exceeds a certain threshold
during the given time period (i.e., seven seconds in the current This work was supported by National Disaster Management
implementation), the current movement will be determined as Research Institute (2018-08-02-02).
an earthquake. R EFERENCES
Because the earthquake detection algorithm only classifies a
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IV. F UTURE W ORK AND C ONCLUSION Seismological Research Letters, vol. 85, no. 1, pp. 147–158, 2014.

In this paper, we introduced a smart device that can detect

earthquakes using low-cost MEMS sensors. As the future
research direction, we will train our artificial neural network

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