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The New Space Economy and New Business Models

Rosa Maria Parrella, Germana Spirito, Cristiana Cirina, This attractiveness of space companies* has been driven by
and Maria Cristina Falvella technological advancements and lower barriers to entry
(including lower launch costs and the development of small
Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Rome, Italy. satellites) as well as by the potential deployment of mega-
ABSTRACT New domains are also attracting significant private in-
The recent change of paradigm in the space sector, due to the vestments, such as microlaunchers and commercial space-
advent of the new space economy and to the entry of several flight, as demonstrated by the first successful launch of a
private actors and investors in a sector, historically mainly venture-backed small rocket by Rocket Lab in 2018. Com-
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funded through institutional investments, has led to a different mercial manned spaceflight might also become a reality in
approach to financing activities. In particular, the spin-off effect the coming years with the Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic
(the use of technologies from space to nonspace areas) has al- projects.
lowed spreading economic impacts also to nonspace sectors, The traditional business model in the space sector is ex-
creating new business opportunities and pushing a new invest- periencing a disruptive transformation. The traditional
ment wave from nonspace actors willing to invest on space market, characterized by institutional/governmental cus-
applications and start-ups. Public sector plays a key role in tomers, is changing toward a ‘‘mixed’’ space market not
creating the right conditions for the development of the space limited to superpowers and multinationals, but open to
economy and in accompanying the business community in the emerging countries.
innovation path (from the invention to the market product, New actors access the space sector and related services:
application or service). Indeed, the approach to funding research private investors, start-ups, research institutes, and even in-
activities is changing. Also, an institution like the European dividual users with their smartphones.
Union is adopting new models, an example is given by Horizon This is made possible because reusable space launcher
Europe, which, according to recent discussions at the European systems and other technological shifts, such as digitalization,
level, will foresee private funds among the different investments’ miniaturization, artificial intelligence, 3D printing, and ad-
instruments. The Italian model is at the forefront in Europe for vanced materials, are reducing the cost of accessing and using
space economy and financial initiatives, as it encompasses space.
business angels, venture capitalists, corporates, and public pri- The public sector has a strong role to play in stimulating
vate partnerships. The article includes a description of activities, market demand and technology uptake by promoting more
which maximize the space impacts on society, including tools favorable policies and regulatory frameworks.
such as new partnership approaches, development of innovation How public funds in the European Union (EU) could be
ecosystems, and leverage of investments from the private capital deployed to attract private investment and otherwise catalyze
market. The authors provide a focus on the Italian model and a the development of the sector, considering also that such
comparison with the larger European context. public funding should be entitled to achieve adequate returns.
Which instruments could help in promoting private invest-
Keywords: Europe, space economy, financial initiatives ment in the sector?

INTRODUCTION *A space company can be described as ‘‘a company involved in the space economy,
Over the past years, with the development of the New and providing goods and services related to space.’’ Space economy, then, has been
Space and the significant growth of the venture capital (VC) defined as ‘‘all public and private actors involved in developing and providing space-
market, the private investment in space has increased and enabled products and services. It comprises a long value-added chaining, starting
reached unprecedented levels, and so have done the number with research and development actors and manufacturers of space hardware and
of private investors and privately funded space ventures. ending with the providers of space-enabled products and services to final users.

Article presented at the 71st International Astronautical Congress—The CyberSpace Edition, October 12–14, 2020. ª 2020 by the International Astronautical Federation.

