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Pre-Interview Task

Candidate’s full name …………………Zavatskyi Illarion……………………………………….

Please complete all the sections and save a copy for your records.
Type your responses in this document and send it together with the Application form to as a
Word document, not pdf or Google document.
We look forward to receiving your application.

Please complete this task carefully. It is an important factor in considering your application. Candidates need to
be fully prepared for the demands of the course and show that they can research language structures, a skill
required of EFL teachers. Keep in mind that we cover language analysis on the CELTA course, so we do not expect
you to be an expert in grammar before the course starts.

You are encouraged to do some research online, or in a grammar book and dictionary to help you with your
answers. To help you please refer to a grammar book such as “Practical English Usage” by Michael Swan (Oxford
University Press) or any other grammar reference book you might have at home or find in the library/bookstore.

Please make sure you proof-read your work carefully as the CELTA course requires a high level of written English.
The task is made up of two sections: Language awareness and Approaches to teaching and learning. Please
complete all the sections.

Part one: Language awareness

A. Error correction
Each of the exchanges below contains a mistake. In each case:

a) Write the corrected version in the space provided

b) Clarify your correction in simple English to explain the mistake

Mr. Smith: “Do you have much experience in the restaurant business?”
Giorgio: “Yes, I’ve been working as a chef since 10 years.”

a) The correct version is… I’ve been working as a chef for ten years.
b) I would make this clear by…
explaining the difference and providing examples.
We use‘since’ before a point in time – for example,
since Tuesday, since 1992, since 5 o’clock. We use
for before a period of time - for example, for two
weeks, for six years, for ten minutes. In this case
’10 years’ is a period of time, so we need ‘for’

1. Maria: “I’d like some informations about your courses.”

Receptionist: “Certainly, here’s our brochure.”

a) The corrected version is … I’d like some information about your courses

b) I would make this clear by … clarifying that "information" is an uncountable noun in

English. There is no plural form for uncountable nouns,
and they are not used with "some". Instead, "some
information" refers to an indeterminate amount of
information. For example, we say "some advice" or "some
furniture," instead of "some advices" or "some furnitures."

2. Jack: “How do you get to the CELTA center every day?”

Pierre: “I’m walking and then taking the subway.”

a) The corrected version is … I walk and then take the subway

b) I would make this clear by … clarifying that the present simple is employed when
discussing routines or consistent actions. Pierre is
describing his daily ritual in this context. Therefore, he
should use "I walk" and "take" instead of "I'm walking" and
"then taking," which would suggest that the actions are
occurring in the present moment rather than as part of a
routine. For instance, the sentence "I eat breakfast and
then go to work" delineates a daily routine, whereas "I'm
eating breakfast and then going to work" delineates the
current situation.

3. John: “Did you see the movie on HBO last night?”
Helen: “Yes I did, it was so a good movie”
John: “Yeah, I think Tom Cruise is such a good actor.’
(Comment on the difference between so and such)

a) The corrected version is … Helen: "Yes, I did, it was such a good movie."
John: "Yeah, I think Tom Cruise is such a good actor."

b) I would make this clear by … clarifying the distinction between the usage of "so" and
"such" in the English language. "So" is frequently used
exclusively with adjectives or adverbs (e.g., "so good," "so
quickly"), whereas "such" is applied with noun phrases
(e.g., "such a good movie," "such an interesting book"). In
this context, "such a good movie" is accurate due to the
fact that "a good movie" is a noun phrase. It is also
accurate to say "such a good actor" because "a good actor"
is a noun phrase. For instance, "The weather is
exceptionally pleasant today" is accurate; however, "It
was an exceptionally pleasant day" is also accurate.

4. Carla: “Can you borrow me $10?”

William: “Sure. Here you are.”

b) The corrected version is … "Can you lend me $10?"

c) I would make this clear by … reflecting that the English words "borrow" and "lend" are
used in distinct ways. "Borrow" can be used when
temporarily obtaining an item from another individual,
whereas "lend" is deployed when temporarily transferring
an item to another individual. In this context, Carla is
requesting that William temporarily provide her with $10.
Consequently, the appropriate verb is "lend." For
instance, you may inquire, "Is it possible for me to borrow
your book?" Alternatively, "Can you lend me your book?"

B. Differences in meaning

Comment on the difference in meaning between the following pairs of sentences, and outline how you might
teach these differences in meaning:

a) Comment on the differences in meaning between the following pairs of sentences.

b) Outline some ideas on how you might teach these differences in meaning.


