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C KB JO" Bf 'I ' C ~ ll6 H

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l "SN . ----
_ __! - Degree Ex.amimifion:- Ju ne/Ju ly .:!02J
~' ~~ \~ ,- -,---.. - ffer
·:_: , ::" N rs ~S em es· B. E/ B. Te ch
Pr og ra m m in g
1 .....·,1 In tro du ct io n to Py th on

h mr,._il,!e.
AIISK~.r ;my FIJ 'E fal l qaestio ns., ehoosing ·ON E/u ll tpusrion from euc
N01~: I.
l.. M: ,ll• rts . L· Blbom ':s lnw
, C: Colll'l'~ mucome:s.

'.\I L l
-· - - - - Mo du le- I - - ~• ! Ll l ()(
d m Python \ViU1 exa mp le.
Q. l &.. Lt.St and e..""l) math ope rat o~ llSC
-..-r ,s~ ev-e_n_o_r o-d d___ 6 LJ (_ 01
- -ck-"-,1-1e_l_h-er
- il- -t~- che
__nn _ e_n_u_n-tbe
·- -;-. ""' -\ V_r_lie_ a_P_}_l'l-_ho_ n_-_p_ro_gr
defrned fun'-l1ons .
- - - - --r--,· L2 CO i
i c. \\-1th 2n e'.:-ample exp lain use r
g, ~
,::; -
~ -:: OR 6 LI C Oi
foll ow mg puilt-in functrons :
~ ::=:
~ --v-. Q-2 a. \"/it h an e:x:ampk exp l:nn the
~ .I 1l pnn r()
= """f
=: ,..,, ii) inpmO
~ ~
~ ~
m l !en( ). _ _ ___ ...,.

8 LI C Oi
hon exp lam \Vtth an e,,-a.mple..
' b. Ho w to rumdle exc eption s in P)1
6 LJ C Oi
bers usi ng ste p siz e in range{ ),
'© , Wr ite a pro gra m to print eve n num

l\fo du lc- 2 - -- - - - ----

10 Ll CO'.?.
thods wit h exa mples .
Q..3 a. E..x p~ m the fulto\v·ing IISt me
I •m ~{ )_
•apperod( ).
•m~-en f ) a
-~ rtt l
•re'1erse( ) .
_ I
- ~ 1 die:tionary of IO ke y- n1lu~ pa Lrs an<
l I
T LJ co~
create a
\.::,I \.\'r ne a python pro gr-am Lo
11 pnn~ only key s on,.gte scr een

used in lists w·1th an exa mp le_ s u co~

c. Ex p[.a m m and llOl i'n operators
QA a. - Sho w th~c l~ r..s are mu table.
mo du k - , --
8- - L - -
fn.'"qu euc y of cha ra.c tcn- usm 2~ ··- CO l
\\ nie a pro,g ram Lo cow ,! t.hc
PP nmr.(Pr~lr;- Prrnin rn.,g).

6 ll co~
- os -r·,...,,, i o~xIi"~ ;;: -: -- -- -- -
-- - -- - - n n cJ(B I 05 /ll PLC JUf)SB -
-- -
. - -- - -- - - - -
fi LJ CO J

_/ r, ., LJ ( ·o:rl
8-1 Lt C OJ i

10y 1I - -1

I . ' ' 'i) .isalph
the ,fol19wliilfff(ing methods
a() ' ii) isa lnu m( ) iii) isd cim al( ) iv) iss pa ce( ) v)
.with examples :
islil le( ).
I1 JI /


1' Py tho n pro

grp m tha


rep eat edl y asks users

t:heir age and a
ord in
for 6 /LJ / C
{~ Vfr inp ut. [age is in dig it and Passw
til the y pro vid e val id
p~•skword ,un / I
alp habet an digit only].
lute and rel ative paths in specifying file
pat hs. 4 / L2 IC
bet we en Ab so
C. , Differentiate - --

.._ I -4 -
M 0 d UC - ·- - LI - f C04
' uti l module.
- -
- - - - - ,!..- ..--. --,
fifes and folders can be copied using Sh
Q. 7 a. Sh
ow that
. I 7 LJ C0 4 /
ep tio ns in Python.
b. Write a note on Raising exc co4 - ➔
1-, -

. ~
' in the Debug Co ntrol Wind ow I .
Explain five bur.tonI s available -1... . --- I
- ~


' J OR -
egorize log messages by JO L2
d Python to • cat
Describe logging levels use
j Q.8 a. . !.•
, .
importance . - co

. - - -
tly de leted. IO LI
-- s and folders can be permanen
With example show how file
I fj ,

-Q9/{!!) Wr ite ~ p
> g:ra
' a
; s
f.o im
in Fig .9(
M od ulc -S
•- - - - - -
me nl the _ fo_lJ_o_w_i_ng_ o_b_~_ec_t_ d_ia_g_ra_r_n

a). Initia lize the anributcs

and its
through a
· · furic1ional.i I

constru ql~,r and print' r the same.

