M2_Vector spaces(module-3)

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Module 3. Vector Apace and dineas. Fransfemations : Littdluction :— [Goroup :- A non emply set equipped wich one bina Speration af ts called. group Hf a aalispes following Perlilalts (ov Artioms) . 4. Closure Properly : tr a anol 6 64 =) a*kbeq. a. Acsotiglove openly | Wa. boeg =) ask Cb#C) = (axbC 3. Existence of ideletG : hore Eris an velement e eq such thot aye +za=e#a . i She element G ds cabled the identity . 4. €octislence tunverse : Lach element af G Porrerses dnverse, 16 Waegye thue exish an element 6 €4 buch that Akb=e2bka Shen b Us Called Lnvene of a. avaizeraka . Lye A guap nite Commurtaleve property is bnowow as abelian geoup ot Commutative Aoup fe G,beq, tf axb=b#a a ‘y? is Commulalive ong . £4 i) (T+) is an abelian group aC I+) us a group and alo va ber. — ii) (Bo,+), (Ro *), Clo, are examples af abelian | arp: Dr, Sreelakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Insitute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru and. we wotde b:a! Rings :— Seppere Ris a non-emplg set equipped with Lio bind operon salted WIDE ion aun muta and! Sl eee Shen the co Alaclins CR, +, 0) Kuowr as cd ae foowing axtoms are tataped . ) (R, +) is an abelian group 7) Clerure propala con ah a,beR 2 AtbeER - ti) Associative propoty fos + Ar a, 6CER 2 atl b+c) = ii) Eocts lence ef é devil elevrent fort? ar aeR J OER F Ato-Aatore O us Know at acclitive clement o7 Zero element af the shina, ° tv) kretstince Gf invewe elemerit for araer J -aER - auch thik AAl-A20 , d (atbjt+e 2-ata i) Assoctative a,b CER = a+ ( 610)" (a+b)°c 3) Multiplicaliion (,* clislatbutis over adcliou't’? from eft ancl alro from right . a,bceR Parlbtc)2Aabtacc 11) Q+b)-C = AeCtoc Dr. Sreelakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and! ‘of Technology and Management, Bengatury ia CH 4, 0) ds a wing. Lk Commutative Reng : Ping (Bt, +) dra Commutative ah 3 44 vy abeR, arbzbea. a C+,+). * cg With. Vail G im pea CB, +, +) is Known as ng wide wily if 2 arla. sragr J ter uuch Ahet ae Le Commutative £e width, Uni a CR, ++) as Commutative Ab witclh anil, af Q,beR =) A-bz ba and -vaeRJIER Buch Ahoct a.leaslo . Field :— Ar commutative Uing with wld in which e1 povbons Tha nurttiplicative enr€ pe CE t+) dea freld tf (1) CF, +) ds an abelian cia) Che) te ee (ttt) Multeplica Lon dhustribulla ad frome the and also fom wi the en (9, 4,°I, CR +59), oe a of foe Dr. Sreelakshml TK, Assstant Professor vematles, © of Technology and! Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Ber nga PP Wa If CE.) daa poole tow F contains att deasl live elements , Zero element ancl. unt element he addi five iclentety element ancl. multiplicative Cbenhinly element. ee ae Dr. Sreelakshmi Tk, Assistant Professor, De fessor, Department of Mathemates, BMS smatles, BMS Institute of Technology and Ms fanagement, Bengaluru Vector Spases:— hat F be a fetd. A veclor space over F, a non - empl act V together with tio epecalizons CcoMed adclition and Scalar paultiplicalion) euch that for each Lvl ev theve isa unique element UtveV and for each we rand weV there a unique clement xe V, ancl, if salzsper the plowig Condi Mons e LD. Ci) url veo) = (urvy+w, for abl Uy, wev CAmoctativily ) (tt) Urvs veu, for all wwe V Ceommutotivt 7 ) cttt) There esctsls an element Oe V 4uch oa Uto= Us Oru, for alt we V Cecislence of i ; b (fv) Fer each WeV, thee erctals a nique element uw ev such that Utl-u)=02 (Ut CEngslene of addi Live inverze) lt. there is an Crclémal Conporition vin V over F Called Scalar wurtteplication : he ker and UE V =p we év In othernords Vis clered with wespect Lo sealer uutiplicalion . tae . “The tivo Comporiiions, te, vector addition anc Acalor wutteplication salary the fottowing. pestilales , 9. Sreelakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, Dr, Sreelakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Benga VYa,beF and wuweVv wD (ath)-¥eavrbv (tt) a- Cb. v)= (ab)-v (itt) Q. (W+w)=s AV+raw (iv) 1. (ve v. the set of all ordered Shiples (a,b,c) of seal rusnabors us called Lsclidean 3- space anc is olanoled bf K 4 aa ack of all no Lule of ead nismlerA, oy RD” is cabled Eucliclean apace. ; 2 2. ot . kg: Ihe ordered pair Ca, -2) Actos Roy ik ee od chimension : oe She brclaed teéple (4,3, 6) belongs bso 3- tuple ef dimnenrion Lhe » re or Problems ? — i the all vectas ina plane over ay ae oe wa vectas Apace wi th vuepect fed a - murtteplication . - tt V oleneld cthe act of abl coplanar vectezs an by tte Jeold of real numbers. 