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ID NO. SoScR /0152/13









I hereby declare to the best of my knowledge that this report has never been submitted to any
learning institution either in full or in part for any academic award. I am truthfully declares that
this report was handed over the institution was my own work, except quotations and summaries
which were explained the sources. It is submitted to department of Accounting and finance regular
under graduate program, Hawassa University in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the
subject practical attachment AcFn 4113, is a record of the original report work done by me.

Signature ------------------ Date------------------------


Internship is one of the requirements for degree student to complete the study program. This
internship program aims to enable student to gain more knowledge and also experience in
workplace. This internship program held in commercial bank of Ethiopia, Bona Branch, at
sidama national regional state. There are some departments that I studied in this bank, for
instance Trainee, junior officer, customer service officer, Banking Business Officer, Business
Manager, Customer Relation Service Officer, Senior Branch Banking Officer, Operation
Managers and Branch Manager.


At the beginning I am very much grateful to Almighty God for giving me strength and
opportunity and sound mind to complete the internship report. May the Almighty God the work
of my hands! I am grateful to God for the good health rendered to me throughout my fieldwork.

I would like to forward my sincere thanks and appreciation to Hawassa university Awada
business and economics campus lecturers and administrative employees and my adviser Mr.
Tesfaye For them tireless effort in making my fieldwork a success. Then I want to thank Bona
Branch manager Alemu Dukale for giving me the opportunity to do my internship in the

I am very much thankful to commercial bank of Ethiopia, Bona Branch, its management,
especially employees of banking business officer, Customer Relation Officer, senior banking
Operation manager and Senior Branch banking officers for their cordial support to prepare this
internship report and for the guidance, encouragement and support given throughout my training.
Finally, I would like to thank my friends who also supported me during the preparation of this
report and express my gratitude to everyone involved.

Table of contents

Content page
List of
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Back ground of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia..............................................................................1
1.2 Back ground of commercial bank of Ethiopia in Bona Branch.....................................................2
1.3 Vision of the organization............................................................................................................3
1.4 Mission of the organization.........................................................................................................3
1.5 Motto of the organization............................................................................................................3
1.6 Values of the organization...........................................................................................................3
1.7 Objectives of the internship.........................................................................................................5
1.7.1 General objectives...............................................................................................................5
1.7.2 Specific objectives................................................................................................................5
1.8 Scope of the exploration..............................................................................................................5
1.9 Description of the job that I was assigned...................................................................................6
1.10 Significant of the internship.........................................................................................................6
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................................8
CHAPTER THREE..........................................................................................................................................9
Result and discussion..................................................................................................................................9
3.1 Management hierarchy of commercial bank of Ethiopia....................................................................9
1.11 The leadership style of the commercial bank of Ethiopia exercising right know.......................13
Democratic leadership styles.............................................................................................................13
1.12 Operation philosophy (production/ service delivery) of organization.......................................14
1.13 Marketing philosophy of commercial bank Ethiopia..................................................................17
1.14 Human resource management practice of CBE.........................................................................17

1.15 Customer Relationship philosophy of CBE.................................................................................19
1.16 Financial resource management practice of CBE.......................................................................20
1.17 Extent of technology Adaption in CBE.......................................................................................20
1.18 Procurement practice of material /office supplies in CBE..........................................................21
1.19 Decision making process of CBE................................................................................................21
CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................................................22
SWOT Analysis...........................................................................................................................................22
1.20 Strength of Bank........................................................................................................................22
 Have strong financial position (deposition)...................................................................................22
 There is strong corporation between management and employees.............................................22
1.21 Weakness of Bank......................................................................................................................22
1.22 Opportunity of Bank..................................................................................................................23
1.23 Threat of Bank...........................................................................................................................23
1.24 Possible problem and Challenges of CBE...................................................................................23
1.25 Solution for the Problems..........................................................................................................23
1.26 Challenges encountered by student during the attachment period..........................................24
1.27 How the challenges were solved...............................................................................................24
1.28 Limitations of the study.............................................................................................................24
Chapter five...............................................................................................................................................25
Conclusion and recommendation..............................................................................................................25

List of figures page

Figure 3.1.1 executive hierarchy level………………………………………………………. 9

Figure 3.1.2 District hierarchy level………………………………………………………... 10

Figure 3.1.3 Branch hierarchy level……………………………………………....………… 10

Figure 3.4.1 holistic marketing……………………………………………………………… 17

Internship program is the best thing for students to change their theoretical knowledge that get
from class by different course into practical knowledge and to faces the real-world situation
before taking a serious commitment. The intention of this practical attachment was to increase
students’ knowledge and enable student to compare what have learnt so far in class and what
have experienced in summer practical. It also helps students to develop different skill like
practical, interpersonal communication, entrepreneur, and leadership skills.

