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Received: 14 December 2021 | Revised: 24 September 2022 | Accepted: 10 December 2022

DOI: 10.1111/idh.12652


Bacterial decontamination of toothbrushes by immersion

in a mouthwash containing 0.05% chlorhexidine and 0.05%
cetylpyridinium chloride: A randomized controlled trial

Gerard Àlvarez | Agnès Soler-­Ollé | Sergio Isabal | Rubén León | Vanessa Blanc

Department of Microbiology, DENTAID

Research Center, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Abstract
Objective: Toothbrushes are colonized by microorganisms, implying a risk of infec-
Correspondence tion. That risk can be reduced by decreasing the microbial contamination of the fila-
Vanessa Blanc, Department of
ments. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the antiseptic efficacy of a 0.05%
Microbiology, DENTAID Research Center,
Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain. chlorhexidine + 0.05% cetylpyridinium chloride mouthwash on toothbrushes.
Methods: A total of twelve toothbrushes used three times/day for 14 days by orally
and systemically healthy people were randomly split into two groups, and their heads
were immersed for 2 h in PBS (control) or Perio·Aid Active Control (treatment). The
microorganisms were recovered, and their number was calculated by culture, quanti-
tative PCR, and viability PCR. Statistical differences were first assessed with a two-­
way mixed ANOVA and subsequently with Student's t-­test.
Results: The results showed no statistical differences in the total number of cells
for the treatment (mean ± CI95% of 7.27 ± 1.09 log10 bacteria/ml) and the control
(7.62 ± 0.64 log10 bacteria/ml) groups, but a significantly lower number of live cells in
the treatment group (4.58 ± 0.61 log10 viable bacteria/ml and 2.15 ± 1.42 log10 cfu/ml)
than in the control group (6.49 ± 1.39 log10 viable bacteria/ml and 5.04 ± 0.93 log10
Conclusions: Based on our findings, sanitization of toothbrushes with this mouthwash
reduces the number of live microorganisms adhered to the filaments. Such decrease
of the bacterial load could include bacteria from the oral cavity, from the environ-
ment, and from nearby toothbrushes since the quantification was not limited to any
bacterial taxon.

microbial decontamination, prevention, propidium monoazide, toothbrushing, viability PCR

1 | I NTRO D U C TI O N which may lead to oral diseases. 2,3 One way of disease prevention is
the use of toothbrushes, which helps maintain oral health by hinder-
The oral cavity can harbor hundreds of microbial species.1,2 Under ing the accumulation of dental plaque.4,5 However, shortly after the
certain circumstances, microbial communities shift from a symbiotic first use, toothbrushes can be colonized by oral and environmental
relation with the host (eubiosis) to a pathogenic state (dysbiosis), microorganisms,4,6–­8 which can remain viable on the filaments for

© 2022 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Int J Dent Hygiene. 2023;21:357–364. | 357


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358 ÀLVAREZ et al.

