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Game theory it is something that can be even related to decision such as “wars”

On the the 3rd of September in 1949 the Americans found traces of cerium 141 and yttrium
91…….. They collected samples from different parts of the world…..the fear was confirmed the
soviets had discovered how to make atomic bombs…….the Americans were scared because
they have lost the military supremacy…..for them the imminence of war was on its greatest

naval secretary in the epoch

parallely to this topic scientist were developing studies on decision making…..and much of their
study came thanks to a game called the prisoner's dilemma.

The rules are simple …..there are 3 possible scenarios

1st………..Both corporate and (click boton c) and both obtain 3 coins

2nd…………scenario ... .One defects and 1 co-operates……the defector gets 5 coins and the
other one gets 0 zero.

3th………..scenario Both defect and each one gets 1 coin

Because there is no way to know who you are playing against and there is no way to
communicate with others……apparently the best strategy is to always defect right?
Game theory also is present in the animal kingdom

Impalas for example need grooming in order to prevent infections the lice transmit, the problem
is that grooming comes with a cost that is getting distracted from predators so getting the risk
or getting killed by a predator……. Most impalas intuitionaly arrive at the conclusion that they
need to arrive at a system of cooperation if they want to survive.

In the 60 and 70s scientists started a tournament with a money prize and people all over the
world started playing the prisoner's dilemma game….. The gamers couldn't communicate each
other so each needed to formulate their own strategy …..

The next are examples of different strategies used in the game

After analyzing the the 50 different strategies

Nice strategies did better than nasty strategies

Then scientist arrived to the conclusion that the best strategies to get the best result shared this
forth principles

3.-strike back immediately (retaliatory)
4.-be clear

Extra forgiving strategy

At the end of the experiment the came up with an idea and invented an strategy where the
player only defects when the second players defect 2 times in arrow however in the moment
the player starts cooperating again the the first players returns to cooperate… simple words
the strategy si forgive no hold grudges and only defend yourself after two offenses.
But why was the extra forging strategy the best?

Well let's analyze and real life examples….In 1983 the russians detected in their scanner a
missile……the russians for some minutes were going to start the 3th war world, because they
thought they american had attacked them …however they decide to wait and analyze better the
situation, at the end they realize that their scan had detected a solar radiation and that no
missiles had been launched…… for that reason the extra forging strategy is the best because
permits a margin of error to the opposite player.

However, something important to analyze is that if the gamers knew that they were
only going to play 5 or 10 games, corporations appeared more rarely, and on the other hand
when players didn't know how many games they needed to play together they opted for more
cooperative attitudes. In simple words the frequency of interactions with others has an influence
on how cooperative we are with others.
Possible reasons

1.-lodgings and food along with other needs are to expensive and people (in this case
women) are for desperations selling their bodies

2.-sexual morality has degenerated too much and we live in a society where we sell
everything at the right price, even our moral values.

3.-we live in an economical-cultural world which is dominated by primitive desires such

as gluttony, lust and greed.
One of the main cores of this crime
was that he didn't pay taxes including the hush money.
We live in society which works in the following
way….. a minority of people take more
decisions and receive most benefit in the
world, then a second relatively minority that is
well educated and workaholic that will lead the
most majority of people……… and third
majority the makes most the menial

This is not new, it has been like this for most

of human history and even animal
dynamics……. The singularity that never
existed before is that today we don't accept
this reality, we believe in the “A-dream”.
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