During our internship period in commercial bank of Ethiopia in Bona Branch for a period of one
month, I am seen and working in different section of the office, but during our stay focus on
sections that are related to our field of management. And adapted a lot of social interaction with
all Co-workers of the company and identified problems and discussed on the solutions and also
beside to this we have given some recommendations to the office.

CBE- Commercial Bank of Ethiopia

CSO- Customer Service Officer

ATM- Automated Teller Machine

SBE- State Bank of Ethiopia

HRM-Human Resource Management



1.1 Back ground of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia

Commercial bank of Ethiopia established as state bank of Ethiopia this SBE established in 1942
during at that time this bank performs both function as commercial and central bank.

Commercial bank of Ethiopia was legally established as Share Company in 1963 with 20 million
birrs paid up capital, 22 branches and 850 employees of which 65 women.

It is pioneer to introduce modern banking to the country. It is the first bank in Ethiopia to
introduce the service like Automated Teller Machine (ATM).

It has reliable and long-standing relationship with many international acclaimed banks
throughout the world. CBE also has provided current account, saving account, loans and other
services to its customers from its early establishment.

It is pioneer bank to introduced western union money transfer service to Ethiopia

Has been playing a catalytic role in the socio-economic development of the nation

The main products of CBE are financial service and currently more than 34,880 permanent

Currently CBE has more than 37.9million account holders in its more than 1,950 branches with
in 33 district under 3 region and the number of mobile and internet banking users also reached
more than 6.6million and active ATM card holders reached more than 8.3 million and 17million
CBE birr users.

Commercial bank of Ethiopia was the largest bank in east Africa in terms of assets as of 2022,
the institution led the regional ranking with total assets worth nearly 23 billion U.S. dollars OR
more than 1.4 trillion birr And CBE stands 32 nd in the top 100 African banks table of the African
business report.

CBE has played a vital role in the nation building process. Apart from its wide-ranging banking
services, it is actively participating in various social activities and community development
including sponsorship and voluntarily services, community services take part in fund soliciting
program etc.…some of the social endeavor that CBE participating are;

 Extended financial contribution to different legal Associations.

 Give financial support to the extension work of public school.
 Made financial support for some people live under HIV AIDS.
 To sum up CBE is ready and determined to scale up its support to social activities and
engaged in different public events.

1.2 Back ground of commercial bank of Ethiopia in Bona Branch

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia in Bona Branch is one of the recent branches that are established
October 2007 EC. Bona Branches are located in Sidama national regional state eastern zone in
Bona city administration. Currently the town is going on the transformation way.

This branch has provided social service for society and entered to the regular working with a
small number of employees who are not exceed 30 employees but, currently there are about 40
regular employees with 6 securities (guard) are actively working currently

In general, by adopting and applying different modern working techniques commercial bank of
Ethiopia in Bona Branch strive to achieve its vision, mission and to bring desired economic
development in the country.


To bring development for the country

To full fill societies need and want in relation to Money

To be profitable


To full fill its mission, vision and objectives

Helping society in relation to their want


It helps society by deposit, withdraw, and transfer money from one person to another

To give short term and long-term loan and

It gives ATM, mobile banking, CBE birr services.

1.3 Vision of the organization

To become a world-class commercial bank by the year 2025

1.4 Mission of the organization

We are committed to realize stakeholders’ values through enhanced financial Intermediation
using the best professionals and technology

1.5 Motto of the organization

The Bank You Can Always Rely on!

1.6 Values of the organization

Our core values detailed below are the operating principle that guides our internal conduct as
well as our relationship with our customers, partners, and shareholders.


 We are committed to the highest ideals of honor and integrity.

 We are committed to act in an honest and trustworthy manner.
 We are committed to firmly adhere to ethical principles and standards.

Service Excellence

 We are committed to offer the highest quality service to our customers.

 We are committed to be the preferred brand in service quality.

 We strive to build long-lasting relationship with our customers.


 We take ownership and personal responsibility for all what we do.

