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College of Built Environment

Course Information Studies of Building Surveying

Course: Code:
Semester : Oct 2023 – Feb 2024
Course : Bachelor of Building Surveying (Hons)
Part : 03
Credit Unit :3
Course Status : Core
Contact Hour : i) Lecture : 2 hours/week
ii) Students’ project : 2 hours/week
Lecturer : Ts Sr Dr Suriani Binti Ngah Abdul Wahab

H/P Number : 0195904974

Email Address :
Room Number : KPAP229(FSPU)

Essential Information
 All Courses other than electives are 'significant courses.'
 As an indicator of workload one credit carries an additional 2 hours of self-study per week. For example, a
Course worth 3 credits requires that the student spends an additional 6 hours per week, either reading,
completing the assignment or doing self-directed research for that Course.
 Submission of ALL assignment work is compulsory in this Course. A student cannot pass this Course
without having to submit ALL assignment work by the due date or an approved extension of that date.
 All assignments are to be handed in on time on the due date.
 Due dates, compulsory assignment requirements and submission requirements may only be altered with the
consent of the majority of students enrolled in this Course at the beginning/early in the program.
 Extensions of time for submission of assignment work may be granted if the application for extension is
accompanied by a medical certificate.
 Referencing and plagiarism policy will apply on all written assignments.

Specific Course Information

 Attendance rate of 80% is mandatory for passing Course.
 All grades are subjected to attendance and participation.
 Absenteeism at any scheduled presentations will result in zero mark for that presentation.
 The attached semester program is subject to change at short notice or without prior notification.

Course Rules And Regulations

Assessment procedure:
 These rules and regulations are to be read in conjunction with the COURSE AIMS AND OBJECTIVES
and UiTM Peraturan Akademik Program Diploma dan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pindaan 2011 (Bilangan 1).
 All assignments/projects must be completed and presented for marking by the due date.
 Marks will be deducted for late work and invalid reasons.
 All assignments must be delivered by the student in person to the lecturer concerned. No other lecturer is
allowed to accept students’ assignments.  All tests/examinations are compulsory.
 Students must sit the test/examination on the notified date.

BSR505/MAC 2022/ASA
 Students are expected to familiarise themselves with the test/examination timetable.
 Students who miss a test/examination will not be allowed to pass.
 Note that every assignment is given an ample time frame for completion. This, together with advanced
information pertaining deadlines gives you NO EXCUSE not to submit assignments on time.

All Courses and Assessable projects will be graded according to the following system:
Grade Numeric Description Grade Grade Numeric Description Grade
Grade Value Grade Value

90 – 100 A+ 4.00 55 – 59 C+ 2.33

80 – 89 A Pass with 4.00 50 – 54 C Pass 2.00
75 – 79 A- 3.67 47 - 49 C- 1.67
44 – 46 D+ 1.33
70 – 74 B+ 3.33
40 - 43 D 1.00
65 – 69 B Pass with 3.00
Credit 30 – 39 E 0.67
60 – 64 B- 2.67 Fail
0 – 29 F 0.00

0 Y Fail (Did not attend / 0

Did not complete / No
submission) without

Plagiarism, Copyright, Patents, Ownership Of Work

Students are not allowed to plagiarize or copy from other sources.

This course is an introduction to the building surveying’s scope of work and to the concept of building pathology. It
also prepares students with the knowledge of identifying common building defects, various diagnostic equipment
and preparing simple defect reports.

Course Objectives:
Upon completion, students should be able to: -
1. Describe the building surveying scopes of work and the terms and concepts of building pathology.
2. Explain various types of common building defects, causes and other factors of building’s requirement.
3. Identify the use of diagnostic equipment and use of pro-forma for simple survey of domestic building and
prepare the report.

Teaching Methodology:
1) Lecture
2) Practical


1) Coursework : 60%

: i) Assignment 1 (Individual): 20%

ii) Assignment 2 (Group): 30%
iii) Test: (10%)

2) Final Examination : 40%

BSR505/MAC 2022/ASA
Lecture Schedule:

No Week Lecture Task

1 2/10/23 – 6/10/23 Introduction to syllabus & EES Briefing of Assignment 1 &
Assignment 2
2 9/10/23 – 13/10/23 Identifying defects in low rise domestic buildings Crit session for Assignment 1
3 16/10/23 – 20/10/23 Identifying defects in low rise domestic buildings Crit session for Assignment 1
4 23/10/23 – 27/10/23 Technique of taking photo and sketching of Crit session for Assignment 1
5 30/10/23 – 3/11/23 Understanding quality standard for good Submission of Assignment 1 /
construction Confirmation of case study for
Assignment 2
6 6/11/23 – 10/11/23 Preparing survey report for domestic buildings Crit session for Assignment 2
13/11/2023 – 19/11/2023 MID SEMESTER BREAK
7 20/11/23 – 24/11/23 Preparing survey report for domestic buildings Crit session for Assignment 2
8 27/11/23 – 1/12/23 Analysis elements, services, common faults and Crit session for Assignment 2
how to make good
9 4/12/23 – 8/12/23 Analysis elements, services, common faults and Crit session for Assignment 2
how to make good
10 11/12/23 – 15/12/23 Analysis of performance materials Crit session for Assignment 2
11 18/12/23 – 22/12/23 Remedial measures and method writing Crit session for Assignment 2
25/12/2023 – 1/1/2024, MID SEMESTER BREAK
12 1/1/24 – 5/1/24 Remedial measures and method writing Presentation / Submission
statements Assignment 2
13 8/1/24 – 12/1/24 Revision Test
14 15/1/24 – 19/1/24 EES/SuFO

1. Ahmad Ramly (2004), Panduan kerja-kerja pemeriksaan kecacatan bangunan. Building & Urban Development

2. Ching, F.D.K. (2014). Building construction illustrated. (5th ed.). New Jersey. Wiley

3. Costa, A., Guedes, J.M., Varum, H. (2013). Structural rehabilitation of old buildings (building pathology and
rehabilitation). Springer.

4. Feilden B.M. (2003). Conservation of historic building. (3rd ed.). Oxford: Architectural Press.

5. Freeman T.J. et al. (2002). Cracks in houses. London: BRE and Telford Ltd.

6. Freitas, V.P.D, Delgado J.M.P.Q (2013). Durability of Building Materials and Components. Springer.

7. Hollis, M., Gibson, C. (2005). Surveying building. (5th ed). London: RICS Books.

8. Lyons, A.R. (2014). Materials for architects and builders. (5th ed.). Oxon: Routledge.

9. Marshall, D., Worthing, D., Heath, R., Dann, N. (2014). Understanding housing defect (4th ed.). Estates Gazettes.

10. Richardson, B.A. (2001). Defects and deteriorations in buildings (2nd ed.). Spoon Press.

11. Royal Institution of Surveyor Malaysia (RISM). Code of Practice for Building Inspection Report (CP BS101)

12. The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers London. (2000). Building control systems. Butterworth.

13. Watt, D.S. (2007). Building pathology: principle and practice. (2nd ed.). Blackwell.

BSR505/MAC 2022/ASA

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