7 oe V are the ordeved poss ext) where ee feng) ieyers br. Sreeakshmi Tk, Assistant Professor, Deparment of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru and _ T) (Vt) ds an abelian aroup. i) Peasoctativisy *- Me know fret uy ev CUtwtW 2 urlVtw) . it) Commutativilg : — ble kuowo that foe all uveV Ut w= Bru tte) Erebs fence of additive telentely ed Ea Zero veclsy for cd vectos weV thee exp OCV such that UrO-Oructr- ty) Lxejstence of addilive duveyre 7 vector WeV. the encjats.a vector -ueVv For e buch Utl-u) = eate) robs OS Thus V ts din, abelian gacup i] a vectss addition - a DE) Scalor aut plicalien. tn V. 2) For Uw BEV. and «eR we have ce Cury ii) For Uev and..a, Cath) us aut ou - tii) For UEV and a,bek, we have TS albu) abu ueV and 20k, ne have dust. Dhies at V coplanar veclags satis ves all Lhe ties of ae odlaliion anc "toss multiplication: Dr, SreelakshmiT, Asstant Profess " o a K, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Tdchnology and Management, Bengal jement, Bengaluru )ecdure ¥ berR we have iv) For 9 Prove chat the ret c af all complert numbers Che the set of att orclere dt. poit of real uunrbegs) is a vectax space over the field & of all wal nunrbess where vedsr addition ix efemecl ba C21) + Cif gods (hit ge, Hata) and scalar multiplication os defined oy A (2) ,2%2) = Cost, 1%), for al eR. Me observe thet G ts cloted uncles vectsr adlition and undes scalar maseltiplication zr. Ce,4) ds aw abelian grep: (1) Axsoctattinidy ¢ For oll (x1, 23). C40 Ff Car, to) + [Cif pot for all (hi a) LY lez) eG, we Lave Ze) ]< Cty e) edt rye t ze) 2 0% t yi te wo tys te) = Cute vate t a) 0Z 22) 2 [Cai 2 +ege yor] e202) (ii) Commutatiily : For all Ct, %2),04, ys) 6G, we have Cy, ta) + Cea 2) = Cutgr oat 42) = (miter, Yor %) . (gu 2) +X, Xs) (iit) Eocislence of identi ly . Fer Ct), 60, theve exile (0,0) 6G such that CX, +4.) +600) = C4 +0, Xr +0) = (2%), %2) (0+0)+ Ch, 4) = (O+k,, OF Le) = CL), 42) “2 (U1, As) # 0,0) = CH, Xa) = (0,0) +021, 22) , br. Sreelakshml TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru () Encjalince of inveyse ? “For aug (ity, Xa) G. cthave enalh (-%1, -%) € ee CX ha) + C- Ly Dla) = (0, 0) = Cr - 3) 40%, La) Thus Cus an abelian group sotth respect £0 vector addifion . or. Properties of Scalar mauttiptica tion ac: to [ltr ade Cy, yo] = CCH ty Lat Yad a gn) (eects eestp)) = (etry rety, 9 MMe ie) 2 Cem, ete)t (XH Lye) has eo 0%, %2) + x it ai : Je Ctr, Lo) FCG Ye ot [Ctr ted ely Y Te yee ed wee. ti) Care) CX, %) = (Carb) ty, Cath) 2) 2 (AX, 46%, AF bx.) 5 (At), AX.) + Cb), b%2) " 2 alts, Lo) +b 0% t) alt. Thue (ath) CL, wee a Cr, Ha) + 61%) fos : Cys), Cunt) OF Za,ber. citt) aC b(%, %2))- a (6H, bts) =(abt abr) a (bCtr, %4)) =(Ab)lu, 2) (ivy 1 tol tad = CL a) for ate (ty %2) 24 hus cthe set G sacisyes alt ste proprrtics ef vector space. Hence G ua vector space ove R. en Dr. Sreelakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru Show thot the set V af all zal valued Continous functions Of x hefened on tnlivel [0,1] ds a vectir space over sthe fet R of real numbers with ripect £6 vector ‘addition anol Acalor multiplication defiued ua Chir fate ficarefecw), for all A fev (ati = Ate), for all xeR, AeVv. he TCV, +) ds an abelian Ca : (2) Amoctatinily : eet f, fatty EV be avbitrang . if Je) = (fit do) C0) + 430%) it fad+ 4s «pf face] rts0™) 2 fiexrt Lfocat fa¢2)] 2 fp Ce) + C for 4s)(%) =ff + Cfatds) J) (fittedtts ~ titlfatts) - (é) Conneste i * hat fit eV be avbitrary ; (Lada) cre): fewrher) 2 fatten) > (fort er), forall “2. Atde + dott. (tie) kecdslence Identity’ ef: function 0 Auch that C2): 0Crcol number), wne OQ for ott x EL0,11. Aho, out a Cortinuous function and belongs to V (orf ered = OCI +ACLI » OF few = fice) CHropcn) = ftw + 0lx= fitz) orf=Atorh Dr. Sreelakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru Thus, othe function 0 defined above isan additive identi SG clement of V- Ci) dscbslence eof Inverse * debnad Por a functin fr. the function -f, ‘ fe Cf dex = -fiee), a oh bt de Luverse, at [ fprl-f lea: fers Cf) 2 frlay- filw)=O0 > OX) u's [- fit J cay2 on) Thus Phe sit V fe an abelian TT. Properties of Scalar Multsplicaliou fn V. (8) For fis fr OV aud x €R, ble hove Det fie pres <0 Cfit ecw 2 XL ficarrdocay] = efi cart xfoce) 2 Kfas late) % 2 (xf thf) % oe (ftfe) sc ttXte (ii) for fevand aber - [lara fi Je) = Carb) fics) 2 Afilx)t+bhl%) undes addition. = (afi) et (ofr = firth f)(%) Carbs, = afrtbti (fit) For eV andl aber, [a (ofr) # + aLllefIe] 2 afb ditt) = (abfitr) = L[labhi2 alos) -ab+ Dr. SreelakshmiT K, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Insitute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru (tv) For fpev and IER, hle have Che fides bifilar fier) tfiedy . 5. Shur Vi catepier all the properties of a. vecta spor and bence Vie a vector apace. 