 We are professionals striving for perfection in our service delivery.
 We are responsive to the needs and interests of our customers.
 We apply our knowledge and competence to our competitive advantage


 We distinguish employees as valuable organizational resources.

 We maintain an atmosphere that inspires confidence and take ownership.
 We recognize our employees for their best achievements.

Learning Organization

 We anticipate and respond to internal and external changes through constant

improvement and adjustment.
 We establish a culture that nurtures individual and group learning.
 We retain and disseminate knowledge across the bank


 We respect one another and cooperate in our work.

 We recognize the importance of teamwork for our success.
 We collaborate and support one another to ensure process integration and minimize
external business challenges

Respect for Diversity

 We are sensitive to cultural, ethical, religious or other values of employees and
 We value diversity of ideas and viewpoints of our employees.
 We foster an environment of inclusiveness, where all employees regardless of their
sex, age, belief, etc. can exercise their maximum potential.
 We are committed to listen to one another and respond appropriately.

Corporate Citizenship

 We value the importance of our role in national development endeavors.

 We abide by the laws of Ethiopia and other countries in which we do business.
 We care about society’s welfare and the environment.

1.7 Objectives of the internship

1.7.1 General objectives

 To produce practically oriented graduates that meet the required jobs related experience
 To provide students the opportunity to test their interest in a particular career before
permanent commitments are made

1.7.2 Specific objectives

 To increase the value of theoretical knowledge.
 To remove the limitations of theoretical knowledge.
 To know how to solve managerial problems.
 To access the strength and weakness of the branch
 To know and understand the working condition
 To share experience and how to extract new idea with the work

 To provide students with an in-depth knowledge of the formal functional activities of a

participating organization.

1.8 Scope of the exploration
Geographical scope of my host organization of Bona branch is located in Sidama national region
Eastern zone in Bona city.

During my internship period in commercial bank of Ethiopia in Bona Branch I am seen and
working in different section of the office because of the bank or organization has a different
department; each department has Also a sub department. But during our stay focus on sections
that are related to our field of management.

The period I am spent during internship program specifically for a period of one month

1.9 Description of the job that I was assigned

I perform the following specific activities as an apprentice, when I was participating at commercial bank
of Ethiopia in Bona Branches.

 I check the name, date and signature of the customer to be filled properly.
 I participated in different writing and typing activities that help for customer service.
 I helped the customers by writing withdrawal & deposit orders for one month.
 I helped the manager by calling to the customer for to come and receive ATM cards
 I helped and assist the employee by opening the CBE account mobile banking
 I helped and assist the customer by telling how to use ATM cards
 I accomplish a given work punctual and honestly by obeying the rules and regulation of
the organization.
 Protecting the office resource from damage.
 I gave different service for department and customers.

1.10 Significant of the internship

From the internship I have acquired many benefits from practical attachment to my studies. Like
practical skills, interpersonal skills, team playing skills, improving leadership skills, work ethics
and organization psychology related issues.

In terms of improving practical skills

This internship program helped us to handle the practical knowledge and skill. We could
increase our practical performance. We evaluate our self that how much our theoretical

knowledge converted into practical knowledge. Some of the practical skills we gained from this
internship program are: Performing daily activities using the plan, Self-confidentiality to do
things, Problem identification, finding the solution, Practical skills.

In terms of improving interpersonal communication skills

During the internship period we recognized that team work is necessary for a given task to be
accomplished early and qualitatively. We had good communication with all the staff members
from the guard up to the high-level leaders we were communicating with a good Manner.

In terms of improving team playing skills

During the internship period we recognized that team work is necessary for a given task to do
easily and qualitatively. After that we understood how to work with group in an organization to
solve big problems and challenges. This experience we have learned from internship period
about team work will help us to improve our life to the coming year especially after graduation.

In terms of improving leadership skills

To tell the truth we did not get the chance to lead a group because we are not assigned in the
leadership position but we were leading each other in a good manner and we were learning from
them the skill how to be a leader. The internship is the sample of our future life so it teaches us
how to lead each other for the coming life this is good experience for us. Generally, Leadership
leads the organization by motivating individuals, giving feedback, managing time and building

In terms of improving work ethics and organization psychology related issues

From this internship we get a lot of ethical issues like how to keep punctuality and how to
communicate with the staff members. Especially in the organization where we have done the
internship, many confidential materials are secured properly in both computers and other
electronic devices like flash, mouse, we’re not allowed for entrance without knowing the guards.
In order to train the ethics, we were accepting the rule

There are most common two types of ethics; Personal ethics and Professional ethics


All the necessary data were gathered from the primary source such as employee and managers of
the institution and secondary source which are available in the organization such as document,
record, reports and magazines within the organization.

