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CRO Gate Meeting


Zero Review
Field Visit

TSL Name

Shailesh Mishra

Rishi Kant Shukla

RIshi Kumar

Dig Vijay Chauhan

Mohd Usman

Bhupender Pal

Basant Kumar Verma

Manpreet Singh

This is mandatory for every TSL to do morning/evening meetings. Screenshots to be shared by the TSL everyday.
OJT by every TSLs are mandate and started monitoring whether they are going with the right candidate. 40% have
been covered of M0 CRO to ensure smooth training and building confidence of CRO. 100% TSLs have started OJT
with the CROs however coverage is only 37% which will be reaching 100% in next coming weeks.
Consecutive Zeros CRO/CRL review is happening by TSLs everyday and consecutive Zero will be done by ASM.
Present in the field is mandatory for every TSLs including ASMs especially with the non-performers.


Will meet with him and his team to develop confidence in selling other two categories. All categories from M0 to M6+
CROs are focusing on only one category rather than all which needs to be fixed.

Rishi Kant Shukla FT productivity is getting down as a graph which have been discussed with him. All his team
members are M4+ and due to change in FT category his performance get dipped which needs to be fixed in coming
week. Have instructed all to sell GPS in PAYLATER to increase GPS productivity.

M6 and M6+ employees are not doing sales and perfoming less than average however they have leads 25, 32 and
130 which needs to be cracked in coming week. Problem is doing sales everyday. After discussion with the team
have instructed to do sales everyday and focus on SFOs.

Have taken a new initiative that all of his team members will do gate meeting physically not virtually. CROs are liable
to answer his day performance on a same day. Dependency on couple of CROs are dangerous and showing in this
month performance.

Same initiative taken here as well, Zero numbers will meet in evening physically and give explanation. M4 and above
CROs are facing issue in conversion and hence instructed TSL to visit with them and do conversation. I have planned
to visit with him for conversion.

6 out of 8 CROs are M1 and where OJT is required to avoid attrition. Most important territory to build as CRO got
promoted to TSL. OJT is mandatory for TSL in this territory with the new CROs.

Mostly attrition happened in this territory as employee got poached. CRO got poached as a TSL in the competition
and he took 4-5 CROs along with them in couple of month. Have to focus on both new hiring and existing CROs

Initially he struggled but now he knows only manpower can help him to deliver numbers. Have hired 7 CROs who are
M0 & M1. 100% focus on OJT to avoid attrition and pushing M4+ CROs.

Shailesh have started with 6 CROs and expertise

in FUEL category. Have hired one CRO who have
been started with the FUEL sales. Instructing him
to take the team from 7 to 10 with 0% attrition.

Rishi Kant Shukla have 9 CROs currently. Couple

of M6+ CRO left the organisation due to non-
performance which is a concern and to be fixed.
Hired 2 more CROs in which 1 has joined and 1
will be in training on Monday.

3 CROs have been hired and will be onboarded

on Monday who are from trucking industry.

2 CROs have been hired and will be onboarded

on Monday who are from trucking industry.

1 CROs have been hired and will be onboarded

on Monday who are from trucking industry. He
has 10 CROs with him and his team is complete.

Hiring is complete in this territory. Key is to

maintain the performance of newly CROs.

Struggling in hiring however couple of CROs have

been selected and will be hired in coming week.

Hiring is complete in this territory. 7 CROs are M0

and M1 in this territory.

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