DOI: 10.1089/space.2021.0020 MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC.  VOL. 10 NO. 4  2022 NEW SPACE 291

Although space used to be synonymous with government usually in the form of straight equity into the company and it often
spending, today the sector sees the emergence of new private ranges from $50,000 to more than B$1. There is a special category
actors who see commercial opportunities in space exploration of angel investor in the space ecosystem, consisting of ultra-
and exploitation. billionaires who have personally staked investment (+M$100
level) in new space companies. They have already made their mark
PRIVATE FUNDING OF SPACE ACTIVITIES in technology-driven enterprises, and include Jeff Bezos of Blue
AND UTILIZING FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Origin (Amazon), Paul Allen of Stratolaunch (Microsoft), and Elon
Private investment in space companies continued to grow in Musk of SpaceX (PayPal) who also has recently reached the record
2019, reaching B$5.7 according to the Bryce report Start-up of the first private launch with 2 NASA astronauts on board of
Space 2020. Current pieces of evidence, then, show unprece- International Space Station. Most of these last companies are
dented investments from angel and VC funds in space start-ups privately funded. According to the available data, their capitali-
and recently established firms, although the amounts still pale zation is considered important in view of their ongoing large
compared with public funding. Commercial satellite telecom- projects (launchers and space exploration modules) and com-
munications, in particular, have paved the way for private fi- mercial contracts particularly with the U.S. government.
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nancing, as the high profitability of satellite services over the Venture capital firms are groups of investors that invest in
past 15 years has allowed operators to benefit from classic fi- start-up, early stage, and companies with high growth po-
nancial schemes to develop their activities. Most satellite op- tential, accepting a significant degree of risk. The trade of risk
erators in OECD countries, then, have become publicly traded for potential high returns results in a high failure rate. VC
corporations, and they also have resorted to project financing, funding has traditionally come in stages (or rounds), with a
with syndicates of banks providing loans. This successful trend substantial variation in the size of rounds ranging from M$2
in telecommunications has led to similar results in other space to M$10. The form of investment is equity; consequently, the
domains. For example, in the past 10 years, several companies VC firm has an equity ownership stake in the company, usu-
have launched initial public offerings of stocks, using the ally convertible to common stock in the instance of a stock
proceeds to build their next generation of earth observation market launch or initial public offering or sale of the com-
satellites (e.g., Digital Globe in the early 2010s). pany, which are the typical instances of a VC’s exit.
The main sources of funding for new firms usually are the Several space-oriented VC funds have emerged from this class
founder’s own funds, with investments from family circles, bank of investors. In 2017, the early stage-focused angel syndicate
loans, equity capital (including business angels and venture space angels announced an M$50 inaugural fund, space capital,
capitalists), and then government support. A relatively new which has invested in 9 start-up space ventures as of the end of
source of private capital comes from large aerospace and defense 2019. Also, Seraphim Capital launched a space technology fund
firms, which have all set up their own VC funds in the past years, in late 2016. Seraphim Space Fund is an M$100 space-focused
to invest in start-ups involved in software development, artificial fund, whose investors include Surrey Satellite Technology,
intelligence, augmented reality, sensors, and autonomous ve- Airbus, SES, Telespazio, Teledyne, Rolta, First Derivatives, the
hicles in particular. Some of the most active actors include, for British Business Bank, the European Space Agency, and the
example, Boeing’s HorizonX Ventures, Lockheed Martin Ven- United Kingdom’s Satellite Application Catapult.
tures, Airbus Ventures, Thales Corporate Ventures, and the Private equity firms manage funds of capital on behalf of
Dassault System Venture Fund.1 limited partner investors, typically with directly investing in
Hereby, a panoramic of space investors typologies and companies. They traditionally invest in established companies
initiatives is offered. at large transaction sizes, often acquiring an entire company
Angel investors typically are individuals or families that have or a group of related companies that can merge. The funds
accumulated a high level of wealth and seek potentially high managed by private equity firms primarily consist of capital
returns by investing in companies during their early stages. In commitments made by institutional investors, such as sover-
recent years, angels have also participated in syndicates, pooling eign wealth funds, pension funds, and family offices.
investments with other angels, and VC firms to provide more Larger investment firms, which typically have multi-billion-
funding to start-ups. This model enables an angel to invest in more dollar investment funds from which they draw funds, have
companies and spread risk. Incubators and accelerators can also shown interest in space over the past 15 years, especially in the
be included in this investor group because they provide equity as telecommunications industry or government contracting. This
well as mentoring and networking at the preseed or seed stage of a is the case of Blackstone, Columbia Capital, Permira, Apax, and
start-up. Investment by angels into start-up space ventures is the Carlyle Group. These firms tend to invest magnitudes over