The primary data were gathered by observation and interview responses of different levels of
employee in the institution and also the secondary data were collected from documents and
records that are related with the human resource.

(I) Interview

An interview involves an interviewer reading questions to respondents and recording their

answers. At the time of interview just like this we reading our semi structured question to
respondent and recording their answer. The interview is like a conversation and has the purpose
of obtaining information relevant to a particular topic.

(ii) Observation

Observation is a purposeful, systematic and selective way of watching and listening to an

interaction or phenomenon/situation as it takes place. In our case we observed each and every
activity in the human resource department.

(iii) Document’s analysis

Secondary data include both raw data and published summaries. Most organizations collect and
store a variety of data to support their operations. In our case we were referred some of the
documents that supporting our field works. For example, payroll details, minutes of meetings and
human resource rule and regulation.


Result and discussion

3.1 Management hierarchy of commercial bank of Ethiopia

There are three levels of management in organization

 Top level: top level manager are responsible for setting organizational goals in the
 Middle level: middle level managers are engaged in carrying out there goals.
 Lower level: are responsible for running every organizational work unit in the organization.

So Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Management Hierarchy Different At Executive Level, District

Level, and Branch Level

xgx Board of directors

V/P Internal audit V/P
Risk management

Whole sale
Retail & branch

Interest free banking International banking

Information system HRM

Digital banking Finance
Chief of staff
Facilities mgmt.

Figure 3.1.1 executive hierarchy level

District Director

Retail Banking Facility

manager manager

Whole sale banking HRM And finance

manager manager

Branch manager

Figure 3.1.2 District hierarchy level

Branch manager
Operation manager Business manager

Senior banking operation

Customer service manager

Banking operation office Senior banking business officer

Junior officer Banking business officer

Customer relation
Cash service mgmt. officer

Figure 3.1.3 Branch hierarchy level

Branch Manager

Branch managers’ role and responsibilities are usually the smooth functioning of branch
office, guiding customers and employees and the branch success.

Branch manager must supervise all operations of branch such as, staff management,
administration, security and compliance and sales activities. They will also be responsible for
managing fund allocation and expense.

Generally: branch manager plan, manage and coordinates the overall branch banking

 Perform regular assessment on all branch related work practice and propose
improvement alternatives, manage service level against customer expectation.

Business Manager

 Perform all business related activities within the branch. Approve and authorize branch
 Business manager is responsible for management and maintenance of all bank producer,
service and digital banking
 Coordinate the marketing efforts of the branch.
 Evaluate the periodically the marketing and sales
 Ensure effectives and proper utilization of branch resources
 Analysis needs, asses the capacity of staff, and propose continuous training.
 Counter sing on documents and transaction tickets and approve payments.

Operation Manager

 supervise the operational activities in the branch, including living and training
 Employees, monitoring employees’ performance, landing customer complaint etc.
 Reviewing and analyzing financial data, such as profit and loss statements, balance sheet,
and other reports, to ensure the bank is operating efficiently activities of branches and

Customer services manager

 Assist branch manager and invite new customer

 Responsible for meeting the sales targets of the branch it also responsible for coordinate
and support sales team, maintain necessary sales acquisition data and record for future
 Managing a large number of incoming calls and emails
 Creating effective service, procedure, policies and standards
 Responding to customer service issuing timely manner

Banking Business Officer

Banking business officer is responsible for selling the products of the bank to the customer like
CBE birr, mobile banking, and visa card and receives money from customers.

 Delivers efficient and high quality service to customers

 Enhance the bank linkages through productive handle customers and maximize their

Banking operation offices

Banking operation offices are responsible for ensuring that the day to day operations of bank run
smoothly they commonly work with other members of the bank staffs to ensure that deposit are
properly accounted for, checks are cleared and processed in a timely manner.

 They are responsible for reviewing loan applications to determine if they need the bank
lending criteria.
 Reviewing financial statements prepared by the bank internal accounting staff to ensure
they are accurate.
 Contracting potential investors solace new business opportunities for the bank
 Processing incoming payments from customers via check or other means

1.11 The leadership style of the commercial bank of Ethiopia exercising right know
A leadership style reflects a distinct way of behaving. Based on the degree to which managers
share decision making authority with subordinates, leadership styles can be classified into many
classification. But the major classification is: Autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, Situational
transactional transformational and bureaucratic leadership style.