between 1 day and 1 week using food and epithelial debris, as well as 6 months, and no mouthrinse usage in the previous week. All
components of oral secretions such as saliva and gingival crevicular volunteers signed their consent after being informed about the
fluid, as their nutrient.1,4,8,9 Hence, toothbrushes become a potential experiment, which neither involved any invasive procedures nor
source of oral and non-­oral infection, as well as disease vectors be- posed a risk for their health. All participants received the same oral
tween household members.1,4,8 care products, consisting of a medium-­s trength toothbrush and a
Regular toothbrush sanitization could prevent an excess of vi- fluoride paste without antiseptics. Also, they were instructed to
able pathogens on filaments.7 Several disinfection methods have brush their teeth three times a day after each meal for 14 days,
shown to decrease the number of bacteria on filaments. 6,7,10–­16 storing their toothbrush head up and with the cap on, and to avoid
Although, according to the results, both chlorhexidine (CHX) and any other type of oral hygiene. No particular instructions were
cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) are among the most effective. given about the brushing technique. On the morning of the 15th
CHX and CPC are two broad-­spectrum antiseptics that are widely day, they used their toothbrushes for the last time and delivered
used in clinical medicine.7,17 In dentistry, CHX is considered the them in person to the microbiology laboratory at the DENTAID
gold standard antiseptic7 and it is commonly used as an adjuvant Research Center. The toothbrushes were randomly divided into
of periodontal therapy. CPC is effective in reducing microbial two groups of six and immediately entered the treatment step.
colonization and dental biofilm formation and in preventing gin- The allocation process was performed by the author VB: each vol-
givitis.17,19,20 Moreover, CPC has shown a virucidal effect against unteer received a number from 1 to 12. Then, six were assigned
several coronaviruses, including SARS-­C oV-­2 and influenza to the treatment group using the R command sample (x = c (1:12),
21–­2 5
virus. size = 6, replace = FALSE), which returned six different random
Regarding methodology, all of the toothbrush decontamina- numbers from 1 to 12. The remaining six were allocated to the
tion studies reviewed but two1,26 were based on culture methods. control group. The investigators that carried out the experiments
However, between 30 and 50% of oral bacteria are not yet cultur- were blinded until the statistical analysis phase.
able, and others exhibit strict culture requirements and long in-
cubation times. 28 Culture-­independent methods, on the other hand,
are not limited by culturability and allow for the detection of spe- 2.2 | Treatment
cific microorganisms, even when the numbers in samples are low.
Moreover, in studies with antimicrobials, only the live cells in a sam- In a laminar flow cabinet, the toothbrushes were decapitated, and
ple can be quantified by exposing samples to propidium monoazide the heads were individually immersed in sterile tubes containing
(PMA) before quantitative PCR (qPCR), a method known as viability 15 ml of phosphate-­buffered saline (PBS; control group) or Perio·Aid
PCR (vPCR). 29,30 Active Control (Dentaid S.L.; composition: 0.05% chlorhexidine di-
To our knowledge, the efficacy of CHX as a toothbrush disin- gluconate and 0.05% cetylpyridinium chloride; treatment group).
fectant has only been studied using concentrations of 0.12%14 and After 2 h, each head was transferred to a new sterile tube containing
0.2%,7,16 but not low-­concentration CHX mouthwashes. Such prod- 15 ml of PBS. Then, to harvest the bacterial cells from the bristles,
ucts can include other antiseptics, like CPC, and are recommended the tubes were vortexed for 3 min and centrifuged 10 min at 6000
during the maintenance phase after periodontal treatment due to x g and 15°C. The supernatant was removed, and the cells were sus-
their effectiveness and reduced side effects.18 Therefore, the aim pended in 1 ml PBS. We assumed that very few cells would be re-
of our work, which was designed as a proof-­of-­concept study, was leased during the immersion because they adhere so strongly to the
to assess the efficacy of a 0.05% CHX + 0.05% CPC formulation in bristles,13 and therefore the bacteria were not collected before the
reducing bacterial load on toothbrushes, using culture, qPCR, and treatment.
vPCR as quantification methods.

2.3 | Determination of bacterial load

2 | St u d y p o p u l at i o n a n d m e t h o d o l o g y
Bacteria in both the control and the treatment groups were quan-
2.1 | Experimental design tified by culture (colony-­forming units per ml: cfu/ml), qPCR (bac-
teria/ml) and vPCR (live bacteria/ml). For plate culture, the cell
This was a proof-­
concept study designed (following the suspensions were serially diluted and spread on blood agar plates. 30
CONSORT guidelines) as a parallel, randomized controlled trial. After 7 days of incubation at 37°C under anerobic conditions, the
Based on previous studies, 6,31 the sample size was set to 12 tooth- cfu/ml were calculated without regard to colony morphology. For
brushes provided by individuals with good oral health that vol- qPCR and vPCR, 250 μl of the bacterial suspension from each of
unteered for this study. All of them were from northeast Spain the brush heads was placed in each of two 1.5-­ml microcentrifuge
and employees at an oral health company. The inclusion criteria tubes, one for each of the PCR methods. The tubes used for vPCR
included systemic health, retention of at least 20 natural teeth, analysis were treated with PMA as in Àlvarez et al., 30 but with
no diagnosis of periodontitis, no antibiotic intake in the previous some modifications: the tubes were incubated 5 min in the dark