4) Grow thot ithe ret af alt matrices of the uee a. mand w one fired positive sols is a Veet "EO on over R with ueepect to male ad: ttion and wuulliptit of matrit by a Healer Cire. a veal number ) Sot: Let M olenole the act off abt nacilices of type wren T. CM,+) an abelian qeoup - ct) Acton | Ut A 2 LO Taman» B:Lbi; Tonxn » C2 CifJarnen be Ae omaitriess bela Dout M- (A+8)+¢ 2 E dhissery)+ Eov) = aye by ]+ i) 5 Claire Bip) + CCI) J > [ay + cay J » Loyd + Lby+ cy] z Lait Ccya+tey) > At (Bte). | C66) Commute ty: dt A= LQiDonxn and. B= LbifJonen be belonging to sect M. Dr. Sreelakshml TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru atin matrices A+B: Taijit chi] 2 Tay + bi] 7 Lbi¢e aid z [bj Jonen +E 4i/ Iran = BtA: (tt) Cri atence of elena by « det A =LOiTImxn 6M beaabitrary . We Know that a San matin null mate of tyfe mxn alro belongs to the ret Mand du denoléd by O. Now, A+0 *Loijit (oj: [aj to]? [ayJ=A mt, OTA ZA - (iv) sEoegslzmee of Inverse * If A=LOifTonn belongs Ate the ct M, ther -A=z [-/Jnnen also be to therdm . Now, Att-a) = Lay] +layd= Laiy- ai] =[ojJz=0 nth (A) ela 20 hus the set Mis an abelian . Properties “calor multiplication in M . ti) Let A+ [QijInxm and B= LbijJnnen CMand wer, then oe(Ata)> (Lay dt by) zx Lair bis J : pecay rey] 1 Multeplication cs 2 [ol aig + x bif] DS bicbuteve nm RY 2 [lain] + Cx. bi] = kfayl+< (by J =XAtKB. Dr. Sreelakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru AUP undes addztiow. Ct) Lot A=[AijJmyn@M and a,b ek, then CarbA= (arb) Cay] 2 [Cato ai/J : (a. aif + 6.aif] 2 a [ai +b [ai] 2 avrtba. (itt) lt A=LOifTmen €M anda,beR then alba): alb caxI) 2 @ (rbaiyt) = [@b) aij] = (ab) Cais = tab)” QACbA) = Cab)A (iv) Let A = LO Timen © then (eye CaiyI- [1 aiF CoiyT=A Shu M Aatiagies alt the propaliee of vecles apace and. Pence M vis a. vectar space over R - 5 Vils an abelian of poritive cal number for mnuttiptica leon. Oeftne acolar mute plication imyv ve att” vohere AER, HEY. Show that Vu a veel co overR. y{rs— ince Ve Ri ds an abelcan gioup efor nusttiplicalioon « altons Shere are ti » Ui) x, fe multiplication in et tte) 0, le Scalar muilteptication em Rt r. Sreelakshm TK, Assistant Professor, sreelakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematles, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengalu oer, tert a2: 4” and ofertas ver, 1 is abv posilive : — ae 5 : o aeunaboe “3.4° 7 = ha positive meal 7. Hence f° ts an element ape. Now, T.(V,x) os an abelian group Tyme, yey FO VEY: IE. ty Gadats 778 aerate Ge =) (ti) a.(&4X%y)= (ate) © a a z q XL = (dy %) x0 A-%2) (tit) A. 0b. 2) (6.0) % 2 (iy b* f° CER GE Commutative fox mubtiplication = abl) Civ) 10%) = ee Hence (V,%, 0) 8 8 vector Apacer Dr. Sreelakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, De fessor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of , BMS Institute of Technology and Mi fanagement, Bengaluru Le Gubsbaoe A non-empty, subset Woof a vector space VCR) vis said to foum a subspace of Vik W is alro a vector space over F with the tame addition and scalar multiplication at for V. Ea det Wie f€@,0,0);a er? Wit £0a,6,0) 2 a,beR$ . Here W, ds a subspace of Hz. Ateo Wt, and. Wl, owe Aurbspace of RB. re Neceoig and. Saf fe csevct Concltfioyz fee sebepace: Conty Stelzinent , no prop). Hheovem 1: W us a eubsbace of VCF) ff i) W ous nowe . 1) Wu clored undeo veetor additiow . he Wor wreeW a Wren - fit) Wh us cloted under Scalax multiplication . re Yaerfand web Sawew. Theorem _o: N iis a tubspace of VEF) iff 7) WL ds non emply . fi) tra, beF and ¥wen =) a.v+ bw ew. Dr. Sreelakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematis, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru Pell Y) how shat Wl ds a subpas af VCR) shore He ffiflareol ait: Sie OCW 04): 0 SW ds non enuply Ae let gen s ie £0420 and ged hn 0,bER (a 446.44" a.gla)t bgt’) 2 Aline a.fsbe en. ae ; fenfe} 3) Shoo that H ds a subse vee) whee Wel oe. OG since 0(2)=02001) ene A ds a Wor Es Ip ak. dd gee Hon fi2)e ung gorge” thn *Fa,beR- 2)+a.fea)tb 5) flit gC) = (agro ge hence af Se a Gy by theorem 2, Hi hs a Aabsface of vir) . 3) dt Ve pi be te kuclioban S spas dt He fC 2) same +z +0} ayer}, a,b beng eal number Show sot Maho of Y. (&) Des iT, Asin Peles, Depientl Mabel Ste Techy and Magee eg gay a.0tb0 20 (atebgi! [ shoo that ug Plawe pacing thorough The Origirn a a Aubspaw of RA. Shel :— dt us (rie), Ve (He, a 25) be aad, coheve Lr, Ha, Yiiifa Zi, TER : Then Ax + by) + Cx 20 and at. t6%,#0%,=0 Tim elements of For eR, acute 2 L(y, Yy,21) + (torte 22) cure = 1, XY, ob ay Dt (a rtfes 2)” 2 (Kate, Kyte eta) > C) Wheve c0%,+42, wey + yt ER . Now _ (06 rt, +AL) FHC HY Ha) + COKE HZ) = ag (At, roy) +21) + COLtEYe +ch) = x (ov) t0-=0 . > Frm U1) and (2, Ne Save CUtweW . Thus, W dis a veubsbace of V. 4 ld V be the veclar apace of att Aqnase matrices Over k , Qebernrine ohich of the feblewing au subspace of ¥ . @ 7 {J : aye ent ctiy hey] (ct) We PaArAev and A ss Angulo $ (iv) We PASAY, AZA F i. SreelakshmiT K; Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru Ge dat ae [4], oof BT] oy Clements of Wi « YH a, ber then ") QAtLB= @] % “ee ie mollis “| az, baie fe tht, Yh whe ‘| On + bt which ia a saat opts fe[? tlond Ant tht, At 1 AGFST ER . : AAtbBEN. Thus, Wu a Aub apace of V- &) dt 3 ° he ° [te ong tes Sls i} ee Wn. If a,b eR, then fo ares al 51S fos © yee ° J o att me pli te a mall of [> 4] Jand Oty thts » OY) i ane aA+bG ew. Thur Ma a Subspace of ir, Sreelakshmi TK, Assistant Prof . rofessor, Department of Mathematics, BM lathernatics, BMS Institute of Technology and Mi lanagement, Bengaluru Ese (ttt) Here W ds the act wf bingulon maalriecs Lt Azpl! o g- foo ea [: ° | be cove syzase marice Since [Alz0 and 18120 . thurdove A, BEW . I a,bER are nom germ, then cree of Tel PEEL [oe] Ho , 10a tbAgle | & 2] sab te, a2 mone of and b&b wb n- OA roy PW. Thi, Wie not a dub-apace of v. cy at a OY am aint 4 [0 food AEW . Now ara aa ld ana’ [4S oy: [22] LTA” (AtAz) ie not a member of the ret W => Wide not clered under acdifon . Hence W is not a sub-space of Vv: + Dr. Sreelakshmi K, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru et Vv be the vector space of at arab valued coutinucrs functions ovet R. chow that the ret W af tolulions af. 2 frenkal epration 8d ed eyo di a str YY dyz dx Shee thet Ys, WEN. thew yogs are Aolulionr of differential Gpalions - 5 dy _ ee Oo a) ay 2 pda yo he aoa si ayo 1° oo det a,beR be avbiliant : bY, de -td (aur +2 CO4it ¢ o£ lay tego) - td (aur ig 5d? - td cay) + 2004) t 2 Coy) ae dt dy (Ay2). 5 dt (eyo - 7B Cope t* 7 aye sdf. tds, oy, ] ie - dp rag] dy 4 2 ay” da Q.o0 +b.0 =O Thar Ayr bye ds a solulion vf (1 40 ays toypert wo Al us a subspace of V. -| linear. Combination toma det V bea vectos space overa fietd Fand tet Ua Va Un eV tag veclor of the fom Ay, + Og Mgt eof ann in V, where OFF vis Called a linear Combtnalion of WsVa --- Bae Linear Dependence fare det V be a veols Apace over the field F. the vectays Up Va. Va ane Aaid to be Hincasly clependeset ovr, if J scales Q,,0;---An EF not all Zoro but Linear Combination vis Zero. Fe Op. V+ Ag. Vaterm tQn-Un 20 Lect all At #0, where TEN. olinear Snclepenclence,? — ct y be a vel space over she pild F. the veclirs UW Va Vn are taid to be tincanty dndependent ane such that over F, of Jacalays a), a, -- — + Getta 20 =) alll atzo whee TEN. Linear : def S bea Aube of the veclor hace V oves cthe field F She wet of atl Lintar Combinations af vectigs un Ss Caled a Linear span of S and ite Jes cled by oo) If Se fp. then X(S)=0. br, SreelakshmiT K, Assistant Professor, Department of Math IMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru 7 tof Mathematics, BF ey D | : | Basis or Base af Veclos apaceV ae tegield F The set of | et V be a vector space ove £ vectors PU Vy ~--- Wnt is da basis af V. tf CH) Vi ee one chines independent , CT) Wve --- Ba span VY. i.e” each vector of Vicon at Linear Combination of be Uniquely ery wd Vy Wa ee Ve Qemension of a vecler Apate Vm Number of elumeriti sina baxts of vector Apace Vs Called. Ute démension of Vand us donolad by dim. \f Veontains o bats with nelements then the olimVen. Nets: 1) The vectat co LoF ds defi te have dln 0, since Crap at pds indsp and genes 10}. of elements tr g dim to} = Number = O[ Since “0 element ds in gi a) When a vette space ts not of fenide limension, if ts Aad te be of dnpinile bimention . Dr, Sreelakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru ‘Facblems -— D> Ercparus che vector ve (1, -a,5) oa Linear Corsietnalion ef the vectors Ve (111), Wye (8,32, e081) ae the vector apace R*CR). Sef? olet Vi QV, FOV24 As¥g i 2, 42,03ER Cl, -2, 52 Q (LUND + Og 1,83) + A362%,-L1) Ch, 5) = 0G, +0,+ 20;, 47+ 2QQ-A3, Q,+ 34,+3) Ay +g + BQ3=1 5 Qt Q,-Qgz- 2h) Oy 43 Qgt O37 F Setring above eqptalions, We qe Qye-6, O53) 0,22 Hence (1,- 4,5) = - 6b 1438 Dt2(8-L). > heide the vector ¥=01,3,9) at a Linear Combination of the vectors u,s (2,13), Uge(-1., Uz2l3,1,5) ing) sso? 2 dt ve XU; tater ZuUs C13, 92 2C%L 3) + gC -b + z(345) (Avotter meted of Sl => ett ysatel ane eae Conmides Ax=B- ESP TU br. SreelakshmiT K, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru Augmentid. motir, “| Ppa es (eS aol Ps Cho Re Re [sede ft -0 1 T] oa |, Oe Ona) R>K-aR, Brg 2e CAreJ- [lo -1 4: 3 [2 3 1-3] O20 Re PRs Ra [are]: [i -l 1: 3 Oo 213s et es: Re & DaA:B] a Ss “5 Ry? Ry- Pha PACS es o i sti 0 0 -Q)-a Pont LAT: Rant [A]: 3: Number eof Untraung ba The elena of Linear eypraliouy cv Cons tint and Poxsexses O unique sot”, AtruytL=3 5 ytme 25 5 -Qt=-&O one Le 10%, yess Ae -l2 Dr. Seeelakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru (138, 9)2 -120a,)h3) -501,-1,1) +10038,45) . 3) hlatte the vecles v= (4,81) ar a Linear Combination ef the vector, Uys b1-3,1), Ug=(0,1,2), Ug: (8,1, 34). gSols— het Oly + YU + ZU (4,0, 1)2 2 Cb =2,1) + y (012042 (5) 1, 34) > aig ed ~a4e9 tlaed L toy tz ft wht AX=B . where Tit PE] rs 1 & 34 zx t Contides, [Ais]? [1 os: | bc fe i perer2 12 3F! 1 Ry PR +R R32 Rg-Ry [Aig Lost ole tle O 23a: -3 B >Re Be oF os: 4 o 116s lh 0 oo:-3l Pank CAT> 2 # Rantlaie]=3- Gince Lanke [AT # Rant Carel. Hence He Aypleia of Linear : ¥ Cannot be Cxprned as Linear Combinalion of the vectas U,,Ug, Us. be. Steelakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru L— 4) For i hat- value of k Cif ) the vector 2Ct,-2, 4) Can be cxprmed. at a Lincar combination of vecltts Vie (3,0,-2) and Wye Ce, -1,-5) in R47(R). gio? — Uince vector V2 Cl,-8, k) us a Linear Comblnalion 4 V,*(3,0,-dJancl Vy =Ca,-1,-5) ; therefore there Cryst sealays aand b suck thot Y= Awtro ve C1, -o8,k)= A(3,0,-8) 46 (8,-1,-5) (-&,k) = (ateb, -b, -aa-5b) Eqpaling- the Comet ponding elemnends , Varzzb=! , -be-8, — a -Sb=K Saty=! bee — _(-1)- 512) =k az-l Sy} Find a Condition ow a,b,c 