M$100, usually in firms that are ideal candidates for debt re- sector and the private sector (industry), for the purpose of
structuring. This trend has been the case for several large delivering a project or a service traditionally provided by the
commercial satellite operators. public sector.’’ PPPs can come in many forms dependent on a
Corporations have often provided the funding necessary to number of variables that are defined in the contract, including
bring space-based programs to initial operating capability, as the designation of responsibilities, costs, risks, and the degree
well as to sustain ongoing programs. Corporations usually of involvement of the public and private actors at the different
invest internally, in R&D, in manufacturing, in operations and stages of a project. Four common characteristics of PPP can be
processes, and in many other areas to enhance capabilities to drawn from their use in practice: (1) a long-term relationship
create or strengthen an existing expertise or advantage. A between public and private partners, (2) funding is sourced
corporation may also provide funding for a venture, usually in from both the public and private sector, (3) an important de-
the form of straight equity. Recently, the industry has seen a cisional role is placed on the private entity, and (4) partial
variety of corporations investing in space, with ESRI and transfer of risk from public to private parties.
Airbus and others investing $70 million in Hawkeye 360. PPP models have been traditionally employed by public in-
Then, SoftBank, Virgin, Coca-Cola, Intelsat, Airbus, Qual- stitutions in a number of public infrastructures such as road
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comm, and Hughes Network Systems, Totalplay, and Bharti transportation and water management, but they do not con-
Enterprises invested a total of B$3 in OneWeb from 2015 to stitute a novelty in the space sector either. However, their in-
2019. In February 2015, Google invested M$900 in SpaceX, creasing rate of adoption by space agencies, and their structure
‘‘to support continued innovation in areas of space transport, in certain regards, marks a significant change in public–private
reusability, and satellite manufacturing.’’ space sector relationships. Under the PPP model, the private
Corporations may also acquire firms. An example is Northrop sector is further incentivized to optimize its design and build
Grumman that acquired Orbital ATK for B$7.8 in mid-2018. methods, finance, life-cycle, cost of operations, and mainte-
These transactions are more typical of the merger and acquisi- nance, as well as maintaining a high customer/market focus to
tion activity for established companies, even if corporations maximize revenue.3 These new dynamics offer an interesting
have recently also acquired firms that fit the model of start-up.2 opportunity for governments to consider more ambitious
Banks have been heavily involved in providing and facili- partnerships with industry and to better share costs and risks
tating funding for space-based programs of large established with the private sector provided that a more profitable business
firms, such as Geostationary Earth Orbit satellite operators, can be developed and that agencies can preserve their strategic
during the past 20 years. Commercial banks based in the United role.
States, such as Wachovia, Wells Fargo, and Citibank, and Eu- A proof of this positive trend is given by NASA that, in July
ropean banks, such as Deutsche Bank, BNP Paribas, and ABN 2019, to encourage the new ideas and technologies required to
AMRO, have provided debt financing at a magnitude of maxi- make the Artemis and subsequent Moon to Mars programs
mum B$1 per funding event. Most of the companies financed viable, has selected 13 U.S.-based companies for 19 partner-
are companies with large satellite CapEx requirements, such as ships in 7 categories: advanced communications, navigation
Intelsat, SES, and Inmarsat, for which multiple GEO satellites are and avionics, advanced materials, entry, descent and landing,
required at a cost of *M$300 each to build, launch, and insure. in-space manufacturing and assembly, power, propulsion,
In addition, government banks, such as U.S. Export-Import and other exploration technologies. The selected companies
Bank and COFACE of France, have provided debt funding for range from small businesses to massive aerospace corpora-
several satellite systems. The purpose of these banks is to sup- tions. The selections were not necessarily made based on
port deals benefiting domestic enterprises. For example, the specific NASA needs, but with the intent to advance the U.S.
Export-Import Bank may provide financing to benefit an export space sector as a whole.4
deal involving a U.S. satellite manufacturer, and it has provided
multihundred million-dollar debt financing satellite operators, NEW PUBLIC SUPPORT INSTRUMENTS
including ViaSat of the United States, AsiaSat and Asia IN EUROPE
Broadcast Satellite in Asia, and Spacecom in Israel. COFACE has Thus, supporting investment and entrepreneurship in the
backed the debt obligations of several satellite constellations, space sector has become a high-level objective of most Eu-
including O3b, GlobalStar, and Iridium. Banks are less likely to ropean and national institutions and several new initiatives
have a major role in providing financing for start-up ventures. have been recently introduced (Fig. 1).
Public private partnership (PPP) is used as a term to de- Figure 1 shows an overview of space-focused financial
scribe schemes that are ‘‘partnerships between the public instruments in Europe, gathering both European Space