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ÀLVAREZ et al. 359

with 50 μM PMAxx dye (Biotium) and then exposed to a 650 W

halogen light for 3 min. These two steps were conducted twice
in a row. Thereafter, both qPCR and vPCR tubes followed the
same protocol: the cells were pelleted at 12,000 x g for 4 min, and
DNA extraction and real-­t ime PCR were conducted as previously
described. 30 The so-­c alled universal oligonucleotides and probe
for the quantification of all bacteria were located in conserved
regions of the 16S rRNA gene. 32 After testing several concentra-
tions, the optimized reaction mix contained 0.6 μM of forward
primer, 0.7 μM of reverse primer, and 0.2 μM of TaqMan probe.
The standard curve was also prepared as in Àlvarez et al., 30 using
DNA from Streptococcus gordonii ATCC 49818, Veillonella parvula
NCTC 11810, Actinomyces naeslundii DSM 17233, Fusobacterium
nucleatum DSM 20482, and Porphyromonas gingivalis DSM 20709
as templates.

2.4 | Mortality index estimate

The mortality index was calculated within each group as log10 (qPCR/ F I G U R E 1 Number of bacteria recovered from the
vPCR). This is the ratio between the total (live and dead) number of toothbrushes. Counts from qPCR and vPCR have been transformed
cells (qPCR) and the live cells (vPCR), which is roughly the proportion to cfu/ml by means of a standard curve. Bar height and whiskers
of dead/live cells on a log10 scale. represent the mean and the confidence interval at 95%,
respectively. Control and treatment groups were compared by
independent sample Student's t-­test and methods within each
group by paired sample Student's t-­test and adjusted for multiple
2.5 | Non-­culturable index estimate comparisons with the Bonferroni correction. Pairs of bars with
statistically significant differences are highlighted with a bracket
The non-­culturable index was calculated within each group as and the corresponding p value.
log10 (vPCR/culture). This is the ratio between the number of live
bacteria (culturable or not) and the culturable cells, which is 3 | R E S U LT S
roughly the proportion of viable but non-­culturable/culturable on
a log10 scale. 3.1 | qPCR standardization

The number of bacteria adhered to the toothbrush bristles was

2.6 | Statistics measured by qPCR (live and dead), vPCR (live) and culture. All re-
sults were expressed as cfu/ml on a log10 scale. In the case of both
Based on the aim of this study, the most important determination to qPCR and vPCR, a standard curve had to be constructed to relate
be made was whether the number of live cells (measured directly by the crossing points with the number of cfu/ml. This standard curve
vPCR and culture) was significantly different in the treatment than ranged from 5.47 × 101 to 1.51 × 109 cfu/ml, showing an efficiency
in the control group. of 1.822.
The statistical analysis was conducted in R v4.0.4. 33 Prior
to any analysis, the data were transformed to a log10 scale. The
Shapiro–­W ilk normality test and the Bartlett's test assessed the 3.2 | Determination of bacterial load
normal distribution of the data and the homogeneity of the vari-
ances, respectively. Next, the differences between groups (con- The number of bacteria could be quantified by all three methods
trol and treatment) and methods (qPCR, vPCR, and culture) were (qPCR, vPCR, and culture) for all 12 toothbrushes after 2 h of immer-
evaluated with a two-­way mixed ANOVA. Then, the groups were sion in PBS (control) or 0.05% CHX + 0.05% CPC mouthwash (treat-
compared in pairs by independent sample Student's t-­tests and ment). The total number of bacteria (qPCR) on the toothbrush heads
the methods by paired sample Student's t-­tests. The mortality was 7.62 ± 0.64 (mean ± CI95%; control) and 7.27 ± 1.09 log10 cfu/ml
and non-­culturable indices were examined by independent sample (treatment) (Figure 1, Table 1), the number of live bacteria (vPCR)
Student's t-­test. In all tests, alpha was set at 0.05, and p values was 6.49 ± 1.39 (control) and 4.58 ± 0.61 (treatment) log10 cfu/ml,
were adjusted for multiple comparisons with the Bonferroni cor- and the quantity of culturable bacteria was 5.04 ± 0.93 (control) and
rection when necessary. 2.15 ± 1.42 (treatment) log10 cfu/ml.

