physics 11th Guess Paper 11th Physics 2022 2023

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Guess Paper 11th Physics 2022-2023

Q. Differentaite Sin 𝒙, 𝑪𝒐𝒔 𝒙, 𝒙𝒏 by Abnitio method?

Q. State and explain principles of homogeneity of dimensions?
Q. Derivation of formula from dimensional analysis?
Q. Derivation of three equations of motion. (Graphical method and calculus)
Q. State triangle law and polygon law of vectors and obtain expression for resultant of two vectors?
Q. Resolution of vector into rectangular components?
Q. What are the various assumptions in projectile motion. Obtain expression for time of flight, height, range
of projectile?
Q. Explain inertia of rest, motion, direction and Newton’s first law of motion?
Q. State Newton’s second law of motion and prove that it is the real law of motion>
Q. State and explain principle of conservation of linear momentum and its applications (recoil of gun, bomb
blast etc)
Q. What is impulse and what are its aplications? State and prove impulse-momentum theorem.
Q. Explain the graph between applied force and force of friction and state laws of limiting friction?
Q. Angle of repose, and acceleration of body while moving up an inclined rough plane?
Q. Prove that it is easier to pull than to push. Advantages and disadvantages of friction?
Q. Define work, its expression for constant and variable force?
Q. State and prove work energy theorem. What are conservative and non-conservative forces?

Q. Relationship between K.E and linear momentum (𝑲. 𝑬 = 𝒑𝟐 /𝟐𝒎)

Q. Define collision and types of collisions. Analysis of perfectly elastic collisions only.
Q. What is moment of Inertia? State parallel axis theorem and perpendicular axis theorem?
Q. Define angular momentum and law of comservation of angular momentum?
Q. Define torque and write the expression for torque?
Q. State Kepler’s law of planetary motion?
Q. State Newton’s law of gravitation and write the expresion for force and express it in vector form?
Q. Define acceleration due to gravity and its effect with height and depth?
Q. Orbital and escape velovity and their derivations?
Q. What is stress, strain and explain Hooke’s law of Elasticity?

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Q. Define Young’s modulus, bulk modulus, shear modulus of elasyicity?
Q. Pascal’s law and its application on hydraulic lift and hydraulic brakes?
Q. State and prove Bernoulli’s theorem and its applications?
Q. Define surface tension, capillary, stokes law, conduction, convection, radiation. Newton’s law of cooling,
Thermal conductivity.
Q. Zeroth law of Thermodynamics, first law of Thermodynamics (Explain in detail)
Q. Second law of Thermodynamics (Statements only). Derive expression for work done.
Q. Carnot’s heat engine, Refrigerator.
Q. Postulates of kinetic theory of gases.
Q. Derive expression for pressure due to gas.
Q. Define degree of freedom and then state law of equipartition of energy.
Q. What is the relation between uniform circular motion and SHM.
Q. Obtain expression for displacement velocity, acceleration, force of SHM
Q. Simple Pendulum (Derivation)
Q. Define free, forced and damped oscillations
Q. Define longitudinal and transverse wave and their various quantities like wavelength, Time period etc.
Q. What is the plane progressive wave and obtain its equation?
Q. State and explain principle of superposition of waves and reflection of wave from denser (rigid end) and
rarer (flexible end) medium
Q. How are stationary waves formed. Obtain expressions for frequency of harmonies in strings and pipes?
Q. Doppler effect.

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