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Ex: Fill in the blanks with the correct degree of comparison.

Descriptive Adjectives:
These adjectives describe
nouns and pronouns, and
(Add the where applicable)
most of the adjectives fall
under this category. They are
1. Prevention is ____________ that cure. (good)
also known as qualitative
2. Alexandar was one of ____________ kings of his times. (great) adjectives. Positive degree of
3. My brother is ____________ than me. (tall) adjectives
4. Gold is____________ than lead. (light) An adjective that does not
compare with any other noun
5. The streets of Islamabad are much ____________ than the other or pronoun is known as an
cities of Pakistan. (clean)
adjective of positive degree.
6. There are two ways in which you can solve this problem, and this
A positive degree is a normal
way is ____________ than the other. (easy)
7. My____________ sister lives in Canada. (old)
form of an adjective.
Comparative degree of an
8. My health is____________ than yesterday. (bad) adjective is a word that
9. May is ____________ than April. (hot) describes a noun or pronoun
10. My bag is____________ than yours. (heavy) by comparing it to another
11. My grandmother was one of the _____________ women. (beautiful)
noun. Comparative adjectives
commonly end with 'er' and
12. Mr. Bean is ____________ cartoon I’ve watched. (funny) are followed by 'than'. ‘‘Than’’
13. Quaid-e-Azam was one of ____________ best leader in the history is used to connect the two
of Pakistan. (courageous) nouns or pronouns that are
being compared.
14. Sheldon is ____________ student in my class. (clever)
Superlative degree of an
15. Bees are ____________ insects. (industrious) adjective is the degree to
16. Osama was ____________ guy for the U.S.A. (dangerous) compare with every other
17. My nephew is ____________ than my uncle. (stingy) noun or pronoun mentioned in
the sentence.
18. Sydeny is ____________ city in Australia. (beautiful)
Note: Adjectives of more than
19. Who is ____________ man of the world in this century? (rich) two syllables form the
20. What is ___________________ way to become filthy rich in your life? comparative and superlative
(convenient) by putting more and most
21. My English is not ______________ than yours. (good) before the positive.
22. Not listening to good advice is one of ____________ habits of my
younger brother. (bad) More The Most
23. Our English class is ____________ than your math class. (interesting)
Beautiful Beautiful
24. Learn ESL is one of ____________ websites in the world. (good)
25. USA is one of ______________ countries in the world. (modern)
26. Can you name ____________ province of our country? (large)
27. Washington is ____________ city in the USA. (expensive)
28. She got _____________ marks in the entire section.(less)
29. Mr. Sam received ______________ votes than Mr. Haroon. (less)
30. The weather today is _____________ than yesterday. It makes me want to sleep. (gloomy)
31. I can’t hear you! Come _____________ (close).
32. He was boastful because I didn’t tell him I owned _____________ properties than him. (many)
33. The new model of the phone is _____________ than the old one. (expensive)
34. I can’t believe it! This dress is _____________ than I expected. (pretty)
35. Andrew felt _____________ after he heard the news. (bad)

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