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360 ÀLVAREZ et al.

TA B L E 1 Measuring of bacteria
Control group Treatment group
recovered from the toothbrushes
(mean ± CI 95%) (mean ± CI 95%) p Values

qPCR (total bacteria/ml) 7.62 ± 0.64 7.27 ± 1.09 0.52a

vPCR (viable bacteria/ml) 6.49 ± 1.39 4.58 ± 0.61 0.019a
0.014 e
Culture (cfu/ml) 5.04 ± 0.93 2.15 ± 1.42 0.0026a
Mortality index (≈dead/live) 1.13 ± 0.93 2.69 ± 1.15 0.022a
Non-­culturable index 1.45 ± 1.35 2.43 ± 1.42 0.229a
Comparison: control group vs. treatment group within each method.
Comparison: qPCR vs. vPCR within the control group.
Comparison: qPCR vs. vPCR within the treatment group.
Comparison: vPCR vs. culture within the control group.
Comparison: vPCR vs. culture within the treatment group.

in the number of bacteria in the control group between the mea-

sures by vPCR and culture (p = 0.08) or between qPCR and vPCR
(p = 0.053). All other comparisons were statistically significant: num-
ber of live bacteria (vPCR) between the control and the treatment
groups (p = 0.019), culturable bacteria between the control and the
treatment (p = 0.0026), bacteria in the treatment group between
qPCR and vPCR (p = 0.0036), and bacteria in the treatment group
between vPCR and culture (p = 0.014).

3.3 | Mortality index estimate

The mortality index was 1.13 ± 0.93 (mean ± CI95%) and 2.69 ± 1.15
in the control and the treatment groups, respectively (Figure 2,
Table 1). Both indices were significantly different (p = 0.022). This
index shows that the ratio of dead/live bacteria was 12.49 in the
control and 488.78 in the treatment group.

3.4 | Non-­culturable index estimate

F I G U R E 2 Mortality and non-­culturable indices observed in the
The non-­culturable index was 1.45 ± 1.35 (mean ± CI 95%) and
toothbrushes. Mortality (dead/live bacteria) and non-­culturable
(viable but non-­culturable/culturable) indices are labeled as qPCR–­ 2.43 ± 1.42 in the control and the treatment groups, respectively
vPCR and vPCR–­culture, respectively. The central line in each (Figure 2, Table 1). This means that the ratio of non-­culturable/cul-
box represents the median. Control and treatment groups were turable bacteria was 27.18 in the control and 268.15 in the treatment
compared by independent sample Student's t-­test. Pairs of boxes group. Nonetheless, these indices were not significantly different
with statistically significant differences are highlighted with a
(p = 0.229).
bracket and the corresponding p value.