From those the CBE bank exercises and used different types of leadership style includes
democratic, transformational and transactional leadership styles More of Less the Bank
Follows Situational leadership styles

Democratic leadership styles

Democratic leadership styles also referred as participative leadership style is a leadership style
that encourages leaders to listen their employees and involve them in the decision making
process. Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Bona Branch, Practice their types of leadership because
in order to make decision about punishment of mistake made by employees, and resources
mobilization decision employee also participate

o This type of leadership style can bring team or staffs of the bank together and produce
excellent results.
o The branch manager guides their employees while encouraging them to provide feedback and
participate in decision making.
o Branch manager is inclusive utilize good communication skills and share her power
responsibility of others.

Transformational leadership style

CBE Bona Branch also used to transformational leadership style because the branch manager
gain the trust and confidence of employees, encourage team members and lead employees
toward meeting organization goal like open numerous numbers of CBE birr to customers,
produce number of cradles uses etc.

The bank used this type of leadership style inspiring employees to achieve the organizational
goal, generally they aim to transform and improve team members and organization functions and
capabilities by motivating and encouraging employees

Transactional leadership style

They also used to transactional leadership style when employees who meet the leaders
expectations will be rewarded and an employee who is not perform his obligation we will be

1.12 Operation philosophy (production/ service delivery) of organization

Commercial bank of Ethiopia deliver several service, so commercial bank of Ethiopia Bona
Branch also follow the guideline of head quarter and deliver products and services to the society

Major product and services that delivered by the CBE includes

A. Deposit Products and Services

The Bank provides different deposit products and services that enable customers to
save money and store valuable property.
 Savings Account
This is an interest-bearing deposit account. CBE offers different types of Savings
Accounts designed to address needs of different sections of the society.
 Demand Deposit Account
It is a non-interest-bearing account which is operated by cheque.
 Fixed Time Deposit
This deposit account allows customers to deposit their money for agreed term
without movement and receive a higher interest rate than the prevailing interest
rate for savings.
The minimum initial deposit is birr 10,000 or USD 5,000 or its equivalent in EUR or GBP.
 Foreign Currency Account
This account is opened in USD, GBP or EUR by international organizations,
foreigners, NGOs, embassies etc. whose source of fund is overseas and in foreign

 Diaspora Account
This account is designed for Ethiopians and foreigners of Ethiopian origin living
abroad and companies owned by them to deposit money in USD, GBP or EUR.

B. Credit Products and Services

CBE provides credit for working capital and expansion and facilitation of local and
international trading activities. It also provides short, medium and long term loans.

The Bank extends Short-Term, Medium-Term and Long-Term loans.

✓ Short-Term Loan is granted up to a maximum period of three years.
✓ Medium-Term Loan has a maturity period longer than three years,
but not exceeding a maximum period of seven years.
✓ Long-Term Loan has a maturity period longer than seven years, but
not exceeding a maximum period of fifteen years.

Types of Term Loans:

✓ Motor Vehicle Loan
✓ Construction Machinery Loan
✓ Special Construction Machinery and Dump Truck Loan
✓ Infrastructure construction term Loan
✓ Investment Financing for Enterprises Operating in Industrial Parks
✓ Agricultural Term Loan
✓ Micro-finance institution loan
✓ Housing Development Loan

C. International Trade Service

CBE offers different types of trade service products and services that facilitate
import and export activities.
• Documentary Credit
• Documentary Collection
• Advance Payment

• Consignment Basis Payment

D. Money Transfer and Forex Services

• Local Money Transfer
• International Money Transfer
• FCY Purchase
CBE purchases the following foreign currencies፡
• USD, GBP, EUR’ Swiss Franc, Swedish Kroner, Norwegian Kroner, Danish Kroner, Japanese
Yen, Canadian Dollar, Saudi Riyal, UAE Dirham, Central Africa Frank
E. Interest Free Banking
Sharia-compliant finance or Interest Free Banking Service is an alternative banking
service that operates based on the principles of Sharia which prohibits at the core
the receipt and payment of interest as well as working in areas forbidden by the
religion of Islam. CBE offers the following Interest Free Banking Services:
• Deposit and Investment;
• Money Transfer (Hawallah); and
• Foreign currency exchange.
F. Electronic Payment Services
CBE provides different banking services via electronic channels.
• CBE Birr
for the purpose of; Transfer Money, Cash Out, Buy Airtime, Buy Goods, Pay Bill, Check
Balance, Others
• Forex ATM
• Mobile Banking
• Internet Banking
• Point-of-Sale Terminal (POS)