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Fig. 1. Overview of space-focused financial instruments in Europe and estimated annual funding volume. ESA funding represented in this
graphic does not include technology developments carried out as integral part of specific development programs. Source: European
Commission.5 ESA, European Space Agency.

Agency (ESA) and EU’s instruments, together with private deorbit a 100 kg Vega secondary payload (Vespa) upper stage
sources. It is soon evident the importance of the public in Low Earth Orbit.
help for companies at the early stages when they rely more ESA also continues its long-standing support to start-ups in
on the support of programs such as the EU Horizon 2020 or the space sector that encompasses incubators, competitions,
ARTES or other ESA projects, while later in life they tend funding, and other support mechanisms.
to consider a larger and more various range of opportu- ESA’s Business Incubation Centers (BICs) have long sup-
nities, such as accelerators, incubators, business angels, ported start-ups in the space sector. The program now counts
and VCs. 20 centers across Europe and >300 start-ups currently in in-
In 2019, space agencies continued to introduce new pro- cubation. Historically, a total of 700 start-ups have been in-
grams building on new procurement schemes and public– cubated and have been provided with financial, technical, and
private partnerships. More in detail, in Europe, ESA continued business support. ESA’S BIC program remains one of the
to explore new approaches to procurement involving a more primary sources of European start-up support.
prominent role for private actors. For example, following the Multiple ESA funding schemes including ‘‘Kick-start ac-
SPACE19+ ministerial council, the agency took the decision to tivities’’ have also been launched since 2017 to help small and
engage in active space debris removal in an innovative way. medium enterprises (SMEs) or start-ups looking for early
ESA adopted a service-oriented approach, also to encourage funding (up to Me 60).
the development of In Orbit Servicing (IOS) solutions at large The European Investment Bank and the European Com-
and demonstrate the feasibility of commercial IOS missions. mission6 introduced a fund of Me 200 involving a mixture
ESA will eventually award space debris removal services of funding mechanisms to boost investment in the sector
contract to the Swiss start-up ClearSpace with the objective to including:



