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Unit: # 3 “What We Like” Wrap up Vocabulary words:

FOURTH Week Topic: Unit “What we like” week 5_wrap up (SB. Pages 94-
(PB. 55-61) 137)(PB. Pages 43-62)
Date: August 1st , August 5th
Teachers: Maria Fernanda Ledesma and Lucy Reyes Big Question: What things do you like? What do
Level: Third Grade families like? What do you like to do in the morning?
What ballgames do you like to play?
Ss will be able…. Grammar: Review last week grammar contents, Simple
 To use and express their ideas by using the Present 3rd person
vocabulary that they have learned.
 To listen carefully and understand questions Word Analysis: Antonyms and synonyms
about likes.
 To write sentences and a small paragraph about Vocabulary words: General review
 To use English to structure sentences. Writing: Write about things that you like by using the
To identify and write the different numbers
since one until one hundred
 Listen about daily routines

Monday (3 hours)

T will give four words to each group and then teacher will choose one member of each table, they are going to
make gestures or mimes in order to make that SS guess the meaning of the words.
THE table which has more correct answers will be the winner

Show Ss flashcards of the three readings. And encourage them to make sentences by using the recycle

Work in groups:
Give to each group 4 words and they have to create sentences on construction papers, Finally Ss will read their
sentences in front of the class, t will post their jobs on the English corner.
Practice book 61 -62
Feedback - Closing.
T will say some sentences with information gaps example. Encourage Ss to complete the sentences
When I am on vacation I go to the……….
When It’s my Christmas is a ………. Day.
I…….. in the sand to make a castle.

Hw: : Ws#1: Vocabulary worksheet # 13 and Vocabulary exercises

(1HOUR ) (numbers)


T will show Sts some markers teacher will encourage Ss to ask: How many markers do you see?.

Show Ss some flashcards with the numbers

Work in groups:
Give Ss some worksheets where they have to unscramble the numbers and find the numbers in a puzzle
Feedback - Closing.
Check answers orally

Quiz July 4th Review
1 hour (vocabulary and phonics)
Remember vocabulary : people, trip. Firefighter, ice, pal, lake, hold, grins, play, coat, funny, beautiful,worms
Show Ss some pictures.
Show Ss some words with Short a and long a sound encourage Ss to match the words in the correct column
Ask Ss to make some sentences with the vocabulary give ss a worksheet.
What is the meaning of……?

2 hours (grammar)

Show Ss a poster and encourage them to locate the different objects by using prepositions of place.
Encourage Ss to remember the prepositions of place by giving some examples and Showing them:
The eraser is in the pencil case
The books are on the table
Use there is and There are

There is a notebook on the floor
There are some markers in the pencilcase
Remember them that there is Its used for singular and There are it’s for plural

Work in groups : Make sentences and describe some objects in your classroom by using prepositions of place
Give them a BIG PICTURE in order to practice and some charts, they have to write at least 4 sentences using
there is and there are with prepositions, post jobs on the English corner.

Show Ss a poster with the possessive adjectives.
Encourage Ss to remember them by examples like: This is my pencil, this is your pencil, this is her book, this is
his book.

Give them a worksheet in order to practice

Use there is and There are

There is a notebook
There are some markers
Remember them that there is Its used for singular and There are it’s for plural

Give them a worksheet in order to practice

Hw :Worksheet (Review Quiz July 4th)

Wednesday ( 3hours)

Have Ss look at some pictures encourage them to remember numbers since 1 until 20, then ask them
How many markers do you see here?
How many backpacks are in the classroom?
Do you remember how to write this numbers , encourage Sts to go to the board the numbers that you tell to
them, at least five examples:
Then show to the children, some numbers flashcards and ask to repeat it after you.

When you finish give them a worksheet in order to work in class.
After that make a Peer Check . with the children.

Hangman with numbers

(2 hours ) Grammar Review

Review last grammar Structures.