1.13 Marketing philosophy of commercial bank Ethiopia

Marketing philosophy is a concept used by firms or businesses to guide their marketing effort.
Marketing is one of the critical activities in a company since it involves activities of finding,
understanding, and maintaining customers. Because of customers are crucial players in any
businesses since they are the ones who help the firms to generate revenue.

The philosophy that is adopted by the commercial bank of Ethiopia is the philosophy of holistic
marketing concept. This holistic marketing is a marketing strategy that focus on the whole
business as one a holistic marketing strategy all the company`s departments and all the
different component of the marketing strategy work together to accomplish shared goal and
support the company purpose.

Relationship marketing

International marketing

Internal marketing

Holistic marketing

Social responsibility marketing

Integrated marketing

Figure 3.4.1 holistic marketing

1.14 Human resource management practice of CBE

HRM can be defined as which provides for effective utilization of human resources to
achieve both the objectives of the organization goal on one hand and the satisfaction and
development of employees on the other hands. The following are the major functions of human
resource management;

A) Human Resource Planning; is a process of systematically reviewing human resource
requirement to ensured that the required numbers of employees, with required skills, are
available when they are needed.
 In case of CBE Bona Branch the HRM function of human resource planning is not fully
applied function, because of this function is done by the district at hawassa.
B) Recruitment And Selection

Recruitment is a process of attracting individuals in sufficient numbers and encouraging them to

apply for job with the organization, in the CBE this is done by raise the notice on social media
and notice board.

Selection is a process of choosing from a group of applicant the individual that are best suited
for particular position.

 Notice these two functions are mainly done by the main district level , but in order to recruit
and select like janitor and security(body guard) is done by the branch
C) Orientation and induction

After selection process done the organization went to give orientation for those selected
candidates about work place, people, rules and regulations of the organization and working
environment. So the induction leads to reduction such anxieties, frustration and etc. the new
employees reduce reality shock.

This orientation and induction process done mainly at district level and this process again done
by at branch level for to avoid and reduce new employee anxieties and frustration also for to
introduce new working environment for new employee.

D) Training And Development; the bank perform this HRM function to increase employees
ability to contribute organizational effectiveness
 After employees are joined the bank or apply on the bank provides mainly on job training to
boost their skill and performances in order to reduce mistakes employees should be train
E) Compensation; employees of the organization should be compensated or receive all sales
of rewards as a result their employment. To increase employee’s motivation the bank should
compensate the employee’s right amount of compensation at right time.

F) performance appraisal; it is a formal system of periodic review and evaluation of an
employee job performance in order to increase the employee’s performance the branch
manager evaluate their current performance and give feedback to correct their doing way
 After their current performance is evaluated the branch manager may provide training and
development to those employees that are not performing well
G) Integration and maintenance

After the employee has been procured, developed and compensated monetarily, the most
important and difficult function of personnel management is to bring about an integration of
human resources in the organization. Our internship organization concerned with the attempt to
effect a reasonable reconciliation of individual, societal and organizational interests

The maintenance function deals with sustaining and improving the conditions that have been

 Our internship organization CBE mainly works and gives great emphasis on team work
because of to create integration with their employees.
H) Safety and Health

Safety involves protecting employees from injuries caused by work-related accidents. Also the
organization considering about the health issues of their employees freedom from illness and their
general physical and mental wellbeing.

I) Promotions, transfers, demotions and separations

The organization promotes those employees who performed highly or transferred who
developed their skill, while low performers may be demoted, transferred to less important
positions, or even separated.

1.15 Customer Relationship philosophy of CBE

Customer relationship management concept is tendency of banking sector to establish and

maintain long-term relationship with customers and banks.

This concept allows bank to identify, segment, communicate and build long –term relationship
with customers on individual basis.

The customer relationship philosophy of commercial bank of Ethiopia Bona branch is focused on
customer respect, customer service excellence and customer empowerment. The bank believes in

meeting the needs of each individual customer by providing personalized service, accurate
information and competitive products and services.

 The goal of bank is to provide a positive customer experience for every client.