The two-­way mixed ANOVA test confirmed that there were sta-
tistically significant differences between the control and treatment 4 | DISCUSSION
groups (p = 0.005) and between the three methods (p = 1.18 × 10−9).
Afterward, the groups and methods were compared in pairs to es- Toothbrushes are an essential tool for daily oral hygiene.4 However,
tablish which cases were statistically different (Figure 1, Table 1). No regardless of the health status of the user, regular use of tooth-
significant differences were observed in the total number of bacteria brushes causes filaments to accumulate a great number of oral and
(qPCR) between the control and the treatment groups (p = 0.52), or environmental bacteria, archaea, fungi, and viruses.4,8 Therefore,

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ÀLVAREZ et al. 361

toothbrushes become a risk of infection and transmission between also detected a significantly lower number of culturable cells in
subjects, and their pathogenic load could be higher in people the treatment than in the control group (≈776-­fold). Therefore,
with oral disease or systemic illness, in environments with high pres- we found that a single treatment with the 0.05% CHX + 0.05%
ence of pathogens such as hospitals, etcetera.4 CPC mouthwash significantly reduced the bacterial load on the
Patients with oral disease showed a significant decrease in toothbrushes.
symptoms when they replaced their toothbrushes. Although As seen in the literature, exposure to 0.12% 37 or 0.2% CHX
dentists and dental hygienists recommend replacing your tooth- solutions7,10 reduced bacterial loads by 4.60-­to 12.52-­fold when
brush every 3 months based on filament deformation, changing comparing the control and treatment groups. Regarding 0.05%
your toothbrush more frequently could diminish the risk of cross-­ CPC solutions, Chandrdas et al. described an 11.28-­fold difference
contamination in the oral cavity. In fact, weekly replacement has using an aqueous 0.05% CPC solution,10 and Sato et al. detected a
been suggested for contaminated environments (e.g., hospitals) significant reduction in the number of black-­pigmented anerobes
and diseased people. 6 However, this is neither practical nor en- and in Gram-­n egative aerobic bacilli.15 Moreover, do Nascimento
vironmentally sustainable. Other strategies to reduce microbial et al. found a high antimicrobial effect with 0.05% CPC, but 0.12%
contamination, like the use of a cap, filaments with antibacterial CHX was effective only in some of the species analyzed.1 The
8 14
coating, or rinsing toothbrushes in tap water, have been shown current study, which has been able to detect live bacteria using
ineffective. Conversely, exposure of toothbrushes to any of a num- culture and culture-­independent methods, has described ≈776-­
ber of antimicrobial agents (e.g., green tea,7,10 microwaves,12 UV and ≈81-­fold reductions by culture and by vPCR, respectively.
10,12 34 13 6,14 1,10,15
light, white vinegar, essential oils, parabens, CPC Therefore, we believe that the 0.05% CHX + 0.05% CPC formula-
and CHX 7,14,16) has been seen to reduce bacterial load. 35 As far tion has shown similar or better effects than 0.12% or 0.2% CHX.
as we know, the current study is the first to evaluate a 0.05% Nevertheless, caution must be taken when comparing our results
CHX + 0.05% CPC mouthwash as a toothbrush disinfectant. To with those of other studies due to methodological differences.
this end, the participants of this study (all of them healthy) were While many studies used selective media for specific groups of
supplied with a new toothbrush and were instructed to use it three bacteria, 6,7,10,13,14 our culture method, like others,15,37 included a
