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Report: Untitled

by Ariel Patria

General metrics
5,560 838 38 3 min 21 sec 6 min 26 sec
characters words sentences reading speaking
time time

Score Writing Issues

87 34 10 24
Issues left Critical Advanced

This text scores better than 87%

of all texts checked by Grammarly

Writing Issues

10 Correctness
3 Comma misuse within clauses
2 Faulty subject-verb agreement
1 Conjunction use
2 Misspelled words
1 Determiner use (a/an/the/this, etc.)
1 Wrong or missing prepositions

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Report: Untitled

Unique Words 44%

Measures vocabulary diversity by calculating the unique words
percentage of words used only once in your

Rare Words 38%

Measures depth of vocabulary by identifying words rare words
that are not among the 5,000 most common English

Word Length 5.3

Measures average word length characters per word

Sentence Length 22.1

Measures average sentence length words per sentence

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Report: Untitled

Keeping up with emerging customer experience (CX) trends is essential for

meeting customer expectations and maintaining competitive advantage. In this

guest post, IDC's Gerry Murray shares his perspective on the top trends shaping

CX today.

Customer data platforms (CDPs), predictive AI, generative AI, first-party data,
composability and data clean rooms are some of the biggest trends in CX today.

Let’s start with some IT spending trends. Despite 2023 recession concerns, IT

tech spending has held up remarkably well. IDC’s latest survey found that 82%

of respondents stated that global IT spending would be the same or higher at

the end of this year than they had planned at the start of the year. Three of the

major geographic regions were aligned, with North America at 77%, Western

Europe at 83%, and Asia Pacific at 90%.* In the same survey, IDC asked

respondents to select the top 10 tech investments most immune to budget

2 3
reductions. It’s not surprising that security, risk and compliance continues at

the top of the list (28%).** Customer experience initiatives are second highest

on the list (20%), data and analytics initiatives are fourth highest (19%), and AI

and automation initiatives are number 8 (17%).

Brands have now moved on from their focus on digital transformation during

the pandemic to the goal of becoming a digital business. In two previous

surveys, IDC found 12.5% of respondents were digital-native businesses, with

87.5% considering themselves as blends of digital and physical businesses. Of

the blended businesses, 37.7% reported they were mostly digital businesses,

meaning that out of all businesses responding, 50.2% are mostly or all digital.

Brands that are digital and physical say customer experience along with

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products and services are the two most important priorities at 37.6% and

33.7%, respectively.*** Brands also prioritize making customer data accessible

to all functions and departments using CDPs, having a dedicated budget for
enterprise wide CX investments, and eliminating silos in data aggregation and


IDC’s definition of CDPs has three pillars:

• Aggregation of first-party customer data from source systems, cleansing,

alignment into a schema or similar structure, identity resolution,

maintaining or creating data privacy, PII, and consent tags, creates

unified customer profiles for B2C, B2B, and DTC. All new customer data

flows into the CDP to keep the profiles updated.

• Analytics/AI derives insights from the customer data, beginning

personas, audiences, and segments. Customer journeys are analyzed,

and data from journeys and interactions inform AI algorithms that

predict the next best communications or actions that will address

customers’ needs with high precision.

• Activation takes those AI-derived insights and delivers the

recommended action to engagement channel systems serving email,

social media, SMS, mobile, web, voice or physical channels.

What are the latest trends in CDPs? Here are my top picks:

• Adoption and growth: The market for CDPs has continued to grow rapidly

since the start of the pandemic in 2020. Growth in 2023 was 21.6% from

2021. I predict market growth to $7.3 billion in 2027, at a compound

annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21.6%.

• Data clean rooms: The focus to zero- and first-party data and away from

third-party data has increased interest in brands comparing their non-

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PII anonymous data with the same data of other brands that may be in

adjacent markets, or data providers, using secure data clean rooms.

• Expanded activation capabilities: Adding real-time personalization,

customer journey, and native engagement channels to CDPs increases

their value and can deliver significant business outcomes to CDP buyers

at less than the cost of a marketing cloud or multiple engagement

channel providers in the martech stack.

• Composable CDPs: CDP vendors are offering more modular subscription

options that include zero-ETL or zero-copy features for buyers who have

made significant investments in cloud data warehouses including

Snowflake and Databricks.

• CDPs for X: CDP providers are increasingly offering CDPs for specific

teams like customer service, sales, and marketing with team-specific

content and models. CDPs for specific industries are becoming more

popular, adding industry-specific playbooks, use cases, and additional

data schemas and attributes.

• Predictive AI: Predictive AI (AI/ML) capabilities have increased in CDPs

over the past few years, as providers have responded to the need from

CDP buyers for customer insights from unified customer data profiles.

Using AI/ML algorithms to predict cart abandonment, customer attrition,

next-best communication, next-best action, and audience/segment

auto-discovery are good examples of use cases.

• Generative AI: CDP vendors have announced generative AI capabilities

since the start of 2023. Most announcements have included prompt-

based user interfaces (UIs) that enable marketers to describe (or select)

a use case, optimize it with AI recommendations, watch the AI run the

click-based UI and, when ready, launch into production. Natural language

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queries for customer insights, segment creation and personalization,

and customer journey creation are some of the representative GenAI use

cases, along with custom content generation for customer emails and


AI technology advances and CDPs will improve CX, increase revenues, reduce ad
spend, and improve customer loyalty. The rapid time to value of CDPs make the

technology a must-have for brands across all industries and go-to-market


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1. , and Comma misuse within clauses Correctness

2. , and Comma misuse within clauses Correctness

3. continues → continue Faulty subject-verb agreement Correctness

4. that 12.5 Conjunction use Correctness

5. enterprise wide → Misspelled words Correctness


6. the customer Determiner use (a/an/the/this, etc.) Correctness

7. , or Comma misuse within clauses Correctness

8. to → on Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

9. next-best-action Misspelled words Correctness

10. make → makes Faulty subject-verb agreement Correctness

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