I , -f ,: · -----
--_ -_ -~-_-_-_-_-_-~-......_-;;; -
.: I 1- ~-
-- -- '--
~ ~iJ.: ➔ \ QQ,,0
hlu.# 7:>..oo,O )( ~
ii/ I
_· ;\
C.~ -nO - -r-11 'f ➔ O•O

C M·H IT U BI (-\H Y

b. Dis c~ss ope~ ato r ove1tloading. Me nti on any five operators with res
Fig.Q9(a) 1-,, ·,· ,\ l') l ' t : ,1 ,r u -J

JO / L2 ~
LO 1

oaded in Python. I
spccrnf functions lo be overl

,--=-=- - - - I 8 -r' LZ II c',;): :


'__/~ _1
Q. 10 "-T ~xpia in ihe ~o ll= ~g
~wi tl: exa~7 :

I y( ). /
cop y.cop y iv ) copy.decpcop
is insta nce( ) ii) hosall r( ) iii)

i:; ,mlM mB h:llflJXr~Bg GRI\Ol'(f.Gf;Xfdsci@_J;WWJ°lt.l~l3~ 01ii\ B½m~ d;i lie r

function . / 12i LJ ; C0 4
414 ,
,,up s //docs godgih.,
\ Ro(ID)B
_'.,;tl~ ~,z~\ 1 1 1 1 1 1
(" B?CK 205B / BPLCKB205

:· ! ::;~~ d)~~meste r B.E./ B.Tec h. Degr ee Exam 1h_:;ttion, Nov./

Dec. 2023
\ ~ ; ~ .p : - Intro duct ion to Pyth on ,.P fogr amm ing
':f)i/s: ' Max . Marks · J00
,'•T_!me .
--- oje: 1. Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each module
2. M:I
Marks, L: Bloom's level, C: Course• outcomes.
,r Modul e 1 .' M L C
5 Ll COI
Q.I a. Gcmon strate with exampl e print() , inp4t( ) and format ( ). •.

·~, L2 COi
b. Explai n conditi onal branching statements with syntax and write a suitable 7
program for the same.

L3 CO]
Write a python progra m t6 check whether a given numbe r is Armstr ong or 8 j
not. [Hint - An Armstr ong numbe r is any numbe r of~ digits whicg is equal
to the sum of n poweJ of digits in the number..,For example, 371 JS ~D

Armstr ong numb~r sin~e 3**3 + 7**3+1 ** 3 = 371]

, ....
-~ ,.
,. OR
8 L3 COi
Q.2 a. Write ,a p~lion p·rogra m to guess the sec.i:et numbe r between 1 to 25 within
5 guess if the numbe r is same then,rigbt guess else wrong guess.
\ -
b. What are ·user defined function? Mow can we pass the argume nts to the 6 LI COi
functio ns? Expl,ain with suitab]e,examples.

C. What are compa rison and l3_oolean operato rs? List all the comparison and 6
Boolea n opera~ors in pytfton. - -

Modu le-2 ·

8 LI CO2
Q.3 a. Explai n the metbod s 'of list data types in python for the following operation
with suitabl e code snippets for each. -
i) Adding values to a list ~

ii) R~m<:>ving values from a:li~t._

iii) Findin g a value in a list
iv) Sorti:yg the values Wa_list'
6 L1 CO2
b. Expia in the concep t <ff !isl slicing and list traversing wilh an exampl e.
Y{rite a python . program to count occurrences of 6 L3 CO2
c. What is a dic1i9n ary?1
charact ersI !Ila s tr·mg an~d· pnnt
. t I1e·counl.
l 11

- -
' ,
. , '
" OR
JO L3 / CO2
a. Write a python progra m ~bat ti.rid the missing number from the given a list
0 .,J numbe
rs ranging from l) fo n, There are no duplicates (Hint - eg : Input
=I I 2 4 6 3 7 8, output :~5)

nt .from list()? Explain with exampl e the function used 6 LI CO2

b. How is triple differe
I lo 'conver t list into tfiple and triple into list.
4 LI CO2
ExpJa.i n ins·ert( ) and remov e() methods of List with example.
I c. ,,.,
BPLC l{lOSil/ B'PLCl(B2.05