Claire is working late again; she’s so passionate about her work!

Jane is working late again; she’s so obsessed with her work!
a) The difference in meaning is…

the following. In the first sentence, the word ‘passionate’

suggests that Claire’s reason for working late is that she is
driven by a love for her job and a healthy desire to succeed.
In the second sentence, the word ‘obsessed’ suggests that
Claire’s reason for working late is that she lacks a healthy
balance in her life. She is so fixated on her work that perhaps
she doesn’t do anything else, or perhaps other areas of her
life are negatively affected.

b) I would teach this by…

drawing two pictures (or bring in two photographs). The first

would be of a person working at her desk in an office. would
show the time with a clock on the wall (showing 9:30 pm).
She would have a smile on her face to show that she was
happy (and passionate about her work!) For the second
sentence, I would have a picture of Jane at her desk in her
office, but she would look tired (and a little stressed). The
time would still be 9:30pm on the clock.

1. She is alone.
She is lonely.

a) The difference in meaning is… "She is alone." This sentence suggests that she is alone,
with no one else in her vicinity. It delineates a corporeal
state of being that is devoid of companionship.
"She is lonely." This sentence implies that she experiences
sorrow or unhappiness as a result of a lack of
companionship or connection with others. It provides a
description of an emotional state.

b) I would teach this by… clarifying the difference, I can explain that "alone" refers
to being in a state of solitude, where a person is
physically by themselves. On the other hand, "lonely"
describes an emotional experience of feeling sadness or
longing due to a lack of companionship. Understanding
this distinction allows us to differentiate between being
physically alone and feeling emotionally lonely. Through
engaging in discussions and examining different scenarios
and examples, a deeper understanding of the concept is
achieved, making it more relatable.

2. What time is it?

Do you mind telling me what the time is please?

a) The difference in meaning is… "What time is it?" What is the current time? It is a simple
and frequently employed in informal or familiar
"Do you mind telling me what the time is please?" This is
an interrogative statement that is less straightforward and
more courteous in its request for the current time. It is
frequently employed in formal or polite situations to
demonstrate respect and thoughtfulness.

b) I would teach this by… justifying that the initial query, "What time is it?" is a
direct and simple approach to request the time fit for
informal talks. Often employed in professional or polite
environments, the second inquiry, "Do you mind telling me
what the time is please?" is an indirect and more polite
method to ask. Emphasizing the need of context and
formality while choosing between direct and indirect
queries enables one to comprehend the subtleties of
polite language and suitable usage in different social

3. If I become president, I’ll lower taxes.
If I had become president, I would have lowered taxes.

a) The difference in meaning is… "If I become president, I’ll lower taxes." The first
conditional, which is used to describe a future scenario
and its likely outcome, is used in this statement. What
this means is that the speaker intends to cut taxes if they
become president someday.
"If I had become president, I would have lowered taxes."
The third conditional is used here to explain a
hypothetical occurrence that happened in the past and
the probable outcome of it. If the speaker had been
president, they would have decreased taxes, according to
the speaker.

b) I would teach this by… providing examples and timelines to introduce the
concept of conditionals and elucidate the various
categories (first and third in this instance). Visual aides,
such as timelines, can be highly effective in
demonstrating the distinction between past hypotheticals
and future possibilities.
I would emphasize that the initial conditional pertains to
potential future events and probable outcomes. I would
emphasize that the third conditional is a reflection of
imaginary past situations and their imagined outcomes.
The distinctions become more apparent when comparable
sentences are compared in various conditional forms.
Furthermore, the utilization of sentence transformation
exercises and role-playing activities can serve to reinforce
comprehension of the appropriate application and timing
of each conditional.

C. Word Stress
All words of more than one syllable in English have one specific syllable which is stressed. For example, in
the noun ‘record’ (bought in a record store) the ‘stress’—i.e., the louder syllable—is the first syllable:
‘REcord’ Oo. But in the verb ‘to record’ (e.g., ‘Elvis tried to record an album every year) the stress is on
the second syllable ‘reCORD’ oO.

In the following words, underline the syllable which takes the main stress, then put the word into the
correct column below according to the number of syllables and the main stress.