. Me 100 loan earmarked to partially support ArianeGroup’s 2020. Other countries such as Germany hold similar initiatives
share of development costs through an innovative fi- to accelerate the development of start-ups in accessing com-
nancing structure that will be contingent on Ariane 6’s mercial viability. The INNOspace Masters initiated by DLR, for
commercial success, once operational. example, provides an annual competition to promote the
. Me 100 investment in VC funds across the EU that development of space technologies. In 2019, 316 participants
support companies commercializing new products and submitted 117 ideas out of which 15 were selected as winners.8
services in the space sector. This space equity pilot is
funded under the EU InnovFin program to support in- ESA (ARTES PARTNERSHIP PROJECTS)
novation and growth in European SMEs. The key objective of the Partnership Projects Generic Pro-
gramme Line is to develop and validate/demonstrate inno-
The EU, then, from a more general perspective, is more vative satellite telecommunication systems, spacecraft,
prominently integrating objectives related to supporting private platforms, payloads, and ground segments in line with ESA
investment and entrepreneurship throughout its involvement in long-term plan and in partnership with a partner (hereinafter
the space domain. For example, the European Commission referred to as ‘‘Partner’’). The Partner will share the project’s
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considers ‘‘improving access to risk financing for space SMEs, costs and risks and will bring the system into a representative
including innovative start-ups, and emerging business models’’ operational environment with the aim of introducing new
as a core objective of the EU Space Programme.7 The EU mul- capabilities and/or developing new services.
tiannual financial perspectives for the 2021–2027 period in- The innovative features developed under a project con-
clude the financing instrument namely InvestEU, which has ducted within the Partnership Projects Generic Programme
been further integrated with some funds made available within Line are essential for the realization of strategic needs and/or
the next generation EU funding. The main objective of the In- the Partner’s short or longer term business case.
vestEU fund is to mobilize public and private investment using In particular the projects aim at:
an EU budget guarantee. The fund will support 4 main policy . federating industry around large-scale projects achieving
areas: (1) sustainable infrastructure; (2) research, innovation,
competitive leap forward and economic impacts,
and digitization; (3) small and medium businesses; and (4) social . derisking partners investments answering to market
investment and skills, and it is expected to mobilize at least
650Be in additional investments between 2021 and 2027. . developing sustainable end-to-end systems up to in-orbit
Furthermore, the EU put in place dedicated instruments to
validation, where applicable, and
SMEs such as the COSME instrument, and also dedicated . using efficient management approach, supporting in-
measures for SMEs within the research programs, both in the
dustry, tailored to commercial practices, adapted to the
past ones and also in Horizon Europe, the EU research pro-
target market or partner needs and the needs and goals of
gram for the next 7 years 2021–2027. This program, also
the project.
foresees a close cooperation with Invest EU.
In this context, it is important to recall also the important Each project initiated in the frame of the Partnership Pro-
EU initiative introduced in 2018, Copernicus and Galileo jects Generic Programme Line will be based on a partnership
Masters. In 2019, these initiatives counted >3100 partici- between ESA and a Partner, whereby that Partner will be
pants from >70 countries and led to *Me 4.3 in financial expected to cover the funding for its part of the project and
prizes. The masters have been a standout method to finance assume the corresponding market risks.
innovative Earth Observation (EO) and Global Navigation Partnership Projects enable greater risk sharing where ESA
Satellite System (GNSS)-based solutions, developments, and bears the risks related to the development of innovative so-
business ideas. lutions and the operators assume the commercial risks in
National actors are also engaged in supporting investment answer to market needs. Without this partnership approach,
and entrepreneurship in the space sector. The French space many projects would not have emerged because they would
agency (CNES) launched the CosmiCapital fund that will be have been perceived as being too technically or commercially
managed by CapDecisif Management and aims to raise Me risky.
100 that will then be invested in European space start-ups ESA’s involvement ensures high quality and performance,
starting early 2019. This VC fund in partnership with ESA and supporting primes and subcontractors while offering a tai-
IFREMER will focus on private companies related to the space lored and efficient approach based on commercial best
economy. The first 5 investments are expected to occur in practices.