- Q3 a. I \Vrite a pytho n program t.o count

l\1fodule - 3
Dl!tmber of lines in a file. '
s I LJ ICO i
---- -l


. f

g funelion s
, wi<h exam ple : ,,;.
· b. I Exp lain the follow·in
vel-path() iv) hstdi(( ) ' y) sub( )
i) rruikedif$( ) iQ get.c·wd( ) iiQ
5 LI ' co 0
\ c. 1 V-l:h:a t ure thr~~ "nwde'\ arguments
Lhat can be p.~ssed 10· open( ) [unction
with example., . ~ I
I I ' I .
OR 1
r I
r Q.6 a. With' co<l.e'. snip p-et., expl ain savi ng varin 9l~s u_sing the shel ve moduJo ~rid . 6
( ~ s,
I I . prinl pfor raat func tiqn
.- L3 CO2 !

' b. Wri Ite a pyth

on prog ram that acc~ pts '~,,sente:11ce and find .,.._.

Iwords, digits, upper case letters and !.ower case letters.
, ber of
the num 7

' ..
7 LJ CO2 !
nt elim inat ed
mak e a new -string with all the con s~na
c. Wri te n prog ram to - For exam p!e lnP.ut: Hell o, hav e a
from the strin g read from ~e user [Hint
I goo d day. Out put: HIT, hv gd dy]
! l
Module - 4 10 LI COI
ng and
t is mea.nt b~- cqm pres sing File s? E,g ,la~ reading, extr acti
Q.7 a . Wha ~·
. creating ZIP fi!es wiih an example. I
-, 5 LI CO2
asse rt st'!Jement in pyth on cons ists of?
b. Define assertions. Wha t does an
·- , 5 LJ C03
Ic. Ho\.V does -OS .walk( ) wor k in python._?.
to config_l,lre tlfe lagg ing with an
7 L2 I CO2
) met hod
Q.8 a. Disc uss the oasi cCo nfig (.
I - Lt CO2
. ra1:n to depi9t
b. Write. a prog Raismg Exc epti on.-
. .
. .

6 L2 CO2
c. Exp lain tbe func.tions_
or Shutil mod ule<example.
. .

Mola.le•- 5 '
c and ~ta ~~e met hod. 6 L2 C04
Q.9 a. Com pare the ~ifference betw een c.lass, stati '

on. Crea te a class ·call ed Emp loye e and 9

L2 C04
b. Def ine 'cla,,sscs an.d obje cts _jn ' p~h
Design-mcithod to :
initialize it with ,einp loye y id and nam e.
e ·
i) Set Age _:, to' assi gn 'ag~ :to the emp loye
-: to clSS~gn sala ry to the emp loye e l MK IT LIB i {A R y
... Set~Sala ry
! l;'\fil ,,\LD HL : , JJll 7
loye e.
jii) Dis play - t0 disJ2l~y all information pf the emp •
' I -i' , .
' --- method~ .with an exam ple. 5 L2 C04
C 1:xpJain ---~- init•c:.:. aii~
a ,str
f 1
"' ; • ~
...._ • .,_ 1
- I - •, ,

-. i ~ OR
phis m in pyth on usin g met hod 7 L3 CO4
Q.10 a. [ iY/rilf!: a p rogr am to iplp_l~°:le~t poly mor
over ridin g. f"

re of a L3 C04
b. Def ine pur e fu.□ction? an example prog ram that retu rns squa 9ive 7
pass ed mte ger. , ,, .
te a pyth on prog ram to 6 L2 C04
I c. !-low class can ' be! inst anti ated in python? Wri
class REC TAN GLE with mem ber
to~t;inoe s ?s n; turn valu es to define a t
erY and mem ber function to find ce n er area
wid th . Heig .ht corn erX com
I .
:rnri n c• r·1mP-ter nf;i rect ang le.
n-1 13PLCKI05DlOPLCKUl05
\)SN L I - · - I I I - - - _J
FirsfSeme-s tcr B.E./B.Tecb . Degree Examinotion~ Occ.202.3 /Jon.2024
Introduct ion to Python Programm ing
Mux . Murks: IOO
Time: 3 hrs.
NM~~ t. AnSl4•tr •ti' FIVEft,11 qu~ritlllS, f'AoosinR OlVEftlll ll"~fltmfrom (CIC& motlule,
l. M: ,ll•rts, L.• Btot,nt'"s li!r#. C: CtHUSfl ,mtt"tJfflffi,
Module- I M L C
Q.1 a. List and eN:plain the use of ctH11parison \1perntor in python. Write the step by 6 Ll COi
step execution of tl-.e lbllowlng e.-;:pression in p)1hon.
312 • 4 +) + (I0J4).. 3-2
. u cot
b. Explain the eontml stntcments. ii~ els~. elif wilh proper synttL-.: and 6