EXAMPLE: banana hospitality menu

momentous bystander superb independent undeniable reliable

computer burger ratio photograph photographer photographic

oO Oo Ooo oOo ooOo oOoo ooOoo

superb menu photograph Banana Independent reliable hospitality

burger photographer
ratio bystander momentous undeniable
burger computer photographic

D. Sounds
Match the underlined sound of the words in column A to a word in column B with a corresponding
sound. Note: the sound can correspond to any sound in the words in Column B. For example: advice
goes with sip.
Beware! The spelling of the sound may be different!

Column A Column B
1. advice a. unit
2. advise b. jump
3. day c. eight
4. beach d. though
5. lodge e. thick
6. thin f. sip
7. breathe g. week
8. young h. zoo

Enter your answers here:

варіанту з таким
1 - f; 2 - h; 3 - c; 4 -; 5 - b; 6 - e; 7 - d; 8 - a. (Зважаючи що для 4 варіанту нема
звуком, тому спробуємо підібрати найбільш схожий варіант це може бути відповідь g or b )

Part two: Approaches to teaching and learning
Write a minimum of 250-300 words about what you think constitutes a good language lesson, based on your

In my view, a good language lesson is one that is comprehensive, captivating, and focused on
the student, creating an atmosphere that promotes active learning and practical application in
real-life situations. The following are essential components that make up a successful language
1. Explicit Goals and Organization
An effective lesson starts with explicit and attainable goals. Students should have a thorough
understanding of the anticipated information and its possible advantages. The lesson must follow
a logical progression from basic to complex concepts, ensuring that each section builds on the
one before it.
2. Interactive and engaging activities
Engaging pupils is crucial, and interactive activities play a vital role in achieving this. These
activities may include talks, role-plays, collaborative tasks, and language-based games. The
objective is to provide a vibrant classroom environment where students feel at ease honing their
language proficiency. Effective activities should accommodate many learning styles by
integrating visual, aural, and kinesthetic components.
3. Real-world implementation
Language education should prioritize the actual application of skills. Practical situations,
such as placing an order at a restaurant, seeking directions, or making a phone call, enable
students to understand the significance of their learning. This pragmatic approach not only
improves understanding but also increases self-assurance when using the language outside the
confines of the classroom.
4. Evaluation and appraisal
Continuous feedback and evaluation are essential. Providing constructive comments enables
students to identify their strengths and areas in need of development. Regular evaluations,
including both structured and unstructured methods, guarantee that students are achieving
educational goals and provide the teacher with the opportunity to modify the curriculum as
necessary.Appreciating a language's cultural background contributes to a deeper knowledge
acquisition. When students include cultural components like traditions, norms, and idiomatic
expressions, they get a more profound comprehension of how the language is used in different
circumstances. This cultural understanding enhances the educational experience, making it more
profound and significant.
5. Application of technology
Incorporating technology may significantly improve language education. Language-learning
applications, internet resources, and interactive whiteboards are effective tools for practicing
and strengthening language abilities. Technology may facilitate students' access to genuine
resources such as news articles, podcasts, and movies, exposing them to the language in its true
6. Nurturing Atmosphere
Establishing a nurturing and all-encompassing atmosphere is crucial. It is vital for students to
have a sense of security that allows them to freely make errors and go into unfamiliar territory
throughout their language acquisition process. The instructor's provision of encouragement and
positive reinforcement may have a substantial influence on student motivation and advancement.

7. Customization
Customizing lessons to align with the specific needs and interests of students enhances the
effectiveness of learning. Comprehending the objectives of students, whether they are for travel,
business, or personal development, enables the teacher to create courses that are relevant and
To summarize, an effective language lesson is characterized by a clear organization, active
participation, real-life application, and a strong cultural component, with a focus on student
involvement and individualized instruction. By integrating these components, educators may
establish a vibrant and efficient language acquisition encounter that inspires pupils and improves
their linguistic aptitude.

Before submitting your Pre-interview task, please read the points below and type your name with the date to

 I have completed all the required information in the spaces provided, including the final writing task.
 I confirm that the pre-interview task, including the piece of writing in Part two, is my own work and no
part of it was plagiarised (written by someone else or artificial intelligence, or taken from any sources
without acknowledging them).
 I understand that where plagiarism is detected, this may affect my acceptance on the course.

Name ……………Illarion……………………. Date …………18.06.2024……………….

The completed document should be emailed to as a Word document, not pdf or a Google
document. Please keep a copy for your records. We will contact you with the results in two working days. If your
application is successful, we will offer you an interview.


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