40 that w= (a,b,c) da a Linear Combination of Ue 1,-3,2) and Ca, -1,i) 2a R3 Ao thot wo €Spanl ut, 3) : Nn det we MET (a,6,02 x 3,2) +4 Cab) Fray ee : - 39-47; adige ec dat Ax-B- a, Coewtder rel a! ‘| ot fo ee R>R +32; Ry > R22, br. Sreelakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, Department of tlathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru [args Tl &i a 0 5: b+30 0-3 5 C- aa. &? Ce fe] DR t8Ra Tae: fl as oe Oo 1: 3a ib — 0 0 : £¢-ars3 & > Re Ss onk TAT za ; i : of Linuar eqpralions pill be Conrdalink + Rank CAtBI> & So, bC-at8b.9 =) a-3b-5C7° 5 = : ie. 0 ds Linear Combinalion of wand ¥ hb Q-3b-5c=0- 6 Encpauas the matriot et Se axa matrices ar a Linear ce btnalion of teal E sb a et :— det Az @Br Agl+ 4s? 3 Ay) Fe, As€R . rt) Palebbeb def a] Dr, Sreelakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru 3 th [atseres 4 + Oy -O3 Qy + Qy +0373 5 QytAy- Agel -Qg=! JA e-d Solving sthe above equations, Qy+2, Agel, Ag: & @O > Ae 2B-C-ad. Cc I feeeel tod Lea Pr Esl idet 7 vektch, is th aeqplred Linear conabination A. ee ao ara Linear combinalion of the malicces A= “is ae ah o]-< {s a gout [2 a [ee ]rm[s 7 Ay, Og .03 ER - 7. O+0420; -3a,43Q5 ae AQ + 2Q2 area, | Eyroting the conesponcling elements 4 eas —-O £28, =! 02-30) t3a2 2 4s 0) +2023@ oe 2 zl © = ~80,+3% 7% «5 = 03 +503, 5G) Ye LA +2a, =) Aye! But O21, O21, ag2) do not sataty thus equations © O,Os © have no solution . Hence, the giver maatvine Cannot be @: Seppeuerl os 8 asa Linear Se ee wncabbircekion oF A,B,C Note :— # Tio vetiins vy, cand ve one Linccaly dapendiuit iff one ef Tawa ut a. runttiple af the otter . &- ae or not te vectéss Vi, we ae incall, 1) wath 3, 0 We (44!) >No al Us dhe musttiple of the other hence ¥ 6 Vs One ds fi) Wye (3,4) Yas C68). > ye ay, hence 4 and ve aw Lineal depend vectiys. 8) DeLaintine whither the vectors We (14,3) Vaz (3:7 ) and. Wz2025,8) oe Hineasly dependent or Aineasley Laclopenclird - gi” oUt, + Ye + ZU =O z(veat (31,4) + K(415 8)? (0.00) attytseeo: Bap tgt E70 - Lt BytaT2 0) ; ; 3 2 dd A¥z0 whee AP Fg si ft 8 Ry7Re Ri @; a Re-3R1 Azfl 3 a [; 5 ‘| 0-2 2Jp >Re Reo ~ RB fe fee o Oeste Oo } lig Rs Se [ A= eee or -! : Oe) Rg >R-5 Re Az Ls “| Oe [s OF Pant fr] = 32 Nunbes of untnowmne . ; => Homogeneous Aapition of Unear eqyralions powetes untae je ofz0, yo zz0. So vectays Wy, Va, Vz oe Hineorly tuclepencient. Cb 1:3), Bye CA Si4), 9) Defi mine whether the vectze vy : 7 Vy: (0,0,0) are dineasty clepe nclewt or Hintoaly lindependeot : Li cle dent a+ pl ei vi lg een tm Eacepew vecta_- ine whether ste vectors ¥) = (4,9, Wye (3, L4) » ° Sate are Lencasta dependent or Hineoaly Lndependent Ds AM, FY WBE CRO , HVA, a) t C8, Lp + T4319 = (0, 00) At3Y 4 IED 5 aatyt see 0 5 gating 1220 Consider AY 20+ Where ef ET 1 By Rye) Re 2R- AR Dr. Sreelakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru 5 aie aaaaaeg: ° ! 3 OF ls Re? &- Ra (os , [e ae 0 0° Pank [A] =2< 3 (Number of untuovva) So One unknown ds Condink aud fence mot always Zero . So the vectars ave tinearly depercdunc . [or] Ue 3M Vvectais Wy, ¥o, Va Ue Hinsarty cepencbeut IY Df UMW) are Aine du veclsu in VCF), Where Fur the pes of Complore nonabers, ther fury, vi, wus us a dineoaly Lnclopen dest at of veclors . goal” LA a (rw) FOC ¥tw)te (wu) 20 ,where a,b,c EF (tout Carby¥r Chto) WO? a Since UV Ae Aereoaly bn dependent : QO atl-0 A4b=0 btl=0. Q@207b:0, 070° Le, ve, weupia a be ) dt at 1 4d, WEUf a a ree 1x. Sreelakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengal 12] 2 |. 7) a i -a 3] 3-2 4 ef Sndependent set . — het oo oO vere ab,ceR . en i- J 14] fe oof 3&4 cee 025: “fi | =) Pdare+4c abo co ae site 1? So | 3Q-2bt C -aatob-2¢ ain e V be 2 ove PR. 9.T is tng The Co ars t4e=0 Ba-2b+e= | Ir +O atb-0 20 WOs20-2¢° if -Q-3b420 =0 Yatsbht3C-o . On ctebang aie Aylin equations, we observe cth at 7 20, clearly Stuy Aolulion “Age, a=0, 6:0, ¢ tee tine the tin ca) of equalions Hence the MLE 4 males is tn dnclapenclert By Show that the vecloys Ch Indy 4), C8, -1, -5, 8), Ch--419) and (a,11,6) are Hineasly clepen clout. 14 Oeteaamine whether ex vot cach ef the follows ” bownas basis, ye (2 82, We (8, “sa met ¢ fee en onust covtain exactly & elomente Srefore i, Mog cloes not form a. basis in RY. Dr. Sreelakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, hmiT K, Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, 8 jement, Bengaluru Orlamine whether ot not each af the flowing forma a boris y= 012,90, %y 2 (8-3, 4), ge (L3H, yleene un RR. $iP— Basis in Riomust coilain exactly 2 clement . Lp, He, He, ty does not form a! boris in 83. 16 Dilsemine whether ov not each af the fotlering fos a basis, 2, = (2,21), % = 43,7, ee ta, on ere gsetn: - thee vectors in R? fom basi Sy thay ars Lineorty Jnckpenclent. 