In line with the objectives of the Partnership Projects Generic It is based on a private and institutional participation, de-
Programme Line, each project will introduce an innovative fined in a collaboration agreement signed between MISE and
contribution, forming a functional part of the satellite system the Italian Space Agency (ASI), and by a memorandum of
that is essential to enable the mission. Each project may cover understanding signed by MISE and by 12 regions (Abruzzo,
the satellite system design, the development activities for phases Basilicata, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Lazio, Lombardy,
B/C/D/E1 including a testing/validation/pilot phase activities. Piedmont, Puglia, Sardinia, Tuscany, Umbria, and Valle
ARTES Partnership Projects assist in identifying, defining, D’Aosta) and by the Autonomous Province of Trento, to en-
and undertaking major new ARTES programmatic activities to courage the development and competitiveness of the Italian
develop innovative satellite telecommunication systems and space system and guarantee innovative services for institu-
items in line with ESA strategic objectives and in partnership tions and for the commercial market.
with a private or public partner to support a strong and The Space Economy Strategic Plan provides for an invest-
competitive space industry. They also aim to develop projects ment of *Be 4.7, of which *50% is covered with public
that span the length of the value chain from new infrastruc- resources.
ture development through to the provision of new services. Ital-GovSatCom integrates into a single system action, a
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Potential partners are satellite operators and service pro- multiregional cooperation program, focused on the pro-
viders, satellite/system integrators, primes and their entire motion of innovative technologies, services, and products
supply chains, ground equipment manufacturers and their by companies in the respective territories, acting mainly on
supply chains, and user communities. the side of innovative demand through the activation of
So far, ESA has implemented several partnership projects innovation partnership mechanisms (art. 65 of the DL n. 50/
through its ARTES program including Alphasat, SmallGEO, 2016 in Italy’s legislation).
Hylas-1, and EDRS. ASI has launched a partnership for innovation (PPI) with the
aim of creating and activating an innovative satellite system,
THE ITALIAN MODEL called Ital-GovSatCom, for the provision of telecommunication
The role of the Italian Government in the space industry has services with security, resilience, and reliability characteristics,
always been crucial both as stimulator of programs and ac- such as to allow its use for institutional purposes, in defense,
tivities and as direct investor. security, humanitarian aid, emergency response, or diplomatic
Italy participates in European space programs through the sectors. The mass-market ComSatCom services do not guar-
contribution to the EU budget and to ESA, where it currently is antee sufficient robustness and availability, whereas MilSat-
the third contributor. Only in 2020 the country invested in Com services are both too expensive and too difficult to be
space activities Me 680 (2020 contribution to ESA and in- implemented for conventional use.
vestment in national initiatives). The project requires a public qualified demand for services
The Italian Government is also playing its role in stimu- and products. New studies show that the use of bandwidth will
lating the born of new initiatives, with private actors and grow in the next years. In fact, a study commissioned by the
investors, trying to attract private capitals. European Commission to PWC, the ‘‘Satellite Communication
to Support EU Security Policy and Infrastructures Final Re-
Italian PPP: Ital GovSatCom—Italian Space Economy port,’’9 analyzes the necessary requirements to offer secure
Strategic Plan and reliable communication services for EU institutions. The
The new program for satellite telecommunications called result is that from 2020 to 2030, there will be a bandwidth use
Ital-GovSatCom represents 1 of the 5 pillars in the Italian growth for all user community and the market solution will
Space Economy Strategic Plan and it is considered the first not guarantee sufficient security, whereas MilSatCom solu-
real example of PPP in the field of space activities. The legal tions’ cost of service is very high.
framework foresees a stable mechanism for sharing risks and As SATCOM capabilities are scarce and imply significant
responsibilities between public and private actors. public investments by member states, their development re-
The assignment of the contract has been announced in July quires affordable opportunities for innovative governance,
2019. The temporary groups of companies, which awarded the R&D, and procurement schemes ensuring synergies among
contract for the first phase (R&D), are formed by Thales Alenia different types of actors.
Space Italy, Leonardo, Sitael, and Space Engineering. Thales To this end, the National Smart Specialization Strategy
will build the satellite and will lead a consortium of domestic (SNSI) identifies priorities for investment in research, de-
companies. velopment, and innovation that complement the resources