Why is customer relationship management essential?

For to determine how to increase customer loyalty, profitability, and satisfaction

1.16 Financial resource management practice of CBE

As we know the financial management main role is to plan, organize, and govern all the financial
resource of the organization

The bank manages its financial resource by using the following methods or procedure

 Bookkeeping and Accounting: It is essential to identify, take appropriate measures and

record all the financial details of a company. Whatever funds are debited or credited from a
company's account, the financial management
 Efficient accounting system gives an overview. Also, the bookkeeping records the everyday
transaction of a company and forms a base for the accounting system.
 Receivables and Payables: Managing what your company owes to the vendors and what the
customer owes to the company is essential. It gives a clear view of how much liquid cash a
company should have in all time.
 Reporting: Most of the stakeholders depend on the organization’s financial statement before
making any decision. The finance team shares a financial report to its

1.17 Extent of technology Adaption in CBE

Regarding to technology adoption, the Ethiopia government launched a national digital payment
system in 2019 to promote electronic payments and reduce the reliance on cash transaction. The
system allows customers to transfer moneys between accounts; pay bills and makes purchase
online or through mobile device like CBE birr.

So commercial bank of Ethiopia Bona branch is parts of commercial bank of Ethiopia adopt the
following technologies such as mobile banking services, ATM machine, poss. machine and cash
counting machine.

Generally Ethiopia’s banking is still in the early stages of development, the country has shown
some progress in technology adoption, with the government launching a national digital payment
system and the CBE implementing some technological initiatives.

1.18 Procurement practice of material /office supplies in CBE

Commercial bank of Ethiopia Bona branch as an organization in order to perform their day to
day activities it needs materials supplies.

Such materials or supplies are used to facilitate the working the bank, such as paper, pen, toner…

The branch of procurement practice seems, firstly the branch bank CBE sends their needs by
purchasing requisition to the main district at Hawassa. Then the main district fulfills the
materials or supplies of other small district or branch.

Sometimes the branches also purchase some small materials or supplies.

1.19 Decision making process of CBE

As we know decision play important role as determine both organizational and group goals.
Decision making process is continuous and indispensable component of managing any
organization or business activities. Decisions are made at every level of management to ensure
organizational goals.

As Branch manager states that Bona CBE decisions are made by both in group and individual as
a situation. For example when employees made a mistake he/she should be asked /punished by
group decision, plus to this in order to made decision on resources mobilization, how to do work
and like decision are made by group.

Sometimes branch manager may made decision lonely, for example transition migration, giving
direction to employees etc…


SWOT Analysis
The commercial bank of Ethiopia Bona Branch is one of the branch of commercial bank of
Ethiopia has its strength, weakness and also have good opportunities and threat that speed up
and retard the bank over all work process respectively.

1.20 Strength of Bank

 Have strong financial position (deposition)

 There is strong corporation between management and employees

 In order to improve profession of employees it give training
 Has good public trust and Good customer service
 Use cradles ATM machine to withdrawal money
 The bank has good relationship with other local banks and foreign bank
 The bank has qualified and well experienced management who done the activity of the
bank well.
 The bank also has money receiving ATM machine

 All employers are work together means a bank has good team work sprit
 Fast services for transferring money via Electronic Payment Services

1.21 Weakness of Bank

 The main problem in the bank is crowdedness of people such that there is a problem of
customer services it may because of some workers of the bank not give service to the
customers properly
 There are some inefficiency materials like chair for customers and table of computers for
training staffs.
 Sometime there is big connection or system problem that makes customer dissatisfy
 Wastage of resource like use telephone line for personal call repeatedly

1.22 Opportunity of Bank
 Availability of qualified work force in the market
 Development of information technology, i.e. peoples can get easily what type of service is
provided by CBE.
 Steady and fast growth of population is good opportunity for increase the bank customers
 The development of infrastructure and investment in the country play great role for the
 Growing of Economy

1.23 Threat of Bank

As the bank has opportunities listed above it has also threats like;

 The entrant of outside or foreign banks, because of foreign banks interest rate, technology
they used and other qualified service they may attract customers of CBE.
 Entrant and expand of new private banks in to market

 Global financial crises.

 Growing competition of other Bank.
 Economic condition of the country.
 Volatility of currency.

1.24 Possible problem and Challenges of CBE

During my practical attachment I have observed different major problem that retard the
organization to achieve its development plan. Setting mission and vision does not mean the ways
are quite smooth to meet the target.

