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2 Rank Order Algorithm

Rank order cluster algorithm developed by King is a simple, effective

analytical technique for the formation of machine-part groupings. Without
calculating similarity coefficients, this algorithm can make the formation of
machine-part grouping by generating diagonalized groupings of the machine-
part matrix. The algorithm starts with reading the rows and columns in the
matrix as binary numbers and calculates the decimal equivalent of the binary
form. Then the algorithm makes use of the feature that every row or column
pattern of blank or unity cell entries of the matrix can be considered as
equivalent to a binary word with a corresponding unique decimal number
equivalent form. Based on the equivalence, the rank order cluster algorithm
for generating a solution to the machine-part groupingÿproblem is developed
as follows:
Step 1. For each row of the machine-part matrix, read the pattern of cell
entries as a binary word. Rank the rows in the order of decreasing binary
value. For rows with the same value, ranking is made such that the order of
the rows is kept.
Step 2. If the current matrix row order is the same as the rank order just
determined, then stop. Otherwise, go to step 3.
Step 3. Reform the machine-part matrix by rearranging the rows in
decreasing rank order. For each column of the matrix, read the pattern of cell
entries as a binary word. Rank the columns in decreasing order of binary
word. For columns with the same value, ranking is made such that the order
of the columns is kept.
Step 4. If the current matrix column order is the same as the rank order
just determined, then stop, otherwise, go to step 5.
Step 5. Reform the machine-part matrix by rearranging the columns in
decreasing rank order. Go back to step 1.

Example 9.2. Consider a machine-part grouping formation problem in

which the machine-part matrix is given in table 9.2, the same table as in
example 9.1. Now apply the rank order cluster algorithm to this problem.
The process may be summarized as follows:
Step 1. The decimal equivalents of the binary number for rows are given
at the righthand side of the matrix as shown in table 9.6. For example, the
first row is, in binary word, 10100101 which has the decimal equivalent of
1 X27 + 0 X 26 + 1 X25 + 0 X 24 + 0 X 23 + 1 X22 + 0 X 21 + 1 X2° = 165.
The rank order of these decimal numbers is also given at the righthand side of
the matrix.
Step 2. The rank order of rows just determined is different from the
current row order.

Table 9.6. Machine-part matrix

Binary Weight
27 26 25 24 23 22 2l 2°
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Decimal Rank
Machine Equivalent Order

1 1 1 1 1 165 1
2 1 1 132 4
3 1 1 1 73 5
4 1 1 1 164 2
5 1 1 18 8
6 1 1 1 73 6
7 1 1 9 10
8 1 1 1 164 3
9 1 1 18 9
10 1 1 66 7

Step 3. By rearranging the rows in order of decreasing rank, we obtain

table 9.7. The decimal equivalents of the binary numbers for columns are
given at the bottom of the matrix. The rank order of the columns is given just
below the decimal numbers.
Step 4. The rank order of the columns just determined is also different
from the current column order.
Step 5. By rearranging the columns in order of decreasing rank, we obtain
table 9.8. Go back to step 1.
Steps 1, 2, and J. The matrix as shown in table 9.9 is obtained through
these steps.
Step 4. The rank order of the columns just determined is also different
from the current column order.
Step 5. The machine-part matrix as shown in table 9.10 is obtained by
this step.
Steps 1 and 2. The rank order of rows just determined is the same as the
current row order. Stop. From the last machine-part matrix, machine-part
grouping is determined as (machines 1, 2, 4, and 8 and parts 1,3, and 6),
(machines 3, 6, and 7 and parts 2, 5, and 8), and (machines 5, 9, and 10 and
parts 4 and 7).
Although the data of the final matrix of this example are not divided into
distinct diagonalized groups, three machine groups (i.e., (1, 2, 4, 8), (3, 6, 7),

Table 9.7. Rearranged machine-part matrix (1)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 1 1 1 1 29
4 1 1 1 28
8 1 1 1 27
2 1 1 26 bo
3 1 1 1 25 §
6 1 1 1 24 Q
10 1 1 23- S
5 1 1 22
9 1 1 2'
7 1 1 2°
Equivalent 960 56 896 6 49 960 14 560
Rank Order 1 5 3 8 6 2 7 4

Table 9.8. Rearranged machine-part matrix (2)

1 6 3 8 2 5 7 4 Decimal Rank
Machine Equivalent Order

1 1111 240 1
4 1 1 1 224 2
8 1 1 1 224 3
2 1 1 192 4
3 1 1 1 28 5
6 1 1 1 28 6
10 1 1 10 8
5 1 1 3 9
9 1 1 3 10
7 1 1 20 7

Table 9.9. Rearranged machine-part matrix (3)

1 6 3 8 2 5 7 4
1 1 1 1 1
4 1 1 1
8 1 1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1 1
6 1 1 1
7 1 1
10 1 1
5 1 1
9 1 1

Equivalent 960 960 896 568 52 56 7 3
Rank Order 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 8

Table 9.10. Final machine-part matrix

1 6 3 8 5 2 7 4 Decimal Rank
Machine Equivalent Order

1 1111 240 1
4 1 1 1 224 2
8 1 1 1 224 3
2 1 1 192 4
3 1 1 1 28 5
6 1 1 1 28 6
7 1 1 24 7
10 1 1 6 8
5 1 1 3 9
9 1 1 3 10

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