2 (252,10 + 4 (1,3,#) + [L2,2)+ (0,0,0) 2AtUFL=0 ¢ ieee eae Cee let AX=0 bKheve Ae feo! 1 ol. Zz oa : 2, <> Rg 3 + A: ! + a 3s 2 1 = | 7 'Teoe-ar, Rs > Rz,-2R) A 4 Ft 2& © -n = Oo -13 - Ry7-Re R, > Ra a ee ee o ow a eo 13 3 Rs? Rs-Ro Dr. Sreelakshmi TK, Asistant Professor, Departm / Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengal Rs Es el ee ° " 2 . I 7 oO i, ° Ye Reyer Re One BR MRe A= i stipe rE t » | 0 9 -#% Rank [A] = $> Kumber of entinaons, So tntque solectes and solution ds =o, vr Z20. Hence Vectors %1,%, %3 ane Lineal independant and Rence forme batts. rf) Let hl be the Aubipace of RY Apannedl by Lye C2) BA), Aq? LRH 2 68), Lye 1, 8,2,2,6) ow y= (h45, 8), Ho* CaF B30 . Gadd a Aubsct of veckaps which. fms a bass of set”: - Az]! & -l 3 4 2 4 wet 6 3 Ls eG (sed & a Ft 3 3 4 Re PR-2Ry Rg, -Ry Ry 2 Ly-Ry Rs2Rs~ 22, Dr. Sreelakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, Dé or, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of BMS Institute of Technology and Management, ‘agement, Bengaluru Ap fl &@ -l 5 4 Oo ooo Of BSB tk O02 6 -2 & (Oe se oscctemesiaceny Ry Pky- @Rs, Re > Ps - Re Ae lee ee 0 0 0. 0...0 or 3 t 2 OF OOOO. 0.07 7p WNumber of non Zero Aone + 3 : . dimWN+ 3 and fot), te, %55 former baris in WI. 18> V: us a velo space ef ovutals over R. Find o basis ond climension of PO eas pray, spanned she nomial - hy etrat +4tr! , aye at r_stsat—! att st74Ftts. Heeb ret-& + sta m 2 fis 4 1 (aot aaa gel”: A” 2 -3 9 -l ae ° t i= f o 22-6 6 eee oS Ro? R,-ak, E29 R28 Bok Ry Ry 9 By t Re. Ryo Ry- 2k, joo At ae [: (a 3] oO ° o oO oO o ° oO Yon Zero Aows ef Echelon matric forma basis Khemrber of non Lerorows = 2 ~ dimkiz2 and LL), yf forms @ basis dn hl. pr. Sreelakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru nena. ee det V and WN be any tive subspaces over the feet F. A lis called a Lincar Lansformation Al mapping T from to iL, , 2) vw eV fv TE + Va)= TOM) + TO) | ya i?) YaeF and YveVv \vavad fiw aay Tlav)=a.Tlyv) \ew/ ion . a 3 ., D Chow chat the fouction TR 7 Team) = (aH, a4 asa dinear Lansformation - be tivo veclga belowging pe Let wel 4) pelts, y2) | fo Rr — Teuew)s Tle te, yitye) 2 (Yt AY TY GG dee Yt4s) ef coeyrde cat «ape po Cat) 2 CM tp Ge Be Yd t CBF ay Hoyas fo) 2 Tot TY) Also foo ack and we e*, we Pave Tau): T Cat, UY) = (axe, rays, A%-AYv O41) 2 alytyr HY Yi) fs GT CU): Tos a Linear transformation - | pr srelakshmiK,Asitant Professor, Department of Mathematics, OMS Institute of Technalogy and Management, Bengaluru SQ) Mikich af the following functions ave Linear Banefiraatioh DT RRS defined by T Cry 2) CY, -%, x) 2) Te RR? define if TOMY Re (dx By» TytPX) « Gil 1) Let ws Otay, 1) , 8 Cait 12) ER” be anbitrany Teed: TC, 4, zp) = CY -% zd TOS)= T C43, Ys,%) = (Y> -% -@) Now, Teutrej= TCX +X. » YitYs > e+ Ke) 2 CY ty, = -%e , BG) = (Yy-41,-%) + (Ys - a -%) = TlwW-aTCY) Also , -for an scalas 2eR., Tlauw = TCAX,, ay, A%) = COYi = a2; ,-a.%) > ACY, -% ,~%) Hence Tua LenearTransformalion. and ve (Ha. %) ce be 1%) = CAH BY» Fifi tA) acbi ta: tg) oot we (Li yur) Tes TOM, Tew): Tle I, @) = (Sl Ly- SY, Fyatee) Tete s T yt has Yityss +e) 2 (2% FAX - BYy-FYa- 44,4 Fo + 2R+t ) 2 f Cat, 3y,) + C2%Qr Syn), CFY) + 2G )+C FY at2R)F 2 C22, - 34,7 Fy + az )+ (2hq- SY, Hy t 22) = Tt) +7 Cv) Ho, for ony AColar a € R T Cau): Tlat, ay,, ag) + (e2ax -Z0y,, Fay, + 20%) pr. SreelakshmiT K, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru = a(2%,-34,, Fy, 2%) zqT(u). Hence, T cis a Linas Liansformaliion. 3) dt T: VOR) —>VgCR) be a. mappé fim (3%, 5%). Show that f isa Linear Lransfomatibn . Gol: 1) Pexans) = (80 +22), 5(4+22)) = (Bt) #342, SU +542) 2 (349 5%) tO BR ISH) : fc“ t fez) i) fla-x) = (3 Ca-x),5(a-%)) = (3axz, 50%) = a (34,52) = a. fer) Hence 40.4, Sian Hanefrmation. 4h hens that the Lianatabion sopping f VaR) PVsCR) defined by fey (Ft, 42 as vot Linear. gai fomtde, Yttad= (Gre 6 atyat2) cy fCtn yd + fl) = (UAE, Yi tIt (BTC, Yate) > (UFthtl!2, Wry tt) >) Equallion ) # Eqpalion (2) . eae us not a Linear Loans formolion, temel of T and hmage of T : let T be a Linear Liansformalion frou v tow 1. Sreelakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, " Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Mt ‘ology and Management, 8 + Bengalury Kernel of T ov kx (7) = 1¥eV: Tew): 0,0eW Remark i — Kernel of T is also kurown Of null apace Image of T ov Inge) 2 f webb: wet) for some vev} bra linear TR (ows oe Pe riv7V and Tp UV be Hee rote Vand vase troo vectors 4] over Ihe Pld. hie define Lhe sume of Ti Te by Gt% SUN. Auch thot (Ti tT2)4= TCL) + Tl), ueU. tf BER, the faucction OT, ie product of a. Linear iansformalion TiU>V with a, eee: cbefe'nedl 4, car): ae Auch that (aT)u=alTlu) fv ae 3 dene Aiant forall or fron Urns Y. Dr. Sreelakshmi TK, Assistant P stant Professor, Departm partment of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Mi ‘and Management, 8 Bengalury le Composition (Product) af Disr tinear Sranrsfornia tions: over a fie FP, hle define det U,v,w be three vector spaces otf TaT; Called Le Competttion ov product of Te ya, Ta (TCU). TT as also clenolecl by (het) . aie det the Linear Laing Tei REGR? such thot os i Tema 2) 2 CAM, Hf 8H) and ik 7R a & ite Te Cog) 2 (-at, yp Compute T, Tz and Te Q0r— An the a of Ts ds not contained dee 2° in the olomain of Te. . kh (2, 4.2) Ta (TCH - = Ty (4%, 3 -2Z) gy ldbustaae with tix Alp of mount Sens ot Sat a= but Te #0 - ine Ts RoR? goo: olet Us define T Cas CO4%) le Ree Talmy) = (4,0) | TT. and TT, botrave defined - br. Sreelakshmi TK, Asistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru | (eT) et,9) = TACT CY = Tal Or $2) = (0, 0)= orm) BTso . Aleo (T, To) Ceyd= Ts CTal% y))= Til 0) = (0,44) £0 (XY) T Ty #0. Motrin. Qa incor Le ‘oni— - ad ; tae Vand V hat T:0-V be tie iar Haefiols where axe vector spaces over c ' be det Be § Uy, Ua. --- Unt anne BE pa Orolered bays for Uand V Aerpectiverg: Since rnd i ee vt Spene, each Tue) con be exp ae noubtnalion of the veclays WM -- ve pn ce FMI fensle olime Ve Lat Tely)= uv) t 21 os age Tus) = Oey t 222% F ~--t au2Vm ee yer. Tlun) = Qin, + Aonpt ~~ ~~ + Quan Ven shen fe the Coefficient mater of tus a 4 a7 Qy As) AF -- ~~ a --- Om2 Qin Q22 982 - Agn --- Amy Qin Ay li br. Sreelakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru The Aianapos Ghis walrie is ie a a matm sreccrtatye of 1 cated lion of 7 whe wupect cs oe bende B aud Bi (or matix auectolic with T tot B and BI tt is denelid [7:38] and sis goon by ' af [1:8,8'] An An In [) Qo2 - - O2n Ont Quz ~~ ama Pacbtens:- » Fincl fhe malate vepaercesling the Lianaferonale ow T: RR? given a Tit hed= (BA He, 2H HM, 5-622) olive Drie Ytemdar bonis of RP anc Re el 1%t9 ; — The ordered standard Sass of R? is B= fc100,C0,0$ and that of R? as Bp! = $.C1,0,0) ,C0,1,0), (00,0h : yc tee (Bx,-22., 2% +422» 5t)-6%2) FC Od = 03,2,5) & T Cone (-l4,-6) 3100) +2(010)+ S00 ol) TCI,0) = €3,2,5) = 1100) + 4l010) 6-6 N00! ) T 0,1) = CNH 6) = Htence, mateie of the Lhansfomalion ce : an 5s -6 FO de malice vupueniling the Ftanaformation— 2) Finel the malux enling the oL 7 Riek defined 6b heya: bt 42, 2912, ly-z,6y) selative to the ard basis of RP? and R14. d 1. Sreelakshmi TK, Assistant Prof rofessor, Department of Mathé lathematics, BMS Institute of Technol nology and Management, t Bengaluru ne Gol" ble Kuow that oxcered standard base of R74 B= fC1,0,0), CO.10), CO,O,N$ and Hote ol, 24 is B'= £01,0,0,0), 60,1.0,0) , C0,0,1,0). 0.0, 0,0,1F Since TCH 2) 2 Cty tz, 24+z, ay 64) Tli,0,0)2 Cl 2,0,0) T 0,0) = 6101276) T C0,0,1) = Chb-1 oO) Lt G2C1,0,0,0) G2l0,1010) 2 lO0,0) 4 2600/01) Tli0,0) = 210.0) 246 + Poet 08 FOU, TCO, 002 (i012, 6)= IE poe t2E7 FEY cw T C0,0,1) = Chl, OD = 1G tlég— lest Oey Maletoe of T relative 7 Band 8! sis Manspore of malin ef Coeff cients an above kytens of ay") ie, [1-8,8'] i. | oe 6 oO > incl the Linear map T? pi R® here patnse Lt Arf oT nebatene 6 he ordered, 60438 ° af-2 Seri) Cort ancl Ble COst01)2 C0112, 011,003 jor? nm - Heve [TB 81 ae a oope ot Thi): leneer tonabin hon 'D veclsa of B! using calars ef fixt Column of 07:88] = [lo bi) - 2( 10,1) t0Ch ive 2 L-t) y W! 100.2) = (0,01) t3. LON) tICLLO): 4 & 2) br. SreelakshmiT , Assistant Professor, Department of Mathemati f Technology and Management, Ben, 1athematics, BMS Institute o 8 schnology and Mi wgaluru det (ype RE be axbitory- Cm) = QaCh1) +600,2) T6 fend Qa and 6:— Cty) = Carob) 3 a% and tab = 2 b: a Using there yaluot , ayp= mlb Dt 4% 60,2) Applying 2 fe Tey) x TOLD + (Gre 2 U-8b Nt + [pate (ha q+0, -a+ (5) 2] ax) Nhich ds the Coordi nala or change of Boxis Malas or Tani Lon Matix i— ; dk B,2 LU, Ue --- Unf be a basis af n- dinsenronal vecter pase Y and Be fWrw--- Vas be another bossa of V. Then, each element in By Can be Cxprued, OK o teneay Conn bination ef the vectors un bay fy det Vis Quy + Qy2Uat ---- F AmUn Ve = Qo Uy + Aor Unt ---- Qon Un i Wye An) U, + An2lht ---- + Quan 2 vr Oy Qj ---- Am uy vo] | Qe, az ---- an a Un On; Qn --- annin Ue Then the Ltansbose of the walvice of Coofpieieunlt above eee Mranilion hist or change of bars mala from etd Canis By te tha uelbatis Bg Tt os cbercolech & P and sxiflen ar P= Qn Q2) --— Qui Qy2 Q22 ---- AAL en Since Phe vectogs in By are Lhe independent, 40 the malaise Pus Envertible. 145 dw ee Bi * How maalaie fom the bara B, te hs Fav lems i > Consicler th follansing bovis af Rae £2$G, a4 Scio). Cor} and Sz fuy,ur$e £D,Che} (a) Find ithe cl 1 - of bare omalzi. P fom the mol beris £€ o () Find the change - of- basis mols x 8 from S back, 5: Wie The Coordinate vector Eel af y =¢6.-8 relative Dr. SreelakshmiTk, Assistant P 7 Xn ‘Technology and Managem Assistant Professor, Dy 1 Department of Mathematics, B a vematics, BMS Insitute of Technol ichnology and Management, Ber vealury | (aiecs fae eee p= I 1 [s 4] bye ps i eg) augue) © dt [¥]gz P'Tve we Rave [vJ,+ 05-20" the PTvdee [4 1IEE 4D. 8) The vedtige Uys (1,200, Use (18,2). Uae (01h) rece rUrts vaal boar € oP RY Nr ee ince Cua usual boris of RY. mie a] 0 eos Cb) Fond oe i | | tb 3 Meo] hare Sof R3. Find: fom a bans ef P from ste usual bares a) The of basis malin | e294, aes} of R to tha bart S the above basis by Theo of baxis mali 9 fom 1 Sreelakshni TK, Assistant Professor, Dr, Sreelakshi TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru —_] D Find che Co-ordinalaa of vector C1,1,) wtotive to basis C1, 1,2), C2,2,1), C2,2) Get ECLA d2 ACLU De OCA 2 FEL?) a+2b+e= | 7h!) Qt2b+2¢21 702) Qarbt2¢2) —7C3) Aubtracting (1) fom), we Dave C20 Pulling co in (2) and €3), We get atr2b=] —7 CA) satbe! —plS> GSobing (4) and (5), he gt acbeL | Coordinata of Chil) aulative te giver basis are ($42). 