 Dishonest of the employee’s.

 Technological influence like Facebook.
 Shortage of additional working material for trainers like chair, computer....

 Frequent electric power failure and weak network system.

 Size of the office is small.
 Lack of knowledge about the rules & directives of the bank

1.25 Solution for the Problems
 Organization should have to buy additional materials.
 Substitute generator power when the electric power failed.
 Giving awareness for the customers
 Increase the number of employees

1.26 Challenges encountered by student during the attachment period.

There are some problems which affect me on my activities of ONE month. Some of these
problems are from the organization and some are from customers: -

 Some of them don’t sign on the ticket and some signature on the ticket and on the book
are different.
 No correct order of sender name which is difficult to serve customer.
 Some are careless to respect the employees and rules.
 Some of them bring incorrect account which the system is not read.
 Time constraint- the duration is not enough to cover all work processes.
 Budget constraint- the budget is not provided by university to cover attachment.

1.27 How the challenges were solved.

 I have done my activities with my friend and employees of bank.
 I have told to branch manager these problems to be minimized.
 Through customer I have told to them to fill criteria properly.
 I have told to branch manager to find solution how customers fill all criteria.

1.28 Limitations of the study

The limitations of our internship study encountered several challenges during that period like
time constraints, money, and effort regarding gathering data, conducting interview and survey
with the staff in the organization. Since most of the staff members were new and not known
about the documents, policy, and other areas of the organization, it was a big challenge for our
internship to collect and present data and information.

Chapter five

Conclusion and recommendation

This internship has its own multidimensional significance in benefiting host organization,
universities and specially students, by improving knowledge and experience.

The practical attachment was conducted and knowing challenges and problems of organizations
may develop problem solving skill of the students. Therefore, conducting practical attachment is
important for students, university, employers and for society generally.
The one month attachment period exposes students to hands of approach to the skill learnt in the
university that learn in theoretically and prepares them to the work environment or that learnt
how to work in practically in real world environment it is a good way of practices and the
practical attachment period also learned the students how to solve the challenges or problem that
faced during the working environment and performing tasks and interacting with fellow
Commercial bank of Ethiopia was legally established since 1942 and at this time with many
branches. We made our internship at one of the commercial bank of Ethiopia Bona Branch in
city Bona administration town. Commercial bank of Ethiopia BONA BRANCH starting from its
establishment 2007 E.C within its CBE vision, mission, and objective gives different service to
the society and its support economic development of the country by financing and providing loan
service for huge industry and business it has also its own weakness, strength and problems.

Customer account and transaction service department is one of the departments structured under
Commercial bank of Ethiopia BONA BRANCH as a unit and perform its duties and
responsibilities by setting specific and feasible objective. Major activities performed by this
department are account opening, cash withdrawal, deposit and amendment, foreign exchange,
telegramming and checker activity. By overcoming this duties and responsibilities effectively
and efficiently the department has its own contribution for the success of the bank mission.

 Based on the findings of the internship, the following are recommended for the concerned
CBE organs;

 Increase the number of employees and computers in order to give better and fast service
to its customer and the customers will satisfy with the short period of time.

 The bank should expand modern banking service specially E-banking service to its

 CBE should pay better salary to its employee due to employee satisfaction is one among
the values of the bank, in addition to that better salary may reduce skilled and
experienced employee flow to private bank.
 Service excellence is useful for CBE to compete with private banks.

 CBE should give due attention for research and development

 Selection strategic work place

 Sustainable online connection for money mobilization

Finally, we would like to suggest to Commercial Bank of BONA BRANCH have to work
properly to achieve their goals and also to address other problems Working in cooperation with
other organization, especially non-governmental organization.

Recommendations for the university in general and the department in particular as to how the
practical attachment course implementation can be improved

 The university should give orientation/induction about practical attachment to their

students. It enables students to become pre-oriented about practical work environment.
 The university should provide adequate budget for practical attachment
 The university should increase duration time of the practical attachment;
 The university should strength linkages with organizations where the attachment

 Direct information from the supervisor of the organization
 From written document in the bank
 The annual report of the company by the march 31 of 2022
 The daily and weekly activities
 The interview; information from the employers of the organization

Commercial bank of Ethiopia (CBE) has the
following most commonly Daily time
records like any deposit in cash, cash
withdrawal of money, money transfer
order,.... etc.


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