times a day for 2 weeks. After this period, the toothbrushes were non-­s elective medium for routine plating of oral bacteria. The rea-
expected to carry high loads of bacteria.7 The samples were then son was that this proof-­of-­concept study aimed to determine the
treated with PBS or the mouthwash and then analyzed by qPCR decontamination efficacy of the mouthwash. CHX and CPC are
to determine the number of bacteria (live and dead), by vPCR to broad-­spectrum antiseptics,17 and therefore, it was reasonable to
quantify only the live bacteria and by culture. The latter was used assume that there would be an overall decrease in bacterial load,
to estimate the number of strict and facultative anerobes, which which could imply a decreased risk of a wide range of infections.
includes most oral bacteria (main interest of this work), including Future studies could recruit patients with different oral diseases
early colonizers like Streptococcus spp. and Actinomyces spp., peri- in order to examine pathogens of interest. Though, given the reli-
odontopathogens, etc. 36 ability of CHX and CPC proven in clinical trials and through real-­
The total number of bacteria/ml recovered from the bristles world evidence in the treatment of periodontal diseases and the
was in the range observed in other studies (Figure 1, qPCR), fact that biofilm in toothbrushes may be partially unstructured, it
and the recoveries were not significantly different between the is likely that a 0.05% CHX + 0.05% CPC mouthwash could also tar-
control and the treatment group, i.e., there were no statistical get most pathogens. Do Nascimento et al.1,26 used checkerboard
differences between groups in the microbial load adhered to the DNA–­D NA hybridization to specifically analyze 38 bacterial spe-
toothbrushes. The latter confirmed our assumption (see methods) cies and five Candida spp., although the suitability of this method
that the treatments with PBS and the mouthwash would produce in studies with antimicrobials is debatable because it cannot dis-
none or little release of cells due to the strong adherence of the criminate between live and dead cells. Besides, do Nascimento
bacteria to the filaments.13 It also excluded a possible bias in the et al.1 and Sato et al.15 exposed their toothbrushes to CPC after
study related to differences in the brushing technique, storage, or each use, while in the present study and in others7,10 a single ex-
oral bacterial load. Moreover, both groups showed a lower num- posure was performed at the end of the experiment. The period
ber of live bacteria/ml (vPCR) than total bacteria/ml (qPCR), but of use of each toothbrush, which in the current study was 15 days,
that difference (which relates to the presence of dead cells) was ranged from 5 h to 3 months,7 and sanitization time, which in our
only statistically significant in the treatment group (Figure 1). The study was 2 h, ranged from 5 min to 24 h.7 Therefore, an additional
number of live bacteria/ml recovered in the treatment group was comparative study would be needed to determine whether the an-
significantly lower (≈81-­fold) than in the control group (Figure 1, timicrobial capacity of the 0.05% CHX + 0.05% CPC formulation
vPCR). Furthermore, the mortality index (comparison between was greater than that of other formulations, with a higher concen-
qPCR and vPCR within each group; Figure 2, qPCR-­vPCR) was, on tration of CHX or different active ingredients.
average, significantly higher in the treatment group (≈489 dead In general, the vPCR method tends to quantify higher num-
bacteria/live bacteria) than in the control (≈12 dead bacteria/live bers of live bacteria than culture because vPCR, unlike culture,
bacteria) group. This was supported by the culture method, which can detect viable but non-­
culturable cells, ghosts (non-­
v iable