4> Find the Cé-orclinales of The followin: vectogs elalive Lo the baris Yee CLI, 2), Yor(2,2,19, %o2(b2,.2- (4) Ch 0,1) Aolh t= 2.4,-0 Dr. Sreelakshmi T, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Mt nd Management, Bengaluru Reece? ea 00d mension ¥o the fag cr la Known as Aank of T _ a af TS Dimrenvian of the Ker lT) is Kuan OF mud lilg of T- (Bante - nunbti ty Theorems *— Let Vand W be vests space ore, the field. F andl Let The a Liner Sianspermaalion. from ¥ 2 HV ke a Pintle Dimensional how Bank (T)+ rally of CT)= dimtv). [Peebles — > Fer’ the Linear Biaunsfornnalion, TROP RY ache thot T Cli, te de CH Mea, Fa» -%1), find a as of ih apace ancl i mill space. verity, at 2) + neltilg (T)= dim R* goal: - 2) To finch ae walt Afaee of T ancl ile cbimenrio * at ef”, ele co = NCTI= fuer: Te) = eR Ff wwe C1, 2) ER” pe an acbitras element of null sface Tluw=0 “4d b A TlH, X2) =O (%- Xa, Hy Xp, -%1) =O or, SreelakshmiT K, Assistant Profersor, Department of Math Jenga matics, [BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengalu (Git) at 2c), = Xi- X20 Ay -t)=0 -%=0 7 xthe above eqpralitons, He get oO, Apso. Thue, the reamaber of mull space ss 0 derovectsv ER} i.e Net): 103 2 Wallet of T= dim (NCT)) 20 ti) To fi e The a pe a Dipler Cty 2a," By C1 Ha) for (hy, a) ER™ Aeacle thet TO, tye (Y-%, Fert -%41) 2 O at Ww be element of RCT) . cea ctnore octet (1%) ER? such that YE = Cty, %e)2 HO Tand ik limenvion: TCL, Lr) 0) +% 60,1) = 7G +% by Where G26h0), = C0!) T Cx, %2) = TCG + Gd = 2% 7CG) ¢%y Tle) —~ @ TlEe)z Tlhol= Ci-0, 0-1, -102 CL -e-1) Thee TCO COs Ice, os Che) Patong the values of TCG), TCE) én @© TC Ly, 2e)2 % Cl, -h-1) + %&l- 0) we GBOLDOt BEN) +®@ Sine VERCT) 4s arbitra -t,-1) bt bee fre aber Dr. Sreelakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, ' Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Mi ‘and Management, 8 Bengaluru eee ee eae ea ee eee nee er emnmee errr ener rere ee rete > (a-b, -atrbh -4)- (0,0,0) =) Q-b=0,6-a20,-470 e a=b6=0. Thus Tort, (-L, olf da Lineatly indepen: It ls a basis tet of RCT). + Qemensioun of RCT) = 2 Atro dimension of pred ~ Powte (7) + nullily ¢1) 2402 8 dim” Find a Lear Barrsfornclion T: RAR here sangespas as Aponned 4y the vectoxa C,2,3),(4)9,6) gel Ale knavo that £6.05, ea} is a tlaindard bovis fk. phere G2 Ch 00), 2 60)10), 52 C0,0,1) Gine Rus a Lhree clemensioual na £6, e@sua basis of Ri, there Cy# Q Unigpt Kinor Sianeformation T Auch Shot TG )= C1,2,3) Tleg)= (456) T Ces) = (0,00) Alro Ret) ds Apanined by £Ch2,2), Cy54) $ ie fc1.2, 82,0466), (0,0,0) 27 by fTtep.Tes,1ey} Novo, for cach C1, %2,%3) ER*, (%, te, 25) = % CL0,0) + 400,10) + %3(0,0,1) = Get Myla t C3 3 ati (Astunving TCO, 0,1) 2 €0,0,0) fF Dr. Sreelakshmi Tk, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Mi ‘and Management, Bengaluru | TCM, Hs, Hs)2 4) TCG) + Lg Tl&)+ 72 TCs ) 2 ty (2,9) + Lal HS bt F310, 0,0) = (Atte aN t5%y, 3% +642) bihich ds the ire, Linea Lhanifernation : Bh Verify dhe Ramee necllidy Lhecreen [Ts Reape? olefin by TAG = Cee Sal. Te find tte bane of mull OFT ee vee (Hey, 2) ER) Aude nut of T= {vev T0203 Tm) 2) 70° (rray 442, tayoaz) =(0/0/2) ss) 42 -Z20 =) A= 3 z20 4 ary 2e=0 : bn tabng oboe aynabiont FE aed: 2k hong baebsx eek else hus fcz-Lud i a. bows of a yy Nullity 2! - To fend the bons of fang 47 as J c1.0,0) , (0,109. (00,0) gone | > $T61,0,0), TEN), Tee) § 7. en ef Bf (H0,10, C21), Cats ange 7 De. Seeelakshs TX, Asistant Professor, Depar Ms 1 snd Managem 1 Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaturs — 7 final the base af sange. Onridu a mari . ae [oo | at oe ee eo : ' a [: (o 000 Gh aki Ry BeBe R,2 Ret Re hus $¢1,0,1), CO,L-0 5 form a basis of Range of T 4 dim (Rangeefti= 2. Rawk OT) + Nultity C7) tg at! ig ge dim CR?) . Hence onk-Nullilg theovew verified . he Vea the Rone -Nutlilg theovem for the TRIS RO opeicecl by TC 4,2) (L434 Ye xr82). ‘Technology and Management, Bengaluru Inner. Proclac - oe Ce and. OrtrogonalilG. olet act sate Suppese te each uppers cael eh veces uve thee i . Shes function ts called. a Creal) Seo pct Om of tb sala pies the following bur, ¥ (4) ci. Cee < Oy pbs, VO= odin wry : ii) Summelece Propesty 2 (ti) Positive Definite i gi yo. ane og tuu>-= 0 ip anchovy Now of a vecl : a 2uu> as nonnegative fer mind vecler UL yuit= y ow wirs This now ie number tt Ls collecl He norm ew ae é r be maltipliecl the fessor, D ~ Department of Mathematics, BMS es, BMS Institute of Technol nology and Management, jement, Bengaluru [ Quttoge alte Let V be an faner procluct space the veclays UveEV are Zoid te be orthogonal and Uke taicl te be er thagonal to vif =o. Pevbbens :— Consider vectors U+ Ch24) , = C8, Jind d)cu-vr 6) ar-w> c)<¥- 3,5), wel 4 2)-3) te Ree > Aa uty OF elu f)ivil a -6 +2016 Q)eUL. >= b)