c. Develop a python program to calculate the area and circumference or!\ 8 LJ COi
circle input the vnlu~ of radius and print the results.

Q.2 ll. Explain the string concatenation and string replication operator with an 6 ' L2 COi
b. faplnin local and global scope of variable with suitable e.°'\nmple. 6 u cot
c. ' Develop a program to read the student details Lik~ Name. USN nnd Murks s Ll cot
in three sub_iecls. Display the student details, total marks and percentage
with suitable mc.'!SSa~s.

Q.3 a. What is list? Explain the concept oflist indexing nnd slicing with examples. 6 u CO2

b. With suilable examples, ex1>lnin the list methods append( ). e.xumd( ). 8 u COl
son( ), count( ) and pop{ ).

c. Read N numbers from the console nnd create n list. Develop n program to 6 L3 CO2
' print mean, variance and standard deviation with suitable message.

QA o. Define tuple daia type? List out the difference between tuple and list. 6 L2 COl

b, lden1ify and expJain the dictionary methods like get( ). item( ). ke)'s( ) and 8 L2 CO2
values ( ) in python with examples.

c. Deve lop !l py1hon program lo swnp two numbers without using 6

. L2 COJ
ln1e.nTiedia1e variabk.s. Prompt the user for input.

I of2
Mo du lc- J 6 L2 COJ
ing :
Q.5 a. Wr,ite the outpul of !he follow ( )
i~ 'HeLLo' •upper( ) · isup .
) er(
ii) ' 1-leLLo' •upper( ) • low
J 'There can be only one ' · split( ) )
' iii) •_' . Join( L2 COJ

ng methods.
b. With examples, explain any five siri Ll COJ
sonants 8
elop a python progra m lo count the total number of vowels, con
c. Dev
in a siring.
explain Reading and writing
Ma ke use of the concept of tile handling and
Q.6 a. ams.
process with suitable python prog!_ L2 CO3
and relative pat-hs.
Exp lain the con cept of file palh, also discuss absolute
6 L2 CO J
c. Briefly, explain sav
ing variables with shelve module.
Module -4 6 L2 CO3
able examples.
Exp lain the follow ing ,li!e operations in python with suit
Q.7 a.
i) Copying files and folders
ii) Moving files and folders
iii) Permanent ly deleting file
s and folders ~

lain 8 L2 CO3
th~ ben efits of com pressin g tile with zip file module, also exp
b. List out
ry tree.
the concepts of walking a directo
l.copytree( ) 6 LJ CO3
the diff eren ce betw een shutil.copy( ) and shuti
c. List OUI
.. -
6 LZ C0 3
ing a exception .
Q.8 a. Briefly explain Assertion and rais
takes two 8 L3 CO3
a function named DivExP which
b. Develop a python program with ertion for
am eter s a, ban d returns a valu e-C. (.C = alb). Wr,ite suitable ass
par gram
i.n fun ction 0iv ExP and rais e
. on exception for when b = 0. Pro
a> 0
has 10 read two values from the. coh
sofe and call a func1ion DivExP.
6 L2 CO J
efly exp lain the difference log ging levels.
c. Bri
Module -5
rectangle 8 i2 CO 4
hon. Construct the class called
Q.9 a. Define c-lasses and objects in Pyt as (x = 0,
I00, 200 , starting point
and initialize ii wj th height = ates o-f a
display t'f1e center point coordin
y = 0) and write the method lo
totyping and planning. 6 L2 CO 4
b. Briefly explain rhe concept of pro
__ str( )_ _ method with examp
les. 6 L2 C0 4
c. E>iplain Clearly _ _ init( )_ _ and
le with an example. 6 L2 CO 4
Q. JO ll. Explain the term objects are mutab
8 L2 CO 4
hism with examples.
b. Exp lain the concepr of po'lymorp
modifiers with examples . 6 L2 CO4
C'. Ex plai n brieny pure functions and

2 of2

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