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362 ÀLVAREZ et al.

cells that have still not lost their membrane integrity), 29,38 etc. In studies. Nonetheless, future studies should determine the periodic-
this study, only the treatment group showed a significant higher ity and time of exposure to this formulation to establish the optimal
number by vPCR than by culture (Figure 1). Furthermore, the non-­ disinfection regimen.
culturable index (ratio between the vPCR and culture measures;
Figure 2, vPCR-­culture) was higher in the treatment group (≈268-­
fold non-­culturable/culturable) than in the control group (≈27-­fold 5 | CO N C LU S I O N
non-­culturable/culturable), and the control/treatment group ratio
of live bacteria was higher by culture (≈776-­fold) than by vPCR In this study, we have proved that the 0.05% CHX + 0.05% CPC
(≈81-­fold). These numerical differences between groups are hard mouthwash is effective in reducing the number of live bacteria ad-
to explain based on the difference between the two methods: be- hered to the toothbrushes. The results were supported by both cul-
cause CHX and CPC act by disrupting cell membranes, 29 all cells ture and culture-­independent methods. Nonetheless, the difference
killed by the 0.05% CHX + 0.05% CPC solution would be perme- in the number of live cells when comparing control and treatment
able to PMA and, consequently, the non-­culturable index should was about 10-­fold higher with culture than with vPCR. Further re-
not be higher in the treatment group than in the control group. We search would be necessary to assess this difference.
believe that CHX and CPC in the mouthwash may have remained
bound to the bacterial surfaces 39,40 and continued acting as an-
tiseptics after the treatment. This could be measured by culture 6 | C LI N I C A L R E LE VA N C E
but not by vPCR, where cells are exposed to PMA just after the
treatment. Although, despite the numerical differences explained 6.1 | Scientific rationale for study
above, the non-­culturable index was not found to be statistically
different between the control and the treatment groups (Figure 2, Toothbrushes are colonized by oral and environmental microorgan-
vPCR-­culture), which may be due to the high variation in the quan- isms, which fosters repeated self-­contamination of the mouth, cross-­
tification by culture in the treatment group (Figure 1, culture). infection between household members, etc. Here, we have studied
A future study that includes this issue as a secondary objective the reduction in the bacterial load in toothbrushes after exposure to
would require a larger sample size. However, the sample size of an antiseptic.
the current proof-­of-­concept study was calculated to have enough
statistical power (≥0.8) to answer the aim (to determine the effi-
ciency of the 0.05% CHX + 0.05% CPC mouthwash in reducing the 6.2 | Principal findings
bacterial load in toothbrushes).
It is worth mentioning that oral viruses residing in the oral cav- The number of live microorganisms adhered to the filaments was
ity22 can contaminate toothbrushes4 and remain stable for several significantly reduced after a 2-­hour exposure to a 0.05% chlorhex-
days.6 Therefore, toothbrushes may be a source of viral infection idine + 0.05% cetylpyridinium chloride mouthwash.
and transmission.4,6,8 As a matter of fact, the spread of SARS-­CoV-­2
virus among cohabitants was significantly higher when they shared
a toothbrush holder or a tube of toothpaste, among others.41 Both 6.3 | Practical implications
CHX and CPC are effective in vitro against several lipid-­enveloped
viruses. 24 Moreover, CPC has been shown to reduce the symptoms The use of an antiseptic to reduce the number of viable patho-
of influenza patients, and to have an antiviral effect in vitro against gens adhered to toothbrushes may cut down on cross-­infections,
SARS-­CoV-­2. 22 The current study has not determined the antiviral improve the response to treatments, and reduce disease recovery
effect of the 0.05% CHX + 0.05% CPC mouthwash; however, based times.
on the evidence, we believe that the combined effect of CHX and
CPC could reduce the infectivity of some of the viral species that AU T H O R C O N T R I B U T I O N S
may be present in toothbrushes. Conceptualisation: Vanessa Blanc; Methodology: Vanessa Blanc
The 0.05% CHX + 0.05% CPC formulation tested in the present and Rubén León, with contributions by Agnès Soler-­Ollé, Sergio
work is recommended to be used during the maintenance phase Isabal, and Gerard Àlvarez; Investigation: Agnès Soler-­Ollé, Sergio
after periodontal treatment. During this long-­term treatment, we Isabal, and Gerard Àlvarez; Formal analysis: Gerard Àlvarez;
believe that the health of the patients would benefit from using the Visualization: Gerard Àlvarez; Writing –­ original draft preparation:
same product to disinfect their toothbrush. Furthermore, healthy Gerard Àlvarez; Writing –­review and editing: Vanessa Blanc, Rubén
people or individuals with other diseases could also benefit from the León, Agnès Soler-­Ollé and Gerard Àlvarez.
sanitization since toothbrushes can carry oral and non-­oral bacterial
and viral pathogens,1,4,6,24,41 against which the 0.05% CHX + 0.05% AC K N O​W L E D
​ G E ​M E N T S
CPC mouthwash could be effective due to the antimicrobial and We would like to thank Ms. Ann Bangle for her help in reviewing the
antiviral activity shown for CHX and CPC in the present and other language.

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ÀLVAREZ et al. 363

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tion of toothbrushes using various decontamination methods: a
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tans and Porphyromonas gingivalis using selective quantitative real-­
time PCR with propidium monoazide. J Periodontal Res. Published idh.12652
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