Have –Has got:

Has he got a pen?
No, he hasn’t got. Yes he has got.


NGT : 54
Listen and write true or false

Can and Can’t

Can you play the guitar?
Can you study English? Yes. I can. Or No,I can’t


Remember Ss possessive’s
Show Ss two pictures with clothes ask them to use possessive’s
This is Amy’s blouse
This is Marco’s cap
This is Amy’s skirt.

Work in groups : use construction papers
Group 1: Ask them to write a paragraph with have got / has got.
Group 2: Ask them to write a paragraph with can and can’t: remember to use connectors
Group 3: Ask them to write a paragraph using Possessive’s give them a picture.
Group 4: Ask them to write a paragraph with have got / has got.
Group 5: Ask them to write a paragraph with can and can’t: remember to use connectors
Group 6: Ask them to write a paragraph using Possessive’s give them a picture.

Encourage Ss to write using the grammar structures of the last week and connectors: and –but –when –

Feedback: At the end, groups will expose their jobs. Teacher will monitor the activity by asking some
questions and checking mistakes.
Post jobs on the English Corner

Hw : NGT Ex 5 page 55 and Worksheet

Thursday (2hours)

Basic rules for third person (1 hour)

Motivation: Write some sentences on the board : I love cats.
She loves cats or I wash the dishes. She washes the dishes. Write with a different color the endings of
this words. Ask children to read them, tell them that you change some verbs structures in present when is
She – He –It ->third person

Give to Ss a worksheet with some rules :

Verbs ending in y
Infinitive Third Person Singular
study studies
fly flies
carry Carries
However, when a verb ends in y immediately preceded by a vowel, the y is not changed before the ending s is added. In
each of the following examples, the vowel immediately preceding the final y is underlined
Third Person Singular
say says
enjoy enjoys
buy Buys
Verbs ending in ch, s, sh, x or z

Bare Infinitive Third Person Singular

pass passes
push pushes
watch watches
fix fixes
buzz buzzes
Verbs ending in o
When a verb ends in o, the letter e is added before the s ending. For example:

Bare Infinitive Third Person Singular

do does
echo echoes
go goes

Ask Ss to use the rules and tell you some sentences. He –She –It

Activity in Groups:
Complete some worksheets with your group remember to tell Sts that they can compare ideas or work
together in order to complete the sentences

Does she have a pen? Yes, she has.
Does he study English? Yes, he studies.

Antonyms and Synonyms ( 1hour)


Show Sts some different words , make gestures


Introduction: Play a matching game: T will show different words in two columns.
mix words: prepositions: up-down, in-out; actions: open-close
Each S matches the antonyms and other poster for synonyms.

Activity: provide to Ss a list of Antonyms and Synonyms and a worksheet.

Sts must rewrite the sentences with synonyms or antonyms, circle the correct antonym or synonym, match

Feedback: What is the antonym of…?, What is the synonym of…?

Hw: Worksheet use Antonyms and Synonyms

Friday (2hours)
Listening (1hour) (3rd Farmers – quiz wrap 2)
Motivation: Show Sts some flashcards about daily activities remember them, the vocabulary before doing
the listening activity.

Introduction: Ask Ss to repeat the words.Tell Sts that they are going to listen and circle the correct picture
Activity: Listening worksheet, Stop the cd when it’s necessary (check understanding) , repeat at least 3 times .

Writing (1 hour)
Encourage Ss by doing a web map on the board, brainstorm ideas

What activities do you do every day? Use the Listening vocabulary.

Work in groups
Tell Ss that they have to make an interview about the activities that their friends do every day.

Write about your daily activities and your friends daily activities in your notebook , work in pairs
Remember Ss to be careful with the verbs.
If you are using third person pronouns (he/she).(ex: She brushes her teeth, She washes her face and She
studies in the afternoon)

Feedback: Ask SS to read their paragraphs in front of the class , check mistakes orally.

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