and productive capacity of territories to build comparative The disruptive change caused by the New Space phenom-
advantage and sustainable growth in the medium and long enon has brought to an emergency of new business models
term. In 2014–2020, research and innovation strategies for able to accompany the development of space activities and the
smart specialization are an ex ante conditionality for the need of space actors, in this new framework.
use of European structural and investment funds resources The arguments shown in the article demonstrate that Eur-
devoted to the objective ‘‘strengthening research, tech- ope and Italy are reacting. Public actors, in particular, are
nological development, and innovation.’’ The SNSI is im- trying to accept the challenge, modifying their previous role,
plemented through specific initiatives of the National and adapting to what private actors are requiring. Agencies
Operational Programmes 2014–2020 for research and in- and governments, in fact, are changing their position of being
novation (NOP R&I) and for enterprise and competitiveness only investors of the national markets and are moving toward
(NOP I&C) and through strategic plans funded by public the role of confidence builder, meaning the creators of ini-
resources from cohesion policy, national and regional or- tiatives, instruments, business models, and opportunities
dinary funds, and private resources. aiming at facilitating the supply and demand matching
The public innovative demand-side policy plays an im- among private actors in the space sector.
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portant role, in fact the strategy identifies the innovation

partnerships and the precommercial procurement as suitable AUTHOR DISCLOSURE STATEMENT
tools for the implementation of the operational plans drawn No competing financial interests exist.
up for each area of identified interest.
No funding received.
Primo Space VC
Primo Space, the early stage fund launched by Primomiglio REFERENCES
sgr in summer 2018, originally under the name of Astra 1. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), The ongoing
Ventures, with a collection target of Me 80, is the first Euro- transformation in ‘ The Space Economy in Figures: How Space Contributes to the
pean fund that was selected by the European Investment Fund Global Economy’’, OECD Publishing, Paris,, 2019.
2. BryceSpace and Technology, Start-up Space, A BryceTech Publication, Washington,
to obtain the support of the new Me 100 VC program, called
DC, Mar 9, 2020.
InnovFin Space Equity Pilot, envisaged as part of the InnovFin 3. ESPI. ESPI Report 70—Evolution of the Role of Space Agencies, ESPI, October 2019.
initiative to support innovation and the growth of European 4.
sector/60865/, (Lat accessed on October 2020).
SMEs specializing in space technologies.
5. Innovation Finance Advisory, European Investment Advisory Hub, European
The fund received an investment of Me 30 from the Eur- Investment Bank’s advisory services for:The European Commission, The Future of
opean Investment Fund (FEI). The fund will have as advisory a European Space Sector, DOI: 10.2867/484965, European Investment Bank, 2019.
management team, supported in the scouting and advisory 6. European Investment Bank.
activities by the E. Amaldi Foundation (focused at promoting sector-investment-with-eur-200-million-of-financing, (Last accessed on October 2020).
and supporting scientific research aimed at technology 7. European Commission. The New EU Space Programme at a Glance. https://
transfer, starting from the space sector).
policy_en.pdf, (Lat accessed on October 2020).
The InnovFin Space Equity Pilot program is 1 of the 2
8. ESPI, ESPI Report 73-Space Venture Europe 2019, ISSN: 2218-0931 (print)$2076-
components of the close partnership between the European 6688 (online), ESPI, July 2020.
Commission and EIB to finance Me 200 of investments in the 9. PWC, Ecorys, European Commission. Satellite Communication to Support EU
European space sector. It is the first ever space equity pilot and Security Policy and Infrastructures Final Report, DOI: 10.2873/48575, European
Commission, 2016.
first EIF fund based in Italy.
Address correspondence to:
CONCLUSIONS Rosa Maria Parrella
Space becomes a significant driver of innovation in Europe. Agenzia Spaziale Italiana
Public funds in the space sector can be used to attract private Via del Politecnico snc
Rome 00133
investments and catalyze the development of the sector. The
private capital can contribute to the development and eco-
nomic growth. E-mail:


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